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Annual 47 C.F.R. 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification EB oc!

et 06"#6

Annual 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification for [2014] Date filed: [ e!ruar" 20# 2014] Na$e of co$%an" co&ered !" t'i( certification: [)ine1 Co$$unication(# Inc.] or$ 499 iler ID: [*2+,42] Na$e of (i-nator": [. /o'n a!re-a] 0itle of (i-nator": [C123Pre(ident] I# [. /o'n a!re-a]# certif" t'at I a$ an officer of t'e co$%an" na$ed a!o&e# and actin- a( an a-ent of t'e co$%an"# t'at I 'a&e %er(onal 4no5led-e t'at t'e co$%an" 'a( e(ta!li('ed o%eratin- %rocedure( t'at are ade6uate to en(ure co$%liance 5it' t'e Co$$i((ion7( CPNI rule(. See 4+ C. .8. 9 64.2001 et seq. Attac'ed to t'i( certification i( an acco$%an"in- (tate$ent e:%lainin- 'o5 t'e co$%an"7( %rocedure( en(ure t'at t'e co$%an" [i(] in co$%liance 5it' t'e re6uire$ent( (et fort' in (ection 64.2001 et seq. of t'e Co$$i((ion7( rule( [attac' acco$%an"in- (tate$ent]. 0'e co$%an" ['a( not] ta4en an" action( (%roceedin-( in(tituted or %etition( filed !" a co$%an" at eit'er (tate co$$i((ion(# t'e court ("(te$# or at t'e Co$$i((ion a-ain(t data !ro4er() a-ain(t data !ro4er( in t'e %a(t "ear. Co$%anie( $u(t re%ort on an" infor$ation t'at t'e" 'a&e 5it' re(%ect to t'e %roce((e( %rete:ter( are u(in- to atte$%t to acce(( CPNI # and 5'at (te%( co$%anie( are ta4in- to %rotect CPNI. 0'e co$%an" ['a( not] recei&ed an" cu(to$er co$%laint( in t'e %a(t "ear concernin- t'e unaut'ori;ed relea(e of CPNI (nu$!er of cu(to$er co$%laint( a co$%an" 'a( recei&ed related to unaut'ori;ed acce(( to CPNI# or unaut'ori;ed di(clo(ure of CPNI# !ro4en do5n !" cate-or" or co$%laint# e.g.# in(tance( of i$%ro%er acce(( !" e$%lo"ee(# in(tance( of i$%ro%er di(clo(ure to indi&idual( not aut'ori;ed to recei&e t'e infor$ation# or in(tance( of i$%ro%er acce(( to online infor$ation !" indi&idual( not aut'ori;ed to &ie5 t'e infor$ation).

<i-ned: . /o'n a!re-a

Line1 Communications, Inc. Customer Privacy and Internet Statement Filer


!e "rivacy and trust o# our customers is im"ortant to us. $ll in#ormation is treated %it! res"ect and care. In#ormation Collection !e sole "ur"ose o# in#ormation collected &y Line1 is #or &illin', account set u" and corres"ondence o# &usiness matters and as needed #or services. Line1 does not s!are, disclose or sell any com"any or contact in#ormation collected to anyone. !is in#ormation includes contact names, &illin' address, #a( num&ers, email address and service rendered. $ll com"any and contact in#ormation is used #or &illin', account set u", and corres"ondence o# &usiness matters. Certain in#ormation may &e released to our a##iliates in order to com"lete a service set u". !is in#ormation is not released &y our a##iliates and is only used #or internal "ur"oses. $ny in)uires re'ardin' lo' in in#ormation, "ass code in#ormation, and assi'ned num&ers is only released to aut!ori*ed "ersonnel via a tele"!one call &ac+, email address or letter. Line1 acce"ts emails and letters #rom t!e customer listin' aut!ori*ed "ersonnel %!ic! are t!en +e"t on #ile and a""ro"riate notes made in t!e customers account. Customers !ave t!e o"tion to assi'n "asscodes #or account access in order to receive "rivate account in#ormation. ,it!out t!is "asscode in#ormation is not released. $s additional security measures t!e caller ID can also &e used to veri#y t!e com"any name t!at t!e customer is callin' #rom, !o%ever, t!is does not constitute #ull disclosure o# customer in#ormation on our "art. ,e&site In#ormation o&tained t!ou'! t!e com"any %e&site is used #or account set u" and res"onses to in)uires made &y current and-or "ros"ective customers. Current customers !ave t!e a&ility to ma+e "ayment t!rou'! Line1.s %e&site. site to "rotect "ersonal data. !is is a secure encry"ted

Line1 does not trac+ t!e %e& "a'es visited or !o% lon' a customer stays on eac! "a'e t!rou'! coo+ies or ot!er means.

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