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UMTS Radio Network Optimization

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1 2 UMTS Radio Network Optimization Classifications .................................................................... 3 2.1 Engineering Optimization and Operation & Maintenance Optimization ..................................... 3 2.2 Single-site Optimization, Cluster Optimization and Network Optimization ................................ 4 3 Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work ....................................... 7 3.1 Preparatory Work ............................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Equipment Checking .......................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Data Collection .................................................................................................................10 3.3.1 Work Description ....................................................................................................10 3.3.2 DT Data Collection..................................................................................................10 3.3.3 CQT Data Collection ............................................................................................... 11 3.3.4 OMC Data Collection ..............................................................................................12 3.3.5 Subscriber Complaints Collection ..............................................................................12 3.3.6 Alarm Data Collection..............................................................................................12 3.3.7 Signaling Tracing Data Collection .............................................................................12 3.4 Data Analys is and Problem Orientation ................................................................................12 3.4.1 Work Descriptions ...................................................................................................12 3.4.2 Network Evaluation before Optimization ....................................................................14 3.4.3 Common Data Analysis Method ................................................................................14 3.4.4 Network Problem Location .......................................................................................16 3.5 Optimization Scheme Workout and Review ..........................................................................17 3.6 Optimization Scheme Implementation .................................................................................17 3.6.1 Work Descriptions ...................................................................................................17

3.6.2 Note...................................................................................................................... 17 3.7 Optimization Scheme V alidation ......................................................................................... 18 3.7.1 Work Description .................................................................................................... 18 3.7.2 Note...................................................................................................................... 19 3.8 Compile and Review of Optimization Report ....................................................................... 19 3.9 Project Acceptance ........................................................................................................... 20 3.9.1 Work Description .................................................................................................... 20 3.9.2 Note...................................................................................................................... 20 3.10 Project Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 20 4 Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work ............................................................ 23 4.1 Single Site Optimization Procedures and Work Content ......................................................... 23 4.1.1 Preparatory Work before Single Site V erification Test .................................................. 25 4.1.2 Single Site Verification Test...................................................................................... 26 4.1.3 Testing Equipment Installation .................................................................................. 28 4.1.4 Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting of Single Site Verification ........................... 28 4.2 Site Cluster Optimization Flow & Working Content .............................................................. 30 4.2.1 Entry Condition ...................................................................................................... 30 4.2.2 Work Flow of Site Cluster Optimization ..................................................................... 32 4.2.3 Acceptance Criteria of Site Clusters Optimization ....................................................... 36 4.2.4 Export of Site Clusters Optimization ......................................................................... 38 4.3 Process and Content of Global Optimization ........................................................................ 38 5 Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization ................................................................. 43 5.1 Optimizing Method of OMC-R KPI .................................................................................... 43 5.1.1 Operation & Maintenance Optimization Flow ............................................................. 43 5.1.2 Key KPI ................................................................................................................ 46 5.1.3 Optimization of Radio Establishment Rate ................................................................. 47


5.1.4 Optimization of Call Drop Rate .................................................................................49 5.1.5 Optimization of Handover Success Rate .....................................................................50 5.1.6 Traffic V olume and Call Drop Rate ............................................................................52 5.1.7 RTWP....................................................................................................................52 5.1.8 Utility of Code Resources .........................................................................................53 5.2 Adjustable Parameters in Optimization .................................................................................54 5.2.1 Power Matching Parameters......................................................................................54 5.2.2 Random Access Parameters ......................................................................................54 5.2.3 Cell Selection & Reselection Parameters ....................................................................54 5.2.4 Soft Handover Parameters ........................................................................................54 5.2.5 Inter-system Handover Parameters.............................................................................54 5.2.6 Load Control Parameters ..........................................................................................55 5.3 Final Acceptance Indicators ................................................................................................55


1 Overview
Taking the whole life span of the network into consideration, UMTS radio network planning & optimization is closely related and interacted. The concept of UMTS network planning & optimization of ZTE Corporation is as follows:

Coverage capacity Operators avenue

Network capacity

Qos Operation cost

Op timu m networ k or ig in ate s fro m re qu ire ments, star ts b y plann ing, an d fo cuse s o n op timizin g p ro ce ss.

Fig 2.1-1

UM TS network planning & optimization concept

UMTS radio network optimization work includes making system evaluation and analys is based on the performance, solving the problems to improve system performance by various technical means and measures. The document mainly describes working procedures and notice that shall be observed during optimization work. It is not introducing technical details but rather providing radio network optimization procedures and methods. It is all concrete work that shall be done step by step especially when engineers are unknown how to do the network optimization work.

2 UMTS Radio Network Optimization Classifications

Network delivery and operation & maintenance service Network delivery and operation and maintenance service Operation & maintenance optimization Network optimization at trial stage Engineering optimization Site clusters optimization Single site verification Network construction and commissioning Network planning & design Network planning & design Start Network construction, commissioning and debugging Global optimization

Network optimization

Network design

Network construction & commissioning

Initial trial

Final check



Fig 2.1-1

UM TS Network Planning & Optimization Lifespan and M ilestone

After network planning & design and network construction & commissioning, network planning & optimization work enters into network optimization phase. Optimization work is classified into engineering optimization and operation & maintenance optimization according to time section, work target and work content.

2.1 Engineering Optimization


and Operation

& Maintenance

Engineering optimization is also called optimization before launch and after network construction (pre-launch). The main objective is to normalize the network and ensure that the network can achieve the goal of coverage and interference. Engineering optimization include solo site checking, cluster optimization, and area (or the whole network) optimization. Operation & maintenance optimization is also called optimization after launch and it refers to network quality improvement through optimization work during network operation (launched); The objectives of optimization after launch are not only to ensure

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

the normal operation of the network, client satisfaction evaluation but also to find out the latent network problems and to make analysis of the network to confront future change of the network. Operation & maintenance optimization include network traffic variation, traffic balance and resource utility rate etc. After launch hidden network problem will be exposed based on clients complaints and vast OMC data after network commissioning. After launch, concentration and methods of network optimization will be changed. OMC data, alarm data and user complaints will be the most important reference for network optimization. The major differences of engineering optimization and operation & maintenance optimization are the following:

Table 2.1-1

M ain Difference of Engineering Optimization and Operation & M aintenance Optimization Engineering optimization Operation & maintenance optimization


Before launch

After launch

Network capacity Optimization target

No load

Improving user capacity gradually

Network launch



Ensuring normal operation of the network, performance, improving finding out network latent

quality meeting goals for

network problem and making forecast of the future network and get prepared for the change. Optimization focus Optimization method Focusing on DT and CQT of the whole network Improving radio coverage Improving OM C-R KPI performance indicators Centering on monitoring and analysis of OM C-R performance supplemented by DT and CQT.

2.2 Single-site Optimization, Cluster Optimization and Network Optimization

Chapter 2

UMTS Radio Network Optimization Classifications

Fig 2.2-1

Three Stages of Engineering Optimization

Engineering optimization can be divided into three stages based on the status of site installation and the number & distribution of sites: single site optimization, cluster optimization and network optimization. Single site optimization is also called single site validation, and it is an important stage in which self-check of functionality of site equipment is required so as to ensure that basic functions and coverage of every cell in every site are both normal. By doing this, problems need to be solved during network optimization such as call drop, access problems caused by network inadequate coverage, or problems caused by equipment can be differentiated. On one hand, it helps a great in later problem orientation and solving as to improving network optimization efficiency; On the other, during the process engineers are familiar with site location, configuration, radio environment which lays a good foundation for future optimization. Site cluster optimization refers to dividing network coverage area to different clusters based on certain principles and area optimization after clusters of sites have been integrated and percentage of site that pass the validation reaches 80%. The main work is to make test, analysis and optimization directing at coverage, interference, adjacent cells, pilot pollution, and call drop of the coverage area after single site validation. Network optimization refers to further and larger-area or the whole network comprehensive optimization with the target mainly at cluster borders, RNC borders, network borders and the whole network. The working contents are much the same with cluster optimization aiming at improving network performance. In the following chapters, concrete optimization procedures and contents of different stages will be discussed.

3 Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

This chapter offers a general view of the radio network planning & optimization work by mainly introducing radios network optimization procedures of different styles and different stage. Specific working procedures may vary in different stages, so we provide the following procedure chart summarizing the similarities of UMTS radio network optimization work followed by detailed analys is of radio network optimization of different styles and stages.
Procedures of Radio Network Optimization Clients Project Manager Equipment Engineers Test Engineers Optimization Engineers Inspection Team Export


Client requirement s

Preparator y Work Network planning report and evaluation report Equipment check Data collection Data analysis and problem orientation Workout and review of optimizatio n scheme no no

Network optimization plan

Network optimizatio n adjustment scheme Network optimization adjustment record

Implement optimization scheme Optimization validation test

Meet the requirements? yes Workout and review of optimization scheme

Network optimizatio n report

Pass project acceptance test? Project Summarization Report

Project summarization


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Figure 4 UMTS Radio Network Optimization Procedures In the following chapters main working contents and input & export of radio network optimization procedures will be introduced.

3.1 Preparatory Work

Target Set optimization are and optimization target, prepare and coordinate optimization tools, organize personnel and allocate responsibilities. Confirm project acceptance criteria and work out working schedule. Person-in-chargeProject manager Input UMTS Radio Network Simulation Report in XX area and UMTS Radio Network Planning Report in XX area in network planning stage. Export UMTS Radio Network Planning Project Plan in XX Area Work content 1. Demand analysis. Demand analysis shall be based on full and effective communication with customers and attention shall be drawn to : Requirements of clients toward network optimization consisting of coverage, capacity, and Qos of the network etc. 2. Job Responsibilities dividing among the clients and our part Time and criteria of the acceptance of the project. Material investigation and collection. The materials shall be acquired before optimization are: UMTS Radio Network Simulation Report in XX area and UMTS Radio Network Planning Report in XX area in network planning stage. Information about the site, feeders and system parameter setting of the planned network etc 3. Existing problems in the network shall also be aware. Preparation of optimization tools DT tools are the basic tools for doing network optimization test mainly including DT software, test MP, receiver and GPS etc. Express card is also included for

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Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

some DT equipment. Signaling analyzer shall be used for signaling tracking and positioning; spectrum spectrograph is needed for interference test; if parameters shall be adjusted, compass may be included. 4. Work out plan. The plan shall be made according to network scale, manpower and clients requirement towards the network. Constituent personnel, intended optimization method and optimization schedule are necessary parts that shall be introduced in the plan.

3.2 Equipment Checking

Objective Ensure that the equipment functions normally avoiding the negative effect on the network due to equipment malfunction. Person-in-chargeMechanical engineer inputNull output random inspection report of single sites working content The work is carried out in the engineering optimization period; in operation and maintenance optimization, data collected by OMC-R can reflect the status of the site. Before network optimization, all s ites shall have been checked and can work normally. But in actual condition, some sites cant function normally which affects the subsequent work due to lack of checking or no checking; to ensure the orderly execution of network optimization work, it s necessary to select some sites to check. Random checking of single sites includes the following procedures: 1. Select 20% of all sites for checking. Different configurations and different areas of sites shall be included. After sites are confirmed, work out a plan. 2. 3. Check the sites and provide detailed info as to adjustment if problems exist. If 20% sites have problems by site checking, check the other sites left unchecked; if no problems are found, checking can be stopped. 4. Fill in Single Site Review Report and do troubleshooting.

The following items shall be checked


UM TS Radio Network Optimization


Feeder system and radio parameter checking: latitude and longitude, antenna height, sector direction, down tilt, feeder length and standing wave ratio etc.


Background and foreground configuration and alarm checking: board software version, list of scrambling code and adjacent cells, searching window parameter configuration, RSSI value and background alarm etc.


Performance checking: function checking of voice and data such as voice paging, voice service handover, data paging, Ping delay test, and data service handover etc.

3.3 Data Collection

3.3.1 Work Description
Objective Collect network data for problems analysis and orientation. Person-in-chargeTest engineer inputNull exportAll data working content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DT CQT data collection OMC data collection User complaints collection Alarm data collection Signalling trace data collection

3.3.2 DT Data Collection

Use scanner and MS to record data of both uplink and downlink and try to avoid the repeated test. Scanner is used for collecting full and complete radio network information and for pilot analys is test and spectrum analysis test etc. MP is mainly used to collect Pilot Power, Ec/Io, UE Tx Power, Neighbor cells, RSSI, and FER/BLER etc.

Chapter 3

Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work Load Selection In the same loading and paging mode condition, the network performance is comparable. First confirm the data that shall be collected. DT data collection in different optimization stage requires different loading condition. Please refer to the following chart to get the specifics.

Table 3.3-1 engineering Network load No load or light Load selection load loaded simulation load

DT Condition Selections Operation & maintenance Network load Busy loaded simulation Time segment 9:00~10:00

Time segment 9:00~21:00




Domestic and overseas countries even different areas have different definitions allocated to busy-hour and it shall be dealt with flexibly such Ramadan in Mus lim countries and domestic legal holidays. Paging Mode Selection Paging modes can be divided into continuous long paging and periodic paging according to time. 1. Continuous long paging test refers to setting paging retain time to its maximum, making continuous test in the coverage zone after initiating paging and launching paging again if call is dropped. Continuous long paging test can be used to obtain network performance parameters mainly about handover including call drop rate, handover success rate, and data service rate. 2. Periodic paging test refers to setting paging establish time, paging retain time and paging interval time to fixed set of value and launch periodic paging to evaluate the network performance. Periodic paging test can help to get paging establishment rate, call drop rate with which system processing capability can be better reflected. Methods to acquire different data diverse.

3.3.3 CQT Data Collection

Dialing test is the key part to evaluate KPI of the system.

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Test items of CQT in CS domain include paging success rate, call drop rate, bad Qos rate and average paging delay; Test items of CQT in PS domain include attachment success rate, PDP context activation success rate, PDP context average activation time, call drop rate, DL average transmission rate and UL average transmission rate. Dialing test shall focus on testing spot selection and the ratio of indoor testing spots to outdoor testing spots shall be around 8:2. Coverage guaranteed spots, repeater installed spots and spots installed with indoor distribution system shall have top priority to be selected.

3.3.4 OMC Data Collection

Mass data collection applies at operation and maintenance stage implemented either by using default report or by customized query based on different time segment.

3.3.5 Subscriber Complaints Collection

It applied to operation & maintenance stage. Subscriber complaints come from ones own experience and are usually accompanied by network description and geographical information that shall be seriously treated. Complaints shall be handled by category.

3.3.6 Alarm Data Collection

OMC equipment room is equipped with alarm box and quick response shall be given to the alarms.

3.3.7 Signaling Tracing Data Collection

Signaling tracing is the commonly used method in optimization process which can be carried out either in MS or RNC. Data collected in MS is air interface signaling and data collected in RNC has even broader range which can be categorize into that of multiple users, single user and of users in one specific cell within RNC.

3.4 Data Analysis and Problem Orientation

3.4.1 Work Descriptions
Objectives Evaluate the performance of network based on analysis of the data gotten by the test, focusing on problem orientation and proving guidance for next step optimization of the network.

Chapter 3

Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

Person-in-chargeOptimization engineer InputAll data collected and equipment checklist ExportData analys is report and problem orientation result. Work content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DT & CQT data analysis; OMC performance statistics analysis; User complaints data analysis; Alarm data analys is; Signaling analysis. DT Data Analysis Record network data gotten by signaling receiver and test MS on simulation map. The map can tell signaling strength and quality of the network, site distribution and coverage area of the cell, interference and pilot pollution etc. Maps including different subjects shall be made concerning single site, site clutter, EC distribution of pilot signaling strength, Ec/Io distribution of pilot signaling quality and pilot pollution etc. For areas with call drop (bad quality) problem, specialized optimization and analysis software shall be used to provide functionalities of data replay and query statistics for data analys is purpose. CQT Data Analysis Use optimization & analysis software to make analysis of CQT data, through which indicators such as paging success rate, paging delay, call drop rate and average rate of data service can be obtained. OMC Performance Data Analysis Mass data comes only after the operation of the network and as a result its used for operation & maintenance analys is. Through the analysis of OMC performance statistics, KPI of cells, sites and networks can be gotten and major problems in the network can be located. All of the above combining with specific DT, dialing tests and signaling analysis, troubleshooting method will be found.

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Through OMC performance statistics analysis, common radio network KPI and key KPI are both obtainable, which is good reference for network performance evaluation. User Complaints Analysis This part deals with data analysis applied to operation & maintenance optimization stage. User complaints may lie not in the sites but the transmission system as well as charging systems which shall be differentiated due to different expression styles. User complaints may directly reflect problem performance and geographic information. Different data analysis methods are not separate and attention shall be paid to their connections. For example, DT/CQT data are gotten through network measurement and shall be analyzed combining OMC-R configuration parameters and RTWP observed by OMC-B.

3.4.2 Network Evaluation before Optimization

Evaluation contributes to find problems existing in the network which can be used as reference for next stage optimizat ion and facilitates comparison before and after network optimization. The following data shall be carefully recorded in this stage. Before engineering optimization, records some KPI, paging success rate, paging delay, call drop rate, handover success rate and data service average rate etc. Before operation & maintenance optimization, besides the above indicators system utility rate, best (worst) cell ratio, busy-hour (idle time) ratio shall also be recorded.

3.4.3 Common Data Analysis Method

The most commonly used optimization methods including multi-dimens ional analys is, trend analysis, abnormal analysis, contrast analysis, TopN analysis and reason & effect analys is etc. 1. Multi-dimensional analysis

dimension is different prospective to handle the problems. Multi-dimensional analys is is to analyze data from different prospective. For example, when faced with call drop problem, different causes shall be involved


Chapter 3

Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

including access and handover and shall be paid attention to. 2. Trend analysis

Judge from the trend changing with time to command the rule.

Fig 3.4-1

Tendency Chart of Call Drop with Time


Abnormal Analysis

Find out the abnormal data including of too high, too low or exceedingly large changing amplitude and dig out data information of the causes.

Fig 3.4-2

High Call Drop Rate and Time Frame Statistics Plan

* If call drop rate is high, problem may exist in the time frame 15

UM TS Radio Network Optimization


Contrast analysis

Make contrast of different data set from the same prospective and find out the different, which is relatively common in signaling process analysis. 5. TopN analysis

Find Top N or Bottom N data based on certain classification means (such as worst cell means) from the mass data and the data shall be carefully handled. The following figure is the statistics of voice service handover failure. 6. Cause and Effect Analys is

For a specific result, we shall dig out the factors and analyze the importance level of different factors or combination of factors. For example, cell paging congestion may be caused by hardware, DL or UL inadequate capacity. Each method has its applicability and limitations. In order to locate the problem, whether its caused by equipment, parameter setting or network resource utility rate, single analysis method is found hard to work and shall work in combination with other methods.

3.4.4 Network Problem Location

Based on the location in the network, network problem usually lies in equipment layer, network layer or resource utility rate layer. The problems of the three layers are mostly as follows:

Table 3.4-1

Common Network Problem Category network Inadequate adjacent cell configuration resource utility rate Network congestion

Equipment Problem Type Feeder fault

Transmission failure

Common channel power allocation

Improper setting Board fault


Handover failure

Through data analysis, network condition (network coverage and interference), network performance and quality (including network access success rate, call drop rate and handover success rate), and network resource utility rate (bad cell ratio and cell

Chapter 3

Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

code resource availability rate) can be figured out. Different analysis methods can help to locate the problem.

3.5 Optimization Scheme Workout and Review

Objective Work out and implement the optimization scheme after network performance evaluation and problem orientation. Person-in-chargeOptimization engineers inputData analysis report and problem location result export Optimization Adjustment Scheme work content 1. Based on data analysis and problem orientation, formulate corresponding processing measures and work out a network optimization adjustment plan. 2. Review the scheme with other staff or members in the project team to avoid the improper operation.

3.6 Optimization Scheme Implementation

3.6.1 Work Descriptions
ObjectiveImplement network optimization based on the scheme Person-in-chargeEquipment engineer input optimization adjustment scheme exportOptimization adjustment record work content Implement the requirements in the network optimization scheme and record the result and necessary procedures based on actual condition.

3.6.2 Note
How to carry out the optimization plan after tedious work? What shall be done if the result comes out worse than we had expected? Please observe the following steps to handle the problems.

UM TS Radio Network Optimization


Adjustment sheets shall be filled in according to Optimization Adjustment Scheme and be sent to equipment engineers, and cc to project manager, and relevant staff. Items to be adjusted shall be explicitly stated. For example, 1011 cell adds an adjacent cell and ID is 1042.


The adjustment conducted by calls to OMC equipment room during DT process shall be accurately recorded.


If the operation requires the third partys involvement such engineering team adjusting the antenna, form adjustment table and print three copies and divide between engineering team, project manager and oneself. \

4. 5. 6.

Make a call and appointment with the engineering team in advance. Evaluate the effect soon after the implementation of optimization scheme. If necessary, restore the previous state.

3.7 Optimization Scheme Validation

3.7.1 Work Description
Objective After network optimization scheme is implemented, validate the result by various tests. Person-in-charge: testing engineers Input: optimization adjustment record and network performance data before adjustment Export Data of contrast between network performance before adjustment and after adjustment Work Content 1. After optimization scheme is implemented, pointedly execute data collection procedures, and make analysis of data before and after adjustment. To endure the correctness of the validation result, it's recommended to select the same environment to make contrast of the tests. 2. According to the network performance data contrast before and after adjustment, make sure whether the network problems have been solved and network performance is up to the requirements; if the requirements arent met, resume data

Chapter 3

Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

collection procedures.

3.7.2 Note
Use the following methods to ensure that DT conditions before and after optimization are the same. 1. 2. 3. 4. Use the same test tool and apply the same parameter settings. Apply the same antennae and feeders before and after the optimization. Select the same testing route before and after optimization. Test whether the area for test is on load test. Make sure the test is made in the same time of a day to make sure the test is made in the same load condition. 5. 6. Test in the same time frame. To ensure the same UE mobility speed, data collection shall be executed according to distance not time. If data collection cant be realized using DT tools, attempt collecting data during vehicle halt due to red light.

3.8 Compile and Review of Optimization Report

Objective Compile network optimization report, record the measures applied in the optimization and the effect achieved. Person-in-charge: optimization engineers input Data recorded in the optimization export Network Optimization Report inc luding optimization adjustment scheme, and table of engineering parameter before and after the optimization work content 1. Work out a network optimization report, record the measures taken and result gotten, which is a basis leading to project acceptance as well as a demonstration of the project. 2. Work with other members in the project or other staff to review Network Review Report and make updates.


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

3.9 Project Acceptance

3.9.1 Work Description
Objective Make network acceptance check according to acceptance criteria. \ Person-in-charge Acceptance team input Network Optimization Report , performance data contrast before and after the optimization. Export: acceptance report Work Content: 1. 2. Make acceptance check on the network based on acceptance criteria. Testing route, testing spots and paging mode etc shall be set based on the principles set in the contract or in the requirement analys is stage. Clients are required to take part in the test.

3.9.2 Note
Acceptance check is to evaluate the optimization result which has a fatal effect on the project success. The major tasks in the acceptance stage are: 1. 2. Involved in the discussion and implementation of acceptance items; Give expected acceptance check indicators based on the acceptance items and optimization result; 3. 4. 5. If the user has specified the items and indicators, skip step 1 and step2. Work out acceptance check route and do pre-test. Do DT when executing acceptance check.

3.10 Project Conclusion

Objective Sum up the project experience, make external training, file the documents and close the optimization project. Person-in-charge: project manager Input Network Optimization Report


Chapter 3

Procedures and Contents of UMTS Radio Network Optimization Work

Export Project Conclusion Report Work Content 1. 2. 3. Give external training Comment on the work of the project engineers; Make project presentation to the clients or the whole project team maybe in a meeting style. 4. File the documents based on company criteria, save network parameters and enter the cases to the experience library.


4 Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

The main optimization method for engineering optimization is to do tests and make analys is including DT and CQT. Analys is will made combined with UE signaling and OMC-R tracing signaling. Optimization testing tool we use is ZXPOS

CNT+Scanner/UE, signaling tracing tool is OMC-R tracing tool; optimization analysis tool is ZXPOS CAN. Optimization procedures at different network optimization stage are showed in the following part.

4.1 Single Site Optimization Procedures and Work Content

As described in the above, single site optimization is also called single site validation; the main purpose is to normal function of cells in different sites and the good coverage of the sites. The procedures are shown in the following figure.


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Select sites for tests

Acquire site planning data Obtain OMC configuration data

Notify to adjust OMC configuration


The planning goes with OMC configuration ?

Reselect testing sites

yes Make testing route plan Preparation and checking of testing equipment Get OMC alarm information

Alarms exist in sites to be tested?

no Notify OMC engineer to adjust parameters Parameter checking in UE idle mode (frequency /LAC/RAC/PSC/ adjacent cells etc)

Notify to make installation to solve hardware problems

Coverage test of site pilot (RSCP/EcNo)

Problem analysis and orientation (hardware installation or parameter configuration problems )

Function test of site service (Voice/Video/R99 PS/HSPA)

Testing items fulfilling to the requirements

yes Export site validation report


Fig 4.1-1

Single Site Validation Flow Chart


Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

Site V erification can be summarized into the following work: 1 hardware configuration of the sites [whether the feeder is wrongly connected] 2 site basic function checking [CS service, PS service, HSPA service, and handover performance] 3 signaling coverage checking of the site(CPICH RSCP & CPICH Ec/Io] 4 parameter configuration checking in idle mode[handover parameters, adjacent cells, LAC, RAC, and CPICH POWER etc] Single site verification includes pretest preparation, single site verification test, performance analysis of single sites & troubleshooting. At test preparation stage, input site planning data table, and RNC parameter configuration table, check the status of the sites, select proper testing route and spots, and check whether the testing equipment is full and complete. At single site verification test stage, summit problem analys is report concerning hardware installat ion to engineering installation team and refer functionality problems to RNC engineers to handle together.

4.1.1 Preparatory Work before Single Site Verification Test Job Responsibilities of RNC Engineers Before single site verification test, RNC engineers shall complete the following work: 1 site status checking including whether alarms existing in the site, cell blocked, HSPA function activated already, other NE(MSC,SGSN,GGSN,PDN server,

transmission) going normally. Fault shall be eliminated once it occurs. 2 export RNC configuration data table including basic configuration of the sites including LAC,RAC,CELLID, frequency, scrambling code, CPICH POWER, and adjacent cells for single site verification by the network optimization engineers.

3 coordinate with installation engineers to solve the problems. Work Content of Network Optimization Engineers Before single site verification test, network optimization engineers shall finish the following work: 1 consult RNC engineers about whether alarms exist in the site, fault is eliminated and cell status is normal.


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

2 testing route selection Select proper route for tests based on site distribution and geographical condition. Principle to select outdoor routes: route shall inc lude the coverage area of the sites to be tested, covering the major streets round the sites, and avoiding long waiting time due to traffics lights. Principles to select Indoor testing floors and routes: for buildings with over 10 storeys, select 4 stories for testing (basement, floor, middle and the top). Testing route shall be designed according to indoor distribution system. (Antenna location and hotspot area) 3 testing spot selection Testing spots shall fulfill the requirements for signaling coverage: RSCP >= -70dBm Ec/Io >=-3dB 4 Test equipment checking Before single site verification, equipment for tests shall be examined to avoid the fault and incorrect result, which at last will postpone the site testing procedure. Equipment involved: vehicle, power, testing terminals (HSPA services need terminals supporting HSPA function), computer, DT software, serial ports, USB data line, GPS, USB HUB, frequency sweeper, SIM card registration etc.

4.1.2 Single Site Verification Test Work Content RNC Engineers In single site verification test, RNC engineers are entitled to finish the following work: 1 coordinate with network optimization engineers to do signaling tracing mainly of testing terminals and cells for later problem processing, 2 work with network optimization engineers to handle the problems, Work Content of Network Optimization Engineers 1Coverage test When doing coverage test, speed shall be kept at 30 -40 kilometers per hour. Check whether the problems exist: CPICH RSCP and CPICH Ec/Io captured by Scanner is abnormalCPICH RSCP and CPICH Ec/Io of one testing cell is obviously lower than those of other

Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

cells Power amplifier abnormal Feeder error connection Antenna location is improperly designed Obstruction coming from buildings Antenna tilt or direction angle is inconsistent with planned.

At some section like Hong Kong, distance between sites are less than 200 meters, GPS signaling are weak and main coverage is small, by DT we can't get enough information, Therefore, walk tests are required. In dense urban area, for example Wan Zai and Middle Ring of Hong Kong, GPS receiving signaling drifts and altitude & longitude recorded may not be correct. Special GPS solution may help to solve the problem. 2service test In single site test, all service launched and supported shall undergoing tests including voice, Video Phone, PS service, HSPA service, in which PS service and HSPA service shall take spot test,

Table 4.1-1 M ode AM R Call By Call M 1(Mobile -Land) (Short call) Idle Traffic Count File size Analysis 20sec 180sec Route 1. establishment success rate 2. paging quality test paging to

Test Content of Single Site Verification VP PS384K Data Call PS384K HSDPA7.2 HSUPA2.0

M 2(Mobile to M obile) (Short call) 20sec 180sec Route 1. paging

FTP Download

FTP Upload

FTP Download

FTP Upload

1 call 3M B

1 call 3M B

1 call 50M B activate success

1 call 10M B activate success

PS activate success

establishment success rate 2.paging quality test

Data Throughput [application layer]

Target KPI

>= 320Kbps

>= 320Kbps

>= 3.2M bps

>= 1.2M bps


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Note Different HSPA terminals may require different requirements and produce different results which are up to the specific project. Paging quality test outcome are judged by testing engineers. Data service is tested in DOS mode. To see details please refer to training materials about the test.

4.1.3 Testing Equipment Installation

Testing equipment is connected as the figure shows:

Fig 4.1-2

Testing Equipment Connection Plan

Testing equipment is classified into indoor testing equipment and outdoor testing equipment. Outdoor testing equipment are PCTEL LX Scanner, testing terminal (MP ZT E F230+Data card ZTE MF632 (HSDPA7.2M, HSUPA2.0M), testing laptop and testing software (ZXPOS CNT). \ Indoor testing equipment are laptop for test, testing terminal (MP ZTE F230 + data card ZTE MF632 (HSDPA7.2M, HSUPA2.0M) and testing software (ZXPOS CNT).

4.1.4 Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting of Single Site Verification

Data analysis and troubleshooting procedures of single site are shown in the following figure:


Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

Complete DT data New round of DT

Network optimization engineers analyze DT data

Evaluation of data analysis result

adjustmen t


Single site verification report

Fig 4.1-3

Analysis Procedures of Single Site Verification Data

After single site verification test, network optimization engineers shall make data analys is immediately to get KPI of the site and export test report. The sites that do not pass the test shall be analyzed, provided with solution and rearranged for another verification test. =

Acceptance criteria of single site:

Table 4.1-2 Number 1 Scrambling Item code

Acceptance Criteria of Single Site Verification Judging Criteria tested, They shall be the same as planned

LAC/RAC, and frequency point 2 Site configuration: OTSR STSR 3 4 5 V oice Call Video Call Check the figure to show HSPA service test Check whether voice paging is normal or not Check whether video telephone is normal Check the size of file download and upload is up to the requirement and test result is consistent with the report. or If it's STSR, check the scrambling code of each cell


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

6 7

HSDPA Throughput HSUPA Throughput

Average rate shall be over 3.2M HSUPA throughput rate shall be over 1.2M .

Check the figure(PS384K)

Check the size of file download and upload is up to the requirement and test result is consistent with the report.




Upload and download throughput rate of PS384 shall be over 320kbps.

throughput rate




to check



If the signaling is abnormal, installation engineers shall be notified and examine the hardware equipment. DT shall be carried out right after that.



signaling is normal and antenna azimuth is consistent with that planned.

note Different HSPA terminals may require different requirements and produce different results which are up to the specific project.

4.2 Site Cluster Optimization Flow & Working Content

This chapter describes work flow and work content of cluster optimization and can be used as guide to do cluster optimization. It includes three aspects of work: 1) entry condition and input information of cluster optimization; 2) procedure of DT and post processing of DT data; 3) acceptance criteria confirmation of optimization work.

4.2.1 Entry Condition

Before site cluster optimization, the following work shall be done in advance. 1 classification of site cluster. 3G network is optimized mainly by clusters of sites. Site cluster optimization refers to optimization of certain item of the independent sites in a cluster (usually each cluster contains 15-30 sites). Site clusters are divided mainly based on geographic conditions, service distribution, RNC and LAC etc. Number of sites in each cluster shall not be

overwhelming and there shall be overlap in the coverage area of different clusters.


Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

Fig 4.2-1

Classifications of Site Clusters

2 Arrange site clusters to perform optimization Generally, optimization of site clusters will be started once commissioning of site rate exceeds 80%. Define the priority of site clusters based on importance level and site

clusters with higher priority can be optimized at an earlier time. In practical network construction, single site verification and site cluster optimization co-exists due to different optimization progresses of sites. 3 Testing routes planning Route to perform the test shall be defined before optimization. As to site clusters with inadequate commissioning, continuous coverage along the route should better to be ensured; In case test coverage holes cant be averted, remove the abnormal data when making post processing of DT data. 4 Adjacent cells configuration of site clusters Before site cluster optimization, adjacent cell relationships of planning sites shall be configured in OMC-R. 5 adjusting methods allowed in optimization process If GSM and UMTS share the antennae, and overshooting and pilot pollution are detected, parameters may need to be adjusted such as azimuth and downtilt. Because

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

GSM network is the existing commercial network, adjustment of azimuth and downtilt shall be handled by optimization team Provided with troubleshooting report, and the report shall be submitted to the operator for authorization. Its recommended to use wide-band antennae that can adjust electronic down tilts of both GSM and UMTS systems. 6 documents needed before site cluster optimization Documents needed for site cluster optimization are: site survey and design table (TSS report), single site verification report (SSV report), site parameter table and OMC configuration data etc. 7 optimization tools needed Before optimization, prepare Data Collection Software, analysis software,

Post-processing Software, testing UE, HSPA data card, Scanner, PC, electronic map, mobile converter, GPS and testing vehicle etc.

4.2.2 Work Flow of Site Cluster Optimization

Work that shall be completed during site cluster optimization are coverage optimization, adjacent cell optimization, scrambling code optimization, troubleshooting of service access failure, call drop and handover failure etc. Site cluster optimization basically is a repetitive process from test, finding and analyzing problems, optimizing & adjustment to test verification. The target is to get ideal KPI. The following chart shows the work flow of site cluster optimization.


Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

Import Engineering parameter list Digital map System parameter list Single site verification report Export Preparation of Doc and tools Definition of clusters and DT route Initial cluster coverage test Optimizatio n procedure Problem analysis Optimization suggestions Implementation Verification No
Problem solved?

Cluster optimization plan

Adjustment sheet of parameters and feeders Cluster optimization report Upgrade of engineering parameters list System parameter upgrade
Past the inspection?

overshooting Pilot pollution Call drop Handover failure Block Interference


yes End

Submit a report

Fig 4.2-2

Work Flow of Site Cluster Optimization

The following chapters will describe the operation principle that shall be observed during site cluster optimization including site cluster status confirmation, testing route design, testing tools preparation, coverage test and service test and post processing of DT data. Site Cluster Status Confirmation Objective to confirm site cluster status is to ensure that testing engineers and optimization engineers are familiar with the status of every site such as site geographic location, site commissioning status, whether alarms exist or not, site configuration and coverage area etc. The information shall be provided in forms and figures. For example, coverage area of the site cluster is planned to be trunk road, commercial zones, residential area and plants etc. Hot spot needs to be identified in case of existence.


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Fig 4.2-3

Site Distribution Testing Route Confirmation Testing route shall go through the commissioned sites in the site clusters. If trunk roads and freeway exist in the testing area, they shall be also inc luded in the routes. If sites in the border of site clusters are isolated sites (no continuous coverage from adjacent clusters), the carrier power of testing routes nearby shall be over -100dBm. Testing route shall cover the overshooting area of adjacent site clusters to figure out the network performance of the overlap area including the correctness of adjacent cells. Testing route shall be marked with mobile steering direction and saved in tab format using MapInfo so that it can be used again in subsequent optimization verification test. The following is a sample testing route.


Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

Fig 4.2-4

Testing Route

One factor that influences the testing route design is the rate of commissioned sites in the clusters. For those clusters with below 80% commissioned sites, testing route shall avoid the coverage area of those unopened sites. In reality, there will be some abnormal data indicating coverage holes which will directly affect the testing result and therefore shall be filtered during post processing of DT data. Testing Tools Based on the work content of site clusters optimization, testing tools include:

Table 4.2-1 Cluster Optimization Testing Tools Testing tools Testing software requirements Support UMTS R99/HSPA, support UMTS testing UE& data card and data collection of Scanner Post software processing Support testing UE & data card and data analysis of Scanner in UM TS R99/HSPA network including coverage analysis, KPI analysis, overshooting analysis, pilot pollution analysis and Layer 3 signalin g decoding etc. Testing UE HSPA data card Support UMTS R99/HSPA network Support HSDPA 7.2M HSUPA 2M 35 ZTE F230 ZTE MF632 CNA example CNT

UM TS Radio Network Optimization


Support tests in UMTS 2100

PCTEL Scanner



Support USB interface and provide GPS information for the test.

Holux GR-213u

M obile converter P.C. Electronic map Testing vehicle

Provide electricity to DT tools Dell 630

Please refer to the training materials to see detailed testing methods.

4.2.3 Acceptance Criteria of Site Clusters Optimization

The following table defines KPI required to meet the objective of site clusters optimization. If the performance of the site cluster meets the following requirements, the site cluster is considered to be fulfilling. If there is new site commissioned later in the cluster and optimization work starts again, the optimization can be performed through single site verification or complete network optimization. Site cluster optimization is not necessary.

Table 4.2-2 Item CPICH RSCP CPICH Ec/Io V oice call setup success rate V oice call drop rate Video call setup success rate Video call setup success rate PS 384k DL

Acceptance Criteria of Cluster Optimization Requirements -90dBm -10dB Min % Ma x % Min % Ma x % Mean Throughput Mean Throughput Mean Throughput Mean Throughput 85% 85% 97% 3% 97% 3% 320kbps M easurement

PS 384k UL



3.2M bps


1.2M bps

Note: Acceptance requirements vary with different projects and shall be set down with

Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

the operator based on practical condition. A.1.1.1 Display of Analysis Result In optimization report, some key projects shall be displayed in distribution maps and tables. Generally, accumulated probability distribution is needed. The projects include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) RSCP distribution Ec/Io distribution BLER distribution UE Tx power distribution PS384 DL throughput distribution PS384 UL throughput distribution HSDPA throughput distribution HSUPA throughput distribution

RSCP distribution figure are as follows:

Fig 4.2-5

RSCP Distribution

Table 4.2-3

RSCP Accumulated Probability DistributionCDF Interval CDF [#] CDF [%]


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

x>-105 x>-95 x>-85 x>-75 x>-65

68983 68537 60157 31588 12717

99.99 99.35 87.20 45.79 18.43

120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00


99.35 87.20 45.79 18.43



x>-85 3G RSCP(dBm)



Fig 4.2-6

RSCP Accumulated Propagation Distribution Histogram

4.2.4 Export of Site Clusters Optimization

After site cluster optimization, optimization suggestion shall be provided and implemented, followed by verification test and contrastive analysis. Testing conditions and routes before and after the optimization shall be unaminous to evaluate the result of the optimization. After site cluster optimization, besides optimizing report, the following shall also be exported. 1offer optimization suggestions to the sites to be commissioned in the cluster. 2The problems unsolved by normal optimization method shall be submitted to expert team. 3Adjustment application generated during optimization process shall be recorded in data management center. 4 Testing data generated during optimization process shall be stored in data management center.

4.3 Process and Content of Global Optimization

The process of global optimization is similar to that of site cluster optimization and is a larger network optimization following site cluster optimization. Global optimization begins with the integration of several site clusters, and then comes RNC optimization

Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

and lastly optimization of the whole network. The objective of optimization is to perform optimization of the previous unit border such as site cluster border, area border, RNC border, 2G&3G border etc to enhance network performance. The target of global optimization is as follows: 1. Solve the problems that have not been located in site cluster optimization process, or the problems that may greatly impact later optimization and adjustment. Find and solve new problems. 2. Perform optimization of clusters borders is to maintain integrity of the network, which is of primary importance to this stage. 3. Border optimization of hard handover shall be performed in global optimization stage. 4. KPI checking shall be conducted to ensure that network KPI meets the acceptance requirements after global optimization. Global optimization is performed mainly by DT, and the testing route shall be the same with acceptance test route. In route design, special consideration shall be directed to the borders of clusters and cross-cluster problems. Evaluate the network performance, solve the problems and get prepared for initial test.


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Fig 4.3-1

Global Optimization

Tools used and test criteria of global optimization is similar to those of site clusters. After global optimization, start the initial test according to initia l criteria stipulated in the contract. Usually the client will select several routes in the network to perform drive tests. The following are some sampling initial KPI:

Table 4.3-1 Item CPICH RSCP CPICH Ec/Io V oice call setup success rate V oice call drop rate Video call setup success rate Video call setup success rate PS 384k DL

Sample Initial KPI M easurement 95% 95% 98% 2% 98% 2% 320kbps

Requirements -90dBm -10dB Min % Ma x % Min % Ma x % Mean Throughput


Chapter 4

Procedures and Content of Network Optimization Work

PS 384k UL

Mean Throughput Mean Throughput Mean Throughput



3.2M bps


1.2M bps

NoteAcceptance items and requirements vary with different projects and shall be set down with the operator based on practical condition.


5 Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

After the network passes the initial trial, it can be launched, but the environment of optimization has been changed. Compared to the environment before initial trial, the main differences are: 1. When network is being used, uplink and downlink load occurs. The imbalanced load will result in fluctuation of performance of different sites and shrinkage of network coverage. 2. Data relating to traffic and performance will play a more important part in network optimization. The method to perform optimization shall mainly through performance data assisted with drive test. 3. With the enlargement of network scale and user numbers, optimization through global DT can't meet the new requirements. Recording and analysis of vast OMC-R data can help us to find abnormal KPI and to locate the problems (whether it is caused by problems of RNC or cell). Based on the result, give suggestions and perform drive tests in the target area or cell till the problems are solved.

5.1 Optimizing Method of OMC-R KPI

5.1.1 Operation & Maintenance Optimization Flow
OMC-R KPI optimization is a process to locate abnormal KPI through analysis of OMC statistics. Abnormal KPI is KPI (success rate, call drop rate and cross-system handover success rate) listed in the network quality report in daily network monitoring and failed to meet the requirements. Different methods will be utilized to evaluate different KPI, but the process has something in common such as the analysis method. Make problem location and analysis from RNC level to Cell level, make contrast and analys is of different KPI and KPI & PI. Through analysis of RNC, UMTS performance can be obtained. If RNC KPI is abnormal, KPI of each cell shall be analyzed. If KPI

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

abnormality is common in RNC, make analysis from coverage, capacity, interference, transmission, hardware & software, radio parameters prospective; If KPI abnormality refers to only one or two cells make detailed analysis of cell performance statistics items of corresponding cells. When checking the percentage indicators, absolute times shall also be attended to. Because percentage indicators sometimes will conceal cell problems. There are two situations, one is that indicator is poor and sampling point number is small, the statistics is therefore meaningless; another is that failure number(numerate) is big and sampling point number(denominator) is much bigger, therefore percentage indicator will be good which will hide some problems. In OMC-R KPI optimization, OMC statistics may not be adequate and other data such as equipment alarm, equipment log data and cell tracing data shall also be imported for analys is purpose. If problems cant be located, make analysis combining UE data with DT& CQT of relevant cells. The main method of operation and maintenance optimization is to make statistics and analys is based on OMC-R (network management system) performance statistics and ZXPOS (network optimizing system) CNO statistics integrating test and analysis of DT & CQT of special areas. The following is the procedure of operation and maintenance optimization.


Chapter 5

Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

Get performance indicators


RNC indicators abnormal?


Weather change, holiday, gathering, transmission interruption, power failure etc.

Cause analysis and record

Busty and can self cure? N

Improvement suggestions

Equipment alarms exist?


Troubleshooting RNC indicators resumed normality?


TOPN and geographic display of abnormal cells

Transmission, software & hardware version, radio parameters configuration Abnormal cells share similarities? N

Y Radio transmi hardwa Software interfer Time CN/RNC paramete ssion re version ence sectors rs Special topic analysis


Problems solved
N Abnormal KPI analysis of single cells

Call connec tion

Call drop

Soft 2/3G handov interope PS rate ration er Topic dealing

Indicators go normal?

Refer it to R & D department if equipment bug or system problem is confirmed to be the cause.


Fig 5.1-1

Operation & M aintenance Optimization Flow


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

If there are disqualified KPI of RNC in OMC-R statistics, make it clear whether it s bursty and self-cure abnormality. This abnormality contains weather changes including gale, downpour, and hail, user gathering caused by holiday, gathering, and sports contest, transmission interruption, power cut etc. It usually lasts not long time, but can affect system performance and therefore the cause shall be recorded and suggestions shall be provided. If its not bursty and self-cure abnormality of indicators, check information of equipment alarms becomes very important. If there are no alarms or indicators remain abnormal state after alarm elimination, go on with the next step; Combine recorded indicators and traffic volumes to make a list of cells with disqualified KPI and make geographic display of them; collect transmission configuration table, software & hardware version and radio parameter configuration information of current network, and based on it figure it out whether the abnormal cells share certain similarities, and conduct special subject analysis if similarities exist. As to CN/RNC, focus on version update, CPU load and link source occupancy; As to transmission, check whether the nodes are broken and BER is too high; check hardware update; check whether is software update in NE; check uplink receiving power of the cell to see whether uplink interference exist; Check radio parameters that are most frequently adjusted in abnormal cells; check the time sector in whic h KPI of cell go worse and see whether there is a underlying reason. List other similarities. If there are no similarities found in the abnormal cells or there are cells that can t meet the requirements after optimization, make KPI analysis of single cells. Attention shall be given to radio setup rate, call drop rate, soft handover success rate, 2G&3G interoperation indicators, and PS rate etc. It will be elaborated in later chapters.

5.1.2 Key KPI

OMC-R indicators contain radio establishment rate, call drop rate, handover success rate (include inter-system). Indicators that need special attention are list below:

Table 5.1-1 No. 1 2


RRC Establishment Success Rate Cell RAB Establishment Success Rate, CS domain 46

Chapter 5

Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Cell RAB Establishment Success Rate, PS domain Cell RAB Establishment Success Rate Radio Access Success Rate Call Drop Rate - V oice Cell PS Call Drop Rate Cell Success Rate of SHO Cell Inter-RAT CS Outgoing Handover Success

Rate(UM TS->GSM )

Radio establishment rate and call drop rate are indicators with high user perception and shall be paid attention to. The listed indicators above are interacted.

5.1.3 Optimization of Radio Establishment Rate

OMC-R data optimization tools can be used to filter those TopN cells, access rate of which does not meet the requirements. Other affiliated statistics such as access attempt number, cell throughput and data throughput of those unfulfilling cells are of great importance to access rate optimization and shall be provided. The process of access rate analysis is as follows:


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

Data analysis

Call Fail exists?


Originating call failed?


Paging received?

Paging problems

RRC connection establishment failure


RRC establishment problem

RA assignment failed?

RL or RB establishment problems

Cell selection & reselection problems?


Cell selection & reselection parameters problems

Random access parameters problems?

Random access parameter problem

Other problems


Fig 5.1-2

Analysis of Radio Establishment Rate Problems

The causes affecting radio establishment rate are as follows: 1. 2. Access is initiated in poor coverage area and fails; When access is initiated, location update is undergoing and no UE is found which causes access to fail; 3. Untimely cell update cause UE to fail to initiate access in best cells which ultimately results in access failure; 4. Improper random access parameters (Preamble_Initial_Power and search_win) makes RRC establishment unsuccessful and access fail;


Chapter 5

Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

5. 6.

Access happens in LAC border and cell update makes access unsuccessful; RAB establishment failure leads to access failure.

As to access, signaling flow number is big including UE, NodeB, RNC and CN. Problems relating to access are mainly access success rate and access delay of CS, PS and HSPA service. Analysis of access optimization is made based on signaling flow including RRC procedure, radio link establishment process, radio bearer establishment process, transmission establishment process and synchronization process etc. Comprehensive optimization of radio parameters involved in the process shall be performed so as to improve general access performance.

5.1.4 Optimization of Call Drop Rate

The following is the flow to analyze call drop rate.
1. analyze RNC call drop rate 2. analyze cell call drop rate YES

3. check whether equipment of the cell is abnormal NO 4. analyze the cause of call drop 4.1. call drop caused by signling RB reset or service RB reset NO 4.2. call drop caused by handover? NO 4.3 call drop caused by interference? NO 5. perform DT to locate the problems

Solve equipment problems


Solve coverage problems


Solve call drop due to handover


Solve interference problems


Fig 5.1-3 Flow to Optimizing call drop rate


Analyze RNC call drop rate

Check whether call drop rate is normal from RNC level. 2. Analyze call drop rate of the cell

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

As to call drop rate of the cell, AMR drop rate, VP call drop rate, PS call drop rate, hard handover call drop rate, inter-system handover call drop rate shall be analyzed. Sequence all the cells using the indicators above and filter the cells with worst performance and figure out causes. 3. Check whether the cell is abnormal

Examine cell alarms and eliminate the cause of cell abnormality. 4. Analyze the cause of call drop

If failure signaling is UciuError and RL failure, and the cause is RLC Unrecover (RB1~RB4 error or RB5aboive error), it may be caused by coverage problem. Analyze handover indicators (incoming handover success rate and outgoing handover success rate) of this cell and make sure whether the call drop is caused by handover failure. Through analyzing indicators relating to bandwidth receiving power, get whether uplink interference is serious in high call drop rate time frame and confirm the call drop caused by uplink interference. 5. Locate the problem by performing drive tests

When OMCR-R data cant help to solve call drop problem, drive test shall be performed, tracing signaling flow of UE and RNC. There are various causes of call drop and solutions are different too, and most are included in the above flow chart. Call drop is a sensitive experience to the users and the causes are varied, therefore attention shall be confined to call drop rate and call drop rate reduction.

5.1.5 Optimization of Handover Success Rate

There are different kinds of handover, such as inter-frequency, intra-frequency, intra-system, and shall be confirmed based on network configuration. Generally, in the initial stage of 3G launch, core coverage area is relatively small compared to GSM system, and interoperation shall be conducted to ensure the continuous coverage. Handover between 2G and 3G shall be one focus of optimization work. For intra-frequency handover, optimization is relatively easy. There are several factors influencing intra-frequency handover success rate: small handover area size, improper handover parameter setting and inadequate adjacent cells. Too small handover area size.

If the handover area is too small, UE may lack the

Chapter 5

Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

time to complete handover operation; Improper handover parameter setting. Improper handover parameter setting will lead to delay in addition & deletion of adjacent cells or Ping-pong handover Missing adjacent cells. It seriously hurts network performance and will not only lead to call drop but also bring about additional interference. As to TopN cell, make analysis of its DT data & parameters, perform adjacent cell checking and provide optimizing suggestions. Adjacent cell optimization is a key fac tor affecting handover performance and some tools are developed to avoid adjacent cell searching. Main working methods include: 1. DT tools(Scanner) and post processing tools automatically analyze DT data and offer adjustment suggestions; 2. By studying UtranRelation statistics in OMC-R report, we can get analysis of adjacent cell handover rate and based on it we can adjust priority level and delete redundant adjacent cells; 3. Make statistics from 1D event, missing adjacent cells can be found and work load can be reduced greatly. This function is better used in the area where drive test cant be used. As to inter-system handover, coordination of different equipment provider, and integration of different version and NE are involved, which will make handover success rate kept at a low level. The important part of Inter-system handover optimization (except radio parameters such as compress mode startup & close threshold, handover triggering threshold) is to obtain inter-system adjacent cells. The principles are as follows: 1. For cells with both 2G and 3G system in operation, it s better to make 2G cells to be adjacent cells of 3G system. 2. Its better that adjacent cells of 3G is not in GSM 1800 due to poorer coverage. GSM 1800 is mainly used to absorb traffic and therefore is comparatively congested too. 3. When handover attempts fail for several minutes, check whether 2G sites are blocked and remove blocked adjacent cells. 4. Although there are intra-frequency different-BSIC cells in 2G adjacent cell list, try

UM TS Radio Network Optimization

to avoid the same frequency.

5.1.6 Traffic Volume and Call Drop Rate

Call drop rate alone cant tell whether cell has problems, and adequate cell traffic volume shall be combined. The following is the result of call drop rate and traffic volume of one cell in busy hour.

Table 5.1-2 Cell Id

Traffic Volume and Call Drop Rate Number Call voice of Drop, Number Call, voice of Call Drop Rate -V oice

Cell Traffic V olume, CS Domain(Erl)

10252 11933 10923 11812 11072 11253 11001 10191 10993 10101

4.6762 4.5126 4.4839 4.1917 4.1473 3.9455 3.862 3.8579 3.4939 3.4787

24 36 86 34 26 24 13 20 46 19

7874 8333 8099 6687 9301 5319 5486 4888 4129 5490

0.30% 0.43% 1.06% 0.51% 0.28% 0.45% 0.24% 0.41% 1.11% 0.35%

5.1.7 RTWP
When site is on zero load, average value of RTWPReceived Total Wideband Power shall be within -106~-104dBm. 50% load will lead to 3dB noise rise, therefore RTWP which is less than -100dBm is considered to be normal. Analys is shall be made combining traffic volume. The following table shows comparatively high receiver noises in certain cells. The peak and average receiver noise of first four sectors (in red) are relatively high; the later six sectors (in brown) are exceptional.


Chapter 5

Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

Table 5.1-3 Cell Id M ax Cell

RTWP Abnormal Freq Average Cell Freq



11211 10011 10012 13003 11212 12091 11003 12331 11213 13203

-88.0998 -86.0998 -92.4998 -91.6998 -97.0998 -98.2998 -73.7998 -93.8998 -98.0998 -99.0998

-90.6516 -91.9201 -95.4289 -98.0375 -100.3754 -100.9658 -101.7778 -102.3416 -102.439 -102.8435

5.1.8 Utility of Code Resources

Too high or too low code resource utilities are both not ideal. Its common that utility of code resource of marginal sites are low w hile dense urban, office buildings, and commercial zones has very high utility rate of code resources. This matter shall be attended to to avert network problems caused by inadequate code resources. Generally, code resources are allocated dynamically with the system. If code resources keep blocked, traffic may be too high and capacity expansion may be needed.

Table 5.1-4 Cell Id 10042 10993 14223 10043 10981 10041 10991 10982 10992 10983

Utility of Code Resources

Code Resources M ean Utilizable Rate in Cell 38.54% 20.20% 18.89% 18.19% 17.91% 17.84% 17.80% 17.79% 17.66% 17.19%


UM TS Radio Network Optimization

5.2 Adjustable Parameters in Optimization

There are many OMC-R parameters in UMTS system, and the parameters that are closely related to optimizing work are power ratio parameters, random access parameters, cell selection & reselection parameters, soft handover parameters, inter-system handover parameters and load control parameters.

5.2.1 Power Matching Parameters

Power matching parameters have certain effect on network coverage, capacity and quality. The frequently-adjusted parameters are maximum cell transmission power, P-CPICH transmission power, maximum DPCH downlink transmission power, minimum DPCH downlink transmission power and maximum DPCH uplink transmission power.

5.2.2 Random Access Parameters

Random access parameters have importance influence on access. The

frequently-adjusted parameters are maximum RACH transmission power; detect

preamble power threshold and correction value of PRACH initial transmission power. 5.2.3 Cell Selection & Reselection Parameters
Cell selection & reselection parameters have certain influence on system access performance. The frequently-adjusted parameters are cell reselection measurement, cell reselection intra-frequency measurement triggering threshold, cell reselection

inter-system measurement triggering threshold, minimum cell quality level, minimum cell receiving power level, serving cell reselection delay and cell reselection timer time length.

5.2.4 Soft Handover Parameters

Soft handover parameters have important influence on UE performance. The frequently-adjusted parameters are intra-frequency measurement filter factor, report range of la or 1b event meeting event criteria, judgment delay range, and time from events happening to event reporting.

5.2.5 Inter-system Handover Parameters


Chapter 5

Procedures and Work Content of O&P Optimization

Inter-system handover is an important function of 2G & 3G interoperation. And the parameters can impact UE performance.

5.2.6 Load Control Parameters

Load control embodies UMTS adjustment ability during network congestion. Please refer to the optimization training materials to see the details.

5.3 Final Acceptance Indicators

Final acceptance inspection will be performed after launch based on the contract, and KPI can be obtained from OMC-R.

Table 5.3-1 Item

Sample KPI of Final Acceptance Inspection Requirements Min % Min % Min % Min % Min % Ma x % Ma x % Ma x % Min % Min % Min % 98% 98% 97% 97% 97% 2% 3% 5% 98% 92% 90% M easurement

RRC connection setup success rate(service) RAB establishment success

rate(V oice) RAB establishment success

rate(Video) RAB establishment success

rate(HSDPA) RAB rate(PS) RAB call drop rate(voice) RAB call drop rate(video) RAB call drop rate(HSDPA) SoftHO success rate inter-frequency HO success rate inter_rat HO success rate establishment success

NoteDifferent projects may have different items and criteria of acceptance, which shall be confirmed with the operator based on specifics. To see more details, please refer to the training materials of radio network performance KPI.

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