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IMP Questions in RM

1. what is research?? What are the tools for research? 2. what are the important charecristics of business research? 3. does exploratory research always leads to conclusive research? Justify your answer with practical example. 4. describe in detail steps involved in research process? Explain complete process with an hypothetical example. 5. prepare a research plan for marketing manager of TATA NANo. For the promotion of the car in the location of Gujarat. 6. short notes: - Basic Research Vs. Applied - Explorative Vs. Conclusive - Explorative Vs. Descriptive Vs. Causal - Inductive Vs. Deductive - Qualitative Vs. Quantitative 7. define the following terms: - concept and construct - operational definition and dictionery definition - hypothesis and preposition - theory and model - scientific method and scientific attitude - concept and variable 8. write a short note on research variable:

9. distinguish between management problems and research problems. e.g. you are HR manager of company in india. Due to recession in US your companies profit is going downward. Your CEO has advised you to downsizes few employees of the organization. The News being spread in media and your companies trade union os demanding for justice. 1. what is the managemnet problem and researcher problem? 2. what kind of approach you will use to solve this issue? 3. prepare minimum two hypothesis to resolve the conflict. 10. write down the classification of research design/approach. Draw a Graph with an example. 11. write a short note on types of Error. 12. what are the different methods of qualitative research? And techiques. 13. what is focused group design? Explain the objectives and types of focused group. What are the advantages and disadvantages? 14. what is projective techniques? Explain the objectives and types of projective techniques . What are the advantages and disadvantages? 15. what is case studies? Explain the objectives and types of case studies. What are the advantages and disadvantages? 16. what are the methods of quantitative research/ approach? 1. write a shortnote on observation methods and advantages and disadvantages? 2.write a short note on experiment. 17. difference between qualitative and quantitative research; 18. what are the rsearch proposals/plans? 19. what is survey? What are the different methods of survey?

20. write a note on personal interview methods and what are the types of personal interview. And explain its advantages and disadvantages: 21. what is telephone survey? What are the types of it? Give pros. And cons. Of it. 22. what is OmniBus survey? 23. what is CAPI? 24. what is CATI? 25. give a shortnote on Mail interview with types of mail interview. Also give advantages and disadvantages of it. 26. what is electronic interview? give types of electronic interview. 27. what are the Evaluation criteria for Survey technique?

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