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National Identity

MOTTO: In the face of impossible odds, people who love his country can change it. BarackObama
The Republic of Moldova can be apparently a small country, with landlocked nation on the far eastern periphery of Europe without any well-known cities or other attractions. However, despite its small size, Moldova is home to a staggering array of different nationalities, religions, and cultures. With a rich history reaching back far into the ancient world, Moldova at least has a proud past, despite its uncertain future. The definition of to be moldovan can't be defined by a dictionary, but by people. Th is is in all our hearts. If you love your national identity, you will be pround to say: I'm a patriot and I love my birthplace". Patriotism may be a disease, but it's one which no man should have any intention of curing. It brings out compassion, courage, work ethics, and bravery in us all. The feeling of national identity is important for the Freedom of a Country. The proud of their identity person will always be ready to sacrifice his life for the love for his country. Patriotism is one of the best virtues of men. It is a noble feeling of the mind. It is said that mother and motherland are superior to heaven. Most man have got a love for their country. Some are ready to sacrifice their own interest for the good of the country. We must love our country; at the same time we must not hate others. Wars break out between two nations for want of love for other countries. We should, therefore, love our country as well as those of others. In this small place it's involve a great people with high cultural identity. To be citizen of Moldova for me at the first place means- to love my parents and my education. My education determine who I am now, and who was my parents and grandparents 50 years ago. It's a little bit from moldovian culture which follow our generations to nowadays and develop in us the common spirit of national identitymoldovian identity. In my personal point of view i think that it's impossible to delimitate our identity by our forefather's history. It's simply, if you don't now the history of our country, you don't read the history of foundation, developing and crises period of our national identity, you will increas in your soul indiference to your nation, because you don't have moral base to love your motherland. I'm pround to be moldavan because I'm pround of my father, of my grandfather and of my forefathers. Why? They made peace on the earth on where I walk, I respect their actions, and I choose promote it in society. When I say "Moldova" I see a small place of county, with villages and rustic views , because I associate this with my childhood. Gardens and fields in Moldova are very important since it is the produce from these that feed the population during the winter time. Autumn is the time when food is preserved in jars big and small and placed in the cellars for winter consumption. Everything from pickled watermelon to tomato in every form, any fruit or vegetable you can think of is preserved and consumed during the winter. This is partly because these fruits and veggies are extremely expensive during the winter, since they are imported. The next big thing are the grapes. This is huge in Moldova since every other household grows grapes and makes house wine. Moldovans are proud of their house wine and every household believes theirs

is the best. They all boast of how "natural" their wine is without preservatives, and guarantees you that theirs is the most tasty. The national symbols represent over six hundred years of history as well as a close connection to Romania. The state flag is composed of the traditional Romanian colors of blue, yellow, and red. In the center is the republic's seal, consisting of the Romanian eagle with the historical Moldovan seal on its breast. Since the fourteenth century, the seal has consisted of an ox's head with a star between its horns, a rose to the right, and a crescent to the left. The national anthem was the same as that of Romania in the early years of independence but was changed to "Our Language" ( Limbanoastr ), which is also the name of the second most important secular holiday. All these symbols, however, do not appeal to other ethnic groups and thus confine the idea of an "imagined community" to the titular nation. Moldova is a democratic and unitary republic. Since the territorial-administrative reform of 1999, it has been divided into ten districts and the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia. A special status is envisaged for the Transdniestrian region. The political system is mixed parliamentary-presidential, with the parliament (one hundred one representatives) and president both directly elected for a fouryear period. The prime minister is appointed by the president only after the minister and his or her cabinet have received a vote of confidence from the parliamentary majority. The rights of the president to dissolve the parliament are very restricted. Some executive powers are vested in the president's hands: he or she can issue decrees and has special powers in defense and foreign policy. The delicate balance of power between parliament, government, and president is held to be responsible for the relatively high level of democracy as well as the blocking of important reform projects. Consequently, there have been discussions aimed at strengthening the powers of the president. Judicial powers are vested in the courts. The caracteristic for national literature is the ballad Mioria . Oral literature and folklore were prevalent until the nineteenth century. This and the classical Moldovan literature of the nineteenth century can hardly be distinguished from Romanian literature. The greatest Romanian writer, MihaiEminescu, was born in the western part of Moldova and is perceived by Moldovans as part of their national heritage. Other renowned Moldovan writers include Alexei Mateevici, the author o f the poem " Limbanoastr ;" the playwright VasileAlecsandri; the novelist Ion Creang and the historian AlexandruHjdeu. Ion Drua, NicolaeDabija, LeonidaLari, DumitruMatcovschi, and GrigorieVieru are regarded as the greatest contemporary writers and poets. We are a nation, we have national identity and we are pround of it. My idea of national identity can be apply just for 1 other place- Ramnia. Our countries have common history, common tradition and religion. I can't say that our nation it's betterthen others, but we have something special, which divide us from others. Republic of Moldova truly reflects the moldovan identity in our traditions, mentality and culture. A true citizen is one who loves and serves his own country as a loyal citizen. He is called a true citizen who loves his coun-try and is ready to sacrifice his all for her cause, and whole-heartedly works for the welfare of his motherland.If his motherland is attacked by the enemies, he does not hesitate to fight for the protection of freedom of his native land. He can do any thing to glorify his country. He feels proud of his country. This patriotic feeling can be found in many great heroes in history.

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