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I fully and freely forgive myself and others across all time and space, I releas e myself and

others mentally and spiritually, I completely forgive everything co nnected with the matter in question, I forgive myself and others across time and space, as I forgive myself and others, they also forgive me across time and spa ce, I am free, they are free, It is a marvellous feeling SO BE IT NOW! <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> This is my day of general amnesty, I release anybody and everybody who has ever hurt me, and I wish for each and everyone health, happiness, peace and all the b lessings of life, I do this freely and joyously and lovingly, Whenever I think o f the person or persons who hurt me in past, I say, "I have released you, forgiv en you, and all the blessings of life are yours," I am free and they are free, T he more good I give to others more it comes in multiplied to me, It is wonderful ! <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I easily forgive others and I am easily forgiven, I choose to forgive as I take responsibility for my creations and attractions <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Forgiving myself restores my love and light, I forgive myself and release all my past joyously, I forgive and communicate love, easily and effortlessly now <SIL ENCE MSEC="200" /> I now liberate my past from my mind, body and affairs, I forgive my family and e mbrace them with love and compassion <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> God loves me and forgives me for everything, I forgive the world and my light sh ines in, I deserve to be forgiven and to forgive <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am grateful to God for my ability to easily forgive, I set my past free and fo rgive myself for my participation in things I am not proud of <SILENCE MSEC="200 " /> I learn from my mistakes, forgive them and move on, I easily forgive everyone in my life, Forgiveness is a gift I now give to myself and those around me <SILENC E MSEC="200" /> The past has no power over me now, I forgive it, The more resentment I release t he more love I have to express, As I learn to love myself I find it easier to fo rgive <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I forgive and understand others and their motives, Beyond all understanding, I f orgive, I bless and forgive everyone who has caused me pain in past <SILENCE MSE C="200" /> I easily find freedom as I now forgive myself, all others and I let go of the pa st, I forgive myself for love and affection I withheld from myself and others <S ILENCE MSEC="200" /> I forgive myself and others, My forgiving nature is contagious, I forgive everyo ne including myself and embrace them and myself with love, compassion and unders tanding <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I set myself free and forgive myself of any wrong doing, I communicate love and understanding in all that I do and say <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Forgiveness comes naturally to me, I forgive and release others as I grow in my spirituality, Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world <SILENCE MSEC ="200" /> By forgiving, I recognize the light within myself and others, Through forgiving, I find Truth, I bring peace to every mind through my forgiveness <SILENCE MSEC= "200" /> Forgiveness brings me instant joy, I love greatly and forgive easily, I release the past and forgive every place and being including myself <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am stronger when I forgive, I willingly extend complete forgiveness to others, Forgiveness brings me emotional and mental freedom <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I feel empowered when I forgive myself and others, I release the past, I am will ing to forgive myself and everyone, Now I Forgive <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I release myself from my anger and let the past go, Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself over and over again <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I let go of my hurt and anger toward anyone, I allow Divine love and forgiveness to permeate my thoughts <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My memory of this situation is healed with love and I move forward with renewed

joy toward life, The past is over and now forgiven and I am thankful, Forgivenes s expands within me to let the past go and open my eyes to the happiness of tomo rrow <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I completely forgive myself for my imperfections, I completely forgive my mother and father for their imperfections, I forgive everybody and everything, every n ight before I go to bed <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I forgive myself for fearing to fail and I am now willing to take the risks to l earn and grow, The past has no power over me, I forgive all those that need my f orgiveness and I forgive myself and same time I am being forgiven <SILENCE MSEC= "200" /> I forgive myself for my separation from Divine Love, I forgive myself for all I have done <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I accept forgiveness, I forgive every person who has undermined my self-esteem, My strength comes from forgiveness of those whom I have perceived to hurt me <SI LENCE MSEC="200" /> As I forgive, miracles happen, When I have difficulty forgiving, I ask for assis tance from Source, I know that every act is forgiveable and I let go of all blam e and judgement now <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My ability and power to forgive increases every day, I like forgiving, because w ithin this blessed act, my world and I expand <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I notice how my whole perception changes when I forgive, Forgiveness completely releases me from shame and blame <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am worthy of Divines forgiveness, I have the capacity to forgive everything an d anything, Even when my heart is broken, I find my way to forgiveness <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Forgiveness mends my heart and soothes my soul, I move easily from betrayal to f orgiveness to trust, as this is my nature <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> When I forgive, I completely release all karmic implications for myself and othe rs, I am free they are free, My love is unconditional and so is my forgiveness < SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I see the rich learning in all my experiences and through this I gratefully forg ive, No person or event is beyond my capacity to forgive <SILENCE MSEC="200" />

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