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Professional Services

Knowledge Base Item

Oracle Permissions Required for OrgModeler

Document Change Histor Version Author 1.0 Anuj Machalla

Change Created

Date 2012 0! 1"

! "e
Con#iguration $%ow to guide& +n*ironment related 0rocess 3elated Application/ Admin 3elated 4rou)leshooting Miscellaneous

Definition# $%am"le
A how to guide to appl' a (uick con#iguration $ has to )e re*iewed and tested& A knowledge item speci#ic to +n*ironment $e.g. ,et-ea*er settings. /A0. 0ortal. D1 *ersions. 2a*a *ersion etc& A knowledge item speci#ic to 1usiness 0rocess $e.g. 0er#ormance / 4alent assessment in /A0 4M module& A 5nowledge item speci#ic to ,akisa application$s& or Admin console $ e.g. how to appl' #ilter condition in the %ierarch' #rom Admin console&. 5nowledge item should help trou)leshoot an issue $e.g. wh' don6t the search return an' *alues in /0 / 47& All other t'pes o# 5nowledge 8tems $ choose onl' i# it doesn6t #it into an' o# the a)o*e categories&

Description, Detailed info & Screen Shots

/etting an 9racle account with D1A role ma' not necessaril' pro*ide the proper pri*ileges #or 9M to work. Make sure the account has pri*ilege to create ta)le and i# not then gi*en script can )e run to grant pri*ilege.

9M is not ha*ing pri*ileges to access 9racle D1.

Detailed Information & Screenshots:

/etting an 9racle account with D1A role ma' not necessaril' pro*ide the proper pri*ileges #or 9M to work. Make sure the account has #ollowing pri*ilege: Create 4a)le 8n order to check whether the account has Create 4a)le pri*ilege granted e:plicitl'. run attached Privilege!est&sql. 8# 9racle returns insu##icient pri*ilege error. this pri*ilege is not granted. 7ollowing script can )e run to grant the pri*ilege:


;3A,4 C3+A4+ 4A1<+ 49 =/+3> 8# an account doesn?t ha*e D1A role granted. it then needs #ollowing pri*ileges: Create 4a)le Alter 4a)le Drop 4a)le Create 0rocedure Drop 0rocedure +:ecute 0rocedure Create View Drop View Create 8nde:


Implementation Options
Im"lementation O"tion
/A0 <i*e /A0 <i*e 37C /taged /@< /taged 9racle %')rid Acti*e Director' 9ther $please speci#'&

Chec' if (""lica)le

Level of Complexity (Only Applica


le for Config!ration type"


Can )e achie*ed A *alidated (uickl' within a #ew hours Medium ,eeds 0.B da' C 2 da's to achie*e and *alidate Comple: ,eeds D 2 da's to achie*e and *alidate *ow *evel of Com"le%it +if a Configuration,-

Application Areas#Impacts (if applica


9rgModeler application accessing Anal'tics

Limitations (If any"


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