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My name is Marie-Ange but most people call me Mar, I am sixteen years old and attend St. Josephs convent San Fernando. I have been doing music since the age of four; throughout the years I would stop but always missed playing the pan or just listening to it. It being one of my enjoyed subjects I then decided to do it in form four and later on write the cxc exam. I chose to do the SBA that required me to analyse eight advertisements. Of these eight, I decided to do some from America and some local, mainly because I wanted to see the differences and similarities and were able to compare them. Of all the local advertisements the genres were mainly Soca , calypso, chutney or Parang, which I am accustomed hearing and listening to. Whereas the American advertisements were a bit more challenging as they used genres that were new to my ear , like classical , jazz , pop and barbershop music. These new genres opened my thinking and helped me to create a new liking to different styles.


First and foremost I would like to thank God for giving me the strength and endurance as he made all my successes possible. I would also like to thank my parents for pushing me to stick with my music throughout the years. I thank my schoolteacher Mrs. Michelle Dowrich for her support thought the school years. To my lessons teacher Ms.Vanessa Headley much thanks is given for teaching, supporting, all the late nights and time you have put out for me being in your 2014 CXC class. Last but surely not least I say thank you to Mrs. Franka Hills-Headley director of Golden Hands for teaching me everything I know in pan, and supporting me throughout my 10 years of being a part of the Golden Hands family.


Chutney-is untempo music accompanied by various indian instruments,the rhythm is

imported from filmi calypso or soca. The earliest chutney music was used religiously; this music is indigenous to the south of the Caribbean, mainly in Trinidad and Tobago.

Soca chutney was made by Drupatee Ramgooni of Trinidad and Tobago in 1987 it
is a combination of English and Hindi music, The addition of chutney-soca in Trinidad music signified a consolidation of the East Indian influence on Trinidadian culture.

Classical this music was most famous during 1775-1825 this type of music is very
structured and has a particular form The instruments used in most classical music were largely invented before the mid-19th century. They include instruments found in an orchestra.

Pop- a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular" is

a genre of popular music, which originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll. This type of music is very famous throughout the Americas till this day, and continues to be the leading genre of music listened to.

Jazz-this genre was original an Afro American based music that has become very
popular in the 20th century. Its African musical basis is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swung note

Calypso - is a style of Afro-Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and

Tobago during the early to mid 20th century. Its rhythms can be traced back to West

African Kaiso and the arrival of French planters and their slaves from the French Antilles in the 1600s.

Parang- Parang' is the present Trinidadian interpretation of the Spanish

word, parranda . Parranda is the action of merrymaking and also refers to the group of carousers who serenade their friends throughout the year.This type of music is played during Christmas time.

Royal Castle
The royal castle advertisement was incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago in 1968, it being the first local fast food restaurant the genre of music used was calypso which is a west Indian based music originating in Trinidad, containing a syncopated African rhythm. The majority of the instruments used in the advertisement were percussion. They included: Bongos, synthesize/keyboard, bass guitar, triangle, claves, drum set (kick bass, hi-hats, Tom Toms), shakers, and cymbals. The vocals were male voices (alto and tenor). Although the male vocalists carried the melody and harmony the backbone of the advertisement was the highly rhythmic patterns and the various instruments used to create a local atmosphere, capturing certain aspects of our culture. The piece was in cut time, which is the time signature that is synonymous with calypso. The tonality was in a major key; the harmony and melody are both carried by male vocalists at intervals of minor thirds, sixths and octaves. To the beginning of the piece when the alto voice soloed the piece was monophonic, at 11seconds a male tenor voice was heard, as the choir entered the same rhythm was sung but at different intervals making the tonality change to homophonic.

The piece was in ternary form because you can observe three distinctive parts (A, B, and C)

Overall it was moderately slow allowing the lyrics to be easily heard. This is turn allowed for a sing able, catchy jingle.

The expressive elements used in the music, encouraged a calm atmosphere especially in section A. to the beginning there was a tranquil feel tying it back to the similar west Indian Caribbean feel or relaxation.

The dynamics were a major contributing factor. At the start of the piece, the volume was moderately loud. of course the homophonic texture of the single voice being accompanied by the keyboard gave a thinner texture which impacted on the overall

volume. As the piece progressed, the volume became gradually louder as more instruments we layered (creating a thicker texture). At the end of section B, leading in to section C, the was a distinct climax that ushered in the hook line "Royal Castle"

This genre of music was chosen to try and dig deeper into Trinidad's culture and get to the roots. This style of Afro-Caribbean music was the voice of African slaves brought from the French Antilles. With the strong history attached to it, this type of music was great to tie into royal castles pick up lines promoting the act of supporting your local produces. Royal castle can be said to be local to the bone as every ingredient used is from its own country. At the time of this commercial being made it was not as popular as its competitors because it was new on the market, this advertisement was made for everyone in our society to be able to relate to even if you do not see it you can hear the distinct rhythms that give a Caribbean flavor.

Dell Lollipop
Lollipop was a pop song written in 1958 by Julius Dixon, which is an example of barbershop music famous around the 1940's,dell did a remake of the song incorporating it into its advertisement using four male voices from bass to tenor all singling in a cappella. A single male voice began and at 00.02 seconds another voice entered at an interval lower, a third voice then entered at 00.04 seconds but sang two intervals above the first two at 00.05 seconds the piece became one of homophony as the four men continue to sing. A synthesizer and sound effects were also heard in the piece to give a mechanical feel, which improve the authenticity as the piece was set in a factory.

The meter being 4/4 a simple quadruple time you can hear the sound effects keeping in time of the rhythm. The bass male vocalist accompanied the others while they sang the melody, which was introduced by the connecting passage of the bass vocalist. The 3 voices that sung the melody were each at different tones making it contrast and form chords, in section A an intervals of inverted sixths were heard. Although the men were a big part of the advertisement the sound effects to the back were of great importance as they were to give a feel of something being made.

Dynamics was not a major factor in the advertisement as the piece stayed at the same volume throughout. The piece was in a major tonality (D major) and at a moderate tempo. The piece is in binary form (a, b) as there are two distinct sections called verse and chorus. The last section was the hook line as there was a female voice talking over the male voices singing in the background.

This genre of music used was perfect for the target market being teenagers and working class, pop was always a type of music that had frequent changes throughout the years, it was the most famous music at any time period, as the lyrics talk about lollipops which are usually sweet and colorful it links back to the newly made computers which comes in a

variety of colors, this attracts both the elderly and younger persons in society. Dell is one of the many competitors in the software market and at this period also an American multinational computer corporation that develops sells an repairs, in time Apple was a growing market and still continues to be at the top, this advertisement was not only made to show off its new products but to try and convince Americans to change from their other preferred brands to Dell as the message is to support and be loyal to their native culture. This jingle having a foundation of a very catchy well-known song is easily sung and is stuck in one's mind, which in the end is the main intention.

Lipton Tea
Lipton tea incorporated the pink panther theme song into their commercial; this particular song was and still is very popular. It is an instrumental composed by Henry Mancini, the genre of this piece is jazz, a type of music that is Black American originally which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, and it is characterized by its improvisation, syncopation, and is usually a regular or forceful rhythm. Brass and woodwind instruments and piano are main instruments associated with jazz, although guitar and occasionally violin are also used. In the advertisement the following instruments are heard: piano, violin, trumpet, trombone, oboe, saxophone, drum kit, xylophone, flute, electric guitar, cello, tambourine and sound effects.

This advertisement was very percussive, to the beginning this sounded as they were being put into place you can tell that the main point in the add was to the end after the rest for two seconds when you could identify the song being played.

The beginning was atonal; this gave the feel of a confused person, which they tried to portray, as the piece was very confusing another contributor to that feel was the different textures identified there was no definite time signature therefore we can say it was performed freely/rubato. The piano starts with a soft scale which expands the instrumentation giving the piece a thick texture, the violins play together, then the trumpet joins, the piano again plays single notes - in this period of the music every thing is played piano,

a scratching effect is made, the drum set is played and does not hold its usual position providing a steady or syncopated but instead it highlights phrases with the share drum and symbol.

Trumpets join in and while they play the scratch effect is played again. All instruments then play together; tambourine is shook and soon after the triangle is struck - during this period of the music the tempo quickens and music is played slightly louder. At 00:40 to 00.46 the tones overlapped as it changed to a minor tonality this is where the melody was

carried by the saxophone while the other instruments accompanied in the the end it was more organized rather than the first half which can be said is the cause of the Lipton tea here the piece is fairly legato. This point the key was 4/4. There was no overall form of the piece therefore it can be said to be through composed. A large burst of sound created by percussion concluded the piece.

The theme song incorporated into the advertisement is very famous and well known. It attracts all ages because of its past uses being in various children series and adult comedies. The advertisement attracts the Americans by reintroducing jazz elements where a culture mainly listens to pop and techno beats, this also helps to create a diverse inclined society. The advertisement also targets mainly people, who drink tea or would like to think sharper. This point even though not proven true, the mare fact that it is advertised to help think better, makes the listener want to try it, and then on talk about it.

Digicel is a mobile network owned by an Irishman named Denis OBrien This network is provided for 31 markets, Trinidad being one of them. The genre of music used in this advertisement was chutney; this type of music incorporates elements of Soca and HindiEnglish, lyrics. It is indigenous in the south Caribbean and mostly popular to Trinidad Guyana and Suriname. Drupatee Ramgoonai of Trinidad & Tobago first coined the term chutney Soca in 1987 in her first album entitled Chutney Soca, with both English & Hindi versions of the songs. The instruments used in the piece are voice, synthesizer, maracas, sound effects, keyboard and drum. There was not a large range of notes because most notes sung were very high pitched. The piece is in cut time, which is famous for most music written in Soca and chutney. To the beginning of the advertisement there is a knocking effect as if some one was entering somewhere. Right after you can hear a male voice speaking Hindi loudly fortissimo, the keyboard, maracas and drum effect begin. There is then a solo female voice singing in Hindi, the female voice carries the melody, which is accompanied by other female voices in the background .The female singer along with her accompaniment, has a soprano voice. The other voices sing the chorus where the beat is accented on every second note. The background music remains the same throughout. You can hear many repeats but there are various changes in the lyrics. To the end of each verse there is a drum effect played on the same beat of each word sung accenting the words giving them more force when heard, the same thing is repeated to the end of the song. The shape of the advertisement almost stayed static, you could tell the piece was vivace. The texture was homophonic as it had a solo voice with effects and an accompaniment behind. Dynamics were mf throughout but on every second beat there was a sforzando drum effect played on each word sung giving it more force when heard. The overall piece was in binary form (A, B).

Digicel being a foreign company coming to Trinidad it would face many difficult factors, and up to this day still has its main competitor a local phone company named Bmobile. Digicel therefore tried to reach out to the community by using culture, and well-known artists to be featured in its advertisement. Ravi B and Drupatee are the two most famous male and female chutney artists for the youth of Trinidad. Using their voice and face for this advertisement not only attracts the working class, but the youth of mainly Indian ethnicity that look up to the various artists, which makes up a great proportion of the island. Even if the advertisement is not seen the catchy rhythm and well known voices will allow it to be remembered, and then talked about, there on the market would have grown.

Victoria Bitters

Victoria bitters is a beer produced by Carlton and united breweries Renowned Melbourne brewers first brewed it, Thomas Clough in the early 1900s. It is one of the highest selling beers in Sydney Australia first developed by Thomas C. Moore who made the recipe in the early 1900s.The genre of music used was classical because of the structured format and various instruments heard. Even though bottles were used to create all the sounds except to the end where drums were played, the victoria bitter bottles each mad a distinct sound that mimicked certain instruments allowing us to hear different pitches and syncopated rhythms, some of these instruments heard were: xylophone, flute, drums, cymbals, tom-toms. These affects were made from the bottles by them being hit, banged, blown into and even dropped on the floor to create a breaking sound effect.

The advertisement being mainly percussive had a distinct rhythm. It was in a major tonality, with the melody being carried by the xylophone sounds created. There was a lot of reputation in the piece. In some points of the advertisement the melody was played louder while the background music was repeated.

The piece was at a constant speed in the key signature of 4-4 timing. The volume gradually got louder close to the end. Giving it a dramatic effect. The overall form was binary (A, B) as there was two distinct parts.

This advertisement created by Cezory Skubiszewski had one main propose of increasing the population of buys for this particular beer. The location of the factory is in Sydney Australia which is the most populated city in Australia there fore most of the products would be ought there. The advertisement not only portrays creativity and shows more can be done with Victoria bitters but it also tries to get the support from local buyers Like most Australian beers, VB is made using a specific work stream brewing process, and uses a portion of cane sugar to thin out the body of the beer, giving its drinkers only the

best. Beer being legal for persons over 21 in Australia, it is said to be appointed to peoples of age. Overall the creative ideas and catchy rhythms will attract buyers and listeners.

PNM (Peoples National Movement)

This advertisement was done to represent PNM a political party in Trinidad and Tobago. This genre used in this piece is Soca which is a form of calypso music that contains elements of soul, this type of music originated in Trinidad. The instruments used were voice, synthesizer, African drums, and tenor steel pan. The piece begins with female voices (not more than three) singing moderately loud mf. The background music repeats continuously for a period of time. A male voice then speaks in dialect and the tempo of the music quickens. The soca beat maintains the drive of the music, and in certain parts of the narration is said on each beat as a form of accents to point out the words of importance .The female voices (which are back up) after the male soloist sing says "for the pnm" can be said to be the chorus as it is sung after ever verse. During the piece there is a tenor pan that plays three notes of a scale.

At 0.27 seconds there is a choir with only male voices accompanying the soloist for a few words. The male solos voice was tenor and the female voices were soprano-tenor, the male voice to the end that spoke was bass.

At 0.48 seconds while different voices sing "i must believe, you must believe, we must believe". All the previous voices both male and female accompany in the background. To the end of the advertisement the music fades playing piano and there is a male voice that speaks and says, " Protect the future, vote pnm. The piece was in cut time as that most appropriate for Soca music. You can hear a major tonality.

Elements of local culture was incorporated in the piece for example the instruments having tenor being Trinidads national instrument. There were four distinctive parts in the form (A, B, C, D) so then the piece is Rondo. Various textures were observed in the piece. Although throughout the song the lyrics talk about the party and it positives to the end was the hook line where the main purpose was seen, which was for the people to vote

for pnm. Because of the piece being allegro it allows for all the lyrics to be clear and has a very catchy rhythm allowing the tune to be remember and relate to.

This advertisement was mainly put out for all persons in Trinidad and Tobago over the age of 18 because they would be allowed to vote. Different aspects of culture was used and very positive words to create a liking towards the advertisement, only positive and beneficial things are being pointed out, mainly the fact that the younger generation is defined by their leaders. Generally the positivity and catchy rhythm to the advertisement would get people to listen and there for be convinced that pnm is the party of their choice.

Angostura Bitters
Angostura is a bitters company that products sell all over the world. The product was sold abroad from 1853 and in 1875 the plant was moved from Ciudad Bolivar to Port of Spain, Trinidad, where it remains up to this day. The genre of music played was Parang; this music is the staged act of merrymaking, music, dance, and food typical of the Spanish Creole community of in Trinidad. This type of music is normally played around Christmas time. Instruments used are - iron, maracas, guitar, voice doorbell effect, drum, blow effect Cuatro, box base. The piece begins with a rhythm section

Shouting sound comes in before a male voice sings, he sings using slang his voice is tenor another few effects are played. Before the choir enters there is a rest .You can hear female voices in the background. The background music plays consistently throughout. To the beginning the speed is fairly slow it quickens when the verse comes in. The piece is homophonic and in binary form

the volume is constant throughout the song (mf) the only part of music that differed was the shouting effect "yay" which was (f) forte.

The choir sings together with the soloist. To the end two different voices finish the advertisement saying, Sing responsibly

The piece was very percussive; the rhythm was the backbone as it portrayed the cultural instruments used in Parang. The tonality was in a major key. Because of the harmony being sung and the percussion playing the rhythm as the male voice sings the piece can be said polyphonic. Because of the two distinctive sections (A, B) the advertisement is in binary form.

This advertisement used aspects of Trinidadian culture to attract people of drinking ages. Because this advertisement was put out during Christmas time their main theme was eating, drinking and coming together during Christmas with one main factor, angostura bitters. The advertisement was very effective because it incorporated the meaning of Christmas and used angostura as a way of bringing people closer. The catchy lyrics and

up beat rhythm allowed the advertisement to stink in peoples mind and there fore it serves its purpose.

Angostura White Oak

Angostura white oak or White Oak as it is better known is a leading rum brand in Trinidad & Tobago and the wider Caribbean. The genre of music used in the advertisement was soca, which originated in Trinidad it, is a blend of Indian instruments and calypso music because of the large population of Indians in the country. The instruments used in this advertisement were male voices sound effects, and a synthesizer.

The advertisement was in cut time as that is the time signature usually used in soca, there was continuous repeats of the lyrics done using a synthesizer as techno is usually done while mixing the music. Although there had male vocalists singing throughout the song the backbone of the music was the beat to the background, which was continuously repeated and changed. Overall the volume was neutral it did not change, there was not a wide range of notes used so we can say the piece was static. There was not a particular form so the piece was through the advertisement you can hear also hear a major tonality. The continuous repeats on the lyrics rum and only white oak allows the words to be remembered. The simplicity of the advertisement helps listeners to remember it and be able to sing along to.

This was made for persons of drinking age in Trinidad and Tobago, the words tell that it can be drank with anything. You can hear aspects of local culture put into the advertisement like its instruments used. Which give a sign of local support. The advertisement catchy rhythm and rain effects all tie up to the mal voice in the end as it says white oaks signature motto, as it pours you rain. Angostura being the leading buying brand of alcohol in Trinidad having its various choices had to keep up its advertisements so it does not loose its supporters. This advertisement was made to be played all year round.

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