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CH 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750 Test

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Why did the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires decline simultaneously? a. Inability to adjust to the changes in military technology and the world economy b. Natural disasters c. The bubonic plague d. Declining birthrates combined with fertility problems e. A religious prohibition against banking 2. A significant weakness of the Ottoman Empire against the Portuguese was that the Ottomans did not
have: a. Horses b. guns c. a large-scale navy d. trade connections e. any of these. The devshirme system involved a. taking Christian children for government and military service. b. the forced conversion of Islamic children for military service. c. the strict segregation of children of different genders. d. female infanticide. e. child agricultural labor. The Mughal Empire was quite prosperous in the sixteenth century because it a. traded cotton cloth. b. mined gold in Siberia. c. grew cash crops such as coffee and cacao. d. colonized the Americas. e. All of these Although European accounts discussed the custom of women wearing veils, a. Islamic women wore elaborate headdresses of ostrich feathers and lace. b. both Islamic men and women covered their hair, arms, and legs. c. Islamic women didn't cover the face or body. d. Islamic women were never actually seen by Europeans. e. there is no evidence that this is true. In 1453, the Ottoman armies attacked Constantinople and brought an end to a. Roman rule. b. Byzantine rule. c. Arab rule. d. Egyptian rule. e. Mongol rule.










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7. Tax farming is a. shifting the tax burden to the rich. b. imposing a tariff on foreign agricultural products. c. a term for soil exhaustion due to overfarming. d. paying taxes in advance for the right to collect greater amounts from others. e. peasants working on government land to pay government expenses. 8. Comparatively speaking, which term would be least likely to apply to Isfahan? a. centrally located b. indefensible. c. cosmopolitan d. lacking in cultural life e. anti-commercial. 9. Which Italian city-state became a commercial rival and military foe of the Ottoman Empire? a. Venice b. Genoa c. Florence d. Rome e. Turin 10. In the Muslim world, a. homosexuality was unknown. b. homosexuality was encouraged. c. homosexuality was introduced by the Silk Road. d. despite religious disapproval, relationships with boys were not unusual. e. homosexuality was practiced only among the rich. 11. The chief source of Ottoman inflation in the sixteenth century was a. uncontrolled spending by the nobles. b. poor tax-collecting policies. c. an influx of silver from the Americas. d. uncontrolled military spending. e. widespread opium addiction. 12. Mughal is Persian for a. infidel. b. interloper. c. conquerors. d. Mongol. e. Mamluk. 13. A woman seen in public in the Muslim world would most likely have been any of the following except: a. non-Muslim b. elderly c. very poor d. slaves e. married

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14. The askeri class in the Ottoman Empire was the a. noble class. b. military class. c. lower class. d. religious class. e. scholar class. 15. Following a familiar principle in empires, the Ottomans made sure to appeal to the military with a. land in exchange for service. b. tax exemptions. c. freedom to travel without restrictions. d. first pick of slaves conquered in war. e. provincial administrative posts. 16. The Mughal Empire is distinguished from the Ottomans and Safavids mostly because it was a. not very warlike. b. heavily influenced by the Chinese. c. a Hindu land ruled by Muslims. d. still controlled by the Mongols. e. a democracy. 17. What new product traded from the Arabian port of Mocha became the rage in the fifteenth century? a. Chocolate b. Silk c. Pecans d. Coffee e. Taconite 18. The "tulip period" in the Ottoman Empire was one in which Ottomans: a. emulated western European fashions b. traded with Holland for tulips and clogs c. had the red tulip as the official insignia of the Janissary corps d. achieved domination in trade over Venice as the sole exporters of tulip bulbs from
Istanbul. made an alliance with the Dutch at the expense of all other western European trade. 19. The Ottomans' chief rival in Iran was the a. Saranid Empire. b. Mughal Empire. c. Safavid Empire. d. Persian Empire. e. Uighur Empire. 20. "Capitulations" that were beneficial to Europeans were a. monopolies on certain cash crops sold to European companies. b. access to certain Ottoman ports. c. acknowledgment of the supremacy of the Portuguese army in Southeast Asia. d. a discount on trade duties and fees negotiated between Europeans and sultans. e. a tax based not on the amount of goods traded but on how many non-Muslims (per capita) were involved in the trade company.




Name: ______________________ ____


21. According to the fatwas of Ebu's-Su'ud', what substance was considered reprehensible and illicit by the
Shari'a? a. Tobacco b. Alcohol c. Coffee d. Hallucinogenic mushrooms e. Sugar One difference between the Ottoman and Iranian states was that the Iranian state was based on a. Shi'ism. b. Sunnism. c. Kharijism. d. Sufism. e. Sikhism. What European country conquered the East African port cities? a. Spain b. The Netherlands c. England d. Portugal e. France A new fourteenth-century Ottoman military resource was Christian prisoners of war, called a. Janissaries. b. Knights of the Cross. c. Mamluks. d. Caspian slaves. e. Lollards. Islamic law a. did not allow women to own any property. b. did not discuss women's property ownership. c. forbade women to own property after marriage. d. allowed women to keep property after marriage. e. made women equal with men.










CH 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750 Test Answer Section
MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: A C A A B B D C A D C D E B A C D A C D C A D A D PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: REF: p. 563 p. 548-550 p. 551 p. 561 p. 559 p. 548 p. 554 p. 560 p. 548 p. 560 p. 551 p. 561 p. 560 p. 551 p. 551 p. 561 p. 555 p. 555 p. 557 p. 555 p. 553 p. 557 p. 565 p. 551 p. 559

CH 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750 Test [Answer Strip]
D _____ 7. B _____ 14. C _____ 21.


A _____

1. C _____ 8. A _____ 15. A _____ 22.

C _____

2. A _____ 9. C _____ 16. D _____ 23.

A _____


D _____ 10.

D _____ 17. A _____ 24.

A _____


C _____ 11.

A _____ 18. D _____ 25.

B _____


D _____ 12.

C _____ 19.

B _____


E _____ 13.

D _____ 20.

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