CI Boom 2014 Feb

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Critical Infrastructure Disasters 2014 Feb

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Critical Infrastructure Disasters 2014 Feb

News etc. digested by Alister William Macintyre

CI Boom 2014 Feb describes critical infrastructure disasters. What can be done to
mitigate such incidents are in my main analysis document.1 Last updated 2014 Feb 25
Version 1.46

Table of Contents, allow up to level 3 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 2 Tags............................................................................................................................. 3 Geography and severities............................................................................................ 3 CI disaster stories 2014 February ....................................................................................... 3 California Polio-like........................................................................................................ 4 2014 Feb Energy needs during a severe winter .................................................................. 4 2014 Feb 01 Indonesia Volcano 14 dead ..................................................................... 5 2014 Feb 02 NC coal ash spilled .................................................................................... 5 Sierra Club on Coal Ash ............................................................................................. 5 2014 Feb 02 Air disaster Dubai preparedness ................................................................ 5 2014 Feb 03 Keystone study = cancer ............................................................................ 6 2014 Feb 05 Argentina Archive fire 9 dead................................................................. 6 2014 Feb 05 Fracking Methane Risks ............................................................................ 6 2014 Feb 06 tool to track oil spills.................................................................................. 6 2014 Feb 06 KC Mo Investigation.................................................................................. 6 2014 Feb 06 CRS report on rail transport of oil ............................................................. 7 2014 Feb 06 International Safety Rules.......................................................................... 8 2014 Feb 08 Gas Leak Detection new system ................................................................ 8 2014 Feb 08 Bangladesh Owners Surrender................................................................... 8 2014 Feb 09 Smoking ignites Gas Leak ......................................................................... 9 2014 Feb 09 Fukushima Scare........................................................................................ 9 2014 Feb 10 Peterborough NH Ball Bearings Explosion ............................................... 9 2014 Feb 10 Oil Leaks Profitable ................................................................................... 9 2014 Feb 10 Or Disaster Agency Fails Audit ............................................................... 10 2014 Feb 11 WV Coal Slurry spill ............................................................................... 10 2014 Feb 11 Pa Chevron Gas Well Explosion and Fire ............................................... 10 2014 Feb 11 IN building explodes................................................................................ 11 2014 Feb 12 CI Cyber Security .................................................................................... 11 2014 Feb 12 GAO Bad Weather Impact....................................................................... 12 2014 Feb 12 CNN Editorial: Bury Power Lines........................................................... 12 2014 Feb 13 KY gas line explosion.............................................................................. 12 2014 Feb-14 ...................................................................................................................... 13 2014 Feb 14 NM Radioactive Waste Breach................................................................ 13 2014 Feb 14 Pa Turnpike pile up.................................................................................. 14 2014 Feb 14 NY lawsuit demanding more fracking ..................................................... 14

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2014 Feb 14 USA Methane risks .................................................................................. 14 2014 Feb 14 Coal power plants to be replaced ............................................................. 15 2014 Feb-15 ...................................................................................................................... 15 2014 Feb 15 Weather Lessons ...................................................................................... 15 2014 Feb 16 Israeli cell phones vs. gas explosion 5 dead ......................................... 15 2014 Feb 17 Asteroid close approach to Earth ............................................................. 16 2014 Feb 19 Fukushima Leak....................................................................................... 16 2014 Feb 19 Keystone Updates .................................................................................... 17 2014 Feb 20 GA Movie Crew hit by freight train 1 dead.......................................... 18 2014 Feb 21 Utah factory explodes .............................................................................. 18 2014 Feb 21 Newton MA Manhole Explosion. ............................................................ 19 2014 Feb 21 KY Cane Run Odor.................................................................................. 19 2014 Feb-22 ...................................................................................................................... 19 2014 Feb 22 Enbridge oil leaks into Ontario Canada ................................................... 19 2014 Feb 22 Britain Nuclear Gamble ........................................................................... 20 2014 Feb 22 Carbon Monoxide in NY Mall 1 dead .................................................. 20 2014 Feb 22 Toone TN 2 Kilgore explosions............................................................... 20 2014 Feb 22 Chicago IL house explodes...................................................................... 21 2014 Feb 22 Indianapolis In house fire - 4 dead........................................................... 21 2014 Feb 22 KS Dust Bowl returning says Al Gore..................................................... 21 2014 Feb 22 G20 discusses Infrastructure .................................................................... 21 2014 Feb-23 ...................................................................................................................... 21 2014 Feb 23 Mississippi River Oil Spill....................................................................... 21 2014 Feb 24 UK Oil and Gas Industry ......................................................................... 22 2014 Feb 24 BC Canada House Explodes .................................................................... 22 2014 Feb 25 Ireland Gas Fire Explosion ...................................................................... 22 Continued in more documents .......................................................................................... 22

The following is also description in Scribd upload, of what is relevant to this time line segment. Events & new info in 2014 Feb time line were in: Argentina; Bangladesh; Britain; Canada; Dubai; G20; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Japan; USA. A spectrum of critical infrastructure disasters occurred in Feb 2014, for which humans were unprepared, although most of the disasters were sufficiently predictable, that they should have been better mitigated, Theres science and engineering best practices to limit risk of a spill, and if there is a leak, either rapidly detect it and fix it, or limit how far the trouble spreads. This is apparently missing for many enterprises handling dangerous chemicals, and for people living and working near gas leaks,

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11 Tags or major areas of concern, with the info in this time line installment: Disaster unpreparedness, evacuation, explosions, fracking, keystone, leak detection, mapping utilities, nuclear, spill, statistics, winter weather drivers

Geography and severities

The following is an effort to: Identify cities which belong in the tags; Identify worst stories in this segment, to be incorporated in overall big picture. Geographies, in this time line segment, where incidents were rather severe, in terms of Disaster preparedness very poor; numbers of people inconvenienced, hurt or killed; property damage.
Coal Spills NC 82,000 tons WV 100,000 tons

Fracking Gas Factory explosions NH Peterborough Ball Bearings 2014 Feb-10 TN Munitions 2014 Feb-22 UT Magnesium 2014 Feb-21 IL Chicago 2014 Feb 22 IN 2014 Feb 11 and 22 KY 2014 Feb-13 MA Boston 2014 Feb 21 PA 2014 Feb 11-16 2014 Feb 09 Ireland 2014 Feb 25 Israel 2014 Feb 16

Gas Leaks ignited

Radioactive Waste Breach Tar sands can allegedly cause cancer Winter Weather drivers sometimes seem unable to drive safetly

CI disaster stories 2014 February

Here is an installment of my incident time line for my notes on Critical Infrastructure (CI) disasters. I collect info about many disasters, see what they have in common, then 3 Critical Infrastructure disasters 2014 Feb Here is the main document:

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consider what improvements could be made in efforts to mitigate risk of high damage in the next similar incident, or even reduce the frequency in which they occur. My overall analysis and mitigation evaluation is in a separate parent document, from these incident time-line chunks.2 There seem to be many causes, for Critical Infrastructure disasters, such as: ignorance about risks, on the part of companies, government officials, and the general public; criminal negligence, more commonly unintentional than intentional; insufficient corporate reporting to local government what dangerous chemicals they have, so that zoning can avoid schools and high density population right next door; a lack of public education to get witnesses to promptly report leak odors; government safety and environmental regulations poorly communicated to where there is need to know them typically government inspectors visit a microscopic fraction of places they know about, and educate thru infraction notification, while there are many thousands of relevant places unknown to regulatory agencies; certain stupid behavior leads to totally avoidable disasters, but this happens piecemeal in community after community, different places which fail to learn from a million other communities, until it is their turn to experience the same type event.

California Polio-like
In the past 18 months, 20 people have been infected so far, mostly children, all of whom were vaccinated against polio.3

2014 Feb Energy needs during a severe winter

When President Obama came into office, the US economy was suffering from severe dependence on foreign oil, whose international proximity to peak oil, was driving up prices. We still have proximity to peak supplies for many commodities, but America is growing more energy independent, but this thanks to environmentally controversial fracking and other technologies. For many weeks, the US Midwest suffers a propane shortage.4 Propane comes from natural gas and domestic oil. Different parts of the nation have had different kinds of energy shortages this winter. In California, they are hurting for natural gas. For several months we are having one winter storm after another, which I believe is due to global warming putting more moisture into the atmosphere.

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2014 Feb 01 Indonesia Volcano 14 dead

Most all volcanoes have science monitoring activity and warning when they get more active. Authorities had evacuated people from the area of a volcano on the island of Sumatra for that reason, but the activity seemed to be dying down, so authorities allowed people to return. Then the volcano erupted, killing 14 people. 5

2014 Feb 02 NC coal ash spilled

Duke EnergyAmericas largest energy corporationreported a spill of an estimated 82,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River near Eden, North Carolina. 6

Sierra Club on Coal Ash

According to the Sierra Club: Sign the Petition to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy7 Posted By: Sierra Club (campaign leader) This has to stop. For six days this month, toxic coal ash gushed into North Carolinas Dan River, turning the water into "gray sludge" and leaving layers of toxic muck on the river banks. North Carolina isnt alone. There are more than 1,100 coal ash sites nationwide. In some places, the heaps of toxic waste are so close to communities that a stiff breeze sends clouds of ash over peoples homes. In others, the ash sits in unlined ponds, leaching chemicals into the groundwater. Tell the EPA to finally protect our rivers and our communities from coal's toxic waste.8

2014 Feb 02 Air disaster Dubai preparedness

Growth in passenger numbers, at major airports, is accompanied by an increased risk of something going wrong, in the air or on the ground. Growth produces increased stress for management, flight crews and those ensuring aircraft and supporting infrastructure are properly maintained. We have also seen cost cutting can sabotage proper maintenance and safety. There are many initiatives to make sure busy airports, and busy airlines, are ready to deal with any crisis. Disaster drills are one of the most effective. Dubais approach is to have a conference to discuss these issues.9
5 6 7 8 9

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2014 Feb 03 Keystone study = cancer

A new University of Toronto-Scarborough study published Monday says theres another reason to be concerned about oil production in the tar sands: The Canadian government may have underestimated emissions of carcinogens known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, from the Alberta tar sands, and they may be a major hazard to both human and ecosystem health.10 For anyone living along the Keystone XL Pipelines route, PAHs are a big deal, said Jules M. Blais, a University of Ottawa chemical and toxicology professor who is unaffiliated with the study.

2014 Feb 05 Argentina Archive fire 9 dead

Buenos Aires, Argentina -- 9 first-responders were killed and 7 others injured as they battled a fire of unknown origin that destroyed an archive of corporate and banking industry documents in Argentinas capital .11

2014 Feb 05 Fracking Methane Risks

Most anti-fracking reports have focused on ground water contamination, thanks to the chemicals injected into the ground to get the oil out. Here is an explanation of fracking gas or methane.12

2014 Feb 06 tool to track oil spills

A newly developed computer model holds the promise of helping scientists track and predict where oil will go after a spill, sometimes years later. U.S. Geological Survey scientists developed the model as a way of tracking the movement of sand and oil found along the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The new tool can help guide clean-up efforts, and be used to aid the response to future oil spills. 13

2014 Feb 06 KC Mo Investigation

2014 Feb 06, the Missouri (Mo) Public Service Commission (PSC) came out with a report on the deadly natural gas explosion and massive fire that destroyed a well-known Kansas City (KC) restaurant a year ago. Feb. 19, 2013 about 4:45 pm, the problem started when a Heartland Midwest construction crew struck a gas line. This was ignited by a pilot light in the restaurant kitchen. The cause was found to include failures by Missouri Gas Energy personnel. Heartland Midwest had filed with Missouri One to have the utility lines marked before employees began to dig. A gas and electrical line was marked, but a second gas line was not marked, and that is the one which got hit.14

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2014 Feb 06 CRS report on rail transport of oil

CRS = Congressional Research Service, a think tank to brief politicians on contemporary issues. While these reports are open to the general public, the government does not distribute them on any public web site. Warning, some government reports are dense with geek terminology and acronyms. CRS are among the worst like that. FAS = Federation of American Scientists. They manage to get their hands on CRS reports, and periodically share with us, what they have found. 15 Heres U.S. Rail Transportation of Crude Oil: Background and Issues for Congress, February 6, 2014.16
The US now meets 66% of its crude oil demand from production in North America, displacing foreign imports and positioning the US to have excess oil and refined products supplies in some regions. While pipelines are supposedly safer and more economical than surface transportation, our pipelines are dying of old age, so a lot of crude is now traveling by rail. According to rail industry officials, U.S. freight railroads are estimated to have carried more than 400,000 carloads of crude oil in 2013 (roughly equivalent to 280 million barrels), compared to 9,500 carloads in 2008. Crude imports by rail from Canada have increased more than 20-fold since 2011.

The report gives info on oil transported by pipeline, rail, truck, barge, ocean going vessels, with statistics on volumes, economics, oil spills, for each. See the graphic on page 12 actual, 9 labeled. This info is very different than what I have seen from other sources, which claimed pipelines are the safest way for oil to travel.

Oil spill per billion ton miles.

Least spilled = barges & tank vessels 1990-1995 about equal for pipe lines, rail, tanker trucks. 1996-2001 tanker trucks got much worse (over 300 barrels spilled per billion ton miles) pipelines second worse (over 150) rail in next place (over 100) barges best (over 50) 2002-2007 all got better, but sequence same tanker trucks worst (over 200) pipelines second worse (over 100) rail third (about 30) barges safest (less than 20)

15 16 25 pages

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I remember this rail safety design from a Breaking Bad episode of how to steal from it.17

2014 Feb 06 International Safety Rules

The chairperson of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) commended the International Code Council (ICC) and its members for revising the International Fire Code (IFC) and International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) to prohibit the unsafe practice that killed six workers in a tragic explosion at the Kleen Energy power generation facility in Middletown, Connecticut. This week marks the fourth anniversary of the accident. 18

2014 Feb 08 Gas Leak Detection new system

UGI Utilities is testing new gas leak detection technology, strapped to the front of an ordinary Nissan pickup truck and hooked up to a computer, uses infrared light to detect escaping natural gas and pinpoint the location of leaks. It is more sensitive than the standard flame-ionization technology now used by UGI, and isnt triggered by other flammable gases.19 UGIs old technology failed to detect a leak which led to a massive explosion Feb 2011 in Allentown. UGI is the first utility in Pennsylvania to test this new technology.

2014 Feb 08 Bangladesh Owners Surrender

Remember 2013 April 24,20 when an illegally constructed factory fell down in Bangladesh. Apparently not all the owner perpetrators had been identified and arrested, until now.21 13 people have been charged with homicide, thanks to their culpability in creating an unsafe building, then forcing workers to be there. 22
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2014 Feb 09 Smoking ignites Gas Leak

While taking a smoking break outside his rental home, this ignited a gas leak, and now the victim is facing a series of surgeries.23

2014 Feb 09 Fukushima Scare

This You Tube video was uploaded 2014 Feb-09.24 It is from a pediatrician who is also an anti-war anti-nuke activist.25 I prefer to get my facts from relevant scientists, such as the Union of Concerned Scientists,26 and the Federation of American Scientists,27 so before you get into a panic about what is in this presentation, go visit authoritative sites, some of which I have links to in notes in my Japan Nuclear collection.28

2014 Feb 10 Peterborough NH Ball Bearings Explosion

An explosion rocked the New Hampshire Ball Bearings Inc. factory in Peterborough, shaking walls, shattering windows and sending at least 15 people to the hospital, but a company spokeswoman said none of their injuries appeared to be life-threatening, however two are still in critical condition. Peterborough Fire Department spokesman Eric Bowman says all indications are that it was an industrial accident. Investigators from the state fire marshal's office visited the site, along with federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) officials, to try to figure out how it happened. More people could have been injured had it not happened around shift change, making rapid exit practical. At that time of day, there are usually about 450 people working there. The plant manufactures parts for the aerospace industry and employs 700 people. New Hampshire Ball Bearings' corporate headquarters are in Chatsworth, Calif. It's a division of Japanese company Minebea.29

2014 Feb 10 Oil Leaks Profitable

A company finds an underground leak which needs to be cleaned up. They do so, and get paid twice:
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1. Government funds reimburse them for cost of clean up. 2. Insurance company reimburses them for cost of clean up. This is called double dipping, and it is fraud. Reuters found nine US states have won settlements worth more than $105 million with four companies in the past three years Chevron, Exxon, ConocoPhillips and its downstream arm Phillips 66, and Sunoco.. 30

2014 Feb 10 Or Disaster Agency Fails Audit

Oregon's emergency management agency may not be well equipped to help the state recover from a major disaster because of a history of leadership problems and an incomplete plan to handle emergencies, according to an audit released by the Secretary of State's office.31

2014 Feb 11 WV Coal Slurry spill

Remember Freedom Industries? 2014 Jan 9, they entered the news due to a chemical spill which caused 300,000 people in WV to go without tap water. Now comes Patriot Coal. They went bankrupt in 2013 December, and now have spilled More than 100,000 gallons of coal slurry poured into an eastern Kanawha County stream, which goes into the same river that Freedom Industries contaminated a month earlier. 32 The spill was caused by a malfunction of a valve inside the slurry line, carrying material from the preparation plant to a separate disposal site, according to DEP officials. There was an alarm system in place to alert facility operators of the broken valve, but the alarm failed, so pumps continued to send the toxic slurry through the system. There was a secondary containment wall around the valve, but with the pumps continuing to send slurry to the broken valve, it was soon overwhelmed and the slurry overflowed the wall and made its way to the creek. The valve broke sometime between 2:30 and 5:30 early Feb-11 morning, we learned from a news conference. Patriot Coal did not call the DEP to alert them of the leak until 7:40 am Feb-11. Companies are required to immediately report any spills to the DEP. 33

2014 Feb 11 Pa Chevron Gas Well Explosion and Fire

At Chevrons Lanco Natural Gas Well Site, in Greene County, Pennsylvania: Feb-11 morning, well 7H began burning, after an explosion which ignited 3 wells, but the other 2 fires were successfully extinguished. It took about 10 hours for
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crews, from the time Wild Well Control left Houston, until when they arrived on the scene in Greene County. The Pa head of DEP thinks that with modern technology state-of-art, such response should be no more than 5 hours. Feb-14 adjacent well 6H began burning, after sustaining damage from the heat of the fire from the initial well. Feb-15 afternoon the two wells are no longer burning. Feb-16 the local staff was able to perform an assessment of the situation, planning to cap some wells. Before implementing this, they had to remove a crane, approx 30 feet from the well head, which had been damaged by the fires, and bring in some special equipment to do so. Unrelated to the latest fire, but related to how this site operates, in December 2013, DEP inspectors found that Chevron had laid a pipeline across the pad and an access road without permission from the department. People doing construction in Pa, are not supposed to do so, without a permit. 34

2014 Feb 11 IN building explodes

There was an explosion at a Family United (an NGO) building, which is a former church not currently in use, because the NGO had recently moved to other office space. After the explosion, the building collapsed. The initial 911 call reported a gas smell in the area. The fire dept evacuated the immediate area, in case of a gas leak. 35 Attica is a city in Logan Township, Fountain County, Indiana, United States. It is centrally located on the west coast of Indiana, adjacent to Illinois The population was 3,245 at the 2010 census.36

2014 Feb 12 CI Cyber Security

For decades, the government has been urging US critical infrastructure institutions to upgrade their cyber security, and their aging physical equipment. 2014 Feb 12, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)37 announced a 41 page Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Security,38 which is a collaborative effort between industry and government, a compilation of cyber security standards and practices which the standards body hopes private sector operators will consider if they ever improve their security.39

34 35 36,_Indiana 37 38 I downloaded a copy & put it with other Cyber Security downloads within my National Security collection. 39


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2014 Feb 12 GAO Bad Weather Impact

We have been experiencing one winter storm after another. Every other year or so seems like the worst yet. I think it is due to global warming putting more moisture into the atmosphere. Anyhow the GAO just came out with a report which may be relevant to how we are collectively coping with this.
Extreme Weather Events: Limiting Federal Fiscal Exposure and Increasing the Nations Resilience, GAO-14-364T, February 12

According to the United States Global Change Research Program,40 the costs and impacts of weather disasters resulting from floods, drought, and other events are expected to increase in significance as previously rare event s become more common and intense. Since 1980, the U.S. has experienced 151 weather disasters with damages exceeding 1 billion dollars each. This GAO testimony is on 4 areas where the government could limit its fiscal exposure.
Property and Crop Insurance is suffering more thanks to climate change. Disaster Aid is dramatically increasing. Infrastructure owners and operators are also impacted by climate change. Total public spending on transportation and water infrastructure exceeds $300 billion annually, with about 25 percent coming from the federal government and the rest from state and local governments. Access to climate info could be used to improve resiliency.

Latest information from GAO is available at Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: 41 Information about GAOs email subscription options is available here.

2014 Feb 12 CNN Editorial: Bury Power Lines

Most every winter storm puts ice on infrastructure, leading to power lines down, leading to hundreds of thousands without electricity. With climate change we may be in for more frequent, more intense storms. Why not run power lines underground? Pipelines are underground, and see how often construction crews bite into them & create disasters? Utilities claim it costs 10 times as much to run power lines underground than above ground. In other nations it costs much less. Why is it so much more expensive in the USA?42

2014 Feb 13 KY gas line explosion

A natural gas line exploded at around 1 am Central Time Feb-13 in a rural section of northern Adair County about 100 miles south of Louisville KY. 3 homes, 2 barns and 6 vehicles caught fire after the blast. 2 of the 3 homes destroyed.
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Critical Infrastructure Disasters 2014 Feb 20 residences evacuated. 2 people received non-life threatening injuries.

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Columbia Gulf Transmission detected a drop in gas pressure in the pipe, at the time of the explosion, determined there was a rupture, and immediately responded to the scene to isolate the damaged section of pipe. The 30-inch natural gas line was about 100 feet from Highway 76 buried 30 feet down in the side of the hill. It is used to transport natural gas from the Gulf of Mexico to New York.43 NPR investigated this pipeline company and found this pipeline had 26 incidents in the past 10 years, ranging from costly leaks and broken equipment to an explosion on a corroded 1950s-era pipe that killed a man and injured another. US pipelines experience an average of roughly 90 failures a year that the government considers significant. 44 These incidents fuel more opposition to regional plans to increase pipelines in the area. In this case it is the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline. The previous day there was a giant sinkhole which swallowed up eight fancy Corvettes at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green.45

2014 Feb-14
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2014 Feb 14 NM Radioactive Waste Breach

The USA stores waste from nuclear power plants underground. There has been an event, not yet explained to the general public, where something fell on some of the containers and broke them.46 The site has been closed, and will remain so for a few weeks.47 This was the second incident in just a matter of weeks. Earlier in Feb 2014, a truck hauling salt below ground caught fire, shutting operations for a few days. Critical information has been slow to come out. 48
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Feb-15, DOE on announced that it had shuttered operations in response to an underground radiation sensor. Feb-19 DOE confirmed that radiation had also been released above ground, about a half mile from the plant. Feb-23 at a press conference, Jose Franco, manager of the DOE's Carlsbad Field Office, confirmed publicly that readings from the monitors matched materials from the waste that is stored there, indicating a leak.

2014 Feb 14 Pa Turnpike pile up

This started approx 7.45 am Feb-14. The highway was icy. 27 people were injured, 130 drivers were stuck for hours.. Approx 5 miles of the turnpike had bumper to bumper wrecks.49 I am well familiar with US highways. There is a conspiracy to tailgate at speeds in excess of what is prudent given road conditions, weather, and visibility. I am surprised these events are not more common.50 What is allegedly unusual about this incident is the police were slow to respond to the idiot drivers in the pile up.51 I say idiot, because when the road has several inches of ice, either you should not be driving on it, or you should be going dead slow with chains on your wheels. To travel at normal speed on ice is asking for trouble.

2014 Feb 14 NY lawsuit demanding more fracking

According to Natural Gas Watch, a group of 70,000 land owners have sued the NY government, for delaying approval of high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) pending environmental and health impact statement evaluations, at a time when the voters oppose fracking at a 45%-41% margin.52

2014 Feb 14 USA Methane risks

According to a study published Feb-14 in the journal Science, methane levels in the USA, from leaky natural gas lines, are 75% higher than EPA estimates.53

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2014 Feb 14 Coal power plants to be replaced

U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts predict many coal plants will be shut down by 2016 due to the growing availability of natural gas from fracking. The coal burning power plants will be replaced with natural gas burning, which is cleaner for the environment54 Except transporting the gas to where it is needed, is more dangerous than transporting the coal. Theres also risk to the water supply. 55

2014 Feb-15
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2014 Feb 15 Weather Lessons

Heres an ordeal which could have been fatal for an unprepared family. 56 During winter storm season, stay in touch with weather forecast. Before driving in hostile weather risk, make sure your vehicle has plenty of gas, and relevant supplies in case you get stuck. Cell phones do not work everywhere. Consider the alternatives.

2014 Feb 16 Israeli cell phones vs. gas explosion 5 dead

Most explosions in Israel are due to the war, between Israel, and Arab occupied territories organizations which seek the end of Israel. But this was a natural gas explosion. It killed 5 people. One suspect as to the cause, is a dispute over cell phone connections. At least 37 private cell phone antennae were erected on private residences without permits. This

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explanation sounds absurd to me. How can cell phone hardware cause a gas explosion? Could the people, installing the antennae, somehow rupture a gas line? 57

2014 Feb 17 Asteroid close approach to Earth

If an Asteroid, or the rocks of a Comet, strike Earth, wiping out humanity, this will be a natural disaster, in which failure to protect us will be a man made inaction of our civilization. There are many predictable natural disasters, which mankind could protect us from, if we had the political will to invest in the science and engineering to do so, Human civilization of planet Earth needs to advance from observing rocks in the sky which may come close to us, to developing the ability to: 1. Intercept any at risk of striking planet Earth, and doing to human civilization what happened long ago to the dinosaurs. 2. Take control of those rocks which contain significant volumes of precious resources which our civilization has become dependent upon, but planet Earth is running out of. FEMA Daily Operations Briefing for Tuesday, February 18, 2014 attached.

20140218 FEMA Daily Ops Briefing_0830.pdf

Situation: Asteroid 2000 EM26 made a close approach to earth at 9 pm EST on Feb 17, 2014 Basic Facts / Additional Information: Asteroid 2000 EM26 is 885 feet in diameter Moving at 27,000 mph Closest approach was 1.6 million miles from Earth Flyby came almost exactly a year after two major events on Feb. 15, 2013 NASAs Near Earth Object (NEO) Program knew the orbit well enough to rule out impact; 0 (no hazard) on the Torino scale58 For more info see NASAs Near Earth Object ( NEO) Program59

2014 Feb 19 Fukushima Leak

Around 100 tonnes of highly radioactive water have leaked from a storage tank at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, operator Tokyo Electric (Tepco) says. This is the most serious since August 2013, when the plant leaked 300 tonnes of water.60

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2014 Feb 19 Keystone Updates A year ago, the governor of Nebraska (NB) gave approval not only for Keystone
going thru his state, but also to let the TransCanada company to use eminent domain to seize whatever private land was needed to build it. Feb 19 2014, a federal judge vacated that approval, pointing out that under NB law, this is not the Governors decision, it is that of the Public Service Commission (PSC). 61 The PSC in turn, has come under criticism, because officials elected to it, have been receiving campaign contributions from the very companies they sit in judgment of.62

US Regulators seem to give Natural Gas a break, compared to strict oversight of proposed new pipelines like Keystone, and there is no general agreement how come. 63 I suspect lobbyists and activists for a clean environment, citing huge oil dumps into formerly clean areas, have more news media clout than the thousands of small communities which have each suffered a few dozen deaths from natural gas leaks and explosions.

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Meanwhile, an Environment Canada study, accepted for publication in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, has strongly backed suspicions that toxic chemicals from Albertas vast oil sands tailings ponds are leaching into groundwater and seeping into the Athabasca River.64 For additional Keystone story installments, see: 2014 Feb 03 2014 Jan 31 2013 June 25 Also use search, in general, since some pipeline disaster stories make reference to their negative PR impact on proposed new pipelines.

2014 Feb 20 GA Movie Crew hit by freight train 1 dead

The railroad tracks run thru private land. The movie crew had permission of the land owner to be filming there, but did not have permission from the CSX railroad company to be filming on the railroad tracks. Some of the railroad company people knew they were there. The train involved was traveling to Savannah from Memphis, Tenn. 65 An accident is when reasonable people take proper precautions, but after doing things right, that they are supposed to do, they are unable to prevent this incident from happening. That was not the case here. The movie people were trespassing where they did not have permission to be. However, it is possible that only one person on the crew knew that, with the rest obeying orders, and falsely assuming they had permission to be there. Further, since approx 10 trains come down those tracks each day, there should have been someone from the movie company far enough down the tracks, in both directions, to sound some alarm to get out of the way, if a train was coming. They would have known to do that, had they researched the site in advance. For the movie studio PR team to call this an accident, is to ignore accountability of placing their workers somewhere dangerous without permission, especially when it is a crime in Georgia for someone to be on the railroad tracks without permission of the railroad company. The movie company should be indicted for attempted homicide of all the killed and injured movie workers.

2014 Feb 21 Utah factory explodes

The US Magnesium plant, in Toole County, has an explosion.66

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2014 Feb 21 Newton MA Manhole Explosion.

How can a manhole explode? A gas leak plus a spark. 67 This is no surprise to me, considering thousands of gas leaks found in the Boston area, by various university studies, and how long it takes to fix infrastructure in that area. See: 1983 Sep 23 2012 Nov 2014 Jan 16

2014 Feb 21 KY Cane Run Odor

Residents, near the Louisville Gas & Electric (LG&E) Cane Run power plant, complained of a smell, invading their homes, which some described as rotten eggs. The health dept arrived, then dispatched a Hazmat team to measure sulfur levels. 68 Sunday night, LG&E gave an explanation. The odors are weather related, they say. They are taking actions, but do not consider the faint smell to be a big deal. 69 The workers at the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District are unhappy, because dozens of workers were told they need to reapply for their jobs, but the union is being aided by the Sierra club.70 I have worked in private industry, where new owners demand that 100% of the work force, which wants to continue working at the same place, under the new owners, re-apply for their jobs. I have suspected that the reasons for this might include: The old owners paperwork is allegedly messed up & the new owners need to be sure the paperwork is Ok, as of when they take over. The old paperwork may be the property of the old owners, and doing this is simpler for HR, than photocopying the paperwork. There is some legislation which is not grandfathered across ownerships. In this case, the claim is the reason it is being done is for a reorganization.71

2014 Feb-22
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2014 Feb 22 Enbridge oil leaks into Ontario Canada

An investigation determines that the Enbridge pipeline, across Ontario Canada has had 35 oil spills, leaks, and ruptures, of which they have only reported 7 to the government.
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Critical Infrastructure Disasters 2014 Feb

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Like in the USA, the government of Canada has different agencies with overlapping jurisdictions and conflicting regulations, so a company can think it is in compliance, but only be with some of the rules.72

2014 Feb 22 Britain Nuclear Gamble

Private companies have been hired to clean up, and decommission, some UK nuclear sites & told not to worry if they have a nuclear accident, the British taxpayers will pick up the tab.73

2014 Feb 22 Carbon Monoxide in NY Mall 1 dead

Police and emergency crews rushed to the mall in Huntington Station, New York, after reports that a woman had collapsed in the basement of Legal Sea Foods. Once they arrived, they felt dizzy as well and determined that the cause was carbon monoxide poisoning. Investigation found cause to be a faulty water heater flue pipe.74 1 dead 1 critical in hospital 26 treated then released I dont hear stories like this very often? Is it because required inspections to avoid such incidents, are normally satisfactory? The place passed inspection March 2013, with another inspection planned March 2014.

2014 Feb 22 Toone TN 2 Kilgore explosions

According to the neighbors, the Kilgore factory often has explosions, but the latest is one of the loudest ever.75 The plant makes flares for the military. Previous explosions included: 2001 Sep 2010 ATF is now investigating.76 An ATF spokesperson said Kilgore wouldnt let investigators onto the plant because Kilgore wanted to protect trade secrets first before anyone came in. So they used a federal search warrant to gain access. OSHA also plans to investigate.

72 pills_alarming_communities_along_830km_pipe.html 73 74 75 76


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2014 Feb 22 Chicago IL house explodes

There was an explosion, then fire, which they think was all started by natural gas, but authorities are not yet sure. At least three people injured.77

2014 Feb 22 Indianapolis In house fire - 4 dead

Authorities do not yet know what caused the house fire, but they do know there are now 4 dead, and 2 children in critical condition. This brings the death toll from fires to 8 in 2014 so far for Indianapolis. The fire dept cannot find any evidence the house had working smoke detectors.78 That is something which every residence should have, and which should be tested regularly, because a non-working smoke detector looks identical to a working one, until it is tested.

2014 Feb 22 KS Dust Bowl returning says Al Gore

Former vice president Al Gore spoke about climate change, citing examples of what it is doing, and what it will probably do in the future, unless the people collectively reverse some trends.79

2014 Feb 22 G20 discusses Infrastructure

G20 meets in Australia Feb 22-23. Infrastructure is on their agenda.80 G20 = the top 20 nations of our world.

2014 Feb-23
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2014 Feb 23 Mississippi River Oil Spill

A 65-mile stretch of the Mississippi River, including the Port of New Orleans, was closed to all water traffic Feb-23 as crews cleaned up oil that spilled from a barge, loaded with light crude, after it ran into a towboat between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Public drinking water intakes on the river were closed as a precaution in nearby St. Charles Parish.81

77,0,6974920.story 78 79

80 0Cinfrastructure0Eon0Emenu0Eat0Eg20A0Edinner0Cstory0Ee6frfku90E12268346660A130Dfrom0Fpubli c0Irss/ia1.htm 81


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2014 Feb 24 UK Oil and Gas Industry

From David Cameron, Prime Minister of Britain:82 Today I took the Cabinet to Scotland where we set out how the UK government can maximise the benefit of North Sea oil and gas to the UK economy for decades into the future. This industry is a central part of our long-term economic plan. Today Sir Ian Wood sets out what more we can do to maximize this great national asset. The British economy could be boosted by an extra 200 billion over the next 20 years. This was posted to Linked In, but the blue links go to British government pages.

2014 Feb 24 BC Canada House Explodes

One person has been rushed to hospital with second and third degree burns following an explosion at a home in Surrey, B.C. (British Columbia) Canada.83

2014 Feb 25 Ireland Gas Fire Explosion

In the middle of the night, a house in Dublin Ireland, caught on fire, which spread to the gas main, so 30 people, in 8 homes in the immediate area, were evacuated.84

Continued in more documents

Time Line of critical infrastructure disasters continued in related documents named: CI Boom 0 thru 199985 CI Boom 2000 to 200686 CI Boom 200787 CI Boom 2008 to 200988 CI Boom 2010 to 201189 CI Boom 201290 CI Boom 2013 Jan-Mar91 CI Boom 2013 Apr92 CI Boom 2013 May-Dec93 CI Boom 2014 Jan W Va Water94 CI Boom 2014 Jan95
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These time line history segments to be uploaded to same SCRIBD Critical Infrastructure collection.97 Revision history maintained in main parent document.

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