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Form 1 Play.

English Drama 2013

The Necklace A Reader's Theater Script by Ray Smith Based Upon the Short Story of the Same Name by Guy de Maupassant CHARACTERS: Narrator 1Nabihah Awatif Bt Zam uri Narrator !Nur Amirah Sofea Bt Saifu" Anuar Madame Mati"da #oise"A"yssa Sofea Bt Ahmad Zahari" Monsieur #oise" $Mati"da's %usband&A""y '(as)eem Bt Amri" Madame *eanne +orester $Mati"da's former schoo"mate&Nurshybra Sa"ma Bt ,he Rahim

-The narrators .ie enthusiastica""y to te"" the story throu/hout01 ---Scene 1: An apartment----Actors /ather in a footba"" hudd"e) and then brea2 out to ta2e their positions01 -Mati"da mimes in concert with the narrators' descriptions01 NARRAT3R 14 This is Mati"da) a pretty and charmin/ youn/ woman who happened to be born into a fami"y that didn't ha.e much money0 She fe"t so trapped by her circumstances that she abandoned a"" e5pectations of a better "ife000 NARRAT3R !4 6es) so e.entua""y she married a man who he"d a rather "ow7 payin/ position in a hu/e company0 And her wardrobe000 NARRAT3R 14 0008t was so p"ain and simp"e) main"y because) on her husband's sa"ary) she cou"d on"y afford to shop in second7hand stores0 NARRAT3R !4 But she a"ways fe"t as if she had once been a princess and had somehow fa""en upon hard times0 %er beauty) /race and charm were certain"y se"f7e.ident000 NARRAT3R 14 000and she came to understand that her natura" in/enuity) her instinct for e"e/ance) and her supp"e mind made her the e9ua" of women who were much better off financia""y than she0 NARRAT3R !4 6ou can understand how the bare wa""s) shabby second7hand chairs) and faded hand7me7down curtains in her tiny apartment depressed her and e.en made her000 NARRAT3R 14 000an/ry: 1

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

NARRAT3R !4 6es) an/ry: An/ry about the in(ustice of it a"": NARRAT3R 14 And she became a daydreamer0 She a"ways seemed to be thin2in/ about /"itterin/) "u5urious rooms) hun/ with orienta" tapestries) i""uminated by ta"" bron e cande"abras000 NARRAT3R !4 and ser.ants: She ima/ined footmen in 2nee breeches who wou"d fa"" as"eep in the hu/e o.er7stuffed armchairs0 NARRAT3R 1 ; ! ; MAT8#'A4 -Bi/ si/h1 NARRAT3R 14 But rea"ity a"ways interrupted her dreams0 -%usband enters and they prepare to eat01 %USBAN'4 Ah) wonderfu" soup: 8 tire of it0 There's nothin/ better than a /ood) humb"e soup0 MAT8#'A4 8'm sorry it's so thin) but 8 ha.e to stretch our money so far000 %USBAN'4 8t's wonderfu" to me: 8 ha.e "earned to be satisfied with my condition: A person who is satisfied with what they ha.e is a"ways wea"thy: NARRAT3R 14 Not e5act"y what Mati"da's thin2in/: NARRAT3R !4 6ou /ot that ri/ht: She's thin2in/ about e"aborate dinners) shinin/ si".erware) tapestries with ancient mythica" fi/ures and stran/e birds in fairy forests000 NARRAT3R 14 and witty con.ersations in which she cou"d smi"e 2nowin/"y at the wisdom of her companions0 NARRAT3R !4 +ran2"y) she's thin2in/ about anyp"ace but here0 NARRAT3R 14 'o you 2now what 8 heard< She's e.en stopped /oin/ to see her former schoo"mate) Madame +orester) because Madame +orester's wea"th on"y depresses her more0 NARRAT3R !4 No: 'o you rea""y thin2 that's the reason< NARRAT3R 14 6es) 8'm 9uite cer000 %USBAN'4 =e"" now0 8 ha.e a wonderfu" surprise for you) my dear0 %e p"aces an en.e"ope on the tab"e01 NARRAT3R 14 =hat's this< -Narrators curious"y01 NARRAT3R !4 ,ome on: 3pen it: MAT8#'A4 ->ic2s up and opens en.e"ope and withdraws an in.itation01 ?The 2

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

,hief @5ecuti.e 3fficer re9uests the honor of Monsieur and Madame #oise"'s company in the /rand ba""room of the @5ce"sior %ote" on Monday e.enin/) *anuary 1Ath for our annua" e5ecuti.e ba""0? %USBAN'4 8sn't that wonderfu": MAT8#'A4 =hat do you mean< =hat can 8 do with that< -She tosses the in.itation spitefu""y onto the tab"e01 %USBAN'4 =hy my dear: 8 thou/ht you wou"d be so happy0 =e /et to /o to thin/s "i2e this0 8t's such a fabu"ous opportunity: Be"ie.e me) 8 had to /o to a "ot of troub"e to /et the in.itation0 A"" of my cowor2ers wou"d /i.e their ri/ht arm to /et one0 These in.itations are rare"y /i.en to anyone who is not in upper mana/ement0 @.eryone of importance wi"" be there0 ->ause1 8 did this for you: NARRAT3R !4 =hy does she "oo2 irritated< NARRAT3R 14 8 cou"d ma2e a pretty /ood /uess000 ?=hat am 8 /oin/ to000? MAT8#'A4 @5act"y what do you thin2 8 cou"d wear to this /"amorous occasion< NARRAT3R 14 %a: 8 /uessed it: %USBAN'4 =hy000 =hy) the /own you wear to /o to the theater with me) of course0 8t's rea""y 9uite suitab"e0 -Mati"da brea2s into tears01 NARRAT3R !4 Uh oh000 %USBAN'4 =hat's the matter< =hy are you cryin/< MAT8#'A4 -Tryin/ to re/ain her composure01 8'"" be humi"iated in that o"d /own0 8t's so worn and tattered and comp"ete"y out of sty"e0 'on't you understand< 8 ha.e nothin/ suitab"e to wear so 8 certain"y can't /o to this ba""0 6ou may as we"" /i.e the in.itation to someone e"se in the office whose wife is better e9uipped than 8 am for such occasions0 Mati"da resumes weepin/01 NARRAT3R !4 8 sure hope he's a fast thin2er0 NARRAT3R 14 Shh: %USBAN'4 There must be a way0 8 want so much for you to ha.e this: ->auses to thin201 Mati"da) how much do you thin2 a suitab"e /own wou"d cost) one that you cou"d /et further use from for other occasions< 8t cou"d be somethin/ .ery000 uh000 simp"e:000 but e"e/ant as we"") of course0 NARRAT3R !4 Nice mo.e: MAT8#'A4 ->ausin/ to thin2 first01 8'm not too sure) but maybe BCC francs 3

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wou"d do0 -=inces a bit as if the amount wou"d be unthin2ab"e01 %usband paces and thin2s01 NARRAT3R 14 %e "oo2s a "itt"e pa"e) don't you thin2< NARRAT3R !4 Shh: %USBAN'4 8'"" te"" you what0 8'.e been up a sma"" fund to buy myse"f a /un000 NARRAT3RS 1 AN' !4 A /un<: %USBAN'4 000so that 8 cou"d /o huntin/ with my boss ne5t summer0 8 was thin2in/ it mi/ht he"p me to /et promoted) p"us 8 need a brea2 from my wor2 once in a whi"e0 8 thin2 8 ha.e (ust about BCC francs ri/ht now) but 8 suppose you cou"d ta2e it for a /own0 8'm sure you wi"" be rea""y beautifu" and impress e.eryone fa.orab"y: NARRAT3R !4 Aww0 8sn't that sweet: NARRAT3R 14 'o you ha.e a han2ie< -Actors free e01 ---Scene 2: The same apartment, two weeks later---Narrator$s& ho"ds up a si/n4 ?Two wee2s "ater0?1 -Mati"da is tryin/ on her new /own in front of the mirror whi"e her husband admires her01 NARRAT3R 14 =ow) what a /own: She's a hottie: NARRAT3R !4 Shh0 %USBAN'4 6ou ma2e any dress come to "ife) my dear0 %ow ra.ishin/ you "oo2: MAT8#'A4 ->outin/ and whinin/1 But 8'"" be dis/raced: %USBAN'4 'is/raced< =hat can you possib"y mean< 6ou wi"" be the most beautifu" woman there: NARRAT3R !4 8'm /ettin/ a sic2 fee"in/ about this0 MAT8#'A4 8'"" "oo2 abso"ute"y po.erty stric2en: %USBAN'4 >o.erty stric2en< +or four hundred francs you now "oo2 po.erty stric2en< MAT8#'A4 6ou (ust don't understand: 8t's so annoyin/: 8 don't ha.e a sin/"e piece of (ewe"ry to wear with my /own0 @.eryone wi"" surmise that it is because we are poor0 8 wou"d a"most rather not /o0 4

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

NARRAT3R 14 3h) that's coo"0 ?8 wou"d a"most rather not /o at a""0? -mimic2in/ and moc2in/1 %USBAN'4 =e""000 6ou000 =e""000 %mm000 =ait) 8'.e /ot it: 6ou cou"d wear f"owers instead: =e cou"d /et two or three ma/nificent roses for about 1C francs0 MAT8#'A4 -Sobs) cries) and whines01 That wou"d be e.en worse than wearin/ no ornament at a"": @.eryone wou"d see in a moment that 8 was tryin/ to hide our po.erty0 NARRAT3R !4 She does ha.e a point0 NARRAT3R 14 3h "isten to you: 3ur se"f7appointed fashion e5pert0 %USBAN'4 There is one thin/) one possibi"ity) that you'.e for/otten0 MAT8#'A4 -Sobs01 =hat's that< %USBAN'4 6our o"d c"assmate: Madame *eanne +orester: She is rea""y we"" off0 8'm sure she wou"d be wi""in/ to "end you some of her (ewe"ry: 6ou two used to be rea""y c"ose0 8 am a"most certain she wi"" he"p0 MAT8#'A4 -%er sobs turn into "au/hter and (oy01 3f course: 3h why didn't 8 thin2 of it before< -Actors free e01 ---Scene 3: Madame orester!s Home---Actors reshuff"e the sta/e positions and then free e for a second0 They then ho"d up a si/h4 ?Madame +orester's %ome?1 NARRAT3R 14 -#oo2in/ around01 =ow) 8 "i2e this p"ace: NARRAT3R !4 ,oo" drapes: NARRAT3R 14 %ey: 'on't touch those: =e're supposed to be in.isib"e) remember< +3R@ST@R4 -Settin/ a (ewe"ry bo5 on the tab"e01 8'm certain somethin/ here wi"" be perfect for you) my dear0 Mati"da rumma/es throu/h the bo5) ho"din/ pieces up to herse"f and "oo2in/ in the mirror01 +3R@ST@R4 That one seems 9uite appropriate0 MAT8#'A4 3h) 8 was hopin/ for somethin/ a bit more000 more000 +3R@ST@R4 8mpressi.e< MAT8#'A4 =e"") yes0 5

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

+3R@ST@R4 -She p"aces another bo5 on the tab"e01 6ou may "oo2 at these) but 8'm afraid that these thin/s are on"y000 -Mati"da reaches into the bo5 and pu""s out an e59uisite nec2"ace01 MAT8#'A4 3h) this wou"d be so perfect: -She fastens the nec2"ace about her throat and admires it in the mirror01 NARRAT3R 14 6ou ha.e to admit) that's impressi.e: MAT8#'A4 3h) but it wou"d be as2in/ too much) wou"dn't it< +3R@ST@R4 Nonsense: 8'd be de"i/hted to see you wear it) my dear0 >"ease) ta2e it0 MAT8#'A4 8 don't 2now what to say0 3h than2 you so much) *eanne my dearest friend: -She hu/s +orester01 NARRAT3R ! T3 NARRAT3R 14 =ant another han2ie< -Actors free e1 ---Scene ": The apartment a#ter the $all---Actors shuff"e the sta/e bac2 to the apartment arran/ement0 The free e for a second) and then the narrators ho"d up a si/n4 ?Bac2 at the apartment) after the ba""0?1 NARRAT3R 14 =asn't the ba"" /reat: NARRAT3R !4 Madame #oise" was abso"ute"y smashin/: She was prettier than any of the other women4 e"e/ant) /racefu") smi"in/ and wi"d with (oy0 @.eryone noticed her) and her husband's boss seemed to want e.ery dance with her: Not that he didn't ha.e a "ot of competition from a"" the other e5ecuti.es0 NARRAT3R 14 000and her si""y husband fe"" as"eep: NARRAT3R !4 000a"on/ with three other husbands whose were such a /reat time0 They snea2ed out to an anteroom and fe"" as"eep on the sofas: NARRAT3R 14 8 can sti"" hear the music000 NARRAT3R !4 Shh: %ere they come0 -Mati"da and her husband enter01 MAT8#'A4 8 fee" as if 8'd fro en to death: 8f on"y we had been ab"e to hai" a cab at the ba""room000 %USBAN'4 8f we had done that) e.eryone wou"d ha.e seen our shabby 6

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o.ercoats0 ,ertain"y) you wou"d not ha.e wanted that< MAT8#'A4 No) of course not) but that does not ease my pain when 8 remember that we had to wa"2 a"" the way to the before we fina""y found a cab) and then it was one of those wretched ?ni/ht cabs? that are too dis/ustin/"y fi"thy to operate in day"i/ht0 %USBAN'4 =e"") at "east we found one0 8t wou"d ha.e been impossib"e for us to wa"2 the entire distance in this co"d0 %ere) "et me he"p you with your coat0 -Mati"da s"ips out of her o"d coat01 %USBAN'4 6ou were indeed "o.e"y toni/ht: MAT8#'A4 Apparent"y not "o.e"y enou/h to 2eep you awa2e: %USBAN'4 6ou were such a /ood time0 8 didn't want to interfere0 6ou 2now 8 don't "i2e dancin/0 %ere) ta2e one fina" "oo2 in the mirror before you disrobe: 8'.e /i.en you a ni/ht to remember0 MAT8#'A4 -#oo2in/ in mirror01 3h my God: 3h no) oh no0 %USBAN'4 =hat is the matter with you< MAT8#'A4 8000 8 ha.e000 3h my God) this can't be true: %USBAN'4 =hat< =hat is it< MAT8#'A4 8 ha.e "ost Madame +orester's nec2"ace: -The Narrators /asp:1 %USBAN'4 8t can't be true: 8t's impossib"e: -They be/in frantica""y searchin/ throu/h their coats and c"othes) and on the f"oor01 MAT8#'A4 3h God) he"p us: %USBAN'4 8t must be here somewhere0 Nec2"aces don't (ust e.aporate0 -Mati"da be/ins weepin/ and sobbin/ as she searches01 %USBAN'4 Are you sure that you had it on when you "eft the ba""< >erhaps it fe"" off there whi"e you were dancin/0 Sure"y someone there must ha.e found it and it wi"" be returned safe"y0 MAT8#'A4 No) no0 8 am certain 8 had it on because 8 remember reachin/ up and touchin/ it after puttin/ on my coat0 %USBAN'4 And the streets were so 9uiet as we wa"2ed a"one in the co"d that sure"y we wou"d ha.e heard it fa""0 8t must be in that wretched cab0 7

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

MAT8#'A4 8 thin2 you are ri/ht0 'id you notice the number of the cab< %USBAN'4 %a"f the ni/ht cabs operate without numbers0 8 certain"y didn't see one0 'id you< MAT8#'A4 -,ross"y01 3f course not0 =ou"d 8 ha.e as2ed you if 8 had< %USBAN'4 ->u""in/ his coat bac2 on01 8 sha"" /o bac2 on foot) the entire route) to see whether or not 8 can find it0 -%e rushes out0 Mati"da sin2s into a chair) sobbin/01 NARRAT3R !4 This is bad000 NARRAT3R 14 Rea""y) rea""y bad0 NARRAT3R !4 #et's stic2 around unti" he comes bac20 NARRAT3R 14 6ou cou"dn't bud/e me with a mu"e0 -They fa"" as"eep01 NARRAT3R 14 -Awa2enin/01 =hat time is it< NARRAT3R !4 -6awnin/01 A"most D a0m0 -The door opens and husband enters01 %USBAN'4 'ar"in/0 =a2e up0 8'.e returned0 MAT8#'A4 3h than2 God: 'id you find it< %USBAN'4 8'm afraid 8 didn't0 8 retraced our entire route on foot and found nothin/0 8 went to the po"ice and the cab companies) but there was not e.en the faintest /"immer of hope0 The po"ice said that if it was an un"icensed cab) the chances of reco.erin/ the nec2"ace were pitifu""y "ow0 8 e.en went to the newspaper offices and p"aced ads postin/ a reward) but 8 ha.e "itt"e hope0 =hy wou"d the return it for a modest reward when he cou"d /et much nearer its actua" .a"ue on the b"ac2 mar2et< MAT8#'A4 -Near"y hysterica"1 8 can't bear this0 8 (ust can't bear it: %USBAN'4 6ou must ho"d yourse"f to/ether unti" we can find an answer0 -%e attempts to comfort her as she sha2es .isib"y in his arms01 =e need more time0 %ere is what to do0 =rite a "etter to your friend) Madame +orester) and say that you ha.e bro2en the c"asp of her nec2"ace and that you are it fi5ed by a (ewe"er0 That wi"" /i.e us the time we need0 MAT8#'A4 But what /ood wi"" time do us if the is dishonest) and most sure"y he is0 %USBAN'4 =e must assume that it wi"" be returned0 8n that case) we ha.e no choice but to rep"ace it0 =e must find another e5act"y "i2e it0 8

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

Actors free e01 ---Scene %: &ndeterm'ned locaton(---Actors reshuff"e sta/e and then free e for a second0 No si/n this time0 Mati"da is scrubbin/ f"oors at one side of sta/e) and her husband is wor2in/ at paperwor2 on the other side) ho"din/ his head as if in a headache01 NARRAT3R 14 #oo2 at her) scrubbin/ f"oors to pay off the "oans they too2 out to purchase a rep"acement nec2"ace for Madame +orester0 NARRAT3R !4 6es) it's ama in/ that Madame +orester seems to ha.e noticed the difference0 NARRAT3R 14 3n"y an e5pert in diamonds wou"d be ab"e to te""0 The rep"acement nec2"ace was so near"y "i2e the ori/ina"0 NARRAT3R !4 And the price: The #oise"'s ha.e ta2en on near"y ten years of hea.y debt to the cost of those e59uisite (ewe"s0 NARRAT3R 14 And don't for/et that Monsieur #oise" e.en used the sma"" inheritance "eft by his father which was to be their security in "ater years0 NARRAT3R !4 %e wor2s day and ni/ht) puttin/ in o.ertime at the office) and he e.en ta2es in e5tra wor2 from c"ients0 NARRAT3R 14 And se.era" times now) he has e.en had to rene/otiate the terms of his "oans in order to obtain more time for payment0 Their situation is so terrib"e: NARRAT3R !4 Their apartment is e.en shabbier than before) and their c"othes are practica""y fa""in/ off of them0 NARRAT3R 14 They ha.e both disp"ayed such heroism in order to ma2e /ood on the nec2"ace) and Madame +orester doesn't e.en 2now what happened: NARRAT3R !4 Their pre.ious "ife seems downri/ht "u5urious and carefree to what they ha.e now0 -Actors free e01 ---Scene ): *n the street, nearl+ 1, +ears a#ter the $all(---Actors a/ain reshuff"e the sta/e and then free e for a second0 They then ho"d up a si/n4 ?A street) near"y 1C years after the ba""0?1 %USBAN'4 That's it) Mati"da my "o.e0 8 ha.e made the "ast payment on our debt0 =e ha.e nothin/ "eft for ourse".es) but at "east we are free: MAT8#'A4 3h) my dar"in/0 =e ha.e each other0 8 wou"d ha.e be"ie.ed we cou"d ha.e had the coura/e to see this throu/h0 %ow stran/e this "ife is) that we shou"d ha.e "ost so much in order to find what matters0 9

Form 1 Play. English Drama 2013

%USBAN'4 >erhaps now we can sa.e up to buy new coats0 #oo2: 8sn't that Madame +orester there< 6ou ha.e not spo2en to her since the day you returned the nec2"ace) or rather) since the day you handed her its rep"acement0 MAT8#'A4 8 was too ashamed to a/ain "oo2 into her eyes0 She's comin/ this way0 %USBAN'4 She "oo2s so fine) so prosperous0 Spea2 to her0 Go ahead0 6ou can te"" her now0 NARRAT3R !4 This shou"d be (uicy: NARRAT3R 14 Shh000 MAT8#'A4 Uh000 %e""o0 Good day0 'o you 2now me< +3R@ST@R4 6ou must ha.e mista2en me for someone e"se0 @5cuse me p"ease000 MAT8#'A4 *eanne) don't you reco/ni e me< 8t's me) Mati"da0 +3R@ST@R4 Mati"da< But it can't be0 6ou are such a worn and o"der person than she0 MAT8#'A4 No rea""y) it's me0 8'.e chan/ed because 8 ha.e had to endure ten hard years of manua" "abor) scrubbin/ f"oors and ta2in/ in "aundry0 +3R@ST@R4 My dear) what cou"d ha.e happened to ma2e you do that< MAT8#'A4 8t was your nec2"ace) or rather my desire to be e"e/ant) that caused this0 +3R@ST@R4 But how is that possib"e< 8 ha.e the nec2"ace0 8 wore it to the theater (ust the other ni/ht0 MAT8#'A4 The nec2"ace you ha.e is actua""y (ust a rep"acement0 8'm afraid that 8 "ost yours0 =e borrowed money to purchase a rep"acement and ha.e spent the past ten years payin/ off the debt) but this .ery day) we ha.e made the "ast payment0 +3R@ST@R4 Ten years< Sure"y it cou"d not ha.e ta2en that "on/ to pay off the amount needed to rep"ace the nec2"ace< MAT8#'A4 The rep"acement we bou/ht was first rate) of the hi/hest 9ua"ity0 The (ewe"s were the most e59uisite"ab"e0 +3R@ST@R4 *ewe"s< ->auses01 3h my dear) you purchased (ewe"s< MAT8#'A4 The (ewe"er said that they are the .ery finest that can be bou/ht0 They cost us EF)CCC francs0 =e ha.e the receipt sti"" if you wou"d "i2e to .erify the price0 10

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+3R@ST@R4 3h) my poor) poor) dear Mati"da0 6ou purchased (ewe"s to rep"ace my nec2"ace) when in fact it was on"y costume (ewe"ry) mere /"ass< The rep"acement shou"d ha.e cost you no more than GCC francs0 3h my dear) dear Mati"da0 -She ta2es Mati"da into her arms0 Monsieur #oise" "eans wea2"y a/ainst a wa""0 Narrators co""apse onto the f"oor in a heap0 Mati"da and Madame +orester e.entua""y brea2 into "au/hter01 Actors free e01 7T%@ @N'7


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