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Application Note SAW-Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers App. Note !"
A#stract$ Surface Acoustic Wave filters are crucial to improve the performance of Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) applications. The design of the front-end of RKE receivers is discussed and matching e amples are given.

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EPCOS A' SAW Components )-"!,!- M.nich P.O. 0o1 "&!-&2 http$

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

5ntrod.ction !or RKE systems "single-chip# receivers and "single-chip# transceivers are used. !or the matching proposals $e ta%e the T&A'() series from *+!*+E,+ and the ATA'-( series from AT.E/ as e ample. To improve the selectivity and the image fre0uency re1ection of the system a SAW front-end filter should 2e placed 2et$een antenna and the receiver. !urthermore3 the pro2lem of receiver 2loc%ing 2y po$erful out-of-2and interfering signals is strongly reduced. +arro$-2and front-end SAW filters are availa2le for all fre0uency ranges in use.

/he front-end of RKE receivers The 2asic structure of a receiver or of the receive path of a transceiver is realised $ith a "superheterodyne approach#3 2uilt of a lo$-noise amplifier (/+A) and a mi er. &epending on the receiver integrated circuit (R *4) the fre0uency of the local oscillator /, is defined in such a $ay that the output signal of the mi er has an intermediate fre0uency of some .56 or a fe$ hundred %56. This intermediate signal can 2e handled 2y the demodulator. A typical front-end of a RKE system is sho$n in !igure 78 !$ 6ront-end of a RKE receiver path

A SAW filter offers the follo$ing 2enefits8 a lo$ insertion loss3 a very high selectivity3 2loc%ing of the image fre0uency and 2loc%ing of interfering signals. *f the input of a R *4 is differential3 customi6ed SAW filters can provide the 2alun function as $ell.

9age (

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

Antenna The typical antenna impedance of a 0uarter lam2da $hip antenna is in the range of ') :. The e act input matching of the SAW filter depends on the characteristic antenna impedance. A test point3 li%e presented in !igure (3 simplifies the verification of the input and output matching net$or%s. +$ Antenna test point

*n the follo$ing it is supposed that the antenna impedance is ') :. .atching net$or%s and SAW +arro$-2and front-end SAW filters have input and output impedances different from ') :. +arro$ 2and front-end SAW filters are designed for po$er matching. 9o$er matched SAW filters provide a flat pass-2and and a lo$ insertion loss. Power matching 9o$er matching means that the ma imum of the po$er at the source3 e.g. the antenna3 is transferred to the load3 e.g. the input port of a SAW filter. This is the case if the source impedance ;source < Rsource = 1>source sees its comple con1ugate counterpart ;?<Rsource @ 1>source. 1 2 1 P load = I 2 rmsR load = I R load = 2 1 R load = 2 Z source Z load 2 R


V peak2
source R load X source X load 2 2

R load

V peak2 3 if R load = R source X load = X source max { P load }= 8R load A general e ample is given in !igure A. 7$ Po4er matching

A matching net$or% transfers the load impedance to ;?.

9age A SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

Direct and 2 steps matching The matching 2et$een the SAW filter and the R *4 can 2e done directly or in t$o steps. *n t$o steps means a first matching net$or% transforms the impedance from one component to ') : and then another matching net$or% realises the transformation from ') : to the comple con1ugate impedance of the follo$ing component3 e.g. the internal /+A of the R *4 (!igure B). &irect

( steps 8$ Matching options* direct and + steps matching

.atching direct ( steps

Advantages lo$er losses in matching net$or%s less components in matching net$or%s ') : environment test points possi2le

&isadvantage only overall performance measura2le (e.g. input matching3 SAW filter3 output matching3 /+A) higher losses in matching net$or%s more components in matching net$or%s less sta2le due to a longer transformation path in the Smith chart

/a#le !$ Advantages and disadvantages of direct and + steps matching

/+A The internal /+A of the R *4 is used to amplify the received signal3 so that the signal po$er at the demodulator offers sufficient strength. 5o$ever3 not only the signal po$er is important. A high signal to noise ratio is crucial to avoid errors during the transmission of the data. That is the reason $hy the noise 2ehaviour of the /+A must also 2e controlled.

9age B

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

Maximum gain matching vs. optimum noise matching Every amplifier at a certain operating point has a specific impedance for ma imum gain3 $hich is used for po$er matching3 and a specific impedance for optimum noise3 $hich is used for noise matching. *f these impedances do not coincide3 it might happen that for the configuration $ith the lo$est 2it error rate the pass-2and of the SAW filter sho$s no optimum flatness. Topology 9$ topolog: for ma1im.m gain matching vs. optim.m noise matching

*n the follo$ing the focus of our interest in the circuit topology lies in the interface of the output matching net$or% of the SAW filter and the /+A of the R *4. The matching of this interface is indicated 2y the S77 of the input matching net$or% of the SAW filter. S77 can 2e measured $ith a net$or% analyser. The input of R *4 has in the pass-2and of SAW filter the impedance ;7. So for the output matching net$or%3 the impedance ;7? $ould 2e the optimum impedance for ma imum gain matching of the /+A. 5o$ever3 if the output matching net$or% sho$s the impedance ;A? to the /+A3 the /+A generates the minimum noise. The impedance ;(? is the 2est compromise 2et$een ma imum gain matching and minimum noise matching. !or this impedance the signal to noise ratio $ill 2e the highest. ,ne $ay to 0uantify the data errors is a sensitivity measurement. Sensitivity measurements are performed $ith a data-signal generator. The signal po$er of the signal generator3 for $hich the sent and received data are still identical3 is plotted versus the signal fre0uencies of the signal generator.

9age '

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

E ample of different impedances for ma imum gain and optimum noise ,utput impedances of the S77 at input matching Sensitivity output matching net$or%s net$or%
Sensitivity measurements
;7? ;(? ;A?

signal po$er D dEm

-90 -92.5 -95 -97.5 -100

Row 2 Row f12 Row 24 D 56 Row 3 Row 13 Row 25 9a$ #ehavio.r in the case of different impedances for ma1im.m gain and optim.m noise

!or ;7? as the output impedance of the output matching net$or% S77 is curled in the centre of the Smith 4hart and the sensitivity level is nearly constant over the $hole pass-2and. This situation corresponds to an optimum flat pass-2and of the SAW filter. *f the output matching net$or% offers ;A? to the /+A of the R *43 then S77 is no more located tightly around the centre of the Smith 4hart and the pass-2and of the SAW filter $ill not offer optimum flatness anymore. 4onse0uently sensitivity measurements $ill sho$ a curve $ith a higher ripple. The sensitivity level is affected favoura2ly 2y a lo$ noise level and simultaneously it is affected negatively 2y higher losses in the matching net$or%s. Therefore the output impedance of the output matching net$or% ;(? $ill 2e the 2est compromise of these t$o effects and 2est sensitivity measurement results $ill 2e o2tained.

9age C

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

E ample of similar impedances for ma imum gain and optimum noise ,utput impedances of the S77 at input matching Sensitivity output matching net$or%s net$or%
Sensitivity measurements
;7? ;(? ;A?

signal po$er D dEm

-90 -92.5 -95 -97.5 -100

Row 2 Row f12 D 56Row 24 Row 3 Row 13 Row 25 9#$ #ehavio.r in the case of similar impedances for ma1im.m gain and optim.m noise

*f the specific impedances for ma imum gain and optimum noise are similar3 losses in matching net$or%s and the noise level of the /+A of the R *4 $ill 2e similar too. As a conse0uence the sensitivity measurements for all impedances $ill 2e ali%e as $ell. *n the case of different impedances3 there are t$o approaches8 - ( steps matching8 The input matching net$or% of the /+A of the R *4 $ill 2e matched to a ') ,hm test point3 so that the highest signal to noise ratio are o2tained. Then output matching net$or% of the SAW filter is po$er matched to the ') ,hm test point. - &irect matching8 ,nce the ma imum gain impedance is found3 the matching elements have to 2e changed slightly and measuring the sensitivity the optimum matching $ill 2e found. *n general3 the R! po$er of the net$or% analyser or the signal generator should 2e limited to @B)dEm so that the /+A $or%s in linear range. *f there is an automatic gain control3 it should 2e ad1usted to ma imum gain. *n the follo$ing $e $ill match to the ma imum gain impedance.

9age -

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

SAW filter matching There are several matching structures $hich offer different 2enefits. As on each 94E the situation is different and as there are only a limited num2er of values of the matching components3 some matching structures might suite 2etter than others. !or each design the matching must 2e optimi6ed. 5igh and lo$ pass configurations are presented in !igure C. *n !igure - $e see that there are nota2le differences in the $ide 2and vie$. 5igh pass configuration /o$ pass configuration ,$ ;igh pass and lo4 pass config.rations

9age F

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers -$ S+! response for high pass <green= vs. lo4 pass <red= matching config.rations

The use of t$o inductors attenuates lo$ and high fre0uencies. This configuration has a 2and pass characteristic (!igure F). 2and pass configuration "$ 0and pass config.rations

As the impedances of a narro$-2and SAW filter and the /+A input of the R *4 are rather capacitive than inductive3 configurations $ith t$o capacitors are not possi2le.
9age G SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

The arrangement of t$o inductors often leads to the lo$est insertion loss. Which configuration provides 2est sta2ility depends on the tolerances of the components and on the transformation path in the Smith 4hart. Eest results $ill 2e o2tained if traces are %ept short 2et$een the SAW filter and ad1acent components3 and if inductors $ith high 0uality factors are used. !or the specification of the SAW filter the 0uality factors of the inductors3 $hich are used for the matching3 are usually stated in the data sheet. The SAW filter provides an additional feature8 Even if the /+A does not include a &4 2loc% capacitor3 the SAW filter $ill 2loc% the &4 current (see !igure G). *n the static model3 E94,S SAW filters are descri2ed 2y capacitors3 $hich are connected in serial or in parallel. That is the reason $hy there is no direct connection to ground for &4 currents. 2$ SAW filters f.lfil )C #loc> f.nction

The data sheet includes ma imum values of the applica2le &4 Holtage. As the SAW filter is an ES& sensitive element3 there might 2e the need of ES& protection. *n the data sheet e amples of ES& protection matching net$or%s are given.

9age 7)

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

Optimi?ation of the matching net4or>s The aim of all po$er matching approaches is a flat pass-2and and a lo$ insertion attenuation. The S77 in the Smith 4hart indicates if the matching is already optimi6ed. *f the pass-2and region is not near to the centre of the Smith 4hart3 the input matching has to 2e optimi6ed (!igure 7))8 !&$ Optimi?ation of the inp.t matching

*f the curve in the pass-2and is "curled#3 than the output matching has to 2e improved (!igure 77)8 !!$ Optimi?ation of the matching

The green curve3 "curled# and centred in the middle of the Smith 4hart3 sho$s an optimi6ed matching.
9age 77 SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

Sim.lation of the matching of EPCOS SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers Simulations of the matching net$or%s for *+!*+E,+Is T&A '() series and AT.E/Is ATA '-( series are presented. ,n a 94E component values can change slightly 2ecause of the parasitics and the accuracy of the device models in simulations. !or the simulation inductors $ith 0uality factors of JB' for A7'.563 J') for BAB.56 and JC) for FCF.56 have 2een used. The capacitorsI 0uality factors are higher than 7)). !urthermore micro strip lines ().'mm common line $idth3 (mm length) have 2een integrated in the simulations for the connection of the components. SAW !ilters EA-B78 narro$-2and filter3 0uart63 A7'.56 EA-BA8 narro$-2and filter3 0uart63 BAA.G(.56 EA-BB8 narro$-2and filter3 0uart63 FCF.A.56 9lease loo% at the datasheets and at the important notes in the datasheets. The /+A input impedances are ta%en from the data sheets of the receivers. *4 AT.E/ A7'.568 ATA'-(A3 (C.G- @ 17'F.- RDD48 GC7 DD (pA BAA.568 ATA'-(B3 7G.A) @ 177A.A RDD48 CFB DD Ap( FCF.568 ATA'-(F3 7B.7' @ 1-A.'A RDD48 AGC DD (pB *4 *+!*+E,+ A7'.568 T&A'()73 BAA.568 T&A'())3 FCF.568 T&A'())3 ).FG' D -('.'K RDD48 F'G DD (pA ).F-A D -AB.-K RDD48 C-( DD (pA ).-AF D --A.'K RDD48 (7C DD (pC

The sho$n matching topologies are chosen to present the variety of the matching net$or%s. *t is not guaranteed that the 2est topology $ith respect to num2er of components3 return loss or sensitivity of the components has 2een ta%en.

9age 7(

SAW 4E AE 9&



AAp! 4)C)AAAG!GE())

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-B7 @ T&A'()7
Antenna EA-B7
7 (



AAp! (.Ap!



7'n5 ).(p! BAn5

') ,hm

parasitic capacitance only in simulation necessary

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

/+A input F'G ,hm DD (pA!

Smith 4hart of S77

Return /oss of S77

Transmission narro$ 2and

9age 7A

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-B7 @ T&A'()7 Transmission medium 2and

Transmission $ide 2and

9age 7B

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

/MW7FA+-(+L)) /MW7FA+R7CL))

EA-B7 @ ATA'-(A - micro strip line 2efore /+A has a physical length 9 < Cmm
Antenna EA-B7
7 (



') ,hm

parasitic capacitance only in simulation necessary





/+A input GC7 ,hm DD (pA!

Smith 4hart of S77

Return /oss of S77

Transmission narro$ 2and

9age 7'


SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-B7 @ ATA'-(A Transmission medium 2and

Transmission $ide 2and

9age 7C

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-BA @ T&A'())
Antenna EA-BA
7 (





') ,hm

parasitic capacitance only in simulation necessary

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

/+A input C-( ,hm DD (pA!

Smith 4hart of S77

Return /oss of S77

Transmission narro$ 2and

9age 7-

SAW 4E AE 9&




SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-BA @ T&A'()) Transmission medium 2and

Transmission $ide 2and

9age 7F

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers


Antenna EA-BA
7 (





') ,hm





parasitic capacitance only in simulation necessary

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

/+A input CFB ,hm DD Ap(!

Smith 4hart of S77

Return /oss of S77

Transmission narro$ 2and

9age 7G

SAW 4E AE 9&


SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-BA @ ATA'-(B Transmission medium 2and

Transmission $ide 2and

9age ()

SAW 4E AE 9&


SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-BB @ T&A'())
Antenna EA-BB
()n5 ).(p! (.(p! ).(p! B.-p! F.(n5 (.Cp!
7 (



') ,hm

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

parasitic capacitance only in simulation necessary

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

/+A input (7C ,hm DD (pC!

Smith 4hart of S77

Return /oss of S77

Transmission narro$ 2and

9age (7

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-BB @ T&A'()) Transmission medium 2and

Transmission $ide 2and

9age ((

SAW 4E AE 9&


SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

Antenna EA-BB
7 (



()n5 ).(p! ).(p! C.Fn5 (.(p! (.Bp! ((p!

') ,hm

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

parasitic capacitance only in simulation necessary

&<).'mm &L<).'mm

/+A input AGC ,hm DD (pB!

Smith 4hart of S77

Return /oss of S77

Transmission narro$ 2and

9age (A

SAW 4E AE 9&

SAW Components

Matching of EPCOS front-end SAW filters to integrated RKE receivers

EA-BB @ ATA'-(F Transmission medium 2and

Transmission $ide 2and

9age (B

SAW 4E AE 9&

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