Walton TV Vs Samsung TV

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Research topics: Domestic & foreign product consumption (Walton TV Vs Samsung TV) 1.

Introduction: In todays modern era of international business, trade & commerce, integrated marketing communication, strategic marketing approaches & understanding consumer behavior plays vital role in any business organizations success & development. Because of the globalization, world is becoming smaller & relatively closer. Cultures, needs & wants become similar gradually. Even though peoples taste, perceptions, outlooks, need, wants, satisfaction vary. So, understanding consumer behavior mind set is very crucial in todays highly competitive business world. Because of these issues marketers are now focuses broadly on the basis of market segmentation, targeting & positioning bearing in mind different consumer behavior aspects. As we are also potential marketing students, different consumer behavior issues are also very important & relevant to us. So, we think that doing proper study & research on domestic & foreign product consumption is a very suitable & challenging topic for us. We have focused our research & study solely on communication & consumer behavior, influence of culture, consumer motivation, consumer influence of innovation, & decision making process only. 2. A statement of consumer behavior issue being studied & our reasons of choosing the topic: As prescribed by our faculty, we have decided to do our research on domestic & foreign product consumption. We will only concentrate our research on examining how various families purchase Television & what are the key factors that are important on pre-purchase decision making. In relating to that issue parallels, we also do research on what is the decision making process while choosing domestic or foreign product consumption. What are the factors that might influence their purchase, & why do these factors influence behavior? These issues we find most important & interesting because these are the basic key questions & analyzing these challenging questions may gives us valuable insights in making future key business decisions. 3. A brief description of the methodology employed for the research: a) Survey b) Observation c) Interview d) Literature review e) Textual study f) Library research g) Rea life scenario analysis h) International journals & articles study.

3.1 A brief over view about Walton & Samsung: Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd. is the one and only manufacturer of multi-staged Refrigerator, Freezer, Air Conditioner, Television and Motorcycle technology and is treated as one of the sophisticated manufacturing plant in Bangladesh and South Asia. R.B. Group (Parent Company) is one of the top business groups in the country operating with a great reputation since 1977.Walton has become a sensation in the arena of Electronics, Electrical & Automobile industries & as signified as one of the top manufacturing plant in Bangladesh & South Asia. Walton is providing customers the latest technology based products, innovative design, and excellent quality with different models & capacities. Walton brands main products are; (1) Motorcycle (2) Refrigerator & Freezer (3) Air Conditioner (4) Mobile Phone (5) Television (3D LED, LED, LCD, CRT) (6) DVD Player (7) Microwave Oven & Steam Oven, (8) Washing Machine (9) Iron (10) Domestic and Industrial Generator etc. A South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and are the largest South Korean chalebo. Samsung produces around a fifth of South Korea's total exports and its revenues are larger than countries' GDP; in 2006, it would have been the world's 35th-largest economy 4. Analyzing consumer behavior using theoretical frameworks &consumer behavior model: 4.1Communication & consumer behavior: In case of domestic & foreign product consumption, communication & consumer behavioral approach play a very important role in decision making process & promotional marketing strategy. Walton as a domestic company always tries to ensure their integrated marketing communication approach aligns with the domestic & international target markets. Samsung is also not different in these aspects. In general a companys marketing communications are designed to make the consumer aware of the product or services, induce purchase or commitment, create a positive attitude toward the product, give the product a symbolic meaning, or show how it can solve the consumers problem better than a competitive product or services.

5. The communication process:




Receiver/ Decoding


Comprehensions Yes/No

Responds appropriately

Figure: Comprehensive communication model 6.The message initiator ( source) : Marketers have a large arsenal from which to draw in encoding their message. Both Walton & Samsung company use words, pictures, symbols, spokespersons, & special channels for consumer persuasion strategy. In the message initiator process, Walton & Samsung company buy space & time in carefully selected media to advertise or broadcast their message for publicity & communication 6.1Credibility of informal source: It includes word of mouth. Normally in Waltons promotional campaigns the informal source also act into play. These sources also called opinion leaders. But point to be noted here is that informal sources may not be credible. For example: Word of mouth, Buzz agents, peers etc. The credibility of the source affects the decoding of the message for both the company. Credibility put enormous impact on how the communication is accepted by the receivers. Walton & Samsung Company use well renowned & reliable public figure which enhance the credibility of the message & are more likely to be believable. One significant aspect in this case is both these domestic & foreign companies are more cautious about the perceived intend of the source. 6.2Credibility of formal sources: As discussed earlier that formal & neutral sources have greatest credibility. For example: Walton used famous Bangladeshi movie actor Ferdous, actress Shokh, besides they also give such type of advertisements which holds the authoritative & informative execution frame work.

Samsung Company also uses the international renowned spokes persons & experts as formal sources. Sources credibility judged on past performances, reputation, services, quality, positive persuasive image, social responsibility etc. Samsung sometimes use institutional advertising to promote favorable company images. 6.3The credibility of spokes person & endorsers: It creates positive synergy between endorser & type of product. Samsung Company put much emphasis on demographic characteristics relative to Walton as it has international brand images. Both the company uses creative & informative wording endorsement by the spokesperson for getting maximum positive feedback. 6.4Message Credibility: Walton Companys slogan is Deshi Ponno, Amader Ponno which put impact on the domestic consumers mind. They also ensure better quality & price efficiency & conveys the message through TVC, RDC, bill board etc. Besides, they have trained domestic retailers which helps in promotional programs & positioning the brand in consumers mind, in case competing with foreign Samsung product. 7. The target audience: 7.1 Personal characteristics & comprehension: Different peoples have different choice, tastes, perceptions, out look towards a product. Those who are convince that the domestic product Walton serves best, has price efficiency, good warranty, availability of service centers, have good experience in using the TV may take the initiatives of repeated purchase. Thus, creates customer loyalty. Contrary to that actually influence a potential consumer about purchasing a foreign product. 7.2Involvement & congruency: As TV is a high involvement product it always has the high involvement & congruency. Walton & Samsung build their communication & message strategy consistent with those aspects. 7.3Mood: In case of domestic & foreign product consumption the impact of mood in on message comprehension & effectiveness has significant role. In various occasions & events consumers buying behavior may change. For example: in the time of Bengali cultural occasions, Independence Day etc time the purchasing of domestic product increases.

So, Walton as a domestic company may launch their special integrated marketing communication strategy in such a way which is aligned with consumers perceptions & moods. 7.4 Barriers to communications: I. Selective exposure: Various barriers to communication may affect the accuracy with which consumers interpret message. Consumers selectively perceive advertising messages. They read carefully ads for products they are interested in & tend to ignore advertisements that have no special interest or relevance to them. Technology provides consumers with increasingly sophisticated means to control their exposure to media. II. Psychological noise: Now these days domestic & foreign competitors use various creative approaches to break through the advertisements clutters. Repeated exposure, order & placement, contrasting, using ad Teasers, direct mailings, using websites advertisements, internet etc are now using to eradicate the Psychological noise. 8. The receivers response or feedback: Walton & Samsung companies have establishes 24hour hotlines to encourage comments & questions from their customers & they also solicit consumer feedback through their company websites & on line services. Since marketing communications are usually designed to persuade a target audience to act in a desired way to purchase a specific brand or product, the ultimate testing of marketing communications is the receivers response. For this reason, it is essential for the message initiator to obtain feedback as promptly & as accurately as possible. Only through feedback can the sender determine whether & how well the message has been received. In perspective of domestic product consumption Waltons the receivers responses or feedback is increasing gradually as the time progresses. 9. Persuasive communication process: Both Walton & Samsung Company uses persuasive communication procedures in order to retain their present customer, attracting potential new customer & convincing competitors customer towards their brand. This model basically focuses on communication strategy, target audience & media strategy. Persuasive communication process is also correlated with tri component model, where it works with cognitive, affective & conative approaches.

Communic ation Strategy

Desining persuasive communicatio ns Media Strategy Target audience

Figure: Persuasive communication design model 10. Message structure & presentation: 10.1Resonance: By using resonance in Walton TV ads, it improve the chances that their ads will be noticed by consumers & create favorable purchasing decisions. Advertising resonance is defined as word play, often used to create a double meaning in combination with a relevant picture. For example: In Walton TV ads, they use slice of life, animation & musical appeal along with informative execution framework. 10.2 Message framing: Normally when we see advertisements of Walton TV & Samsung TV we see that in the case of message framing they always try to use positive framing provided by the information of displays, services, picture quality, price efficiency, features etc. Thus the consumers can judge according to these criterion whether they should go for domestic product consumption or foreign product consumption. 10.3 Comparative advertising: In comparative advertising marketer claims product superiority over another brand. For example: If Samsung TV as a foreign product claims itself to be the best in quality & features than domestic product Walton TV, then it is a comparative advertising. It is often useful for product positioning. 10.4 Order effects: In Walton TV advertisements we see that they use primacy effect where the important message & information are given at the initial stage to draw the potential consumers attentions & try to find the place in evoked set.

Where as in Various Samsung TV ads we have seen both primacy & recency effect where the important message & information are given at the end stage. In both the cases creating brand awareness, enhancing brand images, encouraging repeated purchases, increasing customer retention rate, ensuring customer loyalty, persuasions, are the key aspects. 10.5 Repetition: It is important for learning & brand recall. We have seen both the company purchases different media time & spaces & give repeated advertisements for consumer persuasions towards their brand. These are the factors that might influence their purchase. 11. Influence of culture: Basically, culture is the part of every society and is the important cause of person wants and behavior. The influence of culture on buying behavior varies from country to country therefore marketers have to be very careful in analyzing the culture of different groups, regions or even countries. The people of Bangladesh are different in culture from other countries. In these situations, people are subjected to a wide variety of cultural reference groups that ultimately affect their consumer behavior. Consequently, marketers must develop marketing

communication that addresses cultural and reference group factors from both a domestic and global perspective. Walton actually target three class of people like high class, middle class and lower middle class people. They use different promotional campaigns for promoting their product. They broadcast different ads in different media vehicle. They employ different Bangladeshi model in their ads and also make sure the dress patterns and symbol that is suitable for Bangladeshi culture. On the other hand, Samsung has to be aware about their ads when they promote their product in Bangladesh. Samsung have to be attentive to promote their product through mass media. Otherwise they lose their market. They need to follow the Bangladeshi culture and distribute their product to fulfill the need of different class people. Actually Bangladeshi people are more prices oriented but they want quality based product. Its not true for all people because some people agree to give much money if the product is quality based product. Samsung try to update their product for catch the market. And also they try to come up with a new LCD and LED TV in the Bangladeshi market. But it is sure that the quality of Samsung TV is much better but the price is higher than Walton. On the other hand, Walton TV quality is better and its price is lower. They give the best quality product in low price. Consumer economic situation has great influence on his buying behavior.

In the context of Bangladeshi culture, most of the people are middle class people. If the income and savings of a customer is high then he will purchase more expensive products like LCD or LED TV from Samsung or Walton. On the other hand, a person with low income and savings will purchase inexpensive products. If someone go to shop to buy a TV firstly, he or she choose foreign brand. They choose foreign TV because they think foreign brand like Samsung is better than Walton. But Samsung doesnt give guaranty now that can change consumer behavior. But the middle class people think to get the best quality product in low price. So their choose go for Walton TV because it gives higher quality in reasonable price. Also Walton gives long guaranty and its export in abroad. Higher income people always think about quality not price. They choose Samsung because its foreign brand and give best feature. Nowadays Walton market is much bigger than Samsung. Most of the people buy Walton because of their emotion. As Walton export in abroad and the major emotional factor is that its Bangladeshi product. So Samsung need to give some benefit to survive in the market like extend guaranty duration and service and also reduce the price 11.1 Cultural factors affecting consumer behavior: In the prospective of Bangladeshi culture both Walton and Samsung has better position in the market. Walton is new in the market but their marketing process makes them able to attract the customers attention. Walton is our domestic product. On the other hand, Samsung is foreign products but both are very familiar brand with all types of people. Both Walton and Samsung have different criteria for their customers. Both Walton and Samsung segment their market in the basis of their customers behavior. Culture can change the customers buying decision. If anyone wants to buy television he or she actually focuses on the best quality product that fulfills their need. Consumer behavior is deeply influenced by cultural factors such as: buyer culture, subculture, and social class. 11.2 How Culture Is Learned: There are three distinct forms of learning: I. Formal learning: adults and older siblings teach a young family member how to behave. II.Informal learning: child learns primarily by imitating the behavior of selected others.

III. Technical learning: teachers instruct the child in an educational environment as to what, how, and why it should be done. 11.3 Enculturation and Acculturation: The learning of ones own culture is known as enculturation. Walton and Samsung have to be known much cultural issue about Bangladeshi culture. The cultural knowledge can be more helpful for both companies for promoting their product in the market. The learning of a new or foreign culture is known as acculturation. It is very much necessary for Samsung to gather some knowledge about Bangladeshi culture. Then it can be useful for them to catch the target market. If any new company like Samsung want to run business in other country but they havent aware about the culture of this country then it will be difficult for them. A consumer can be a foreigner in his or her own country. So both company should have aware about this. 11.4 Language and Symbols: To acquire a common culture, both Walton and Samsung must be able to communicate with their consumer through a common language. It is very important for both Walton and Samsung promote their ads in a common language that is clear to consumer. Without a common language, shared meaning could not exist and true communication would not take place. Basically, the symbolic nature of human language sets it apart from all other animal communication. A symbol is used to convey desired product images or characteristics. A symbol is anything that stands for something else. Symbols can be verbal or nonverbal. Symbols may have several, even contradictory, meanings. Both Walton and Samsung have to use symbols to convey desired product images or characteristics. 11.5 Brands as Symbols: Brands are symbols of the popular culture as well as expressions of management or ad agency strategy. It is clear that both Samsung and Walton need to set a better image into the mind of a consumer. They need to set a popular brand image among the consumers. Walton is new companies in the market but it already keep attention of all class of people for their lower price with better quality. Also it gives long guaranty and long term service facility.

Samsung is well known brand also it has reputation in the market but it needs to reduce their price so that it can be available for all class of people. It also should increase their guaranty and also need to understand the consumer attitude. 12. Consumer motivation: Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action. This driving force is produced by a state of tension, which exists as the result of an unfulfilled need. It is an inner drive that reflects goal-directed arousal. In a consumer behavior context, the results are a desire for a product, service or experience. It is the drive to satisfy needs and wants, both physiological and psychological, through the purchase and use of products and use of products and services. There are many types of motivation like positive and negative motivation. Positive motivation may feel a driving force toward some object or condition or a driving force away from some object or condition. As we select television as our product, we will discuss about consumers different motivating factors of buying television. Television is a product which is included in acquired needs of a person. It increases a persons prestige, power and social acceptance. Acquired needs are needs that we learn in response to our culture or environment. Acquired needs are psychological; they are considered secondary needs or motives. 12.1Potential Buyers of Television: Television is a product which is essential for entertainment and also required to increase the social honor and prestige of individuals. There are many classes of people are living in Bangladesh. All of them buy television based on their social status and income. Different brands of television are available in Bangladesh. Some are local brands and some are foreign brands. The prices of local brands television are not that much higher but the price of foreign brands television are higher. Mostly service holders, businessman, middle income people, higher income people are the potential buyers of television. Educated people watch television to see news and to pass their leisure time. They are motivated by the positive sides of television and they want to know the world and try to update with the world. Sports lovers want to buy television to watch sports in different channel. Mass people buy television to entertain themselves in the time of leisure and to learn something.

They are motivated by the different entertaining programs of television and they like to reduce their tiredness by watching different programs. Children always want to have television in their house because they like to watch cartoon and different child related program. If they see any television in their neighbors house then they urge their parents to buy television. Parents buy television to satisfy their childs needs. Potential buyers of consumers in television are very conscious of their needs. 12.2Different types of television for different types of consumer: Buying a television now in comparison to 10 years ago is a much more complex process. The following technologies are all currently available in the market LCD, Plasma, LED and CRT. a) LCD: Liquid crystal display (LCD) TV screens come to life when light from behind the screen is shone through the television screen's matrix of tiny colored liquid crystal cells. Signals control each cell, letting varying amounts of color through, and a picture is built up. b) PDP: A plasma TV emits its own light unlike LCD TVs. The picture is produced by thousands of pixels filled with a mixture of phosphor and gas so that when stimulated by electricity, creates its own light. c) LED: LED technology refers to the backlight system used in some LCD Televisions, not the technology that creates the picture.LED TVs are still LCD TVs. It is just that these new sets use LED backlights rather than the florescent-type backlights used in most other LCD TVs. There are two different types of LED backlight, Edge LED and Direct LED. d) CRT: Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is known as direct view tube TV. It is a bulky sets that most people still have. While they are quite heavy and take up a lot of space particularly in these large sizes we are exploring) CRT TV still offers outstanding quality pictures at an extremely reasonable price. Out of these categories consumers will buy television based on their income and status. Our main target company Samsung and Walton produces these types of television. As Samsung is a foreign company, it requires huge amount of money to buy a Samsung television but the quality and brand is obviously good in this brand. Walton is our local company and they are producing different types of electronic products like television, refrigerator, DVD player, mobile phone, motorcycle etc. They are not only producing these items but also exporting their product.

The quality of their product is also good. The price of their television is reasonable and low income people can afford the cost. While making decision of buying a television consumer consider all these attributes and features of different categories and make a perfect decision based on their requirement. 12.3Factors influencing purchase decision of Television: The factors which are influencing in buying a television are given below:

Durability/service Picture quality Sound quality Shape/design Price

I. Durability: CRT rear projection televisions have been around for a long time, but LCD, DLP and LCOS are relatively new. Still, durability should never be an issue with any television if a manufacturer wants to stay in business. While all models have fragile features, expect them to last 15-20 years with normal use. II. Picture quality: Consumers want to get highest utility from a brand, which they purchase by sacrificing money and benefit from other competitive brands. Picture quality of the brand is The

one of the most important factors that a customer values in times

of choosing one brand.

image looks better the faster the screen can refresh itself. The picture quality of Samsung is very good and as a local company the picture quality of Walton is also good. III. Sound quality: Now a day, a great emphasis is given to the sound quality of television. In the past, "Good sound" was when audiences could make out what was being said; "bad sound" was when couldnt. This has changed. With the advent of stereo, 5.1 surround-sound, and home theaters, audiences have much greater expectations.

Consumers are motivated by clear and smooth sound. They want to enjoy the program smoothly. The sound quality of Samsung is really good and the sound quality of Walton is also good. Consumers make their decision based on their ability. IV. Shape/Design: No doubt, picture quality, sound quality and durability has important role in taking decision to choose a particular brand. But, before considering all these features, most of the time consumers are at first attracted to any particular brand considering its design and outlook. If design and outlook of the brand is attracting the consumer, then they go for detail analysis of the products features. V. Price: Price is a component of an exchange or transaction that takes place between two parties and refers to what must be given up by one party (i.e., buyer) in order to obtain something offered by another party (i.e., seller).The Buyers who are final customers of the television always consider the price because they want to achieve quality products with less price. On the other hand, the sellers always want to maximize their profit by selling their products and they also try to satisfy their customers by delivering quality products. The price of Samsung is higher than the price of Walton and that is why low income people tend to buy Walton and high income people tend to buy Samsung. It is an important factor of buying decision. VI. Other issues: Other considerations include features and brand. Once a consumer in a store or shopping online, he has to decide whether to buy an extended warranty, how much to spend on cables, how to get the best price, and more. What a consumer watch on his new TV is an issue that will affect his enjoyment of the set, so they might be thinking of upgrading his TV service or switching to a new provider. The offerings of cable, satellite, and phone companies have consider before making a decision.

12.3 Why do these factors influence behavior? A consumer has to think these factors because of taking a perfect decision and to use the product a long time without any hassle. Different brands of television contain different features and attributes and consumers consider all types of features before making a purchase decision. A consumer cannot buy a television with maximizing all profits because cost is another important factor which is mostly considerable while making buying decision. A consumer is motivated by less price, higher quality, durability and maximum products features. This motivation influence consumers behavior.

13. Consumer influence of innovation: Innovation is key to every business and products as other competitors always look forward to bring new and innovative products into the market. Here, we studied on consumer buying behavior on TV. As we considered Walton as domestic product and Samsung as foreign product, we focused on the innovation process of these two companies on TVs. We also considered the influence of innovation on consumer buying behavior. Product Characteristics: Samsung TVs are much ahead of Walton TVs regarding innovations. They Brand their TVs as Smart TV where Walton try to follow the trend of innovation and brings the new product into the market. Consumers basically consider the product characteristics of the product before buying them. That includes Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Trail ability, Observability. 13.1Relative Advantage: In our study, we found that Samsung TV buyers are from highincome group in Bangladesh. The usually look for relative advantage and latest technology to be trendy. Innovation in relative advantage always draws their attention. On the other hand, middleincome group used to buy Walton TVs, as they dont always look for relative advantage due to price factor. Innovation in product design basically attracts them a lot. 13.2Compatibility: Consumers of both brands compare the new and innovative product with their present needs, values and practices. Samsungs 3D TVs create more values over Samsungs LED and LCD TVs.

Walton also brings 3D TVs with lesser resolution and features to attract their target market and being consistence with their target customers needs, values and practices. Whereas, Samsung doesnt need to keep it mind those issues, as their target consumer needs higher resolution and latest kind of technology, which will cope up their social class. 13.3Complexity: Companies always focus to innovate the ways to make their product users

friendly. In our Study, we found that both brand users emphasize the importance of users friendliness of the products. They always want to avoid complexity regarding using the product. Samsung introduces Smart TV, which can recognize the users voice and hand motion and act according to that. Which is very much user friendly as consumers of that brand admit that. Unfortunately, Walton users have to rely on remote based control, as it doesnt feature these facilities. In comparison, Walton TVs are fewer users friendly than Samsung Smart TVs. 13.4Trail ability: Trail ability can make an impact on consumers buying behavior. Samsung TVs sales stores present their TVs with expert sales persons who demonstrate products very innovatively and make aware the consumers about the product features and benefits. Consumers easily get to know how to operate and whats the value to buy their desired TVs. Though Walton has Sales stores and access to trail their TVs, their non-skilled sales persons lack them behind, as they cant demonstrate their features well. Consumers may get confused which TVs they actually need. 13.5Observability: Samsung Smart TVs come up with built in apps and other download able apps. Consumers of that TVs can use Internet and other Internet based apps like Skype, Face book, YouTube, Twitter other than only watching TV. They have their own Apps store for Smart TVs. Through which consumers can easily use tons of thousand apps instantly. These benefits attract potential consumers a lot and make big impact on their buying behavior. This is a great innovation, which consumers really liked. Walton TVs dont feature that kind of any benefit. Consumers can only watch tradition TV channels and videos through DVD players. It doesnt add more values to consumers money and it is only observed as 3D, LCD or LED TVs not Smart One.

14. Decision making process: As a human being we take a lot of decisions in our day to day life. Here we are talking about consumer decision making process. A lot of factors are working behind before making a decision. If we think about decision generally that is the selection of an option from two or more alternatives choices. Here we are going to show that how a family makes a purchase decision of television. Here we are considering Walton TV as a domestic product and Samsung TV as a foreign product. If we want to understand that how a family makes purchase decision of Walton TV and Samsung TV, we have to understand the first their level of consumer decision making. We know that not all consumers decision making situation receive the same degree of information research. There are three levels of consumer decision making process. They are: Extensive problem solving. Limited problem solving. Routinized response behavior. 14.1 Extensive problem solving: As we are considering here Walton TV and Samsung TV, these products are in level-Extensive problem solving stage because when a family goes to make a purchase decision of a television set, they establish a set of criteria for evaluation. At this level they need a great deal of information to establish a set of criteria on which to judge specific brands. 14.2 Limited problem solving: Although our selected product is not in this stage, but it is that consumers already have established the basic criteria for evaluating the product category and the various brands in the category. In this level individual search for additional information is more like fine-tuning. 14.3 Routinized response behavior: Consumers are normally in this level of consumer decision making when products are low involvement products. In this level they review what they know. They can also search small amount of additional information. 15.Decision making process of Walton and Samsung TV for a family: Here are the two products. One is Walton TV (domestic) and another is Samsung TV. Decision making process of both televisions is quite similar but still has some differences. As Walton TV

is domestic product, people have a lot of questions about the quality of Walton TV. On the other hand Samsung TV is foreign product; people think that Samsung TV is better quality television. Moreover, People have a soft corner to the Walton TV while decision making process because they think it is Bangladeshi product. They feel more connection with Walton. Lets see how a family makes a decision to purchase Walton and Samsung TV.

16. Model of consumer decision making process:

16.1 Input: The input component of our consumer decision-making model draws on external influences that serve as source of information about Walton and Samsung TV and influence a consumers product-related values, attitudes, and behavior. Input includes marketing mix by Walton and Samsung TV which give a lot of information about their television. It also includes Socio culture environment such as family, informal sources, other non-commercial sources, social class, subculture and culture. This factors play a big role while decision making process for Television.

16.2Process: The process concerned with how a family makes decision of Walton and Samsung TV. There are three component of process. They are need recognition, pre-purchase search and Evaluation of alternatives.

16.3 Need recognition: When a family feels that they cannot watch television. They miss a lot of programs which can give them a lot of entertainment. This is a problem for a family. To solve this problem they need to buy a new television from a particular brand. This is need recognition.

16.4 Pre-purchase search: Pre-purchase search begins when a consumer perceives a need that might be satisfied by the purchase and consumption of a product. Here pre-purchase begins when a family perceives that they need a television. Then family begins to search information about television. Past experience can give enough information for the family if they had television before. If the family does not have any experience, they have to engage in exclusive search of the outside environment for useful information. Walton TV and Samsung TV advertise a lot from which a family can get important information. They can also search internet, can visit the website of Walton and Samsung to know the latest version of TV and innovative features.

There are many factors that are likely to increase pre-purchase search such as product factor, experience, social responsibility, value related considerations, demographic characteristics of consumer, personality etc. 16.5. Evaluation of alternatives: There are many alternative television brands available for a family to choose. They already gathered information about different brands. Some brands are Walton, Samsung, Sony, Singer, Panasonic, LG, Rangs etc. They can use following method to evaluate alternative. 16.6Evoke set method: A family can choose Walton or Samsung TV from all alternatives based on features.

16.7Criteria used for evaluating brands: Normally a family set following criteria for evaluating TV brands is picture quality, length of warranty, cable ready, price, size of screen etc. A comparison of different brands and calculation are given in appendix. 16.8Output: The output portion of the consumer decision-making model concerns two closely associated kinds of post-decision activity. They are purchase behavior and post purchase evaluation. 16.9Purchase behavior: When a family buys a television from Walton or Samsung TV that is purchase behavior. 16.10Post purchase behavior: After using the television what are their evaluation that is post purchase behavior.

17. Conclusion: By analyzing various concepts & theoretical framework we can reach in conclusion that the above mentioned points play a vital role in consumers mind while purchase decision making process. Whether the product is domestic or foreign, if the product meets the appropriate needs & wants & earns the customers satisfaction fully, that is the important point. So, taking all these aspects in consideration, integrated marketing communication, and advertising & promotional program plan must be constructed.

18. Recommendation: Consumers psychology, mind set, outlook, perceptions, choice, tastes, needs & wants should be taking into consideration at first. While competing with foreign company, internal strengths & weaknesses & external opportunities & threats must be analyzed properly. Domestic company should use unique positioning strategy to differentiate it from the highly competitive market to break through the clutter. As the foreign products are high in quality, the domestic company should focus on quality improvement & better services & price efficiency. An objective, creative, & well guided integrated marketing communication, advertizing & promotional program should be incorporated with efficient strategic business plan.



1. Leon G.Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, (2010-2011), Consumer Behavior, 9th edn, ch:4, consumer motivation, pg.80, ch:9, communication & consumer behavior, pg.280, ch:12, The influence of culture on consumer behavior, pg.396, ch:15, consumer influence & diffusion of innovation, pg.480, Prentice Hall, India. 2. Kenneth E. Clow, Donald Baak, (2010-2011), Integrated Advertising, Promotion & Marketing Communication, 3rd edn, ch:3, Buyer behavior, pg.82, Pearson-Prentice Hall. 3. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, (2011-2012), Organizational Behavior, 13th edn, ch:5, Perception & individual decision making, pg.170, Pearson International edition. 4. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong,(2002), 12th edn, ch:5, Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer Behavior, pg.128, Prentice Hall. 5. Gene Boone, Dave Kurtz, (2010-2011), Contemporary Business, 11th edn, ch:12, Customer driven marketing, pg.382, Thomson-South Western. 6. www.wikipedia/Samsung-Korea.com 7. www.walton.com.bd


1. Questionnaire Form: Please tick () mark. Gender: 1) Male 2) 26-35 2) Female 3) 36-45 4) 46 and onwards

Age Group: 1) 18-25

Do you prefer foreign brand while making decision on buying a TV? 1) Yes 2) No

Would You Consider Warranty period as a buying Factor? 1) Yes 2) No

Can Price Factor influence your decision of buying a Particular Brand? 1) Yes 2) No

How do you first get to see the different advertisements of TVs? 1) TV Channels 5) Others. What are the factors you consider to choose foreign brand other than local brand. (Vice verse) You can select more than one. 1) Price 2) Quality 3) Warranty 4) Brand value 5) Product Innovation 2) Internet 3) Newspaper and Magazines 4) Billboard

6) Others (Please specify). Would you wish to have more features on your TV like Apps, Internet and more? 1) Yes 2) No

If yes then please let us known what are they

Thank You Indeed!!!!!

2. Factors Considered by consumers before buying a TV:

Product innovation 6% Brand Value 20% Quality 13%

others 2% Price 26%

Price and Quality 33%

Analysis: We have taken interview of 50 persons, who have come from different age group to different social classes. In the result, we found that 33% of people consider price and quality of TVs as their principle concern. After that, Brand value comes to consider. We can say that every producer of TVs should focus on those particular issues with more attention to keep their consumers in their buckets.

3. Media Vehicle:

Billboard 15%

Internet 4%

Others TV Channels 6% 35%

Newspaper And Magazines

Analysis: Newspaper and TVC are plays key role in drawing attention of consumers. As there is very low penetration of Internet all over country, Internet or online marketing cant pay off much to the marketers. Both two media vehicles should be considered to market their products into this market keeping in mind the low penetration of Internet.

4. Evaluation criteria:
Evaluation criteria Price Picture quality Length of warranty Size of screen Cable ready Total Walton (Domestic) 5 4 5 Samsung (Foreign) 4 5 5 Singer LG Sony

5 3 4

3 4 5

3 5 5

4 3 21

4 4 22

5 3 20

4 4 20

4 4 21

5. Advertisement:

Figure: Samsung LCD TV

Figure: Walton LCD TV

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