LLM v10 Final 2 Reconsideration of Order Jan 31, 2014 Feb 9, 2014 Rich Text1

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Tel A4i4 Isr el A!!ress 7n:-(n RL;RENNIE)<AHOO+COM

LORETTA LAX MILLER !"!# LEAH LAX !"!# MUGGY CAT !"!# BILLY SULLI$AN Pres%&e'(%!) C!'&%&!(e *or +,-. C!/0!%1' He!&23!r(ers
%5& M r:et Street Hig6spire" 2A 11%&5 in3-)L-rett Miller52resi!ent+,-*

CAM2AI;N FOR LORETTA LA= MILLER An! ll e*pl-8ees>4-l7nteers

%5& M r:et Street Hig6spire" 2A 11%&5

DEFENDANTS . ?-intl8 n! Se4er ll8" in t6eir O33i,i l n! 2ers-n l C p ,ities+

EMER;ENC< RECONDIDERATION OF ORDER ? n %1" $&15 5 Re@7est 3r-* 2l inti33 t- Ae 6e r! A8 ?7!ge t- expl in #ER< ,-*pli, te! Sit7 ti-n -3 Re@7est 3-r E*ergen,8 Restr ining Or!er n! In'7n,ti-ns BT6e ppe r n,e -3 ?7sti,e is s I*p-rt nt s ?7sti,e itsel3C

Response to Order and further information ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE and LAW FOR THE NEED OF AN Emergenc !otion to "e heard " a #udge in the Federa$ court in the District of Co$um"ia A%A& ' TO &REVENT F(RTHER DA!A)E TO &LAINTIFF* &$aintiff incorporates a$$ information supp$ied to this court+ in the fo$$o,ing documents a$ong ,ith attached E-hi"its too fit the out$ine of )uide$ines " #udge Wa$ton in his Order. for #urisdiction and other /uestions presented to &$aintiff in !emorandum Opinion* &$aintiff again re/uests to go in front of a #udge to e-p$ain a 0er comp$icated situation* #anuar 12. 1345 Emergenc Restraining Order ,6FEC Comp$aint #anuar 15. 1345 Verif ed Comp$iant 7 to be amended #anuar 15. 1345 Re/uest for Emergenc restraining Order and In8ection ,ith other E0idence #anuar 24. 1345 1nd Re/uest for Emergenc Other E0idence Restraining Order and In8unction ,ith

Fe"ruar 1. 1345 2rd re/uest for Emergenc Restraining Order and In8ection ,ith Other E0idence and to go in front of a #udge* Fe"ruar 2. 1345 !otion to "e heard " a #udge Fe"ruar 9. 1345 5th Re/uest for E!ER)ENC: RE%TRAININ) ORDER and IN#(NCTION WITH OTHER EVIDENCE and to "e heard " a #udge ;The appearance of #ustice is as Important as #ustice itse$f< &$aintiff in the $ast ,ee= sat in on different #udges Court rooms to o"ser0e ho, the Federa$ Court protoco$ ,or=ed* In #udge Wa$ton>s court ' &$aintiff does not ha0e transcript so is para phrasing ,hat he said to an appro-* in age 1? ear o$d crac= dea$er 77 You are no better than a slave master with a whip 77 &$aintiff ,as a "it ta=en "ac= ' "ut. it a$so sho,ed ho, important those chi$dren this crac= dea$er ,as harming ,as to him* %e0era$ times since %eptem"er of 133@ &$aintiff has said she has $ess rights then a %$a0e* This e-amp$e cou$d a$so "e used on the #udges ,ho ha0e ru$ed as the ha0e a"used their po,er in their actions against &$aintiff in co$$usion in Fraud on the Court. per8ur . a"use of &$aintiff>s re$igious. (nited %tates Constitutiona$. Virginia

%tate Constitutiona$. Ci0i$ Rights and "asic right to Due &rocess and the right to ser0ices in the courts that &$aintiff paid fees for a Areach of Contract* The 8udges ha0e ru$ed ,ith Fa0oritism and Cron ism ignoring their Oaths of Office. #udicia$ &rocedure. and Court &rocedure* The Judges have treated Plaintiff no better than as slave master with a whip. In the !emorandum Opinion ,hich &$aintiff is gratefu$ to ha0e she ,i$$ address the areas of concern " the #udge that &$aintiff ma ha0e missed in the documents ' &$aintiff is ,e$$ a,are a mista=e ,as made in %eptem"er of 133@ that 8ust as ,ith Ni-on the Co0er up of this mista=e ,as ,hat "rought do,n his &residenc not necessari$ the actions of the mista=e itse$f*
1. &age 1 &aragraph 1 ;T4e P)!%'(%**5s s36/%ss%o's !re so r!/6)%'1 !'&

&%sor1!'%7e& (4e Co3r( 8!''o( %&e'(%*9 ! :%!6)e 8)!%/ (4!( 8!' 0ro0er)9 6e !&;3&%8!(e& %' (4%s *e&er!) &%s(r%8( 8o3r(< &$aintiff is "efore this court on an une/ua$ footing. &$aintiff has tried and fai$ed to "e a"$e to get $ega$ representation* &$aintiff>s fundamenta$ right to Due &rocess the "asic Freedoms that our countr stands for* The right to due process ,ithout Fraud from La, ers. #udge>s. #udicia$. E$ected officia$s is a primar component of Freedom* The right to a Fair Tria$ ' Due &rocess is the "asic Constitution right that has "een the source of the $ight of freedom that our Countr has gi0en the Wor$d* This "asic Li"ert is ,hat our f$ag stand for and here is ,here the standard of Li"ert is set for the rest of the Wor$d* When re0ie,ing a pro-se p$eading. it is prudent to fo$$o, the federa$ practice of $i"era$$ construing the a$$egations set out in the p$eading to determine ,hether the p$eading asserts an 0a$id causes of action* %ee. e*g. Harrison v. U.S. Postal Services ?53 F* 1d 445B. 44C1 D5th Cir* 4B??E* The factua$ a$$egations shou$d "e 0ie,ed in the $ight most fa0ora"$e to the p$eading part * Davis v. it! of Portsmouth" C@B F* %upp* 413C. 413B743 DE*D* Va* 4B?2E. aff>d. @51 F *1d 455? D5th Cir* 4B?5E* ;Citation+ B2F* 1d 242 D1d Cir* 4B2@E An 8udgment procured " fraud is nu$$ and 0oid* An erroneous 8udgment

ma "e attac=ed co$$atera$$ * &$aintiff has as=ed se0era$ times to "e a$$o,ed in front of a #udge to e-p$ain documents* &$aintiff is a,are that &$aintiff must sho, that &$aintiff can pro0e each e$ement of a$$eged facts in her c$aims* That to see= re$ief for the 0io$ation of a person>s Federa$ and Constitution rights under Tit$e 51 F 4B?2 it a$$o,s &$aintiff to her rights contained in the (nited %tates Constitution as defined " Federa$ La,*
A. C$aim one ' &$aintiff has "een discriminated against for "eing Catho$ic That

Ci0i$ Rights Act of 4B9? enacted 4? (%C 15C pre0ents discrimination due to Re$igion That this is a Hate Crime and ;Hate crime $a,s are co$or"$ind< Fact the case ,hich the %upreme Court uphe$d hate crimes of the First amendment attach. Wisconsin 0* !itche$$. C3? (*%* 5@9D4BB2E in0o$0ed a ,hite 0ictim*
B. C$aim t,o ' &$aintiff has "een discriminated against for "eing "$ac= "a$$ed

" the O$d Ao >s Net,or= 6 #udicia$ Communit due to her -7hus"and "eing the son of the $ate #udge A$"ert )renadier ,hom ,as the Hus"and to Defendant I$ona a $a, er ,ho has a$so inter0ened into Defendants Di0orce* That the discrimination and segregation among ,hite e-ist the po,er Hierarch " a mem"er of one that is considered " others inferior to the other*
C. C$aim Three ' &$aintiff has fore0er "een harmed ,ith the "$og

8,grenadierisa$air*"$ogspot*com That &$aintiff has a ;protected characteristic< ,hich ,i$$ "e pro0en as to ,h &$aintiff ,as sought out " Defendant and that factor is ,h &$aintiff ,as targeted " Defendants
D. C$aim Four 7 Areach of Contract " the #udicia$ % stem in Virginia "

co$$ecting fees for ser0ices &$aintiff has "een denied* The actions ,i$$ "e pro0en factua$$ " Orders. Letters. Documents fi$ed in the court and other*

That the constitutiona$ Right of Due &rocess has "een denied time and time again*
E. C$aim Fi0e ' &$aintiff has "een harmed " the fa$se statements ,hich are

considered defamator ' t6 t 2l inti33 6 s B THE TRUTHC (6i,6 is n As-l7te !e3ense * That the First Amendment of the (*%* Constitution ,as designed to protect Freedom of the press* The 4B95 case Ne, :or= Times Co* 0* %u$$i0an radica$$ changed the nature of $i"e$ $a, " esta"$ishing a suit for $i"e$ ou needed to pro0e that the information ,as ,ho$$ and patent$ fa$se or that it ,as pu"$ished ;,ith rec=$ess disregard of ,hether it ,as fa$se or not<
F. C$aim %i- ' &$aintiff ,i$$ pro0e a 0io$ation of &$aintiffs Ai$$ of Rights the Four

Basic freedoms are being Violated The Four Freedoms 1. 2. !. ". Freedom of speech Freedom of orship Freedom from ant Freedom from fear

&$aintiff ,i$$ sho, the actions of the Defendants ,ere actions that ,ere ,i$$fu$ acts ,ere ma$icious. 0io$ent. oppressi0e. fraudu$ent. ,anton. or gross$ rec=$ess That the defendants ,ere acting under the co$or of %tate and Federa$ $a,* That the Constitutiona$ Rights of due process are factua$ a$$egations that ,i$$ "e pro0en through documents. $etters. e7mai$s and actions of defendants* That defends had "een gi0en notice. and this court is a,are of ,ith the threat from Defendant I$ona>s attorne * That Defendants ne0er fi$ed a response. in regard to the Restraining Order and In8unction* Defendants ,ere notified on or around #anuar 11. 1345 and Order ,as not ,ritten unti$ #anuar 24. 1345 (it6 NOT ONE De3en! nt resp-n!ing -r !isp7ting 2l inti33Ds 3 ,ts. that is un$ess there ,as e-7parte communications*
2. &age 2 &aragraph 2 #$nsofar as the plaintiff complains of wrongdoing on the part

of the %irginia courts" this ourt has no authorit! to review" overturn or otherwise

effect their rulings.& &$aintiff is not a,are of as=ing this court to o0erturn an ru$ings in an documents su"mitted* &$aintiff is in this court and has pointed out the crimina$ actions of the Virginia courts as to ,h she is in this court* This court has #urisdiction o0er a$$ ci0i$ rights matters and &$aintiff>s Ci0i$ Rights "ecause she is Catho$ic has "een 0io$ated. a$ong ,ith other Constitutiona$ Rights 7 &$aintiff is not in an ,a as=ing this court to o0erturn an actions of the Virginia Courts*
!. The %ta$=ing and !a$icious Treatment of &$aintiff " Defendants I$ona and

Defendant Leah La- et a$ a$ong ,ith others This e7mai$ a$one sent " &residentia$ Candidate for 1349 ,ith the co$$usion of $a, er I$ona E$ Freedman )renadier and other e7mai$s that ,ere fa$sified in a ,e"site 8,grenadierisa$air*"$ogspot*com sa &$aintiff is racist against others is enough to pro0e $ia"$e intent ' :et &$aintiff has supp$ied other e0idence in her defense* This e7mai$ is not the on$ one &$aintiff ,i$$ enter into e0idence at the appropriate time se0era$ e7mai$s simi$ar in nature to this* The Hate defendants ha0e for Catho$ics. Christians. !us$ims. Homose-ua$s and ,ith the picture of and the ta$= of First Lad !iche$e O"ama ha0ing a penis ou cou$d add in m opinion African Americans* No matter ,hat our opinion on Hi$$ar C$inton or !iche$e O"ama are ' the disrespect is disgusting and according to the $a, $ia"$e*
From+ LeahLa-4125Gao$*com HLeahLa-4125Gao$*comI To+ 8,grenadierGgmai$*com Tue. Dec 15. 1342 at 1+3C &!

( nt t- 6e r s-*et6ing *-re s, rier I ,-nt ,te! Il-n El8 Free!* n ;ren !ier He,:* n 8-7r (it,6 67nt is -4er
From:LeahLax1234@aol.com #$eah$a%12!"&aol.com'
To* - grendier&gmail.com
ou =no, ,hat <OU DIDNJT HEL& #EW%

Tue( Dec 2"( 2)1! at 1)*!+ A,









T6e W-r!s -3 2resi!enti l , n!i! te Le 6 L x et l .

A. De3en! nt Il-n sin,e 1905 ,ith the purchase of 1?E has $ied and sto$en

from &$aintiff* &$aintiff is not a$one in this t pe of treatment* Documents ,i$$ sho, she ,as in co$$usion ,ith the #udges. other $a, ers. the V%A. the #IRC. the %upreme Court of Virginia. she is a $a, er ,ho is gui$t of -3 Aeing in4-l4e! in . &er8ur . O"struction of #ustice. Aiding and a"etting o"struction of #ustice. Fraud on the Court. In0o$0ement of Forger . Theft of mone from the %onia )renadier Trust account through her $a, office for great persona$ gain o0er O43 !i$$ion in Rea$ Estate. Theft of Herman )renadier. ma$practice. Ari"er . A"use of her Oath of Office. Conspirac . Co$$usion. !iscarriage of #ustice. pre0enting Due &rocess. conf$ict of interest ' re$ated to the practice of $a,. 0io$ating code of ethics. has $ia"i$it to her 0ictims. has 0io$ated &$aintiffs Re$igious. &o$itica$. (nited state Constitutiona$. Virginia Constitutiona$ and Ci0i$ Rights. Areach of Fiduciar Duties. R(LE% OF &ROFE%%IONAL COND(CT. Tit$e 4? (% code 154 Conspirac against rights. and 151 Depri0ation of rights under co$or of $a,. Reta$iator P Retri"ution actions. Treason. Tit$e VI Ci0i$ Rights Act of 4B95 Tit$e VI. 51 (*%*C* 1333d et se/*. ,as enacted as part of the $andmar= Ci0i$ Rights Act of 4B95. 4? (%CF B41* With her Intention to 4? (%C F 4254 7Frauds and s,ind$es. Defraud. Areach of Contract. Ar"itrar

and Capricious "eha0ior. Committed Fraud on the Court. F 4?*175B?*2* !isrepresentations prohi"ited. F 4?*174@1 7 Forging. uttering. etc*. other ,ritings et a$* All -3 A-4e ,6 rges (ill Ae pr-4en (it6 letters" !-,7*ents" (itnesses (6- 6 4e ls- Aeen 6 r*e! A8 t6e ,ti-ns -3 De3en! nt Il-n +
B. De3en! nt Le 6 L x et l sin,e M 8 -3 $&1% has "een sta$=ing and started

harassing &$aintiff in hopes " a$$ appearance ,inning fa0or ,ith other F$orida ,ea$th #e,s $i=e Defendant I$ona and her fami$ * To ,in fa0or she " a$$ appearance to destro &$aintiff. ,ith ,i$$fu$ acts that are and ,ere ma$icious. 0io$ent. oppressi0e. fraudu$ent. ,anton. or gross$ rec=$ess* &$aintiff has in past fi$ings inc$uded Defendants intent through her getting &$aintiff =ic=ed off one of her Face"oo= pages. ,ith o0er 1233 $i=es ,i$$ fore0er damage &$aintiff* That &$aintiff ,i$$ "e a"$e to sho, that Leah La- et a$ and her Campaign is a Fraud* %he has et to fi$e a Financia$ disc$osure ,ith the FEC and co$$ecting donations since 1344. and has se0era$ out$ets that she is co$$ecting mone for her campaign this is a /uote off of her &ir - site*
I affirm that the following statements are true and accurate:
ontributions to '()*TT+ ,$''*) are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tapurposes. ontributions from foreign nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. '()*TT+ ,$''*) is registered with the .ederal *lection ommission as an independent e-penditure committee. A88or&%'1)9, =e /!9 !88e0( 3')%/%(e& 8o'(r%63(%o's *ro/ %'&%:%&3!)s, 8or0or!(%o's, !'& o(4er or1!'%7!(%o's< Yo3r 8o'(r%63(%o' %s 'o( s36;e8( (o FEC )%/%(s< LORETTA MILLER s0e'&%'1 %s %'&e0e'&e'(" and it does not ma/e contributions to" or coordinate its spending with" an! candidates or political parties

". To ,arrant pre$iminar in8uncti0e re$ief. the mo0ing part must sho, A. S7Ast nti l li:eli6--! -3 s7,,ess -n t6e *erits H &$aintiff "e$ie0es she

has pro0ided this court ,ith the information needed to out$ine the actions of "oth defendants and the Crimina$ actions of a$$ the Defendants a$ong ,ith documentation that shou$d ,ithout dou"t assure this court

B. T6 t s6e (-7l! s733er irrep r Ale in'7r8 i3 t6e in'7n,ti-n (ere n-t

gr nte! H &$aintiff has a chi$d friend$ product that has "een for e0er harmed " the $oss of %ocia$ !edia. the "$og 8,grenadierisa$air*"$ogspot*com the e7mai$s that ,ere created " or from the hac=ing of &$aintiff>s computer that state the fo$$o,ing ' A)AIN &LAINTIFF HA% NEVER %AID THI%K &$aintiff WILL AE &ROVE These e7 mai$s to AE THE FRIVOLO(% imaginati0e of Defendants to permanent$ harm &$aintiff* ?7st t6e n *e -3 t6e Al-g itsel3 is -33ensi4e n! 4i-l tes 2l inti33sD C-nstit7ti-n l rig6ts H n! is liAel n! !e3-r* ti-n -3 ,6 r ,ter -3 2l inti33 . ;=1re'!&%er%s!)!%r<6)o1s0o(<8o/

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Janice Wol !renadier "ishes dea#h on Lore##a Lax $iller%s son "ho is &oin& in 'or sur&ery
.f /ou ant to read hat sic0 piece of garbage 1anice 2ol0 3renadier a0a 3rann/ 4anties is( /ou should read the ne est email sent to us b/ her. -----5riginal ,essage----From* 123 #- grenadier!&aol.com' To* mugg/catscreams #mugg/catscreams&aol.com'6 leahla%12!"# leahla%12!"&aol.com' 7ent* 2ed ( 1an 8( 2)1" 1*") pm 7ub-ect* . hope /our son D.E7 . hope /our son dies during his surger/ tomorro 9 .t ill be one less 1E2 B5: out there. ;e should ha<e died at childbirth. :ou can bur/ /our son and then die after9 2arml/( 12 3renadier 2hat 0ind of sic0 piece of garbage does that= 2hat 0ind of sic0( e<il( and sadistic person ould tell a mother that the/ hope her 0id dies during surger/= This sho s hat 0ind of sic0( sadistic e<il piece of filth that 1anice 2ol0 3renadier is and should be put a a/ for her sic0 actions. 2ho ould ish a person death= 1anice 2ol0 3renadier ould. 2e here at ,ugg/ Cat ant to ish /our son a health/ reco<er/ on his surger/ ,s. $a% ,iller. 2e are so sorr/ /ou are being harassed b/ that sic0 oman. 4osted b/ mugg/ cat at 11*21 A,

$onday, January (, 2014

This ex)lains i#%s sel'

77777Origina$ !essage77777 From+ #W) H8,grenadier2Gao$*comI To+ mugg catscreams Hmugg catscreamsGao$*comI %ent+ Tue . #an @. 1345 41+4C am %u"8ect+ Re+ Had it ,ith ouK Loo= ou #e, Aastard I had it ,ith ou and no, ou are going to pa * Warm$ . #W )renadier

*unday, January +, 2014

,s #his #he "ri#in& o' a cra-y "oman
-----Original Message----From: JWG <jwgrena ier3!aol"#om$ %o: m&gg'#a(s#reams <m&gg'#a(s#reams!aol"#om$) lea*la+1234 <lea*la+1234!aol"#om$ ,en(: ,&n - Jan 5- 2.14 9:45 /m ,&0je#(: 1O2 F23456G J7W, You refuse to take my side. I wrote to you about my problems and you called me names "Me and My family had nothing to do with your girls because you raised them Catholic" by - Jewish attorney Ilona Ely reedman !renadier "eckman - of !renadier# $nderson# %tarace# &uffet ' (iesler Israel wants the )nited %tates of $merica to defend them - yet some of the most powerful Jews in the *ashington &C area - are discriminating against Catholics# Corrupting the Judicial %ystem# and Cheating the I+%. - My personal opinion is we need to be friends with Israel - ,ut# they ha-e to ha-e the same respect for other religions - and for the .aws and the +ules of the %upreme Courts and the )nited %tates of $merica/s Constitution - 0ery powerful Jews in the &C area Ilona Ely reedman "eckman and Yoa- (at1 are using their money and power to buy their war around the Judicial %ystem and cheat the I+%2 you can read more at www.-alaw3454.blogspot.com 6ow 'o& (ell 5lona (o gi8e me m' mone'" 6o one is going (o 0elie8e 'o&" %*e' will 0elie8e me 0e#a&se 5 (ell (*e %92%:; an 'o& Jews all lie" Jews li<e 'o& 0elong in 'o&r gra8es" 5 eser8e (*a( mone'; 5 *a8e a g&n an 5 <now *ow (o &se i(; W*en :illar' ge(s in(o o==i#e- 5 am going (o ma<e s&re all o= 'o& F23456G J7W, are /&( in(o #on#en(ra(ion #am/s (o ie" 5 s&//or( :illar' an s*e *a(es 'o& F23456G J7W,; Warml'JW Grena ier

This letter came to us here at ,ugg/ Cat at +*"> 4, E7T. Doesn?t this sho the 0ind of obsession that 1anice 2ol0 3renadier has against an/one that doesn?t agree ith her. 2hat is ne%t= .s she going to go after our families= ;o e<er she ent after her famil/ or should e sa/ e%-famil/ ho diso ned her. 2e ha<e posted pre<ious letters that 1anice 2ol0 3renadier had sent to her famil/ in pre<ious blog posts. @o here is something reall/ funn/ and intersting about 1anice 2ol0 3renadier. 2ell actuall/ a fe funn/ things. Toda/ she as seen na0ed in her bac0 /ard building an ice alter to her Dar0 $ord 7atan. 7he as doing this in the freeAing rain. The scar/ part as she had icicles hanging from her o<ersiAed nipples and from her pubic hair. 7he then too0 a large icicle and began to masterbate ith it until it melted. A neighbor had seen 1anice 2ol0 3renadier al0ing out of a se% shop Frida/ night ith a large bag filled ith

se% to/s and t o <er/ large omen ho loo0ed li0e AmaAons. The/ ere seen dri<ing to a ga/ bar in hich 1anice and the t o omen freBuent and ha<e pa-ama parties after ards. 7he left 7aturda/ morning ith her hair disarra/ and a smile on her face. A dog collar could be seen around her nec0 and elts on her arms and legs. 2e don?t thin0 she is the dominant one in this relationship. Famil/ ser<ices should ha<e ta0en her 0ids a a/ from her /ears ago. 7he neglected them for her se%ual pleasures and alcohol addiction. 1anice 2ol0 3renadier adores her Fuher Adolf ;itler ho as also bi-se%ual. 1anice 2ol0 3renadier has been seen earing a painted on mustache -ust li0e her idol and al0ing around earing a 7 astic0a on her rare selfie

of 1anice 2ol0 3renadier This classless oman should be put a a/ in a padded cell so she can?t hurt an/one else. 7omeone please call the authorities to ha<e her institutionaliAed for her safet/ and for the safet/ of others. Cemember she carries a gun9

*unday, January +, 2014

Janice Wol !renadier su))or#s #he .n#i /hris#s 01ama and 2illary /lin#on
@ot onl/ is 1anice 2ol0 3renadier a traitor to the American people b/ being a card carr/ing Commie 4in0o but she is also supporting the Anti Christs 5bama and ;illar/ Clinton. :es e said it here( Anti Christs meaning plural. 2h/ is 1anice doing this= Because the/ are not onl/ going to let her 0eep her hair/ <ag but the/ are going to gi<e her the chance to gro a penis as ell. 2ell penises. :es( 1anice 2ol0 3renadier ill ha<e D penises all o<er her bod/ including one o<er her <agina. The other > ill be as so* one in the palm of each hand( one on the bootom of each foot and one right here a tramp stamp ould be on her bac0. That a/ hen 1anice 2ol0 3renadier dies( she can go to Allah?s hea<en and ha<e her E2 <irgins. These E2 <irgins ill be a mi% of males and females that she can rape ith all of her penises and then the ne%t morning at sun up the/ become <irgins again. 2e ha<e figured it out that the fetal bod/ of little 1oshua that 1anice 0eeps in the basement of her home is going to be the <essel for the Dar0 $ord 7atan himself to resurrect in a human bod/ to carr/ out the apocol/pse. That a/( 1anie 2ol0 3renadier is guaranteed her D penises. 4roof she supports the Anti Christ is in her letters she has posted and her other posts of ;illar/?s and 5bama?s support defending both on e<er/thing $oretta $a% ,iller fought against including the 5bamaCare and .slamic Terrorism hich 5bama and ;illar/ support. 1anice is for the destruction of the Catholic Church?s <alues of ha<ing @uns despense birthcontroll pills. 1anice supports this b/ supporting ;illar/ Codham Clinton and Barac0 ;usein 5bama. E<er/thing 5bama stands for is to destro/ American Famil/ Values and 1anice has no <alues and orships 7atan. 2e at ,ugg/ Cat ta0e the religious stand that 1anice is the Anti Christ and does not belei<e in 3od and the onders 3od has done on this Earth. ,a/be 1anice should mo<e to sin cit/ $as Vegas and sell her soul as ell as her fugl/ bod/ on the strip since she is horing for 7atan. -----5riginal ,essage----From* 123 #- grenadier!&aol.com' To* mugg/catscreams #mugg/catscreams&aol.com'6 leahla%12!" #leahla%12!"&aol.com'

7ent* 2ed ( 1an 1( 2)1" 1)*"> am 7ub-ect* Ce* i agree ith /ou :ou FFCGE@ 1E27999999 A$$ 5F :5F . D.CG FACCE$ 157; C5;E@( $EA; $AH AGA $5CETTA $AH ,.$$EC A@D T;E CE7T 5F :5F FFCGE@ !) 1E27. ;itler as right9 :a?ll deser<e to die9 :5F 7;5F$D BE 4$ACED .@ A B.3 5VE@. 2arml/( 12 3renadier 2e hope that /ou -oin us on Frida/( 1anuar/ 1)th( 2)1" outside of 1anice 2ol0 3renadier?s house to protest her anti-American pro-7atan <alues. Email us at mugg/catscreams&aol.com for 1anice 2ol0 3renadier?s address. 2e are e%pecting at least 2)) people so don?t forget to bring ;ol/ 2ater from /our church to purif/ and sactif/ the land of the supporter of the Anti Christ and the mother of the <essel of 7atan. 2e ill ha<e a pra/er session to pra/ for her lac0 of soul but do not loo0 her straight in the e/es or /ou ill be turned to stone. 4osted b/ mugg/ cat at 8*"8 A, Email ThisBlogThis97hare to T itter7hare to Faceboo0 $abels* C.A( FB.( ;illar/ Codman Clinton( 1anice 2ol0 3renadier( G3B( leah la%( ,.>( ,.D( $y 3illo" 3ac ( 5bama( <irginia la 2)1)

T6 t t6e A-4e is '7st % p ges -7t -3 l*-st $&& printe! -7t p ges -3 sl n!er n! LiAel -3 2l inti33 A8 De3en! nts+ &$aintiff fe$t the e7mai$s that "ear her name that she did not ,rite shou$d ho$d a $ot of ,ait in ,hat &$aintiff ,i$$ "e a"$e to pro0e*
C. T6 t n in'7n,ti-n (-7l! n-t s7Ast nti ll8 in'7re -t6er intereste!

p rties n! This "$og has hurt no one "ut &$aintiff and her a"i$it to mar=et and ad0ertise a Chi$d Friend$ product* This "$og and other actions ,ere de$i"erate ,i$$fu$ acts that are and ,ere ma$icious. 0io$ent. oppressi0e. fraudu$ent. ,anton. or gross$ rec=$ess* That the hac=ing and =i$$ing of &$aintiff>s computers ,as ma$icious and has a$so pre0ented &$aintiff the right to mar=et her product*
D. T6 t t6e p7Ali, interest (-7l! Ae 37rt6ere! A8 t6e in'7n,ti-n H the

HATE CRI!E OF THI% is sinfu$ and that this court cannot see that "ecomes /uestiona"$e to the rationa$ of fairness* That the se-ua$ and in appropriate photos of Hi$$ar C$inton and !iche$e O"ama in there "$ogs ' The racist and re$igious o0ertures of HATE A: DEFENDENT% is so o"0ious that to ha0e to go an further ,ou$d sho, Aias " this court and an one of norma$ mora$ 0a$ue* * ;Fairness of course re/uires an a"sence

of actua$ "ias in the tria$ of cases* Aut our s stem of $a, has a$,a s endea0ored to pre0ent e0en the pro"a"i$it of unfairness* ;In re M3r84%'so'. 25B (*%* 422. 429 D4BCCE< Lo:%'1 :< $%r1%'%!. 2?? (*%* 4 D4B9@E ,as a $andmar= ci0i$ rights decision of the (nited %tates %upreme Court against discrimination* Which inc$udes "eing discriminated "ecause the #udge>s. $a, ers. e$ected officia$s and go0ernment emp$o ees ha0e decided ou are not a part of or one of them*
>. ?7ris!i,ti-n H &age 2 &aragraph 1 &$aintiff has dropped Andrea )renadier as a

Defendant to not "e in conf$ict of ;di0ersit 8urisdiction<

28 U.S.C. 1343(a)(3) (1993) provides as follows: (a) The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action authorized by law to be commenced by any person: . . . (3) To redress the deprivation under color of any !tate law statute ordinance regulation custom or usage of any right privilege or immunity secured by the "onstitution of the #nited !tates or by any $ct of "ongress providing for e%ual rights of citizens or of all persons within the jurisdiction of the #nited !tates. 28 U.S.C. 1331 (1993) provides that &district courts shall have original jurisdiction of all civil actions arising under the "onstitution laws or treaties of the #nited !tates' a) The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action authorized by law to be commenced by any person: (() To recover damages for injury to his person or property or because of the deprivation of any right or privilege of a citizen of the #nited !tates by any act done in furtherance of any conspiracy mentioned in section ()*+ of Title ,-. (-) To recover damages from any person who fails to prevent or to aid in preventing any wrongs mentioned in section ()*+ of Title ,- which he had /nowledge were about to occur and power to prevent. (3) To redress the deprivation under color of any !tate law statute ordinance regulation custom or usage of any right privilege or immunity secured by the "onstitution of the #nited !tates or by any $ct of "ongress providing for e%ual rights of citizens or of all persons within the jurisdiction of the #nited !tates. (,) To recover damages or to secure e%uitable or other relief under any $ct of "ongress providing for the protection of civil rights including the right to vote. $ny $ct of "ongress applicable e0clusively to the 1istrict of "olumbia shall be considered to be a statute of the 1istrict of "olumbia.

Hist-r8 2l inti33 in Septe*Aer -3 $&&1 ,ent to Court in the Cit of A$e-andria Virginia* &$aintiff had fo$$o,ed a$$ the ru$es of fi$ing and ser0ice* Defendant I$ona a $a, er $ied in court to the #udge. and the #udge reprimanded &$aintiff te$$ing her not to re7fi$e unti$ Octo"er 133@* &$aintiff that night met a Federa$ #udge from this court* He

informed &$aintiff of her rights 'He informed &$aintiff ;:ou shou$dn>t "e cr ing ou shou$d "e re8oicing ' :ou ha0e 8ust ,on our case ' No #udge $i=es a $a, er $ ing to him in court< on a nap=in he out$ined ,hat I ,as going to put in &$aintiff>s !otion for Defau$t* That !otion for Defau$t ,as not heard unti$ Decem"er of 133@ ,hen the #udges cou$d find a retired #udge to ru$e in the fa0or of Defendant I$ona this practice ,ou$d continue and continues toda * The #udges and the e0idence sho,s this is not the $ast time the documents and statements in court " Defendant I$ona and others ha0e not "een disingenuous a$$ the ,a to the %upreme Court of Virginia* T6e slipper8 sl-pe t6 t (-7l! -pen 7p t6e tr7t6 -3 6-( 2l inti33 sin,e O,t-Aer -3 1905 6 ! Aeen * nip7l te n! t6 t t6e ,ti-ns (ere n! re still (ill37l ,ts t6 t re * li,i-7s" 4i-lent" -ppressi4e" 3r 7!7lent" ( nt-n" -r gr-ssl8 re,:less * The La, is 0er c$ear that the #udges ,ho ha0e acted " ru$ing in Fa0oritism and Cron ism and not " the Ru$es of the %upreme Court* ;An 8udge ,ho does not comp$ ,ith his oath to the Constitution of the (nited %tates. ,ars against that Constitution and engages in 0io$ation of the %upreme La, of the Land* If a 8udge does not fu$$ comp$ ,ith the Constitution. then his orders are 0oid. I' re S!=9er. 415 (*%* 133 D4???E. he is ,ithout 8urisdiction. and he6she has engaged in an act or acts of treason*< >U<S< :< W%)). 55B (*%* 133. 149. 434 %* Ct* 5@4. 99 Ed*1d 2B1. 539 D4B?3EQ Co4e's :< $%r1%'%!. 4B (*%* D9 WheatE 195. 535. C L*Ed 1C@ D4?14E< &$aintiff is a,are of and understands the difficu$ties for an #udge in this case* Aut. the $a, has "een a"used and "ro=en " the %tate of Virginia>s 8udicia$ s stem and &$aintiff ,i$$ "e a"$e to sho, this is not a uni/ue situation "ut. norma$ practice in the %tate of Virginia* The difference is the ha0e not "een a"$e to =i$$ &$aintiff or "rea= &$aintiff. and &$aintiff pra s this court $oo= at the e0idence in documents and gi0es &$aintiff the right to "e heard* ;No man in this countr is so high that he is a"o0e the $a,* No officer of the $a, ma set that $a, at defiance ,ith impunit * A$$ the officers of the go0ernment from the highest to the $o,est. are creatures of the $a,. and are "ound to o"e it*< B3(7 :< E8o'o/o3. B? %*Ct* 1?B5 D4B@?EQ (nited %tates 0* Lee. 439 (*%* at 113. 4 %*Ct* at

194 D4??1E< ;Further it is the o"$igation of e0er #udge to honor. a"ide " . and upho$d not on$ the Constitution and $a,s of the %tate. "ut the are "ound " the $a,s and Constitution of the (nited %tates as ,e$$*< ;%tate courts. $i=e federa$ courts. ha0e a constitutiona$ o"$igation to safeguard persona$ $i"erties and to upho$d federa$ $a,*< S(o'e : Po=e)), 51? (% 59C. 5?2 n 2C. B9 %* Ct 232@. 5B L Ed* 1d 439@ D4B@9E< ;Whene0er an officer of the court commits fraud during a proceeding in the court. he6she is engaged in ;fraud upon the court ?< I' B3))o84 :< U'%(e& S(!(es, @92 F*1d 444C. 4414 D43th Cir* 4B?CE. The Constitution of the (nited %tates A fundamenta$. guarantee that a$$ $ega$ proceedings ,i$$ "e fair and that one ,i$$ "e gi0en notice of the proceedings and an opportunit to "e heard "efore the go0ernment acts to ta=e a,a oneRs $ife. $i"ert . or propert * A$so. a constitutiona$ guarantee that a $a, sha$$ not "e unreasona"$e. Ar"itrar . or capricious* The constitutiona$ guarantee of due process of $a,. found in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the (*%* Constitution. prohi"its a$$ $e0e$s of go0ernment from ar"itrari$ or unfair$ depri0ing indi0idua$s of their "asic constitutiona$ rights to $ife. $i"ert . and propert * T6e D7e 2r-,ess C$ause of the Fifth Amendment ratified in 4@B4. asserts that no person sha$$ J"e depri0ed of $ife. $i"ert . or propert . ,ithout due process of $a,*J This amendment restricts the po,ers of the federa$ go0ernment and app$ies on$ to actions " it* The Due &rocess C$ause of the Fourteenth Amendment. ratified in 4?9?. dec$ares.JSNTor sha$$ an %tate depri0e an person of $ife. $i"ert . or propert . ,ithout due process of $a,J DF 4E* This c$ause $imits the po,ers of the states. rather than those of the federa$ go0ernment* &$aintiff can sho, harm and the harm that has fore0er "een done to her from the actions of the a"o0e Defendants* &$aintiff ma not ha0e put a$$ information in the "est order ' "ut. has done the "est she can do* %he has done it ,ith a pure heart and honest ,a and sti$$ has not had her da in court to "e heard* &$aintiff has sti$$ had not

had due process Aoddie 0* Connecticut. 534 (*%* 2@4 D4B@4E. ,as a case "efore the (nited %tates %upreme Court gi0ing the right to due process and to "e heard* &$aintiff>s a"i$it to perform simp$e e0er da ,or= has "een stripped of her " the actions of the a"o0e Defendants ,ith her socia$ media. her computers and e7mai$ "eing hac=ed and this court is $oo=ing the other ,a * C-*es n-( 2l inti33 Aegs t6is ,-7rt t- st-p t6e terr-ris* -3 t6e A-4e De3en! nts+ T6e (eAsite '(gren !ieris l ir+Al-gsp-t+,-* is n illeg l Al-g" t6e Al-g is n! l( 8s 6 s Aeen ri!!le! (it6 lies+ T6 t 2l inti33 (it6 g--! re s-n -3 t6e p st ,ti-ns -3 De3en! nts is 3r i! 3-r 6er li3e n! 6er ! 7g6ters+ &$aintiff is a,are of o0er ,he$ming this court ,ith e0idence* &$aintiff is afraid for her $ife and if a strong message is not sent to these Defendants soon ' &$aintiff "e$ie0es she or her gir$s ,i$$ "e harmed*

&$aintiff as "efore as=s for the fo$$o,ing+

WHEREFORE. &$aintiff re/uests that this Court+

A. The right to go in front of a Federa$ )rand #ur ,ith her ,itnesses and

as= for a specia$ )rand #ur to $oo= into the Virginia #udicia$ % stem*
B. Ha0e remo0ed immediate$ the "$og 8,grenadierisa$air*"$ogspot* C. That a restraining order for a$$ of the a"o0e "e issued to inc$ude that the

are not to ta$= a"out &$aintiff on $ine or to in an ,a contact &$aintiff or her daughters
D. A,ard &$aintiff if 8oined ,ith counse$ reasona"$e attorne s> fees and

costs that $a, ers ha0e no fiduciar responsi"i$it to Defendants

E. Enter a permanent in8unction re/uiring Defendants to remo0e a$$

disingenuous information from the internet on &$aintiff*


F. )rant to &$aintiff such other and further re$ief as this Honora"$e Court

ma deem 8ust and proper under the circumstances. inc$uding "ut not $imited to appropriate in8uncti0e re$ief*
3. A$$o, &$aintiff her right to Due &rocess and the right to "e heard " a

#udge and ha0e an /uestions he or she ma ha0e responded to*

;. ?UR< TRIAL &$aintiff demands a 8ur tria$. pursuant to the %e0enth

Amendment to the (nited %tates Constitution* Date+ Fe"ruar 9. 1345 Respectfu$$ su"mitted. 0S011111111111111111111111111111
#anice Wo$= )renadier 4C West %pring %treet A$e-andria. Virginia 11234 Te$ephone D131E 29?7@4@? Emai$ 8,grenadierGgmai$*com


JANICE WOLK GRENADIER Pro se 15 West Spring Street Alex n!ri " #irgini $$%&1 '(gren !ier)g* il+,-* $&$.%/0.1110 2l inti33 4+ ILIONA GRENADIER HECKMAN 5$&& M ss ,67setts A4e Apt 51& W s6ingt-n DC $&&1/.515$ igren !ier)4 3 *il8l (+,-* 1&%./0%.9&&&

Ci4il A,ti-n N-+ Certi3i, te -3 Ser4i,e F-r Restr ining Or!er


GRENADEIR ANDERSON STRARACE DUFFETT & KEISLER, PC /59 S+ W s6ingt-n Street Alex n!ri " #A $$%15 1&%./0%.9&&& ROBIN/RACHEAL GRENADIER Tel A4i4 Isr el A!!ress 7n:-(n RL;RENNIE)<AHOO+COM LORETTA LAX MILLER !"!# LEAH LAX !"!# MUGGY CAT !"!# BILLY SULLI$AN Pres%&e'(%!) C!'&%&!(e *or +,-. C!/0!%1' He!&23!r(ers %5& M r:et Street Hig6spire" 2A 11%&5 in3-)L-rett Miller52resi!ent+,-* CAM2AI;N FOR LORETTA LA= MILLER An! ll e*pl-8ees>4-l7nteers %5& M r:et Street Hig6spire" 2A 11%&5 DEFENDANTS . ?-intl8 n! Se4er ll8" in t6eir O33i,i l n! 2ers-n l C p ,ities

2here is 4laintiff on Februar/ 1)( 2)1" filed for a EMERGENCEY RECONSIDERATION OF ORDER That 7er<ice to the follo ing Defendants ill be done through e-mail to the abo<e 0no n address of defendants Date+ Fe"ruar 43. 1345 Respectfu$$ su"mitted. 0S011111111111111111111111111111
#anice Wo$= )renadier 4C West %pring %treet A$e-andria. Virginia 11234 Te$ephone D131E 29?7@4@? Emai$ 8,grenadierGgmai$*com


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