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Storytelling & Commission From Script To Screen


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INT. STUDIO AFTERNOON! ! Alvaro painting. Agitation surfaces when his brush strokes becomes clumsy and rough.! Eyes darted to the Competition Dateline"! ! He looks at the paintbrush and dashes out.! ! I/E. ART SUPPLY SHOPS AFTERNOON! ! INT. OLIVER'S ART SUPPLY SHOP - AFTERNOON! ! Looks at a shelf of brushes and sees the label "Gold Standard Animal Standard Bristle Brushes. Made from 100% Animal's Hair."! ! Looks up. Sees the direction sign of the zoo outside the shop.! ! Looks down at the brushes again.! wall calendar that says "National Arts

P.O.V. OF RAUL(ZOOKEEPER). EMERALD ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS EVENING! ! Alvaro sets up his easel. Looks at his watch that says 5.45 pm. Looks up at the Zoo opening hours saying it closes at 6pm.! ! EXT. EMERALD ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS - EVENING! ! Raul shrugs and walks out of shot. Alvaro pulls out a fishing rod from his toolbox, a huge hook on the end.! Silhouette of Alvaro and hook enters an enclosure. Animal yelps and reels his catch.! ! INT. STUDIO NIGHT! ALVARO! ! Urgh. This is not it. I need to go back again.! ! Snaps a paintbrush and looks at the calendar.!

P.O.V. OF RAUL(ZOOKEEPER). EMERALD ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS EVENING! ! Alvaro sets up his easel. Looks at his watch that says 5.45 pm. Looks up at the Zoo opening hours saying it closes at 6pm.! ! EXT. EMERALD ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS - EVENING! ! Raul shrugs and walks out of shot. Alvaro pulls out a fishing rod from his toolbox, a huge hook on the end.! ! Silhouette of Alvaro and hook enters an enclosure. Animal yelps and reels his catch.! ! INT. STUDIO NIGHT! ! Alvaro snaps the painbrush.!

INT. STUDIO MORNING! ! Daily morning newspaper delivered to his studio and the headline on the front page is " The Fisherman Strikes Again at Local Zoo" with a picture of the zookeeper pointing at an empty enclosure, looking concerned.! ! EXT. EMERALD ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS EVENING! ! Raul sees Alvaro setting up but this time, he waits. He sees the fishing rod and goes up to Alvaro to confront him.! ! Silhouette of the two men as they fight. A man drops to the floor.! ! EXT. CRYSTAL PALACE HOTEL NIGHT! ! Signboard that shows the National Arts Competition Exhibition.!

INT. CRYSTAL PALACE HOTEL NIGHT! ! Alvaro stands strong and proud with spotlight, by his perfect painting.! ! Camera zooms out. ! ! Silhouette of attendees with multiple camera flashes.! ! Camera leaves the building and back to the streets.! ! EXT. CRYSTAL PALACE HOTEL NIGHT! ! A copy of newspaper lying on the ground. A picture of the deceased zookeeper and half of his moustache gone spreads across the cover of it.! ! FADE TO BLACK.! his paintbrush in the

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