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Osanna of Cattaro

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Blessed Osanna of Cattaro (Ozana Kotorska)

Blessed Osanna of Cattaro Virgin, Mystic, and Anchoress 25 ovem!er "#$% Born &ele'i (") or *umano,(2) +rincipality of ,eta-.ontenegro 2/ 0pril "515 Died Cattaro 2*otor3, 0l!ania 4eneta 2&epu!lic of 4enice3 Honored in &oman Catholic Church "$25 2cultus confirmed3 Beatified "$%# 2!eatified3 !y +ope +ius 67 Feast 2/ 0pril atronage *otor, .ontenegro Blessed Osanna of Cattaro 2kno8n in 9er!ian as Ozana Kotorska3 8as a Catholic :ominican tertiary, visionary, anchoress, and convert from Orthodo;y(%) of 9er!ian descent(#) from .ontenegro<


" =ife 2 4eneration % &eferences # >;ternal links

Osanna 8as !orn in a village in ,eta to a 9er!ian Orthodo;(%) priestly family named *osi? and 8as !apti'ed Jovana in that tradition<(5) @er father 8as priest +ero *osi? and her uncle 8as .arko *osi?, a monk 8ith the name of A.akariBeA 8ho later !ecame 9er!ian Orthodo; Bishop of ,eta< @er grandfather 0leksa *osi? and her great grandfather Curo *osi? 8ere also Orthodo; priests< 9he 8as a shepherdess in her youth, and developed the ha!it of spending her solitary hours in prayer< 0 story says that one day 8hile 8atching the flocks, she sa8 a child lying asleep on the grass< 0ttracted !y its !eauty, she 8ent to pick up the !a!y, !ut it disappeared, leaving Jovana 8ith a feeling of great loneliness<(2) Jovana continued to have these apparitions< When she 8as "# years old, her visions !egan to !e follo8ed !y an odd desire to travel to the coastal 4enetian to8n of Cattaro in 0l!ania 4eneta 2Bay of *otor, modernDday .ontenegro3, 8here she felt she could pray !etter< @er mother did not understand, and grudgingly arranged a position for Jovana as a servant to the 8ealthy Catholic Bucca family, 8ho allo8ed the girl as much time as she 8ished for church visits< 7n Cattaro, *atarina a!andoned 9er!ian Orthodo;y and converted to &oman Catholicism, and took the name *atarina 2Catherine Cosie3<(2)(%) *atarina learned to read and 8rite during her free time< 9he read religious !ooks in !oth =atin and 7talian, especially the @oly 9criptures<(") 7n her late teens, *atarina felt a call to live the life of an anchoress< Ehough she 8as considered very young for such a calling, her spiritual director had her 8alled up in a cell !uilt near 9aint Bartholome8Fs church in Cattaro< 7t had a 8indo8 through 8hich *atarina could hear .ass and another 8indo8 to 8hich people 8ould occasionally come to ask for prayers or give food< *atarina made the customary promises of sta!ility and the door 8as sealed<(2) 0fter an earthGuake destroyed her first hermitage, she moved to a cell at 9aint +aulFs church, and !ecame a :ominican tertiary, taking the name Osanna in memory of Blessed Osanna of .antua< 9he 8ould follo8 the :ominican rule for the last 52 years of her life< 0 group of :ominican sisters took up residence near her, consulting her for guidance, and came to consider her their leader< Osanna soon had so many follo8ers that a convent 8as founded for them<(%) 7n her tiny cell, it is said that Osanna received many visions< Ehese included the Christ as a !a!y, the 4irgin .ary, several saints< Once the :evil appeared to her in the form of the Blessed 4irgin and told her to modify her penances< By o!edience to her confessor, Osanna managed to penetrate this clever disguise and vanGuish this enemy< (2)(%) 0 convent of sisters founded at Cattaro regarded her as their foundress !ecause of her prayers, although she never actually sa8 the place< When the city 8as attacked on $ 0ugust "5%$ !y *hair adD:in Bar!arossa, and Cattaro 8as threatened, the citi'ens of Cattaro ran to her for help<(") Ehey credited their deliverance to her prayers and counsel< 0nd yet another time, her prayers 8ere credited to saving them from the plague<(2)

Ehe incorrupt !ody of Blessed Osanna 8as kept in the Church of 9t< +aul until "5H/, 8hen the French 0rmy converted the church into a 8arehouse< @er !ody 8as then !rought to the Church of 9t< .ary< Ehe people of *otor venerated her as a saint< 7n "$H5, the process for her !eatification !egan in *otor and 8as successfully completed in &ome< 7n "$2/, +ope +ius 67 approved her cultus,(") and in "$%#, she 8as formally !eatified<(%) Over the course of her holy life, the people of *otor came to call her Athe trumpet of the @oly 9piritA and the Ateacher of mysticism<A +eople from all 8alks of life came to her for advice, and she interceded particularly for peace in the to8n and among feuding families< Eherefore, she 8as also called Athe 4irgin &econcilerA and the A0ngel of +eace<A(")

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