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2014 _______________________________________________________________________ _ ARAHAN KEPADA PELAJAR / INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa modul bercetak kursus ini. / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. 2. Jawab dalam Ba a!a "#$a%& atau Ba a!a I'((#)*!. / Answer in Malay or English. 3. Muat turunkan +#,-$a+ tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyV ! untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan sai" #on 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.$. % Download the language version of the assignm n! ! m"la! concerned from the MyV ! for preparation and su"mission of your assignment. #our assignment should "e typed using $% point Times New Roman font and $.& line spacing. &. Tugasan anda hendaklah antara 2.00 *'((a 3000 patah perkataan +*/a0 termasuk rujukan. 'ilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Ja'(a' menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. 1 #our assignment should "e "etween #$%% !o &%%% 'or(s )*l+(ing references. The num"er of words should "e shown at the end of your assignment. Do no! copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. $. (nda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan KEPADA TUTOR BERSE"UKA. (nda dinasihatkan menyimpan senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri. 1 #ou must su"mit your assignment TO ,OUR -ACE.TO.-ACE TUTOR. #ou are advised to 'eep a copy of your su"mitted assignment for personal reference. ). Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 2 3 4 5 3 "a6 2014 a+a& T&+7)*a$ 4 . *erahan !#$#-a! 10 3 "a6 2014 a+a& T&+7)*a$ 4 TIDAK akan diterima. % #our assignment must "e su"mitted "etween /!h ( 0!h Mar*h #%11 or T+!orial 1. )u"mission a2! r 1%!h Mar*h #%11 or T+!orial 1 will NOT "e accepted. +. Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara individu. (nda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. (nda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri . / #our assignment should "e prepared individually. #ou should not copy another person*s assignment. #ou should also not plagiarise another person*s wor' as your own.

PENILAIAN 1 E3A4UATION Tugasan ini akan menyumbangkan 408 markah kepada kursus tersebut dan akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada R&3)*0 a+a& S0#,a Ja9a-a': % This assignment accounts for 1%5 of the mar's for the course mentioned and shall "e assessed "ased on !h R+6ri*s or Ans' r S*h m . (nda akan dimaklumkan tentang markah tugasan ini sebelum ,eperiksaan (khir *emester bermula / #ou would "e informed of the assignment mar' "efore the +inal )emester !,amination commences. PLAGIARIS"E: POTONGAN "ARKAH 1 74AGIARISM 8 MAR9S DEDUCTION A,a)a': Tugasan yang diserahkan secara automatik akan disemak untuk persamaan. Jika plagiarisme dikesan- markah akan dipotong seperti berikut.% :arning8 The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity chec'. -f plagiarism is detected. mar's would "e deducted as follows/ Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 10 4 30/. potongan 208 daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 31 4 .0/. potongan 408 daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan lebih daripada .08. "a)0a !*;a) akan diberikan. Assignments with 1% . &%5 o; rla" with others/ #%5 deduction from the total mar's scored. Assignments with 31 4 .05 o; rla" with others/ 1%5 deduction from the total mar's scored. Assignments with mor !han $%5 o; rla" with others8 < ro mar= would "e given.


0enetic engineering is de#ined as a set o# technologies that are used to change the genetic make up o# cells and move the genes #rom one species to another to produce new organisms. The techni1ues used are highly sophisticated manipulations o# genetic material and other biologically important chemicals. (s a science teacher- you are invited to give a talk on a topic 20enetic !ngineering3 to your students during the *cience 4ay ,rogramme. The #ollowing details should be included in your talk. 5i6 5ii6 5iii6 5iv6 5v6 'ene#its o# genetic engineering to human being. The pros and cons o# genetic engineering. The problem with genetic engineering. The genetic engineering ethics. ,repare suitable materials #or the talk. !7amples. slides- illustration- poster- etc.

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"*!!*'( I+#, 0 There is no introduction to the paper.

?#a0 1 The introduction does not mention the structure and objectives o# the paper and important concepts. Most bene#its o# genetic engineering to human being are not clearly discussed.

Pa)+*a$$% "##+! S+a'/a)/! 2 The introduction previews the structure o# the paper in a clear manner.

"##+! S+a'/a)/ 3 The introduction previews the structure o# the paper and objectives in a clear manner.

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There is no discussion or bene#its o# genetic engineering to human being.

*ome o# the bene#its o# genetic engineering to human being are correctly discussed.

Most o# the bene#its o# genetic engineering to human are correctly discussed.

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Topic o# the pros and cons o# genetic engineering are not accurate. There is no discussion on the problem.

Most o# the pros and cons o# genetic engineering are not clearly discussed.

*ome o# the pros and cons o# genetic engineering are clearly discussed.

Most o# the pros and cons o# genetic engineering are clearly discussed.

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Most o# the problems with genetic engineering are discussed clearly. Most genetic engineering ethics are not discussed clearly.

*ome o# the problem with genetic engineering are discussed clearly.

Most o# the problem with genetic engineering being are discussed clearly. Most o# the genetic engineering ethics are discussed clearly.

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*ome o# the genetic engineering ethics are discussed clearly.

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The material is not organise at all 9o graphics.

Most o# the in#ormations are not organised according to the #ormat appropriately. Most graphic are not accompanied with te7t.

*ome o# the in#ormations are organi"ed according to the #ormat appropriately. *ome o# the diagrams and illustrations are reader #riendly and accurate.

Most o# the in#ormations are organised according to the #ormat appropriately. Most o# the diagrams and illustrations are reader #riendly and accurate. Most o# the diagrams and illustrations are reader #riendly and accurate. The conclusion ties up% brings together almost #all the introductioncontent and evaluation. :ell summarised. Most o# the details are in logical order and distracts the reader. (lmost no 5 grammatical- spelling or punctuation errors.

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9o diagrams and illustrations.

Most o# the diagrams and illustrations are not reader #riendly and not accurate. There is no clear conclusion. The conclusion is recognisable and tie up introduction- content and evaluation. ( #ew o# details are in logical order and distracts the reader. ( #ew grammatical spelling or punctuation errors.

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9o conclusion provided- the paper just ends.


There is little sense that the writing is organised. Many grammaticalspelling or punctuation errors.

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(nda dinasihatkan. 1. Merujuk kepada modul dan sumber;sumber bercetak lain atau sumber yang boleh dipercayai dan internet 5contohnya sumber yang disediakan oleh orang atau organisasi yang mempunyai reputasi yang baik6 diperlukan untuk memahami konsep sebelum pelajar dapat memberi contoh yang tepat dan sesuai. 2. 'uat pencarian di internet berkaitan kejuruteraan genetik/ 0enetic !ngineering untuk mendapatkan pelbagai maklumat berkaitan tugasan. 3. Menggunakan gambar #oto%peta konsep%lakaran untuk membantu anda menjelaskan #akta jawapan tugasan 5jika perlu6. &. Menggunakan #ormat yang sesuai bagi persembahan slaid%penjelasan mengenai illustrasi atau poster yang digunakan. $. Membincangkan dengan guru biologi%guru sains sekolah anda bagi mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan bantuan yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pembelajaran.

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