1D Motion 2

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1D Motion: Kinematic Equations

1) Motion with constant velocity 2) Motion with constant acceleration 3) Equations of motion under constant acceleration 4) Freely falling bodies

image: Wikipedia

Motion Graphs

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A person initially at point P in the illustration stays there a moment and then moves along the axis to Q and stays there a moment. She then runs quickly to R, stays there a moment, and then strolls slowly back to P. Which of the position vs. time graphs below correctly represents this motion?

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The position vs. time of a given bumblebee taking off from one flower an landing on another is x(t) = t2 (t-1)2. What is the bees acceleration vs time? a) 2 - 12 t + 12 t2 b) 2 t - 6 t2 + 4 t3 c) 24 t - 12 d) 12+1/t

Constant Velocity
x Constant slope (straight line) on position graph

Clicker - Constant Velocity

A car traveling through the city of Atlanta travels for 10 mins at 60 mph (feeling good), then travels for 20 mins at 15 mph (city trafffic), then travels another 30 mins at 80 mph (angry speeding). How far did they go and what was their average velocity? a) 60 miles, 55 mph b) 48 miles, 30 mph c) 55 miles, 55 mph d) 55 miles, 60 mph

Clicker - Constant Velocity

A marathon runner runs at a steady 15 km/hr. When the runner is 7.5 km from the finish, a bird begins flying from the runner to the finish at 30 km/hr. When the bird reaches the finish line, it turns around and flies back to the runner, and then turns around again, repeating the back-and-forth trips until the runner reaches the finish line. How many kilometers does the bird travel? a) 10 km b) 15 km c) 25 km d) 30 km

Constant Acceleration
eliminate position
x parabola

t vx straight line

Constant Acceleration
eliminate acceleration

Constant Acceleration
eliminate final velocity

Constant Acceleration
eliminate time

Clicker - Constant Acceleration

John Stapp was subjected to an acceleration of 150 m/s2 for a period of 0.6 secs during a rocket sled test in 1954. If he started from rest (vxi = 0), what was his final velocity? a) 250 m/s b) 120 m/s c) 90 m/s Assuming he started at position xi = 0, which formula correctly describes his motion during the 0.6 second interval? a) x = 150 t b) x = 60 t + 150 t2 c) x = 75 t2
image: Wikipedia

Falling Bodies
Aristotle ~ 340 BC: speed of falling body depends mass (paraphrased here) Gallileo ~ 1600 AD: bodies on earth fall with the same acceleration




g = -9.81 m/s2

Clicker Falling Bodies

A person standing at the edge of a cliff throws ball #1 straight up and ball #2 straight down at the same initial speed. The balls subsequently hit the ground at a later time with velocities v1 and v2. Which of the statements is true: a) b) c) d) v1 > v2 v 1 = v2 v 1 < v2 Not enough information to tell

Clicker Falling Bodies

When throwing a ball straight up, which of the following is true about its velocity v and its acceleration a at the highest point in its path? a) both v = 0 and a = 0 b) v 0, but a = 0 c) v = 0, but a 0 d) both v 0 and a 0 e) not really sure

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