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Larissa K.

Davis 17 January 2014 To: Laura Zaspel (Project Supervisor) Cc: Katherine Chamberlain, Coro Fellows Director From: Larissa Davis, 2014 Coro Fellow Subject: This memo outlines the deliverables to be completed during an eight-week placement at the Allegheny County Department of Human Resources. Executive Summary: With a population of nearly 1.3 million, including the countys seat, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County in southwestern Pennsylvania claims the title as the states second largest municipality. In 2000, the County transitioned its governing structure from a triumvirate-style county council to a home-rule charter with a strong county executive as leadership. As part of the transition, the more than 24 departments and row offices also underwent transition and consolidation. Currently, in addition to each department maintaining a human resources office, the county maintains an overarching Department of Human Resources. The Human Resources Department, located at 542 Forbes Ave., oversees the employee relations and management for the 6,800 people employed by Allegheny County. Heading the Human Resources Department is Director Laura Zaspel, assisted by Deputy Director Bill Graham, and 13 other staff members. The Human Resources Department is currently looking to implement a new hiring application and background investigation policy known as Ban the Box. Ban the Box is a national movement to remove the question, Have you ever been convicted of a felony, from initial job applications. Banning the box does not entirely remove the possibility of a criminal records inquiry. Rather, it leaves this inquiry until later in the application process, such as the interview stage, where persons with criminal records may be able to elaborate on their history and the time since the offense.1 Ban the Box allows persons with criminal records to more fairly compete for employment, as well as entertains added social and economic benefits for individuals and localities increased income and input into the local economy; increased public safety and family

Formerly Convicted Citizens Project, Employer Fact Sheet. 2011. Also see a study by Devah Pager of Princeton University, which found that most employers are reluctant to hire persons with criminal records but the prospects of applicants improved when they were permitted an opportunity during the application process to interact with the employer. Pager, D., and B. Western, "Investigating Prisoner Reentry: The Impact of Conviction Status on the Employment Prospects of Young Men" (pdf, 136 pages), Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, October 2009, NCJ 228584. Accessed from the National Institute of Justice website ( Coro Fellows Project Placement Memo Larissa Davis Allegheny County Department of Human Resources

Larissa K. Davis support; and decreased recidivism, as studies have linked employment with a reduced likelihood of being re-arrested.2 The Human Resources Department and County seek to establish guidelines for a new applicant, rehire, and promotion process and background investigation which incorporates Ban the Box and ensures equal employment opportunity for persons with criminal records. Project Objectives: Over the course of eight weeks, the Coro Fellow, Larissa Davis, will serve as a project manager for the Allegheny County Human Resources Department effort incorporate Ban the Box into the current county employment system and background investigation procedure. Larissa will be responsible for helping the Human Resources Department establish guidelines for the application process ensuring equal employment opportunity for persons with criminal records and for conducting background investigation for new applicants, rehires, and promotions. The work will be used to bring the county in line with the national Ban the Box movement and ensure equal employment opportunity for persons with prior offenses. In order to accomplish these objectives, Larissa will reach out to counties nationwide who have successfully implemented similar policies, internal and external subject matter experts, county department directors and liaisons, and others. Larissa will work closely with Laura Zaspel (Director of Human Resources) at every step of the process. In short, Larissa will serve as a catalytic resource to the Department of Human Resources and County stakeholders. Outcomes: 1. Develop recommendations regarding Ban the Box implementation and background investigation policy for Allegheny County. 2. Draft documents for key stakeholders (County Executive, County Manager, Human Resources leadership, and Law Department representation). 3. Conduct a benchmark study accounting for the history, background, and current local, county, and national implementation of Ban the Box policies. 4. Report practical implications and potential impact of adopting Ban the Box. 5. Develop background investigation policy that address the complexity and scope of the positions throughout the County and consistent with current Equal Employment Opportunity standards. 6. Develop consistent and practical procedures for implementation of background investigation policy.

Sarah Lawrence, Reaching a Higher Ground: Increasing Employment Opportunities for People with Prior Convictions, (pdf, 77 pgs.), Berkley Center for Criminal Justice, November 2010, Coro Fellows Project Placement Memo Larissa Davis Allegheny County Department of Human Resources

Larissa K. Davis Learning Goals: 1. Gain an understanding of the County government system and its complexities. 2. Develop an understanding of the broad implications of (this particular) policy implementation. 3. Increase my ability to serve as a connector and relaying institutional plans amongst internal and external departments. 4. (Begin to) develop a government sector acumen. Process: Week 1 (January 13-17) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Establish self in office. Meet with staff members and receive an update on the project thus far. Review written publications provided and seek out others on my own. Research other municipalities with Ban the Box implemented. Conduct phone interviews with other municipalities. Draft a project memo outlining project progression over placement period.

Week 2 (January 20-24) 1. Schedule and begin to meet with internal department directors or department liaisons. 2. Make follow-up calls or emails to outside municipality human resource departments regarding their Ban the Box implementation. 3. Continue researching EEOC federal, state, and local laws. 4. Add to ideas log. Week 3 (January 27-31) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Meet with HR directors or department liaisons. Research specific scenario examples and explanations to include in final report. Review current internal appeal process. Interview Ray about union processes. See if I can schedule a meeting with a union representative. Add to ideas log.

Week 4 (February 3-7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Participate in mid-placement check in. Provide Laura with a mid-placement update. Finish reading background literature. Begin synthesizing ideas. Add to ideas log.
Coro Fellows Project Placement Memo Larissa Davis Allegheny County Department of Human Resources

Larissa K. Davis Week 5 (February 10-14) 1. 2. 3. 4. Begin drafting policy and recommendations. Review research literature and interview notes. Make follow-up call or emails for any clarification. Add to ideas log.

Week 6 (February 17-21) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Continue drafting policy and recommendations. Solicit feedback from internal staff and others. Review research literature and interview notes. Begin creating final presentation. Add to ideas log.

Week 7 (February 24-28) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Continue drafting policy and recommendations. Solicit feedback staff and others. Review research literature and interview notes. Continue creating final presentation. Add to ideas log.

Week 8 (March 3-5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solicit feedback from staff and others. Finalize policy and recommendations. Finalize presentation. Brief Human Resources staff on deliverables and next steps Give final placement presentation.

Coro Fellows Project Placement Memo Larissa Davis Allegheny County Department of Human Resources

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