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CodeSMART 2009 for VB6

FixPack 1
April 24, 2009



1. !. %. (. ,.

e$eral% Commandbar button face timed paste failed errors were reported when loading CodeSMART. Fi ed. e$eral% Can"t show non#modal form when modal form is displa$ed errors were reported when loading CodeSMART. Fi ed. e$eral% A non#detailed e ecution failure message was displa$ed on non#&nglish s$stems in case of CodeSMART initiali'ation problems. Fi ed. e$eral% An )&rror updating the "*ersonal.mdb" database offline cop$+ message was displa$ed on certain s$stems when resuming from sleep mode. Fi ed. e$eral% -. problems were affecting the following windows on s$stems using )large fonts+/ Code Flow & plorer0 Comment Templates Manager0 1esigner & plorer0 &rror 2andling Schemes Manager0 .nsert Custom Code0 3ibrar$ & plorer0 3ong4S53 String Formatter0 6ew Tas7 4 &dit Tas70 *ro8ect & plorer0 Show File 1ifferences0 Smart Complete Manager0 Tab 9rder 1esigner0 -. Standard *roperties Manager. Fi ed.

:. Code B&ilder'% The empt$ multiple cop$ and paste buffer popup status te t did not fit on the screen on man$ s$stems. Fi ed. ;. Code Ma$a(er'% The ob8ect in<o7ed has disconnected from its client errors were reported when closing =isual >asic with CodeSMART. Fi ed. ?. Co))a$d *i$e Proce''or% Clarified some misleading descripti<e messages. @. Co))e$+i$( Tool'% An incorrect minimum si'e setting was affecting the Comment Templates Manager window. Fi ed. 1A. #rror ,a$dli$( #$(i$e% A crash happened at => shutdown on Bindows =ista and Bindows ; Cpre#releaseD s$stems after using the .nsert Custom Code window. Fi ed. 11. Fi$d a$d Replace% The new Find dialog had an incorrect si'e and resi'ing beha<ior on s$stems that used large fonts. Fi ed. 1!. Pro-ec+ #xplorer% An error was reported when using the Sa<e As popup menu entr$ in certain situations. Fi ed. 1%. Ta. /rder 0e'i($er% &lement not found errors were reported when tr$ing to reorder controls. Fi ed. 1(. Ta'k *i'+% A crash happened at => shutdown on Bindows =ista and Bindows ; Cpre#releaseD s$stems after using the 6ew Tas7 4 &dit Tas7 window. Fi ed. 1,. Mi$or fixe' a$d i)pro1e)e$+' in <arious subs$stems.

!$i+ial Relea'e
Fe.r&ar2 13, 2009

C,A4 # *!ST

1. A&+oTex+% Bhen using automatic formatting Cfor e ample when not t$ping spaces manuall$ in seEuences li7e )iFint+D the cursor was incorrectl$ repositioned inside words and thus code entr$ was corrupted. !. Code A$al25er% 1ead public <ariable4constants abo<e the first non#dead public <ariable4const were not reported . %. Code A$al25er% Code element names C<ariables0 functions etcD containing the )rem+ word caused une pected beha<ior . (. Code A$al25er% Changed most messages to a more <erbose st$le. ,. Code B&ilder'% &rrors were reported in the insertion process if the end result was a Ctemporar$D uncompilable code item . :. Code For)a++er% The Code Formatter tool added an additional empt$ line after a line containing a label0 if the "&nable code lines wrapping at line separator seEuence" option was enabled. ;. Code For)a++er% An error was reported when formatting lines containing numeric labels onl$. ?. Code For)a++er% A )Cant edit module+ was sometimes reported when formatting code. @. Code For)a++er% A*. declarations were not formatted be$ond the 11th line. 10. 0e'i($er A$al25er% A )Subscript out of range+ error happened on certain situations when anal$'ing components. 11. #rror ,a$dli$( #$(i$e% The &rror 2andling Scheme Manager user interface was clarified. 1!. Fi$d a$d Replace% A "permission denied" error was displa$ed sometimes when performing a "search and replace" operation at a pro8ect group scope. 1%. Fi$d a$d Replace% A database error was reported when performing concurrent searches in two distinct => sessions. 1(. Fi$d a$d Replace% The replace te tbo now remembers the last entr$ e<en if that was an empt$ string. 1,. Fi$d a$d Replace% The dialog user interface was redesigned in order to accommodate form resi'ing0 which is e tremel$ useful especiall$ when loo7ing for 4 replacing with a multiple lines code piece . 1:. Fi$d a$d Replace% .f the selected te t was e tending on multiple lines0 the )Search for+ te tbo was generall$ not initiali'ed properl$ Ci.e. with the currentl$ selected te tD. 1;. Fi$d a$d Replace% The multiline te t find feature displa$ed incomplete results or no results at all. 1?. 1@. !A. !1. !!. e$eral% An ).n<alid procedure call or argument+ was sometimes reported on showing and resi'ing the *ro8ect & plorer toolwindow. e$eral% An )9b8ect reEuired+ error was reported sometimes on *ro8ect & plorer tree refresh operations. e$eral% An internal component error happened in certain situations when opening the CodeSMART Control *anel . e$eral% Remo<ing a component from a pro8ect $ielded to une pected results li7e => crashes on session shutdown0 missing nodes in the CodeSMART *ro8ect & plorer tree after a subseEuent component addition0 etc. e$eral% A => crash happened sometimes at session shutdown. 6ot connected with change number !1 .

!%. *i.rar2 #xplorer% An error was reported sometimes when the doc7ed 3ibrar$ & plorer window was closing . !(. *i.rar2 #xplorer% S$nta coloring is now done in a complete manner and with colors close to the default =>: ones . !,. *i.rar2 #xplorer% Slight usabilit$ impro<ements. !:. *i.rar2 #xplorer% A )Subscript out of range+ error occurred sometimes when clic7ing on )6ew 1esigner Template+ popup menu item. !;. *i$e 4&).eri$(% 3ine numbers were not inserted on multi#statement lines that started with a 1im statement . !?. M0! Ta.'% An error occurred sometimes when changing the Bindows s$stem colors. !@. M&l+iple Cop26a$d6Pa'+e B&ffer'% >uffer number A is not usable under Bindows =istaG updated the feature to reflect this restriction.

%A. M&l+iple Cop26a$d6Pa'+e B&ffer'% The )>uffers+ popup was re<ised in fa<or of user e perience. %1. 7ork.e$c8% Adding boo7mar7 comments to wor7bench was reported to wor7 correctl$ onl$ the first time for each method. %!. 7ork.e$c8% Tr$ing to add a newl$ added method shortcut to the wor7bench was reported to be ineffecti<e if the containing component node branch was alread$ e panded.

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