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The District of Columbia Public Library

FY 2009 Year-to-Date Report

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Document #8B
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
FY 2009 Budget Status
• With 91.8% of the fiscal year elapsed, 88.9% of the Gross personnel services (PS)
budget and 101.7% of the non-personnel services (NPS) have been obligated. The
elevated obligation in NPS remains associated with the increased fixed costs
• Year-to-Date Local PS obligations are in line with the Gross figures above.
• Year-end Local PS expenditures are projected at $28.4M or 96.9% of the Local PS
budget of $29.3M. The remaining $904K will cover the revised fixed costs deficit of
$860K leaving a surplus of $72K or less than two tenths of 1%.
• A Local reprogramming for $70K to purchase needed computers, equipment and
furnishings is pending Mayoral approval.
• A final reprogramming will be executed to ensure that DCPL does not exceed the anti-
deficiency threshold by program and by fund. For instance, the fixed costs overspending
causes a Local deficit in program, Agency Management. To make certain that this
program is balanced at year-end, DCPL will request a reprogramming from other
• Federal, Private, Other and Intra-District revenue collections will be sufficient to support
the agency’s respective budgets.
FY 2009 Budget Status
(YTD - as of August 31, 2009 - Gross)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 20,681,965 18,509,234 2,172,731 89.5%
12 Regular Pay- Other 3,467,267 2,685,704 781,563 77.5%
13 Additional Gross Pay 574,162 501,629 72,533 87.4%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 4,486,892 4,344,647 142,245 96.8%
15 Overtime 617,970 462,297 155,673 74.8%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 29,828,256 26,503,511 3,324,745 88.9%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 835,031 689,220 145,811 82.5%
30 Energy and Utilities 2,177,063 2,990,203 (813,139) 137.4%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 540,871 460,433 80,437 85.1%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 125,059 412,499 (287,440) 329.8%
33 Janitorial Services 8,000 8,000 0 100.0%
34 Security Services 4,000 4,000 0 100.0%
35 Occupancy 18,000 18,000 0 100.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 4,807,268 4,834,325 (27,057) 100.6%
41 Contractual Services & Other 2,162,632 1,952,239 210,393 90.3%
50 Subsidies and Transfers 47,429 47,429 0 100.0%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 6,667,429 6,276,993 390,436 94.1%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 17,392,782 17,693,493 (300,711) 101.7%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 47,221,038 44,197,004 3,024,033 93.6%

FY 2009 Budget Status
(YTD - as of August 31, 2009 – Local)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 20,516,541 18,358,471 2,158,070 89.5%
12 Regular Pay- Other 3,198,453 2,436,855 761,598 76.2%
13 Additional Gross Pay 572,426 499,706 72,719 87.3%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 4,404,699 4,269,524 135,176 96.9%
15 Overtime 617,970 462,033 155,937 74.8%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 29,310,089 26,026,589 3,283,499 88.8%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 808,476 702,726 105,751 86.9%
30 Energy and Utilities 2,177,063 2,990,203 (813,139) 137.4%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 540,871 460,433 80,437 85.1%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 125,059 412,499 (287,440) 329.8%
33 Janitorial Services 8,000 8,000 0 100.0%
34 Security Services 4,000 4,000 0 100.0%
35 Occupancy 18,000 18,000 0 100.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 4,379,291 4,158,912 220,379 95.0%
41 Contractual Services & Other 1,524,412 1,510,225 14,187 99.1%
50 Subsidies and Transfers 0 0 0 0.0%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 6,089,304 5,898,268 191,036 96.9%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 15,674,477 16,163,418 (488,941) 103.1%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 44,984,565 42,190,007 2,794,558 93.8%

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