Pyramid Power

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Disclosing Pyramid Energy What is the relationship between pyramids, orgone and negative ions?

How does py ramid energy mechanism works? nterestingtheory about mechanism of pyramid power is brought by Vilim Kanjski an d Hrvoje Zujic in their book "Removed veil of pyramids secrets". Authors propose idea that pyramids are generators of high frequency energy. Basically, pyramid has crystal shape. The shape of the pyramid is accumulating t he energy of the surrounding, whether that is the sun energy during the day, moo n energy during the night or the energy below pyramid. The energy is accumulated at the 1/3 from the bottom of the pyramid. Life energy, bioenergy, prana, chi o r orgone are different names for the energy that integrate all life in the unive rse. Orgone is associated with high concentration of negative ions. The water is the medium of transfer of negative ions and orgone in the nature. Ice and water are accumulators of orgone. Underground water is therefore the accumulator of g round orgone.According the authors the exposure to underground water, while bein g above them, can have negative impact to human, while exposure to surface water , while being in caves has positive impact to human health. Channels, tunnels an d caves below pyramids are transferring orgone through the pyramid. If we look a t the wider surrounding of the pyramid and their place on planet, they are based between atmosphere ( positively charged ionosphere ) and earth negatively charg ed.As the orgone is transferred through the pyramid, from the base up to the ape x, the discharge at the top can appear. Further more, they proclaim that there i s the possibility of appearance of scalar waves at the top of pyramid. The natur e of discharge is electro-magnetic-impulse-gravitational energy. Since the pyram ids were covered with white limestone ( yin ), while the pyramid body was made o f yellow limestone ( yang ), the pyramid behaves as giant orgone accumulator. Th eory sound interesting since it tries to explain the pyramid energy through anal ysis of pyramid but also, but all surrounding elements including the planet eart h.

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