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Visualization Solutions by Nakisa 4.

Nakisa OrgModeler
User Guide


Legal Notice
Copyright Nakisa Inc. 2013. All rights reserved.

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Nakisa on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Nakisa must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Nakisa, and Nakisa cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This document is for informational purposes only. NAKISA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. This document should be read in conjunction with any applicable Professional Services Agreement that may be in effect. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the sole responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, which are hereby expressly reserved, no part of this document may be copied, reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Nakisa Inc. Nakisa may have patents, patent applications, proprietary information, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights (the Nakisa IPR) covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement formally executed by Nakisa, the furnishing of this document does not proffer any rights (license or otherwise) to the Nakisa IPR. The example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred. Nakisa, Nakisa OrgManagement Series, Nakisa Talent Management Series, OrgChart, SocialLink, Directory, OrgModeler, OrgAudit, OrgHub for HR & Executives, OrgHub for Managers, OrgHub for Employees, TalentHub for HR & Executives, TalentHub for Managers, TalentHub for Employees, TalentFramework, TalentDashboard, TeamManager, FloorPlan, Nakisa Edit, Nakisa SelfService, Visualize What Matters Most, Visualisez lessentiel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nakisa Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. SAP Talent Visualization by Nakisa is a trademark of SAP AG. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners, and Nakisa makes no representations as to the right of any person or entity to use said trademarks.

1 Welcome
1.1 About the Application 1.2 About Nakisa 1.3 What's New 1.4 Getting Help

2 2 3 3

2 Getting Started
2.1 Accessing the Application 2.2 User Interface Overview 2.3 Using Menus and Tab Panels 2.4 Toggling and Resizing Display Panes 2.5 Moving Tab Panels Between Panes 2.6 Using the Selected Items Panel 2.7 Using the Details Panel 2.8 Setting Application Preferences

5 5 7 7 8 8 9 10

3 Org Charts
3.1 Viewing Org Charts 3.2 Using the Org Chart Box Menu 3.3 Setting Org Chart Root 3.4 Changing Org Chart Views 3.5 Changing Org Chart Styles 3.6 Setting Zoom Level 3.7 Flagging Org Chart Boxes 3.8 Viewing Reporting Relationships 3.9 Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes 3.10 Saving Org Charts 3.11 Customizing Org Chart Display

12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 20

4 ChartBook
4.1 About ChartBook 4.2 Defining ChartBook Page Printing Order 4.3 Using ChartBook Templates 4.4 Generating ChartBook 4.5 ChartBook Reference 4.5.1 ChartBook Reference 4.5.2 General Tab 4.5.3 Cover Page Tab 4.5.4 Header & Footer Tab

23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 27


4.5.5 References Tab 4.5.6 Hierarchy Tab 4.5.7 Protection Tab

28 29 30

5 Organization Analysis
5.1 Viewing Org Unit Details 5.2 Viewing Position Details 5.3 Viewing Employee Details

32 33 34

6 Listings
6.1 Viewing Listings 6.2 Searching Listing Records 6.3 Saving Listing Search Queries 6.4 Sorting Listings 6.5 Customizing Listing Display

37 37 38 39 39

7 Print and Export

7.1 Using Basic Print Wizard 7.2 Using Enhanced Mode Printing 7.2.1 Using Enhanced Print Wizard 7.2.2 Printing on Multiple Pages 7.2.3 Printing and Exporting Notes 7.3 Exporting Data

42 43 43 45 46 48

8 Scenarios
8.1 Scenario Overview 8.2 Loading Scenarios 8.3 Using Scenario Information Panel 8.4 Creating Scenario Models 8.5 Changing the Effective Date 8.6 Modifying Scenario Models 8.6.1 About Restructuring Hierarchies 8.6.2 Adding Records 8.6.3 Editing Object Details 8.6.4 Moving Objects 8.6.5 Delimiting Objects 8.6.6 Adding Scenario Templates 8.6.7 Performing Bulk Edits 8.7 Importing Data 8.7.1 About Importing Data 8.7.2 Uploading the CSV File 8.7.3 Hierarchy Setup 8.7.4 Identify Types 8.7.5 Identify Fields

52 52 53 54 56 56 56 57 61 61 62 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 66

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8.7.6 Validation 8.8 Scenario Analytics 8.8.1 Adding Analytics 8.8.2 Removing Analytics 8.8.3 Adding Targets 8.8.4 Editing and Removing Targets 8.9 Sharing Scenario Models 8.10 Synchronizing Data 8.11 Scenario Logs 8.11.1 Using the Model Log 8.11.2 Using the Changes Report 8.12 Completing Scenarios 8.12.1 About Completing Scenarios 8.12.2 Finalizing Scenarios 8.12.3 Approving or Rejecting Scenarios 8.12.4 Writing Back Scenarios 8.12.5 OM/PA Integration AfterWritebacks 8.13 Copying Scenarios 8.14 Removing Scenarios

67 67 67 69 69 71 71 72 75 75 76 76 76 77 78 79 81 81 82

9 Troubleshooting
9.1 User login screen does not load 9.2 User interface does not display correctly 9.3 Cannot load the Print and Export wizard 9.4 Job information is missing in the Details panel 9.5 Error Message: Internal Error

84 84 85 86 86

10 Glossary 11 Index

87 89


1 Welcome
Learn about Nakisa, obtain general information about the Nakisa OrgModeler application, and this user guide. 1.1 About the Application 1.2 About Nakisa 1.3 What's New 1.4 Getting Help 2 2 3 3

1 Welcome


About the Application

Nakisa OrgModeler is an enterprise-level management solution used to access, visualize, and manage human capital and organizational structure information. It delivers graphical views of HR data, insights into the company structure, and analytics to manage and understand global workforce information. Nakisa OrgModeler is used by organization designers and senior managers to create "what if" scenarios that help determine the expediency of changes in the organizational structure and reporting relationships. Scenario building is used during the strategic grouping phase of the organization design process, which establishes the overall structure of the organization, its main sub-units, and their relationships. You can use the following application features:
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View your company structure and reporting hierarchy in dynamic organizational charts. Access HR data listings to view and find employee records. View detailed and dynamically updated company information. Use ChartBook to view and print individual branches of the organization structure. Use the Scenarios module to create company structure models and reporting relationships to determine whether organizational changes can be realistically implemented.

Note: A system administrator configures the application to accommodate the specific needs of your company. The information provided in this guide may be different from the current application if it is customized. See also:
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Accessing the Application, section 2.1 on page 5 User Interface Overview, section 2.2 on page 5


About Nakisa
Our goal is to empower organizations with in-depth visibility into the enterprise so they can view, update, model and analyze their talent inventory and make faster, better decisions. We transform human capital data into strategic business intelligence, giving companies the insight they need into their talent and organizations to support overall corporate objectives. Nakisas visualization solutions are fully interoperable with the major Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platforms on the market and provide a single point of access to critical HR data for succession planning, organization charting and workforce modeling. The only Talent and Organization Management vendor fully certified by SAP, Oracle and Microsoft, Nakisa offers proven solutions that have been deployed to millions of users globally. Customers benefiting from Nakisas visualization solutions include CocaCola, Kohler, Motorola, Michelin, Airbus, RBC Financial Services, Wrigley, Carrefour, Statoil, Merck and Alstom. For more information, visit Nakisa Visualize What Matters Most. Thank you for choosing software by Nakisa.


What's New
In addition to general editorial changes and corrections, this release of the documentation contains the following main changes since the last product release:
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The Scenario user interface has been completely updated. Captions throughout the application have been updated for clarity and consistency. The application now supports the Position Hierarchy source org chart and position-to-position-toemployee scenario org charts. See Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 and Creating Scenario Models, section 8.4 on page 54 for more information. When using a two-pane layout, the user can now use a slider to set the pane size. See Setting Application Preferences, section 2.8 on page 10. The position Details panel has been updated, adding incumbent information, as well as a "Reports To" section, and a "View in Position Hierarchy" action. See Viewing Position Details, section 5.2 on page 33for more information. You can now add public and private notes to any org chart box to attach additional information to an org unit, position, or employee. See Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18 for more information. When the My Scenarios panel is open, there is a new Scenario Activity tab that lists the scenarios with the most recent changes to the comments, status, or permissions. See Loading Scenarios, section 8.2 on page 52. KPIs are now referred to as "targets" in the application. See Adding Targets, section 8.8.3 on page 69. You can no longer enable or disable views for scenario org charts from the User Console. The views for analytics and targets still become automatically available once analytics or views are added to the scenario.

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Getting Help
For standard application support, contact your system administrator. Nakisa provides learning and reference resources to help you get up to speed with the application:

For the descriptions of the icons used in the application user interface, see the legend table on the Help panel. For complete information about how to perform tasks in the application, see the application User Guide:
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From the Global Settings toolbar, click . In the Help panel, click Online Documentation.

To view videos that demonstrate basic product functionality, visit the Nakisa website or browse the Nakisa channel on YouTube.

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2 Getting Started
Get familiar with the Nakisa OrgModeler user interface and functionality, learn how to set preferences, and perform basic operations. 2.1 Accessing the Application 2.2 User Interface Overview 2.3 Using Menus and Tab Panels 2.4 Toggling and Resizing Display Panes 2.5 Moving Tab Panels Between Panes 2.6 Using the Selected Items Panel 2.7 Using the Details Panel 2.8 Setting Application Preferences 5 5 7 7 8 8 9 10

2 Getting Started


Accessing the Application

Nakisa OrgModeler is a Web-based application installed on a company server, and is accessed using a Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox web browser or through the company intranet. Note: Enable JavaScript, cookies, and pop-up windows in the Web browser so that the application functions properly.

To log in:
1. Click the link on your company intranet, or enter the following URL in the Web browser: http://<company>/OrgModeler. Replace <company> with the name of your company. Note: The login page is not displayed if the system administrator enabled direct access to the application using your company portal or your Windows account login information. 2. Add the URL to the browser Favorites list (or bookmark it) for easy access later. 3. On the login page, enter your user name and password. 4. If the application is available in multiple languages, select a language from the drop-down list. The language selected in the most recent login is automatically set as default. 5. Click Log In.


User Interface Overview

Nakisa OrgModeler user interface is designed to enable you to customize the amount of information displayed. Note: This document describes the default graphical user interface and feature set associated with the product. Nakisa OrgModeler is a highly customizable application and may have been modified by your System Administrator to suit the needs of your organization. In this case, the application may look slightly different to what is displayed in this guide and may contain limited, advanced, or customized features. The information provided in this guide may therefore not correspond exactly to your organization's installation. Certain features may not be enabled based on the role to which you are assigned. The following image shows the main parts of the application user interface.

Application menu bar: Displays the available application menu items that provide access to tasks and features. Actions menu: Accesses the tasks you can perform on the org chart, listing, or Details panels. Tab panels: Provide a tabbed interface that displays help, scenario, feature, task, and detailed record information in a contained area. See Using Menus and Tab Panels, section 2.3 on next page. Global Settings toolbar: Displays the status of the IDoc listener, changes the application interface display, and provides access to the online help and application preferences. Logout button: Exits the application and displays the log-in screen. Resizing bar: Extends the size of a display pane in a two-pane display. Scroll widget:Moves the org chart to any area of the display pane. Selected Items panel: Provides the tasks you can perform on one or more records. Flag org chart boxes to add the selected objects to this panel. See Using the Selected Items Panel, section 2.6 on page 8. Zoom panel: Enables you to adjust the display view of the org chart. See Setting Zoom Level, section 3.6 on page 16. See also:
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Using Menus and Tab Panels, section 2.3 on next page Toggling and Resizing Display Panes, section 2.4 on next page Moving Tab Panels Between Panes, section 2.5 on page 8

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2 Getting Started
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Setting Application Preferences, section 2.8 on page 10 Using the Selected Items Panel, section 2.6 on the facing page Using the Details Panel, section 2.7 on page 9


Using Menus and Tab Panels

The application menu bar provides access to the application features and tasks. Nakisa OrgModeler contains only two modules: Scenarios and Org Source. When a scenario is loaded, the scenario name appears in the application menu bar to the right of Scenarios. The scenario's menu contains features for the loaded scenario.

To use the application menu:

1. Click an item in the application menu bar to expand the application menu. The items in the application menu are grouped by org charts, listings, ChartBooks, and user-saved listings and org charts. 2. Click an item to open the feature in a tab panel. The application features a tabbed interface with four tab panel types:

Organizational chart: Displays the dynamic chart diagram, and includes the Selected Items panel for flagged org chart boxes. Listing: Displays listing records in tabular format and provides the basic and advanced search forms. Details: Displays detailed information on a selected record. Help: Displays a legend with descriptions for all the icons used in the graphical user interface, and provides access to the online help.

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3. Click the tab heading to activate a panel. 4. In Basic-mode org charts, drag a frequently-used task from the Actions menu, then drop it in the menu bar of the org chart or listing tab panel. This creates a shortcut to the action. Right-click the icon, then select Remove Shortcut to remove it from the menu bar. See also:
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Toggling and Resizing Display Panes, section 2.4 below Moving Tab Panels Between Panes, section 2.5 on the facing page


Toggling and Resizing Display Panes

View one tab panel at a time, or two panels side-by-side by switching between one-pane and two-pane display. Note: In two-pane mode, you can set up a default window size for each pane. See Setting Application Preferences, section 2.8 on page 10 for more information.

To switch between views:

1. To display information in one pane, on the Global Settings toolbar, click .

The panel area extends across the entire width of the application. Use this view when an org chart has many horizontal boxes or when a listing has many columns. 2. To display information in two panes, click side-by-side for comparison or analysis. See also:
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. Use this view to display different sets of information

3. In the two-pane view, click and drag the resizing bar to increase the display pane area.

Using Menus and Tab Panels, section 2.3 on previous page Moving Tab Panels Between Panes, section 2.5 below


Moving Tab Panels Between Panes

In a two-pane view, you can move panels around the panes.

To drag and drop a panel:

1. Click a tab heading to activate the tab panel. 2. Place the cursor over the tab heading and then drag it to a new location. 3. Click to drop the tab panel. See also:
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Using Menus and Tab Panels, section 2.3 on previous page Toggling and Resizing Display Panes, section 2.4 on previous page


Using the Selected Items Panel

The Selected Items panel is located at the bottom of an org chart. Add org chart boxes to the panel to perform tasks on all the selected records. Note: The tasks that are available in the Selected Items panel for the source org chart are different than for the scenario org chart. For the scenario Selected Items panel, see Performing Bulk Edits, section 8.6.7 on page 63 for more information. The tasks you can perform on the selected records in the source org chart are:

Silo Clear Items

Displays the reporting relationship between the current record and its parents. This option is only available when org chart boxes are added to this panel. Removes all the selected records from the panel.

To use the Selected Items panel:

1. Click the Selected Items tab heading to show the panel; click it a second time to hide the panel. 2. Click in the tab heading to lock the panel so it remains visible.

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2 Getting Started
3. Click to unlock the panel so it hides on mouse out.

4. Flag an org chart box to add records to the panel. A maximum of 50 records can be added to the Selected Items. Each record is represented by a box inside the panel. The information displayed in the record box is configured by your system administrator. Records added to the Selected Items panel remain in the display frame until they are cleared or the current session is closed. 5. Click a button in the bottom bar to perform the required task on the selected records. Tip: Clicking on a record in the Selected Items panel will display that record's Details panel. See also:

Flagging Org Chart Boxes, section 3.7 on page 17


Using the Details Panel

The Details panel provides a graphical view of a specific record stored in the company database. It contains additional information about the record, and organizes data inside tabs that concentrate on one particular area of interest. The Details history allows you to navigate through the different Details panels that you have already opened without opening them from the org chart or listing again. The Actions menu, in the panel menu bar, also provides additional options.

To access the Details panel:

1. Open an org chart under Org Source or the scenario in the application menu, or search a listing to find the required record. 2. Click an org chart box or listing record. 3. Click the different tabs in the panel to view specific details about the record. 4. Click the arrow next to the heading to show or hide the section. 5. To view the record in the org chart when viewing the details of an object from the Organization Structure, click Actions menu >View in Organization Structure. Note: If viewing a position detail, you must first move up one level to its parent org unit in order to view the record in the org chart. You can do this by clicking the Org Unit ID in the Org Unit Assignment tab. Similarly, if viewing an employee detail, you must move up twice:up one level to its position by clicking the Position ID in the Position Assignment tab, then up another level from position to its parent org unit. 6. To view the record in the org chart when viewing the details of a position from the Position Hierarchy, click Actions menu > View in Position Hierarchy. 7. Click to close the Details panel.

To use the Details history:

1. At the top of the Details panel, use the following arrows to navigate through the Details panels that have been opened:
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to see the Details panel that was previously opened.

Click to see the first Details panel that was opened in this session (or the oldest Details panel in the list).

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Click Click

to see the next Details panel that was opened. to see the last Details panel that was opened.

2. To select a specific Details panel instead of navigating through the Details panels one by one using the arrows, select the required Details panel from the drop-down list. 3. To clear the list of Details panels in the history, click . Click Ok to confirm your choice. Note: Navigating between the Org Source and the scenario clears the Details history. See also:
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Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 Viewing Listings, section 6.1 on page 37


Setting Application Preferences

Application preferences define application regional and display layout options. The preferences are saved in your user profile on the company server and are loaded when you open a session with your user name and password.

To set application preferences:

1. From the Global Settings toolbar, click . 2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Regional Options (date format and language). 3. Specify Display Options: a. Work area layout (one or two pane). b. The proportion of the window each pane should take up (in two pane mode only). Move the slider to the desired percentage level to specify the window space for each pane. c. Theme (Classic or Gray). d. Org chart mode (Enhanced or Basic). 4. Set the current effective date. 5. Click Apply. See also:
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User Interface Overview, section 2.2 on page 5 Changing the Effective Date, section 8.5 on page 56

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3 Org Charts
Use org charts in Nakisa OrgModeler, access org chart features from the menu, and modify org chart styles and views. 3.1 Viewing Org Charts 3.2 Using the Org Chart Box Menu 3.3 Setting Org Chart Root 3.4 Changing Org Chart Views 3.5 Changing Org Chart Styles 3.6 Setting Zoom Level 3.7 Flagging Org Chart Boxes 3.8 Viewing Reporting Relationships 3.9 Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes 3.10 Saving Org Charts 3.11 Customizing Org Chart Display 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 20

3 Org Charts


Viewing Org Charts

Organizational charts (org charts) graphically show the hierarchical authority, roles and responsibilities, and relationships in an organization. Org charts are available in enhanced (Flash) and basic (HTML) modes. Enhanced mode offers additional viewing and printing options, and is enabled in the application preferences. Adobe Flash Player 10 or later is required to view enhanced-mode org charts. Note: Your system administrator may enable only one of the modes; the org chart mode setting in the Application Preferences is disabled as a result. The top right corner of the application displays the status of the IDoc listener ( when it is running, and when it is off). The IDoc listener updates the source org chart after changes have been made in the SAP server. The available org charts are identified by the following org chart by default: icon in the application menu. The application includes the

Org Chart
Organization Structure

Displays the org unit structure of the organization. Each org unit can be expanded to view the org units and/or positions it contains, and each position can be expanded to view the employees it contains. Different icons provide additional information about the position objects. For example, the Vacant Position icon indicates whether the current position has any incumbents or not. Refer to the Help panel to see all of the icons.

Position Structure

Displays the relationship between positions, and between positions and employees. Different icons provide additional information about the position objects.

To view an org chart:

1. Click the appropriate item in the application menu bar, then click the required org chart. The org chart loads in the tab panel. 2. Use the navigation icons at the bottom of org chart boxes with subordinate records to expand / or collapse / the org chart boxes. The color of the buttons identify the organizational object type (for example, org unit, position, employee). Note: Nakisa OrgModeler does not currently display dotted-line relationships. 3. Continue to expand the org chart; when you reach the required box, click it to open the Details panel. 4. To ensure the org chart fits the viewing area, change the org chart style or use the zoom tool. See also:
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Using the Org Chart Box Menu, section 3.2 on the facing page Setting Org Chart Root, section 3.3 on page 14 Changing Org Chart Styles, section 3.5 on page 15 Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 on page 14


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Flagging Org Chart Boxes, section 3.7 on page 17 Saving Org Charts, section 3.10 on page 20


Using the Org Chart Box Menu

Each org chart box has a menu with options you can select to perform the following actions:

Add to Selected Items Create Scenario From Here

Sets a flag on the selected org chart box, and adds it to the Selected Items panel. Allows the user to create a new scenario with the selected org chart box as the root. See Creating Scenario Models, section 8.4 on page 54 for more information. Offers the following options:


/ Expand / Collapse Org Units: Expands or collapses the org units under the selected org chart box. / Expand / Collapse Positions: Expands or collapses the positions under the selected org chart box. / Expand / Collapse All: Expands or collapses all of the org chart boxes in the org chart.


Adds a public or private note attached to the selected org chart box. This action is enabled by the administrator. See Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18 for more details. Changes the view for the selected box or all the boxes in the org chart.

Change Box View

Note: Some of these actions might not appear based on your particular configuration. Additional options, such as editing or creating records, are available in the box menu when you view org charts in the loaded scenario.

To use the box menu:


Right-click the org chart box, and select a menu item.

See also:
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Setting Org Chart Root, section 3.3 on next page Changing Org Chart Styles, section 3.5 on page 15 Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 on next page

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3 Org Charts


Setting Org Chart Root

Set a new org chart root to move from broad to specific hierarchy views.

To set the current box as the org chart root:

1. Expand the org chart to the required box. 2. Click 3. Click to start the org chart with the current box as the root. to start the org chart one level above the current box.

4. To return to the default root, click Actions menu > Default Root. See also:
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Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 Changing Org Chart Styles, section 3.5 on the facing page Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 below


Changing Org Chart Views

Org chart views change the information displayed in the org chart boxes. Org charts that have more than one hierarchy provide different views for each organizational object included in the org chart. Views are configured by your system administrator for each available org chart and can include additional information such as e-mail links or employee portraits. The following views are available for org unit objects in source org charts, scenario org charts, or both:

Standard Cost Center

Displays the org unit name and organization ID. Displays the cost center group the org unit belongs to. The inheritance tooltips indicate the parent org unit where the cost center or org unit manager originates. Displays the org unit manager name and title. Org units with multiple manager positions only display the text Multiple Managers. Displays the values for the count analytics that have been added to the scenario. For the list of available count analytics, see Adding Analytics, section 8.8.1 on page 67. This view is only available in scenario org charts, and only if analytics have been added to the scenario.

Manager View Scenario Analytics

Target View

Displays the target information in the org unit boxes that have targets assigned. If an org unit has a color-type target that has a value that is out of range, the org chart box is highlighted in red for easy identification. See Adding Targets, section 8.8.3 on page 69 for more information. This view is only available in scenario org charts, and only if targets have been added to the scenario.


To change the view for the entire org chart:

1. Access the required org chart from the application menu bar. The org chart loads in the tab panel. 2. Click Views in the panel top bar, then select a view from the drop-down list. See also:
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Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 Using the Org Chart Box Menu, section 3.2 on page 13 Setting Org Chart Root, section 3.3 on previous page Changing Org Chart Styles, section 3.5 below


Changing Org Chart Styles

Different options are available that change the positioning and appearance of the org chart. Vertical and horizontal diagrams are available in extended, condensed, or compressed formats. The following styles are available:

Org Chart Style

Vertical Org Chart Combined Org Chart Horizontal Org Chart

Displays a vertical org chart. Displays a compressed horizontal org chart with nodes displayed in the vertical format. Displays a horizontal org chart with nodes displayed in the vertical format. Displays a compressed horizontal org chart with child nodes displayed in the condensed format. Displays a horizontal org chart with child nodes displayed in the compressed format. Displays a vertical org chart with nodes displayed in the condensed format.

Compressed Org Chart Horizontal Org Chart - Compressed Children Condensed Org Chart

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3 Org Charts
Below are examples of the same org chart viewed in the different styles:

To change the org chart style:


From the Styles menu, select the style.

See also:
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Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 Setting Org Chart Root, section 3.3 on page 14 Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 on page 14


Setting Zoom Level

Increase or decrease the size of the org chart diagram. Enhanced-mode org charts include the Zoom panel that lets you resize and move the org chart in the display pane.


Note: Zoom controls are unavailable in Mozilla Firefox when the org chart is in basic mode.

To set the zoom level in the basic-mode org charts:

1. Move the mouse pointer to 100% in the top bar. 2. Select the zoom level. 3. Alternatively, click or to zoom in or zoom out by 10%.

To set the zoom level in the enhanced-mode org charts using the Zoom panel:
1. In the org chart tool bar, click Zoom. The zoom panel expands and remains open until you click again. 2. On the zoom panel, do one of the following to zoom the org chart in or out:
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Drag the slider to zoom to the required level in small increments. Click + or - in the panel to zoom in or out in large increments. Center To Page to

3. Click Fit To Page to fit the entire org chart in the display pane, or click center the org chart on the page without reverting to its original size.

4. Click Map to visualize the location of the currently displayed org chart branch in relation to the entire org chart. The red rectangle schematically identifies the current display view.

To set the zoom level in the enhanced-mode org charts using keyboard and mouse shortcuts:

Zoom in large increments using the mouse's scroll wheel anytime the mouse cursor is in the org chart area. Press Spacebar to fit the entire org chart to the available space in the display pane. Press Shift+Spacebar to resize the org chart to its native dimensions.

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Flagging Org Chart Boxes

Org chart boxes are added to the Selected Items panel when you flag them, so you can perform tasks on one or more records.

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3 Org Charts To flag an org chart box do one of the following:

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Right-click the org chart box, then select Add to Selected Items. For Basic-mode org charts, drag and drop the org chart box to the Selected Items panel. For Enhanced-mode org charts, Ctrl-click the org chart box.

The icon appears in the org chart box, and the box is added to the Selected Items panel. A maximum of 50 records can be added. See also:
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Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 Using the Selected Items Panel, section 2.6 on page 8


Viewing Reporting Relationships

Use the Silo feature to identify the direct and indirect reporting relationships for a specific org unit. You can view the org unit to org unit relationship for the source org chart. Note: The Silo button appears in the Selected Items panel only if you select an object from the root hierarchy. For example, if there is an org chart with org unit > position > employee linked hierarchies, Silo only appears if org units are flagged. The relationships are displayed in the org chart.

To view org unit to org unit reporting relationships:

1. Flag the required org unit to add it to the Selected Items panel. Flag additional org units to view more than one reporting relationship in the org chart. 2. In the Selected Items panel, click Silo. The organizational chart diagram changes and displays only the selected org unit and the org units it reports to directly and indirectly. 3. Click in the root org unit, then click to revert to the normal org chart.


Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes

Notes can be added to any box in the source or scenario org chart to attach additional information to an org unit, position, or employee. The following notes are available:
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Public: Notes are visible to all users. Private: Notes are visible only to the user who created them.

Note: Depending on the configurations made by the system administrator, one, both, or none of the available notes may be enabled. Notes are created and edited either from an org chart box or the Details panel. Notes only appears in the scenario or source org chart in which they were added.

To add notes to an org chart box:


Through the org chart: 1. Click an item in the application menu bar, then select an org chart. 2. Expand the branches to find the required org chart box.


3. Right-click the org chart box. 4. Select

l l

Notes, then select: Add Note to add a public note.

Add Note to add a private note. 5. In the resulting text window, add the note's content, then click Save.

Through the org unit, position, and employee Details panel: 1. Click an item in the application menu bar, then select an org chart. 2. Expand the branches to find the required org chart box, then click the box to load the Details panel. 3. In the Details panel, click the Notes tab. 4. Click:
l l

Add Note to add a public note.

Add Note to add a private note. 5. In the resulting text window, add the note's content, then click Save. Once a note is saved, a yellow note icon for a public note ( ) or a blue note icon for a private note ( ) appears at the top of the org chart box. Notes can then be edited or removed, and included in prints/exports, or ChartBook.

To edit a note:

Through the org chart: 1. Right-click an org chart box that contains a note. 2. Select
l l

Notes, then select: Edit Note to edit a public note.

Edit Note to edit a private note. 3. In the resulting text window, edit the note's content, then click Save.

Through the org unit, position, and employee Details panel: 1. Select the Notes tab. 2. Click:
l l

Edit Note to edit a public note

Edit Note to edit a private note. 3. In the resulting text window, add the note's content, then click Save.

To remove a note:
1. In the org chart, right-click an org chart box that contains a note. 2. Select
l l

Notes, then choose: Remove Note to remove a public note.

Remove Note to remove a private note. 3. In the resulting window, click OK.

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3 Org Charts


Saving Org Charts

Expanded org charts that are viewed repeatedly can be saved to your user profile. Use this feature if you have set up the org chart to view a specific branch of the company structure, and wish to refer to it later. Saved org charts are added in the application menu under My Org Charts.

To save an org chart:

1. Access the required org chart from the application menu bar. 2. Expand and set the org chart to the required root, style, and view. 3. Click Actions menu > Add to My Org Charts. 4. Enter the org chart name and description. 5. Click Save. The org chart is added to the application menu under My Org Charts. Note: The org chart settings option in the Actions menu is not available for saved org charts.

To delete a saved org chart:

1. Click your org chart under My Org Charts in the application menu. The org chart for that hierarchy loads in the tab panel. 2. Click Actions menu > Delete from My Org Charts. 3. Click Delete. See also:
l l l l

Viewing Org Charts, section 3.1 on page 12 Setting Org Chart Root, section 3.3 on page 14 Changing Org Chart Styles, section 3.5 on page 15 Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 on page 14


Customizing Org Chart Display

Set the default org chart and its appearance based on your preferences. The selected settings are saved in your user profile, and the org chart loads in the interface each time a new session is launched with your user name and password.

To set the org chart appearance:

1. Access the required org chart from the application menu bar. 2. Expand the org chart, then set a new org chart root (if required). 3. Click Actions menu > Settings. 4. In the Org Chart Settings dialog box, specify the Default Settings: a. Select the required Org Chart from the drop-down list. b. Select the default Style and View. c. Click Current Root to set the current org chart root as the default.


Note: The org chart diagram displays the org chart at the current root each time the application is accessed. 5. Specify the Org Chart Ordering. 6. Click Apply. Note: The Settings dialog box is not available for scenario org charts. The source org chart display settings also control the display settings for scenario org charts. See also:
l l l

Setting Org Chart Root, section 3.3 on page 14 Changing Org Chart Styles, section 3.5 on page 15 Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 on page 14

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4 ChartBook
Generate interactive PDFdocuments that show the structure of individual branches in the organization. 4.1 About ChartBook 4.2 Defining ChartBook Page Printing Order 4.3 Using ChartBook Templates 4.4 Generating ChartBook 4.5 ChartBook Reference 4.5.1 ChartBook Reference 4.5.2 General Tab 4.5.3 Cover Page Tab 4.5.4 Header & Footer Tab 4.5.5 References Tab 4.5.6 Hierarchy Tab 4.5.7 Protection Tab 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30

4 ChartBook


About ChartBook
A ChartBook is an interactive PDF document that is used to view individual branches of the organization structure. Each page displays a different subset of the org chart structure and shows a parent box at the top of the page and the reporting child units underneath. For example, for an org unit and position structure, each page shows an org unit parent and the directly reporting org units or positions in the selected branch. The ChartBook features complete PDF functionality, including bookmarks, a table of contents, an index, hyperlinks, and full search capabilities. Use the table of contents that lists all the org units and positions generated by the ChartBook to locate the required branch. For each branch, you can display a subordinate table that lists direct subordinates to the current node. Note: If your system administrator configured the application to group similar records in one org chart box, each record is displayed in its own org chart box in the generated ChartBook. Use the ChartBook generator to create a ChartBook PDF file. In the ChartBook generator:
l l l l l l l

Create a custom cover page. Specify page layout, including headers and footers. Generate table of contents, index, and legend table. Specify document section heading styles. Specify the subordinate table styles. Specify the PDF document security settings. Create, save, and reuse document style and layout templates.

See also:
l l

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on page 25 Using ChartBook Templates, section 4.3 on the facing page


Defining ChartBook Page Printing Order

Choose from the two print sorting options to define the sequence of records by organizational level or by individual branches: level-order and preorder.


The following table shows the generated results for the org unit structure above depending on the selected print order:

ChartBook Level-order Page #

1 2 3 4 5 Org Unit 1.0 as the root and its direct-reporting org units. Org Unit 1.0 as the root and its direct-reporting positions. Org Unit 2.1 as the root and its direct-reporting org unit. Org Unit 2.1 as the root and its direct-reporting positions. Org Unit 2.2 as the root and its direct-reporting positions, as it has no subordinate org units. Org Unit 2.3 as the root and its direct-reporting positions. Org Unit 3.1 as the root and its direct-reporting positions.

Org Unit 1.0 as the root and its directreporting org units. Org Unit 1.0 as the root and its directreporting positions. Org Unit 2.1 as the root and its directreporting org unit. Org Unit 2.1 as the root and its directreporting positions. Org Unit 3.1 as the root and its directreporting positions. Org Unit 2.2 as the root and its directreporting positions, as it has no subordinate org units. Org Unit 2.3 as the root and its directreporting positions.


Using ChartBook Templates

ChartBook style templates contain the PDF file settings that you specify in the ChartBook generator. The default preferences are saved in a ZIP file that is stored in a location specified by system administrator. You can create and save your own template files to reuse them later to generate different outputs. Note: Create preference files using Microsoft Internet Explorer to ensure cross-browser compatibility. You can load and modify preference files created in Internet Explorer in an application running in Mozilla Firefox or any other supported browser. Conversely, you may not be able to use the preference file created using Mozilla Firefox in applications running in Internet Explorer. Note: The option to save templates may be restricted to specific roles. In this case, you only have the option to load an existing template.

To define and load ChartBook templates:

1. In the ChartBook Generator window, click the tabs and define the ChartBook PDF file settings. 2. From the drop-down list at the top right, select Save Template. 3. Enter the template name and click Save. 4. In the message box, click Save and specify the file location. 5. To use the existing template, in the ChartBook Generator window, click Load Template > Browse, select the saved template zip file and click Open. 6. Click Load.

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4 ChartBook


Generating ChartBook
Generate a ChartBook PDF file to view and distribute the org chart online or print the full org chart or its individual branches.

To generate a ChartBook:
1. Click an item in the application menu bar, then select the required org chart. 2. If you wish to start the ChartBook from a specific org chart box, expand the org chart to the required record, then click to set that org chart box as the root. 3. In the org chart panel, click Actions > Generate ChartBook. 4. To use an pre-existing template, in the ChartBook Generator window, select Load Template from the Templates drop-down list, then click Browse. Select a saved ZIP template file and click Load. Otherwise, select Default Template. 5. To customize the ChartBook's appearance, click the tabs and specify the required properties. See ChartBook Reference for details about ChartBook settings. Tip: Selecting Quick Mode will generate the ChartBook more quickly by removing options such as headers and footers, and the table of contents from the finished product.When Quick Mode is selected, some generation options and tabs will not be available. 6. Optionally, once you finish defining the ChartBook properties, select Save Template from the dropdown list at the top-right to save this template for future use. Enter the template name, click Save, and specify the file location. 7. Click Generate PDF. As it is being created, the ChartBook will appear in the Progresssection at the top-right of the window. Note that this section also displays ChartBooks that are currently being generated by other users. Completed ChartBooks will appear in the History window at the bottom-right. Note: The time to generate a ChartBook depends greatly on the data size, system resources, and number of records. 8. When the ChartBook is generated, click its title in the History window to access the file.


ChartBook Reference
ChartBook Reference
Use the following tabs to customize the ChartBook output:

General Tab Define the ChartBook content properties, paper size, and page margins. Cover Page Tab Define the ChartBook cover page properties and graphical elements. Header & Footer Tab Define the ChartBook header and footer properties.


Reference Tab Define the properties and style of the ChartBook generated content: table of contents, index, and legend. Hierarchy Tab Define the properties of the org chart hierarchy, subordinate tables and notes. Protection Tab Define the ChartBook PDF file security properties.


General Tab
Define the ChartBook content properties, paper size, and page margins. Note: This tab may not contain all of the following options as they may be restricted to specific roles.

Hierarchy Number of Levels Print Order Specifies the name of the org chart. The org chart that you selected in the OrgChart menu is displayed by default. Specifies the depth of the displayed org chart branch. Specifies the sorting order that defines the printing sequence of record branches:
l l

Level order - "breadth-first" order that sorts records by organizational level. Preorder - "depth-first" order that sorts records by individual branches.

For details, see Defining ChartBook Page Printing Order, section 4.2 on page 23. Date Specify the current date or select Custom and specify any date. This date appears on the cover page and in the page header if you select this option on the corresponding tab. See Cover Page Tab, section 4.5.3 on next page and Header & Footer Tab, section 4.5.4 on next page.

Paper Format Orientation Unit Margin Defines the paper size. Specifies the page orientation. Specifies the measurement unit applied to the margins, page header and footer height. See Header & Footer Tab, section 4.5.4 on next page. Specifies the margin width applied along the page edge.

E-mail Specifies the e-mail address where a notification will be sent once the ChartBook is generated.

See also:
l l

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on previous page Defining ChartBook Page Printing Order, section 4.2 on page 23

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4 ChartBook


Cover Page Tab

Define ChartBook cover page properties and specify graphical elements. Note: This tab may not be available as it may be restricted to specific roles.

Cover Page
Add Cover Display Logo Logo Position Display Date Title Background Color Background Image Subtitle See also:

Select to add a cover page to the ChartBook. Select to display a logo on the cover page. The logo image is set by system administrator. You may not have the logo image that was specified. Specifies a logo position on the cover page. Specifies whether to display the date (set on the General tab). If you select the option, you can specify the date format and font style. Specifies ChartBook title wording and format. Specifies ChartBook cover page background color. Specifies ChartBook cover page background image file. To insert the background image, click Browse and select the image file. Specifies ChartBook subtitle wording and format.

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on page 25


Header & Footer Tab

Define the ChartBook header and footer properties. Note: This tab must be enabled by a Nakisa implementation partner.

Header Height Display Logo The page header height in units (centimeters or inches) specified on the General tab. Specifies whether to display a logo. If you select this option, the Browse button and Logo Position drop-down list appear. Click Browse to select an image for use as the logo in the header. Specifies the location of the logo in the header. Specifies whether to display a date. The date is specified on the General tab. If you select this option, the Date Style, Date Position, and Date Format options appear.

Logo Position Display Date



Header Text Section Title Style Background Color Header Frame Defines page header wording and style. Specifies the style of the ChartBook section title to be displayed in the header. Specifies the background color of the header. Specifies whether to display a frame box around the page header.

Footer Height Display Logo The page footer height in units (centimeters or inches) specified on the General tab. Specifies whether to display a logo. If you select this option, the Browse button and Logo Positiondrop-down list appear. Click Browse to select an image for use as the logo in the footer. Specifies the location of the logo in the header. Specifies whether to display the current page number in the footer. Defines the page number font, size, and style. Defines page footer wording and style. Specifies the background color of the footer. Specifies whether to display a frame box around the page footer.

Logo Position Display Page Number Page Number Style Footer Text Background Color Footer Frame See also:

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on page 25


References Tab
Define the properties and style of the ChartBook generated content: table of contents, index, and legend. Note: This tab may not be available as it may be restricted to specific roles. The table of contents and index sections must be enabled by a Nakisa implementation partner.

Table of Contents
Display Page Number Page Leader Level 1 Style / Level "n" Style Specifies whether to display page numbers next to the table of contents entries. Specifies a tab leader line style (dotted, dashed, solid, or none). Specifies a table of contents entry font style.

Number of Columns Specifies the number of columns in the generated index.


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4 ChartBook Table of Contents Index

Column Separator Style Align Page Number Page Leader Section Title Style Entry Style Specifies the style of the line between index columns. Select to right-align index entry page locators. Specifies the index entry tab leader line style (dotted, dashed, solid, or none). Specifies the section heading (letter) font style. Specifies the index entry font style.

Header Style List Style Alternate Rows See also:

Specifies the font style of the legend table header row. Specifies the font style of the legend items. Specifies the shading color of the legend table alternate rows.

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on page 25


Hierarchy Tab
Define the properties of the org chart hierarchy and subordinate tables. Subordinate tables list direct subordinates to the current node at the bottom of each page. Only records that have subordinates appear in this table. Note: This tab may not be available as it may be restricted to specific roles.

Organization Chart
Org Unit Hierarchy View Position Hierarchy View Employee Hierarchy View Specifies the preferred view for the org unit hierarchy. See Changing Org Chart Views, section 3.4 on page 14 for details about the views for each organizational object. Specifies the preferred view for the position hierarchy. Specifies the preferred view for the employee hierarchy.

Subordinate Table
Show Table Number of Columns Header Style Select to display tables that list the subordinate objects. Specifies the number of columns in the subordinate table. Specifies the font style of the subordinate table header row.

Parents & Notes Display


Organization Chart Subordinate Table

List Style Alternate Rows Specifies the font style of the items in the subordinate table. Specifies the shading color of the subordinate table alternate rows.

Parents & Notes Display

Show Additional Parent Nodes Export Notes Specifies whether to show an org chart box's parent when generating a ChartBook of two levels or more. Specifies whether to include org chart box notes in a separate list at the end of the generated ChartBook.

See also:

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on page 25


Protection Tab
Define a ChartBook PDF file security properties. Note: This tab may not be available as it may be restricted to specific roles.

Requires password to open Select to add password protection to the generated PDF.

Allow Print Allow Modification Allow Copy See also:

Select to allow printing the generated PDF file. Select to allow modifying the generated PDF file. Select to allow copying the generated PDF file.

Generating ChartBook, section 4.4 on page 25

Nakisa Inc.


5 Organization Analysis
Use org charts to view analytical information, such as position and employee details. 5.1 Viewing Org Unit Details 5.2 Viewing Position Details 5.3 Viewing Employee Details 32 33 34

5 Organization Analysis


Viewing Org Unit Details

The Details panel is a graphical view of the org unit record. View org unit information such as manager name and e-mail address, and visualize analytic details. The Details panel is configured by your system administrator, and may appear differently than described here. Detailed information is organized inside sections and tabs that concentrate on particular areas of interest. The link icon indicates fields that are inherited from a parent org unit. The information icon next to a field or at the top of a group of fields indicates when a record or setting has a specified end date that is not 31-Dec-9999 (for example because the object is delimited or the field has a new value in the future). Mouse over the icon to see the end date for the current setting. By default, the following sections and tabs are available for org units in the source org chart and for existing org units in the scenario org chart:

Section / Tab
Org Unit Information

Displays the org unit ID, name, and abbreviation, as well as the start and end dates for the org unit. This section also indicates if the department indicator is set or not. Displays the name, position, and contact information for the manager of the org unit. If the org unit has multiple managers, the information for each manager is displayed. Displays account assignment information such as the controlling area, cost center, business area, company code, personnel area, and personnel subarea information. Displays the location information for the org unit. For scenario Details panels only, this tab displays the analytics that have been added to the scenario. Displays any notes associated with the current org unit. See Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18 for more details. For scenario Details panels only, this tab displays the targets that have been added to the org unit. If there is a color-type target and the value is out of range, then the row is highlighted in red for easy identification.


Account Assignment

Address Count Details Notes Target Details

To view org unit details:

1. Click an item in the application menu bar, then select the required org chart or listing. 2. Click the org chart box or listing record to open the Org Unit Details panel. 3. Click the arrow next to a heading to show or hide the section. 4. Click the different tabs in the panel to view specific details about the org unit. 5. To view the current org unit as the org chart root, click Actions >View in Organization Structure. See also:


Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18


Viewing Position Details

The Details panel is a graphical view of the position record. A position is a concrete post in an organization occupied by an employee, or that is budgeted but currently open. The Details panel is configured by your system administrator, and may appear different to the examples in this section. Detailed information is organized inside sections and tabs that concentrate on one particular area of interest. The link icon indicates fields that are inherited from a parent org unit. The information icon next to a field or at the top of a group of fields indicates when a record or setting has a specified end date that is not 31-Dec-9999 (for example because the object is delimited or the field has a new value in the future). Mouse over the icon to see the end date for the current setting. By default, the following sections and tabs are available for positions in the source org chart and for existing positions in the scenario org chart:

Section / Tab
Position Information Incumbent(s)

Displays general position information. Displays the name and contact information for an employee of the selected position. If the position has multiple employees, the information for each employee is displayed. Provides the following sections:

Position Assignment

Org Unit Assignment: Displays general information about the org unit to which the position belongs. This section is not displayed if the position is not assigned to an org unit. Reports To: Displays information about the current position's parent position. Clicking the parent Position IDloads its details. Note that this section is only available when viewing details from a Position Hierarchy. Account Assignment:Displays account assignment information, such as the cost center and controlling area. Job Assignment:Displays general information about the job to which the position has been assigned. Planned Compensation:Displays information about the lowest and highest eligible group and level, and information about the planned compensation for the position.

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5 Organization Analysis Section / Tab

Additional Information

Provides the following sections:
l l l

Vacancy Status:Displays the value of the Status ofVacancy flag. Obsolete Status:Displays the value of the Position Obsolete flag. Work Schedule:Displays information about the number of hours per day, week, month, or year assigned to the position. Employee Group/Sub Group:Provides the employee group and subgroup information. Staff Indicator:Indicates if the position is an assistant or not. Address:Displays the address location of the position.

l l


Displays any notes associated with the current position. See Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18 for more details.

To view position details:

1. Click an item in the application menu bar, then select the required org chart or listing. 2. Click the org chart box or listing record open the position Details panel. 3. Click the arrow next to a heading to show or hide the section. 4. Click the different tabs in the panel to view specific details about the position.

To view the current position record in the Organization Structure org chart:
1. Click a position to open its Details panel. 2. Click the linked Org Unit ID in the Position Assignment tab to open the Details panel of the org unit to which the position reports. 3. Click Actions >View in Organization Structure and expand the org chart to the required record.

To view the current position record in the Position Hierarchy org chart:
1. Click a position to open its Detail panel. 2. Click Actions >View in Position Hierarchy. See also:

Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18


Viewing Employee Details

The Details panel is a graphical view of the employee record. The Details panel is configured by your system administrator, and may appear different to the examples in this section. Detailed information is organized inside sections that concentrate on particular areas of interest. By default, the following sections are available for employee objects in the source org chart and for existing employee objects in the scenario org chart:


Employee Information Compensation Position Assignment Notes

Lists personal details about the employee. Displays the employee's annual salary. Lists the details about the position occupied by the employee. Displays any notes associated with the employee. See Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18 for more details.

To view employee details:

1. In the application menu bar, select the required listing. 2. Click the listing record to open the Employee Details panel. 3. Click the arrow next to a heading to show or hide the section. 4. Click the different tabs in the panel to view specific details about the employee.

To view the current employee record in the Organization Structure org chart:
1. Click the linked Position ID in the Position Assignment section to open the Details panel for the position to which the employee reports. 2. Click the linked Org Unit ID in the Position Assignment tab to open the Details panel of the org unit to which the position reports. 3. Click Actions >View in Organization Structure and expand the org chart to the required record.

To view the current position record in the Position Hierarchy org chart:
1. Click the linked Position ID in the Position Assignment section to open the Details panel for the position to which the employee reports. 2. Click Actions >View in Position Hierarchy and expand the org chart to the required record. See also:

Using Notes with Org Chart Boxes, section 3.9 on page 18

Nakisa Inc.


6 Listings
Use Nakisa OrgModeler listings to search, view, sort, and select records from the company human resource database. 6.1 Viewing Listings 6.2 Searching Listing Records 6.3 Saving Listing Search Queries 6.4 Sorting Listings 6.5 Customizing Listing Display 37 37 38 39 39

6 Listings


Viewing Listings
Listings display organization information contained in the company human resource data repository as dynamic tables, and are automatically updated when the data source changes. Note: The Scenario listings only contain records that are in the scenario. For example, if a scenario was created with the root set to the Human Resources org unit, then only the org unit, position, and employee records under Human Resources are available in the scenario listings. The available listings are identified by the lowing listings by default: icon in the application menu. The application includes the fol-

Position Listing Employee Listing Org Unit Listing

Enables users to search all positions, employees, and org units in the organization.

To view a listing:
1. In the application menu bar, click [Scenario name] or Org Source, then click the required listing. A list of records appears in the tab panel. You can perform a basic or an advanced search. Note: Depending on your application configuration, listings may not contain any records when accessed. A search must be performed to generate results. 2. Use navigation bar See also:
l l l l

to browse the records.

3. To view additional information about a record in the Details panel, click the record in the listing.

Searching Listing Records, section 6.2 below Sorting Listings, section 6.4 on page 39 Saving Listing Search Queries, section 6.3 on the facing page Customizing Listing Display, section 6.5 on page 39


Searching Listing Records

Use search tools to locate records in the company human resource repository. You can perform a simple search based on a single or partial word, or an advanced search using a combination of variables. The following is an example of an advanced search and the returned results:

Search Field
Last Name Last Name Position

Search Operator
Contains Contains Contains

Search Term
Rogers Smith Sales

Search Result
All records that contain Smith OR Rogers in the last name, AND Sales in the position name.


Tip: In an SAPLive build, you can also search for employees using the Quick Search bar. See Using the Graphical User Interface.

To search for records:

1. Click the appropriate item in the application menu bar, then click the required listing. The listing tab panel opens in the interface. Note: Depending on system configuration, key words entered during a search may require that you enter a case-sensitive text string to generate results. 2. Perform a basic search: a. Select the required field for the search, then select an operator type: Contains, Begins with, Ends with, or Equals (when searching for numerical values). b. Enter a search term. The application automatically adds wildcard characters to the search parameters. c. Click Search. 3. Alternatively, perform an advanced search: a. Click Advanced Search. b. In the Advanced Search dialog box, select an operator type for a field: Contains, Begins with, Ends with, or Equals, then enter the search term. c. Click Search. The search results are displayed in the listing grid. The and icons indicate that the current search results are based on a basic or advanced search respectively. 4. Click Actions menu > Add to Favorites to bookmark the current search results in your web browser. The application uses the generic bookmark name "Nakisa Directory View". Enter a unique name if multiple bookmarks are saved. 5. Move the mouse pointer to the or icons to display a brief description of the current search filter. 6. Click the icons to clear all values and reset the search parameters. 7. Click the required record in the list to open the Details panel. See also:
l l l

Viewing Listings, section 6.1 on previous page Saving Listing Search Queries, section 6.3 below Customizing Listing Display, section 6.5 on next page


Saving Listing Search Queries

When you conduct a search you are submitting a query to the HR database for a specific set of records. You can save your queries to perform an identical search for records. Each time you search the database using a saved query, the application generates an updated listing of records based on the latest information stored in the database. Saved listings are added to the application menu under My Listings. When you mouse over the saved listing in the menu or over the tab name of the loaded saved listing, a tool tip displays the description of the saved listing and the search criteria. Note that the logical operators that connect the advanced search criteria (i.e. AND, OR) are not displayed.

Nakisa Inc.


6 Listings To save a listing search query:

1. Perform a basic or advanced search, then set the listing grid as required. 2. Click Actions > Add to My Listings. 3. In the Add to My Listings dialog box, enter the listing name and description, then click Save.

To delete a saved listing:

1. Click the appropriate item in the application menu bar, then select your listing under My Listings. The selected listing loads in a new tab. 2. Click Actions >Delete from My Listings. 3. Click Delete. The listing is removed from the interface and the saved listings. See also:
l l l

Viewing Listings, section 6.1 on page 37 Searching Listing Records, section 6.2 on page 37 Customizing Listing Display, section 6.5 below


Sorting Listings
This procedure sorts the search results and columns for a listing. The sorting options for the listing are configured by your system administrator.

To sort a listing:
1. Click the appropriate item in the application menu bar, then click the required listing. 2. Perform basic or advanced search. 3. Click the table column header to sort the listing records by the required field, then click the arrows to sort the results in ascending or descending order. 4. Optionally, to move a column, click and drag the column heading over to the next column, then release the mouse button. See also:
l l

Viewing Listings, section 6.1 on page 37 Saving Listing Search Queries, section 6.3 on previous page


Customizing Listing Display

Listing tab panels consist of a basic search form, provide access to advanced search options, and display the results of a search in a table. You can set the fields and order of the table columns, the default search field for basic searches, and the number of records per page appearing in the application and printed listings. Listing panel settings are saved in your user profile on the company server, and load in the listing each time a new session is launched with your user name and password.


To set the listing tab panel:

1. Click the appropriate item in the application menu bar, then click the required listing. 2. Click Actions menu > Settings. 3. Under Display Option, select or clear the check box next to the required column headings to show or hide them in the listing. 4. Specify the column order: select a field, then click or to set the order. 5. Select a number from the drop-down list to set the required Records per page. Listings can display up to 50 records per page. 6. Select the Default Search Field. This sets the field operator for the basic search form located below the menu bar of the listing panel. 7. Select a number from the drop-down list to set the required Records per page for printing. Tip: The default number of records available for printing is 25. A maximum of 100 records per page can be set for a printed listing. 8. Click Apply, then reload the listing to activate the new tab panel settings. See also:
l l

Viewing Listings, section 6.1 on page 37 Saving Listing Search Queries, section 6.3 on page 38

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7 Print and Export
Learn how to print and export org charts and listings from the application to various image and document formats. 7.1 Using Basic Print Wizard 7.2 Using Enhanced Mode Printing 7.2.1 Using Enhanced Print Wizard 7.2.2 Printing on Multiple Pages 7.2.3 Printing and Exporting Notes 7.3 Exporting Data 42 43 43 45 46 48

7 Print and Export


Using Basic Print Wizard

The Basic Print Wizard is used in the following cases:
l l l

Printing and exporting when viewing org charts in basic mode. Printing listings. Printing and exporting (PDF) the Model Log or Changes Report.

Note: Certain print and export options can be enabled or disabled by the system administrator. For information about printing enhanced-mode (Flash) org charts, see Using Enhanced Print Wizard, section 7.2.1 on the facing page. The default Web browser print settings may produce unexpected results when printing from the application. For optimal printing results, change the following settings in your Web browser before you begin:
l l l

Enable the print background colors and images option. Change the page setup and remove or disable automatic headers and footers. Set the page margins to 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) to ensure the maximum area of the printed page is used.

To use the Print and Export wizard:

Note that the following procedure outlines the steps for printing, but the procedures for exporting are similar. Tip: In the Print wizard, press Next to proceed to the following tab. Otherwise, click Finish at any time to print. 1. Click Actions > Print. 2. In the Paper &Zooming step, specify the following: a. Select the Paper Format from the drop-down list. The dimensions are set automatically. Note: The paper format sets the page dimensions and proportions, but does not actually select the paper format used by the printer. b. Select the required Unit of measure: centimeters (cm) or inches (in). c. In the case that "Custom" is selected in step 3a, select the Height and Width of the page in the units specified above. d. Select the page Orientation. Select Portrait when printing vertical org charts, or Landscape for horizontal org charts. e. Enter a Margin number. The recommended margin is one inch (2.54 centimeters). f. Select the Fit to Page checkbox to fit the contents to the page or retain the native size. Note: If the contents of your page are too wide and Fit to Page is not selected, the information will be cut off in the preview and in the output. In the case the data to be printed is longer than a single page, the information will be printed on multiple pages, despite the Print Preview showing it as one item without any page break. This is due to browser limitations. 3. In the Header &Footer step, specify the following information: a. Select the Add Header checkbox to create a header section for the page. b. Enter a HeaderHeight to specify the height of the header section, in the units specified in the Paper &Zooming step.


c. Enter the desired Header Text and use the font, size, style, alignment, and color controls to edit the text. d. Select the DisplayLogo checkbox to include an image in the header. The logo image is specified in the Nakisa AdminConsole. e. Specify the image's position in the header through the drop-down list that appears when Display Logo is selected. f. Select the DisplayDate checkbox to include today's date in the header. g. Specify the date's position in the header through the drop-down list that appears when Display Date is selected. h. Select the Add Footer checkbox to create a footer section for the page. Its controls are the same as those for the header. 4. In the Notes & Signature step, you can create note and signature fields using the following tools: a. Enter the required text in the Note and/or the Signature field. Tip: A note is a blank text box for entering text, and a signature contains pre-defined text that you can modify. b. In the Target Page drop-down list, select the page on which the note or signature should appear. c. Select the Text Color and Background Color for the note or signature. d. Select the Display Border checkbox if you want the note or signature to have a black border around it. e. Click Add Note or Add Signature. Tip: Drag the note or signature to reposition it on the page, or click the X at the box's top-left to remove it. 5. Click Print. 6. In the Print dialog box, set the paper format and orientation to match the settings specified above. 7. Click OK. See also:

Exporting Data, section 7.3 on page 48


Using Enhanced Mode Printing

Using Enhanced Print Wizard
In addition to the basic-mode print wizard, the enhanced-mode print wizard enables you to specify the following printing options:
l l l l l

Set the paper size and dimensions, margin, and page orientation. Add headers and footers to the pages. Insert different types of notes, including signature, date, images, or watermarks. Specify tiling to enable printing on multiple pages. Create and reuse custom page style and layout templates.

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7 Print and Export

The bottom frame displays a preview of the org chart or listing that is dynamically updated as you change each setting in the wizard, and includes a Zoom panel to change the size and position of the org chart in the preview. Note: The Zoom panel only affects the print preview, and does not change the size or position of the printed org chart. The following procedure outlines the steps for basic printing on one page. Note: Depending on the administrator's configuration, some of the following features may not be available.

To use the wizard:

1. In the org chart panel, click Actions > Print. 2. At any time, you can resize and reposition the org chart on the page: a. Mouse over the org chart in the print preview area to display the corner. icon in the bottom-right

b. Click and drag the icon to set the required size. c. To reposition the org chart on the page, mouse over the org chart to display the frame in which it belongs, then click and drag the frame to the required position. 3. To print the org chart using the default template, in the print wizard, click Print. 4. To use a previously saved template, from the Templates drop-down list, select one of the available templates or click Open Template to browse to the location where the template is saved. Note: Only print templates or export to PDFtemplates can be used. 5. To modify the output, in the Paper tab, specify the paper size, orientation, and margins. 6. In the Header/Footer tab, specify the header and footer properties and content: a. Select the Header check box. b. Enter the header text. c. Set the header size. This setting changes the size of the text box for the header. d. Select the Logo check box to include an image in the header. You can provide an image through the Browse button, and place it within the header through the Position drop-down list. Note: The image resolution must be within the range of 72-300 DPI. e. Select the Date check box to include today's date, and place it within the header through the Position drop-down list. f. Repeat the process to add a Footer. 7. In the Note tab, specify additional page elements to include in the output. See Printing and Exporting Notes, section 7.2.3 on page 46. 8. In the Tiling tab, specify the conditions for printing on multiple pages. See Printing on Multiple Pages, section 7.2.2 on the facing page. 9. Verify that the information in the print preview is complete andmake any adjustments. 10. Optionally, from the Templates drop-down list, select Save Template, enter the template title and select Include title in template name to ensure this title is part of the template name when you save it. 11. Click Print.


12. In the Print dialog box, click Preferences and adjust the paper size and orientation to match the paper settings specified in step 4. 13. If the margins are too small for the printer, the application displays a dialog with the minimum printer margins. Click Yes to have the application automatically update the margins for you, or click No to adjust the margins yourself. 14. Click OK > Print. See also:

Exporting Data, section 7.3 on page 48


Printing on Multiple Pages

Org charts are printed on one page by default. Print multiple pages if:
l l

Information is too small to read when a large org chart is resized to fit on one page A large printout is required for presentation purposes

The Tiling tab has a slider to change the number of printed pages, and the application automatically calculates the scaling ratio for optimal paper usage. A page overview represents how the org chart is printed on multiple pages, and page numbers on the printout help assemble the pages correctly.

To print on multiple pages:

1. Follow the steps outlined in Using the Enhanced Print Wizard to set the paper and page settings, and add any required headers or footers. 2. Add notes to place additional information in the printout. 3. Click the Tiling tab. 4. Select Print page separators and numbers to include numbered guidelines in the top-left corner of each tile and indicate where the page is cut for assembly. 5. Do one of the following to set the number of printed pages:
l l l

Move the slider up to increase the number of pages. Click the arrows to adjust the number of Horizontal and Vertical pages. Enter the page number value.

The page overview displays how the org chart area is divided on the pages, and dotted lines in the print preview display where the page breaks are in the actual org chart. 6. After you specified the required number of pages, click Print. Note: Change the printer settings to match the paper size set in the print wizard. Page numbers are printed in decimal format, where the first number identifies the row, and the second number identifies the column. For example, if an org chart is printed two pages horizontally and three pages vertically, the page numbers are as follows:

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7 Print and Export


Printing and Exporting Notes

Add notes to the printed document to highlight specific areas of the org chart or to provide additional information. There are two kinds of notes available for printing and exporting:
l l

Notes that are added through the Print and Export wizard. Notes that are added to org chart boxes (not available in basic-mode printing and exporting).

The following note types are added in the Print and Export wizard:


Text Image

Contains user-defined content. Displays a selected image. The following image formats are supported:
l l l l


Up to five images can be added. Each image must have a resolution of between 72-300 DPI and must not exceed 1 MB. The dimensions of the image cannot be changed in the print wizard. Ensure that the image has the required dimensions before adding it to the printed document. Date Signature Watermark Displays the current date by default (can be modified) in a user-defined format. Contains pre-defined text that can be modified if required. Displays user-defined content diagonally across the page in light gray.

To add a printed or exported note:

1. In the print wizard, click the Notes tab. 2. Expand the Add Note list, then select the required note type. 3. Enter the note Title. The title is updated in the note list. 4. If you are adding a Date note, select the Date Format from the drop-down list. 5. If you are adding a Text, Signature, or Watermark note, enter the required content in the title and text areas.

For Text, Date, and Signature, use the formatting toolbar to change the text font, size, style, color, and justification. For Watermark, select Use a custom font size to adjust the size of the text.

6. If you are adding an image note, click Browse and locate the required image. 7. Modify the note appearance: a. Use the arrow buttons to change the Opacity level. This setting only affects the background color, and does not change the appearance of the actual note content. b. Use the arrow buttons to change the border Thickness. c. Click , then select the required Background Color and Border Color. 8. border thickness and color, and background color. 9. Drag the note to the required location in the print preview pane.

To remove a print/export note:

1. Select the note in the note list. 2. Click Remove > OK. 3. Alternatively, move the pointer over the note in the print preview, then click x > Yes.

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7 Print and Export To display or hide org chart box notes:

1. Select the note in the note list. Note: The icon identifies public notes and the icon identifies private notes.

2. Toggle Hide note/Show Note to remove or display the currently selected note. 3. To remove all public notes, clear the Display Public Notes checkbox; select the checkbox to show all public notes. 4. To remove all private notes, clear the Display Private Notes checkbox; select the checkbox to show all private notes.

To move/resize org chart box notes:

l l

Click and drag an org chart box note in the preview pane to move its location. Click and drag the bottom-right corner of an org chart box note to change its size.

To minimize org chart box notes:

If an org chart box note is moved from its default location or resized, the related Minimize Notes box is cleared..

Select the Minimize Public Notes checkbox to restore all public notes to their default location and size. Select the Minimize Private Notes checkbox to restore all private notes to their default location and size.


Exporting Data
Data displayed in logs, org charts and listings can be exported in a variety of formats, including CSV, JPEG image, PDF, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Note: Some export formats described in this section may not be available. Contact your system administrator for details.

Exporting Org Charts in Enhanced Mode

Note: The export to image and export to PDFfeatures do not work with views containing analytics. Also, depending on the administrator's configuration, some of the following features may not be available in Enhanced mode.

To export a scenario org chart to a CSVfile:

1. Expand the org chart boxes as required. Note: Only the visible org chart boxes are exported. 2. In the org chart panel top bar, click Actions > Export to CSV. 3. In the Select Object Type drop-down list, select the object type to export. Note that only one object type can be exported at a time. 4. To save the CSVfile: a. Select Download and click Export. b. Click Save to assign a file name and location to the exported file. 5. To view the CSVfile, select View and click Export.


To export an org chart to an image:

1. In the org chart panel top bar, click Actions > Export to Image. 2. In the export wizard, click the Header/Footer tab, specify whether to include a header or a footer in the exported image. Set the header or footer size, enter the header or footer text, and choose whether to include an image and the current date. 3. Optionally, use the default template or a previously saved template. From the Templates drop-down list, select one of the available templates or click Open Template and browse to the location where the template is saved. Note: Print templates and export to image or PDFtemplates can be used. 4. Click the Notes tab and add information in the printout. See Printing and Exporting Notes, section 7.2.3 on page 46. 5. Validate the image displayed in the preview pane. 6. Optionally, from the Templates drop-down list, select Save Template, enter the template title and select Include title in template name to ensure this title is part of the template name when you save it. 7. Click Export to Image to assign a file name and location to the exported file.

To export an org chart to a PDFfile:

1. In the org chart panel top bar, click Actions > Export to PDF. 2. In the export wizard, adjust the PDF properties. For option details, see the enhanced print wizard description. 3. Optionally, use the default template or a previously saved template. From the Templates drop-down list, select one of the available templates or click Open Template and browse to the location where the template is saved. Note: Print templates and export to PDF templates can be used. 4. Validate the PDF image in the preview pane. 5. Optionally, from the Templates drop-down list, select Save Template, enter the template title and select Include title in template name to ensure this title is part of the template name when you save it. 6. Click Export to PDF and assign file name and location to the exported file.

To export an org chart to a Microsoft PowerPoint image:

1. In the org chart panel top bar, click Actions > Export to PowerPoint. 2. In the pop-up window that appears, click Continue. The org chart is displayed in the print preview window. Note: In basic-mode, clicking Continue will generate the PowerPoint file without any of the extra customization described below. 3. Adjust the size, add a header and footer, and add notes as required. See Using Enhanced Print Wizard, section 7.2.1 on page 43 and Printing and Exporting Notes, section 7.2.3 on page 46. 4. Optionally, use the default template or a previously saved template. From the Templates drop-down list, select one of the available templates or click Open Template and browse to the location where the template is saved. Note: Print templates and export to PowerPoint or PDF templates can be used.

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7 Print and Export

5. Validate the image in the preview pane. 6. Optionally, from the Templates drop-down list, select Save Template, enter the template title and select Include title in template name to ensure this title is part of the template name when you save it. 7. Click Export to PowerPoint to assign file name and location to the exported file. 8. Specify the file name and location, then click Save. 9. Close the Export to PowerPoint dialog box.

Exporting Listings, the Model Log, and Changes Report

To export to XML, a comma-separated value (CSV) or Microsoft Excel file:
1. Click Actions > Export to XML, Export to CSV or Export to Excel. 2. For listings, select All Fields to export information for all of the available listing columns, or select Display Fields to only export information for the columns that are currently displayed in the listing. Click Continue. 3. In the message box, click Open to view the Excel or XML file, or click Save to save it as an XML file, a comma-separated value or an Excel worksheet file.


8 Scenarios
Create and modify organizational structure models using the current company structure and/or importing external data. 8.1 Scenario Overview 8.2 Loading Scenarios 8.3 Using Scenario Information Panel 8.4 Creating Scenario Models 8.5 Changing the Effective Date 8.6 Modifying Scenario Models 8.6.1 About Restructuring Hierarchies 8.6.2 Adding Records 8.6.3 Editing Object Details 8.6.4 Moving Objects 8.6.5 Delimiting Objects 8.6.6 Adding Scenario Templates 8.6.7 Performing Bulk Edits 8.7 Importing Data 8.7.1 About Importing Data 8.7.2 Uploading the CSV File 8.7.3 Hierarchy Setup 8.7.4 Identify Types 8.7.5 Identify Fields 8.7.6 Validation 8.8 Scenario Analytics 8.8.1 Adding Analytics 8.8.2 Removing Analytics 8.8.3 Adding Targets 8.8.4 Editing and Removing Targets 8.9 Sharing Scenario Models 8.10 Synchronizing Data 8.11 Scenario Logs 8.11.1 Using the Model Log 8.11.2 Using the Changes Report 8.12 Completing Scenarios 52 52 53 54 56 56 56 57 61 61 62 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 66 67 67 67 69 69 71 71 72 75 75 76 76

8 Scenarios
8.12.1 About Completing Scenarios 8.12.2 Finalizing Scenarios 8.12.3 Approving or Rejecting Scenarios 8.12.4 Writing Back Scenarios 8.12.5 OM/PA Integration AfterWritebacks 8.13 Copying Scenarios 8.14 Removing Scenarios 76 77 78 79 81 81 82


Scenario Overview
Create models of the company structure to immediately visualize the impacts of change on your organization. Note: Any modifications made to the scenario model do not affect the source data until it is written back to the source database. You can create scenarios based on different data sources, depending on the circumstances of the anticipated change. For example:
l l l

Create a scenario based on the current organization structure to plan for growth. Create an empty scenario to plan for a new org unit or major restructuring. Import external data to your scenario to plan the structural integration of multiple organizations for a merger.


Loading Scenarios
Scenarios are loaded from the My Scenarios panel, which lists the scenarios that you created or have permission to view. The list of scenarios can also be searched and reordered, and it provides information the following information:
l l l l

Scenario name and comments. The status of the scenario, and whether it has been added to the template list. When the scenario was created, and the last time it was modified. The type of hierarchy that the scenario was based on.

Scenarios can also be loaded from the list of latest activities performed on scenarios.

To load a scenario:
1. In the application menu bar, click Scenarios to open the My Scenarios panel. 2. To search for a scenario, enter a search term in the Filter at the top of the panel, and click Apply. Any scenario with matching terms in the scenario name or comments is returned in the results. Click to clear all values and reset the search parameters. 3. By default, the most recently modified scenario is listed first. To change the order of the list, select one of the other options in the Order By drop-down list. 4. Mouse over a scenario in the list, then click Load.


5. Alternatively, in the scenarios Actions panel, click on the Scenario Activity tab to view the latest list of scenario changes related to comments, status, and permissions. To load a scenario from this list, mouse over the scenario row and click Load. 6. Click OK.

To unload a scenario:
1. In the application menu bar, click Scenarios to open the My Scenarios panel. 2. Mouse over the scenario you want to unload. Click Unload. 3. Click OK. See also:
l l l

Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 below Creating Scenario Models, section 8.4 on next page Removing Scenarios, section 8.14 on page 82


Using Scenario Information Panel

The Scenario Information panel displays information about the scenario and provides the tasks used to build and modify the scenario structure and relationships. The panel is divided into the following tabs:

General Information: Contains general information and scenario actions.


Available Scenario Actions area: Provides the tasks to finalize, approve, synchronize, and write back the scenario. General Information area: Provides general information about the scenario model, an area to add and update comments about the scenario, synchronization information, as well as information about the status of the scenario. Tip: To provide a direct link to the scenario, click the Direct Link URL Click Here in the Scenario Information section. With this link, any allowed user can access the scenario directly without having to load the scenario from the My Scenarios listing. Note that to access the scenario, the user (or their role) must be given read only permission, read and modify permissions, or be made owner of the scenario. If the link is provided to a user that does not have the rights to access the scenario, then after they log in, the scenario will not load. For information on how to give permissions to users, see Sharing Scenario Models, section 8.9 on page 71.

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Analytics: Lists the analytical data in the scenario, and provides the tasks to add or remove analytics. Targets:Lists the targets and the org unit IDs that they apply to, and provides the task to edit existing targets. Share: Lists the users and roles that have permission to view or modify the scenario model, and provides the task to modify access permissions for the scenario.

See also:
l l l l

Loading Scenarios, section 8.2 on previous page Creating Scenario Models, section 8.4 on next page Adding Scenario Templates, section 8.6.6 on page 63 Adding Analytics, section 8.8.1 on page 67

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8 Scenarios
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Adding Targets, section 8.8.3 on page 69 Sharing Scenario Models, section 8.9 on page 71


Creating Scenario Models

Create reorganization scenarios based on the current hierarchical structure, based on only part of the current hierarchical structure, or create an empty model to build a new version of that structure to plan new org units, positions, and reporting relationships. Scenarios can be created from the Scenarios menu in the application menu bar, starting from any org unit in the source org chart, or from shortcuts in the Actions panel. Newly created scenarios are given their own menu entry in the application menu bar and are also added to the My Scenarios panel (accessed from the Scenarios menu in the application menu bar). Note: Only users with the correct permission rights can create scenarios. This right is assigned by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole. If the application has been configured to root the source org chart at the user's org unit, then any scenarios created based on the source org chart can only contain the user's org unit and the objects below it. Note that if the application was configured after scenarios were already created, then these scenarios are not affected by the configuration change. Also note that if the user has access to other scenarios (created by other users), they will be able to see the entire scenario. Note: Scenarios created from empty models cannot be written back to the SAPsource.

To create a scenario model:

1. To open the New Scenario Wizard, perform one of the following actions:
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In the application menu bar, click Scenarios > Create New Scenario. In the application menu bar, click Org Source, expand the org chart to the required org unit, open the box menu, and select Create Scenario From Here. This org unit will become the root of the scenario. Click Scenarios in the application menu bar to open the My Scenarios panel and the Actions panel.

Depending the org chart that you would like to base your scenario model on, click on the Organization Structure tab or the Position Hierarchy tab in the Actions panel. Click Custom.

2. Complete the following fields:

l l

Enter the Scenario Name and Comments. Select the Effective Date, which determines what data appears in the scenario (based on object start and end dates). By default, the effective date is set to 30 days in the future. See Changing the Effective Date, section 8.5 on page 56 for more information. The Created by field automatically contains your user name. From the Hierarchy Type drop-down list, select the type of org chart that you would like create. To create the scenario model based on another scenario, select the template scenario in Based on Template. The template sets the analytics and allowed users or roles for the scenario. See Adding Scenario Templates, section 8.6.6 on page 63 for more information about templates.

l l l


To duplicate the entire source org chart, leave the field Create scenario root at empty. To change the scenario root, click to open the search form and select the required record. Note that if you created the scenario from the source org chart, this field is already filled in.

3. Click Finalize to finish creating the scenario. The new scenario loads by default.

To create an empty model:

1. Open the full Create New Scenario form using one of the following methods:
l l

In the application menu bar, click Scenarios > Create New Scenario. In the application menu bar, click Scenarios and then click Custom in the Actions panel. Select Create empty model. Set the other fields as specified in the previous task.

2. Fill in the fields as follows:

l l

3. Click Finalize to finish creating the empty scenario. The new scenario loads by default, with one empty root org unit that can be used as a starting point. Note that this empty org unit only contains a temporary org unit ID, and no other information.

To create a scenario model using shortcut buttons:

1. In the application menu bar, click Scenarios to load the Actions panel. Click on the Organization Structure tab or the Position Hierarchy tab depending on the type of scenario hierarchy that needs to be created. 2. To create the scenario without a template, click on one of the following buttons to create your scenario:
l l l

Default Root:Creates a scenario based on the entire source org chart. Choose Root:Select the required org unit or position root from the search form. Empty Scenario: Creates an empty scenario.

3. To create a scenario based on a template, mouse over the template in the Create from a Template list, and click one of the shortcut buttons that appear. 4. The new scenario loads by default. Note that the effective date used to create the scenario is automatically set to 30 days in the future. Tip: To create a scenario based on a different effective date with the shortcut buttons, change the current scenario effective date first. See Changing the Effective Date, section 8.5 on next page for more information. 5. In the Scenario Information panel, change the default Scenario Name: a. Click and enter a name. b. Click Save. See also:
l l l l

Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 About Restructuring Hierarchies, section 8.6.1 on next page Adding Records, section 8.6.2 on page 57 About Importing Data, section 8.7.1 on page 64

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8 Scenarios


Changing the Effective Date

Setting the effective date determines what data is displayed based on the start and ends dates of each object. The effective date is displayed at the top of the window when there is a scenario loaded, or when an effective date is specified for the source org chart. When a scenario is first created, the selected effective date determines what source data is included in the scenario. By default, the current effective date is set to 30 days in the future. The effective date can be changed at any time after a scenario has been created, and affects both the data displayed for the source organization as well as for the scenario. Any modifications made to scenario objects result in a start date that is set to the current effective date by default. For example, if the current effective date is 01-12-2012 and an org unit is added, then it will not appear if the current effective date is changed to 01-11-2012.

To change the current effective date while a scenario is loaded:

1. Load the required scenario or create a new scenario. 2. To move the date backwards or forwards by 1 or 6 months, click top of the window. 3. To select a specific date, click and set the effective date. , , , or at the

To change the current effective date at any point:

1. From the Global Settings toolbar, click . 2. In the Preferences dialog box, click for the Effective Date field. 3. Set the new effective date, or click 4. Click Apply. to set the effective date to today's date.


Modifying Scenario Models

About Restructuring Hierarchies
Restructure the hierarchy using the scenario org chart. You can open the OrgSource at any time, and use it as a reference for restructuring your model. Right-click an org chart box to display a menu with the following options to build and change the scenario:

Create > Create > Edit > Edit > Org Unit Position Details Move

Adds an org unit to the selected record in the hierarchy. Adds a position to the selected record in the hierarchy. Edits the selected record. Moves the record to another location in the hierarchy.


Delimit Import New Data See also:
l l l l

Deletes the relationship to the parent record, and may also delete all object relationships. Imports new data to the selected record.

Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Loading Scenarios, section 8.2 on page 52 Performing Bulk Edits, section 8.6.7 on page 63 About Importing Data, section 8.7.1 on page 64


Adding Records
Add new org units, positions, or employees to an empty scenario model or the existing organizational structure. New records are added as child objects under the selected org chart box. The available object types that can be added depend on the parent record and the hierarchy type. For example, in an org unit-position-employee hierarchy:
l l l

Org units are added under org units. Positions are added under org units. Employees are added under positions.

The following table lists the fields that can be specified for each object type, and the fields that are set by the application when an object is first created:

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8 Scenarios Object
Org Unit

User-Specified Fields
Basic Fields:

Additional Fields Displayed After Creation

Org Unit Information:

OrgUnit Abbreviation. Note that the special characters ampersand "&", hyphens "-", opening parentheses "(", closing parentheses ")", and space cannot be the first or last character of the org unit abbreviation. Org Unit Name. Note that the special characters ampersand "&", hyphens "-", opening parentheses "(", closing parentheses ")", and space cannot be the first or last character of the org unit name. Description Department Indicator Controlling Area Cost Center Personnel Area Personnel Subarea

Org Unit ID:The application assigns a temporary org unit ID (prefixed by "ID"). If the new org unit is written back to the source database, then a real org unit ID will be assigned. Start Date:The start date for the new org unit matches the current effective date. End Date:By default, the new org unit has the latest possible end date. Manager business card: By default, the manager of the parent org unit becomes the manager for the new org unit. If the parent org unit does not have a manager, then the new org unit does not have one by default either. The address information is inherited from the parent org unit, and cannot be changed.


l l

Account Assignment Fields:

l l l l

Address tab:

Note: The account assignment information is inherited from the parent org unit (indicated by the icon), unless it is specified for the org unit.

Count Details tab:


There is a field for each analytic added to the scenario.



User-Specified Fields
Basic Fields:

Additional Fields Displayed After Creation

Position Information:

Position Abbr. Note that the special characters ampersand "&", hyphens "-", opening parentheses "(", closing parentheses ")", and space cannot be the first or last character of the position abbreviation. Position Name. Note that the special characters ampersand "&", hyphens "-", opening parentheses "(", closing parentheses ")", and space cannot be the first or last character of the position name. Description StaffIndicator:Set this field to "Yes" if the position is an assistant. Chief Position Indicator:Set this field to "yes"if the position is the org unit manager. Controlling Area Cost Center Personnel Area Personnel Subarea

Position ID:The application assigns a temporary position ID (prefixed by "ID"). If the new position is written back to the source database, then a real position ID will be assigned. Start Date:The start date for the new org unit matches the current effective date. End Date:By default, the new position has the latest possible end date. The address information is inherited from the parent org unit and cannot be changed.

Additional Information tab >Address:


l l

Position Assignment tab >Org Unit Assignment:


AccountAssignment Fields:
l l l l

This section displays information about the org unit to which the position is assigned.

Position Assignment tab >Job Assignment:


Note: The account assignment information is inherited from the parent org unit (indicated by the icon), unless it is specified for the p. Personnel / Employee Fields:
l l

This section displays information related to the assigned job.

Employee Group Employee Subgroup Hours per Week Job Name

Work Schedule:

Other Assignments:

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8 Scenarios Object

User-Specified Fields
Basic Fields:

Additional Fields Displayed After Creation

Employee Information:

First Name. Note that the special charl Employee ID :The application acters ampersand "&", hyphens "-", openassigns a temporary employee ID ing parentheses "(", closing parentheses (prefixed by "ID"). ")", and space cannot be the first or last Position Assignment: character of the first name. l This section displays information Last Name. Note that the special charabout the position to which the acters ampersand "&", hyphens "-", openemployee is assigned. ing parentheses "(", closing parentheses ")", and space cannot be the first or last character of the last name. Gender Key Nationality Annual Salary

Other Fields:
l l l

Note that the Details panel is configured by your system administrator, and may be different from the fields and sections explained in the table. Note: All of the user-defined fields (including a few additional fields) may be edited after the object has been created. See Editing Object Details, section 8.6.3 on the facing page for more information. All new, modified, and delimited objects are indicated by the icon in the scenario org chart.

To add an object to the scenario:

1. Load the required scenario. 2. Click / to expand org unit or position branches to find the org chart box under which you wish to add a record. 3. To create a new org unit object: a. Right-click the org unit box and select Create >Org Unit. b. Enter the org unit information listed in the previous table. c. Click Add to add the new org unit, or click Reset to clear all of the fields and start again. 4. To create a new position object: a. Right-click the org unit box and select Create > Position. b. Enter the position information listed in the previous table. c. Click Add to add the new org unit, or click Reset to clear all of the fields and start again. 5. To create a new employee object: a. Right-click the position box and select Employee. b. Enter the employee information listed in the previous table. c. Click Add to add the new org unit, or click Reset to clear all of the fields and start again. Note: You can also add records from the Actions menu in the Details panel for the org chart box. See also:


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About Restructuring Hierarchies, section 8.6.1 on page 56 Changing the Effective Date, section 8.5 on page 56 About Importing Data, section 8.7.1 on page 64


Editing Object Details

Org unit, position, and employee object details can be edited. Note that the fields available for editing are the same as the fields available when the object is first created. All new, modified, and delimited objects are indicated by the icon in the scenario org chart.

To edit object details:

1. Load the required scenario. 2. Click / to expand org unit or position branches to find the org chart box that requires editing. 3. Right-click the org chart box, and click Edit >Details. 4. If required, click Reset to clear all of the fields. 5. Edit the required fields and click Confirm. Note: You can also edit records from the Actions menu in the Details panel for the org chart box. See also:

Moving Objects, section 8.6.4 below


Moving Objects
To restructure the hierarchy, org chart boxes can be moved and reassigned to new parent objects in the scenario org chart. There may be limitations on where you can move objects, depending on the org chart. For example, in the default org unit-position-employee org chart, you cannot assign a position to another position. All new and modified objects are indicated by the icon in the scenario org chart.

When an object is moved, any fields that are inherited from a parent object are updated with the values of the new parent object. Note that any inherited fields set to specific values are no longer inherited, and those values are retained when the object is moved. See Adding Records, section 8.6.2 on page 57 to see which fields are originally inherited from the parent object. Note: If you move an org chart object that has child objects, then all of the child objects will also be moved. Warning: Nakisa OrgModeler does not stop the user from moving positions across countries or company codes and then writing it back to the SAP system.

To move an org chart object:

1. Load the required scenario. 2. Click / to expand org unit or position branches. 3. Click an org chart box. The Details panel opens for the selected org chart object. The record details and analytics help make decisions about organizational structure changes. 4. Drag and drop the org chart box to a new location in the hierarchy.

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5. Alternatively perform the following actions to move an org chart box to a new location in the hierarchy using the Move Item dialog box: a. Right-click an org chart box, then select Edit > Move. b. Click to open the search form, then select a new parent for the item. c. Click Move. d. The org chart box moves to the selected parent. 6. The org chart reloads with the new structure. Note that if the Details panel for the moved org chart box is already open, it does not refresh automatically. Note: You can also move objects from the Actions menu in the Details panel for the org chart box.


Delimiting Objects
To remove an object from a scenario, the object is delimited. Delimiting an object has one of two results, which is set in the Nakisa AdminConsole. Contact your administrator to determine which type of delimiting action is enabled.

The object's relationship to its parent object is terminated, but the actual object itself is not terminated (leaving the history unaffected). The object's relationship to its parent object is terminated, as well as all of the object's relationships (such as account assignments and the object name). The actual object itself is not terminated, leaving its history unaffected. Note: This option only applies to org units and positions. Employee objects can only ever have the relationship to its parent object terminated.

When an object is delimited, the end date of the relationship is changed to the current effective date, and is therefore still displayed in the org chart. Once the effective date is moved further into the future, the delimited object is no longer displayed in the org chart and cannot be found in the listings. Note: If an object that has child objects is delimited, the child objects are also removed from the org chart and cannot be found in the listings once the effective date is moved forward. To remove just the parent object and keep the child objects, the child objects must be moved to a new parent. The Model Log and Changes Report are updated with delimit entries when an object is delimited. All new, modified, and delimited objects are indicated by the icon in the scenario org chart.

To delimit an object from the scenario:

1. Load the required scenario. 2. Click / to expand org unit or position branches to find the org chart box you wish to remove. 3. Move any child objects to a new parent if you wish to keep them in the hierarchy. 4. Right-click the org chart box, and select Delimit. 5. When the confirmation box appears, click OK. Note: You can also delimit objects from the Actions menu in the Details panel for the org chart box.



Adding Scenario Templates

Any existing scenario can be added to the template list and used to create other scenarios. A template scenario will set the following options:
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The analytics in the scenario. The users that are allowed to access the scenario. The users that are assigned as approvers for the scenario.

Note: If the scenario template is modified after it was added to the template list, the new scenario is based on the latest version of the template. Once the scenario has been added to the list, the word "Template" will appear in the My Scenarios panel for the relevant scenarios. Note: Only users with the correct permission rights can add their scenario to the template list. This right is assigned by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole.

To add or remove a scenario from the template list:

1. In the application menu bar, click on Scenarios to open the My Scenarios panel. 2. To set a scenario as a template, mouse over the required scenario and select Set As Template. 3. To remove a scenario from the template list, mouse over the required scenario and select Remove Template. Note: When a scenario is created based on a template, the all of the owners in the scenario template also become the owner of the new scenario by default.


Performing Bulk Edits

Multiple objects of the same type can be edited, moved, or delimited at the same time by using the SelectedItems panel.

To perform the same task on multiple objects:

1. Flag objects of the same type to add them to the Selected Items panel. 2. To move the objects, click Move. a. Click to select the new parent object. b. Click Move to move all of the flagged objects to the new parent object. 3. To edit the details for the objects, click Multi Edit. a. Enter information for the required fields. See Editing Object Details, section 8.6.3 on page 61 for information about the editable fields, but note that not all fields can be edited using this method. b. Click Confirm to apply the changes to all of the objects. 4. To delimit the objects, click parent objects. 5. Click See also: Delimit > OK to remove the relationship between the objects and their

Clear Items > OK to remove the flagged objects from the SelectedItems panel.

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Moving Objects, section 8.6.4 on page 61 Editing Object Details, section 8.6.3 on page 61 Delimiting Objects, section 8.6.5 on page 62


Importing Data
About Importing Data
Once a scenario is created, information can be imported to add records to your model. Data is imported via a comma-separated value (CSV) file under a selected record in the existing scenario. The CSV file must contain a row for each record, and each record must contain a comma-separated list of fields. All of the records must have an identical sequence of fields. Note that object IDs and parent object IDs must be specified in the records for the application to construct the imported structure, but these IDs are not the actual ones assigned to the objects in the scenarios. The objects are assigned temporary IDs until the scenario is written back to the SAPsystem. Also note that if the records do not contain object names and abbreviations, the application will generate temporary values that can be later changed in the scenario. Note that you should only import objects into a scenario that contains that type of object (for example, do not attempt to import org units into a position-position hierarchy). Tip: For an example of a CSV file and the correct format, export the scenario org chart to a CSV file. See Exporting Data, section 7.3 on page 48 for more information. Note that the CSVfile must be saved in UTF-8 format to correctly import it into the application.


Uploading the CSV File

Import information for your scenario from a comma-separated values (CSV) file using the Import from CSV wizard. Warning: Before importing data, create a copy of your scenario as a backup. Note that after uploading the file, the application checks for errors in the CSV file. If any are found, they are listed in a new Analyze wizard step. Some of the errors are based on the order of the fields in the CSVfile compared to the fields specified in the file [application directory]/Scenario/ImportProfiles/importConfig.xml. For these types of errors, you can continue to the next steps to re-map the CSV fields. For errors within the file (for example, there may be circular relationships defined, where a child object is also the parent of its direct or indirect parent objects), the CSVfile needs to be corrected before proceeding with the data import. Note: The CSVfile must be saved in UTF-8 format to correctly import it into the application.

To import new data:

1. Load the required scenario, then click the scenario name in the application menu and select OrgChart. 2. Expand the org chart to the required org unit (that will be the parent object to the imported structure). 3. Right-click the org chart box, then select Actions > Import New Data. 4. Select Import from CSV, then click Start.


5. Click Browse. 6. Navigate to the directory where your CSV files are stored, select the required file, then click Upload. 7. Click Next to set up the hierarchy-related fields. If there are any errors with the CSV file, the Analyze wizard step appears.

To view CSV file errors:

1. In the Analyze wizard step, review the types of errors listed. 2. Perform one of the following actions:

If the CSV file contains fields listed in a different order from the importConfig.xml file, click Next to re-map the fields in the following wizard steps. If the CSV file contains errors (such as circular relationships or empty ID fields), click Cancel to exit the wizard and correct the file.


Hierarchy Setup
In the Hierarchy Setup wizard step, map the fields in the CSV file that define the hierarchy structure. The form contains the following fields:

Column:Contains the index of the columns in the CSV file. Use the column number for reference if your CSVfile does not have column headers. CSV Field:Contains the CSVcolumn headers. Note that if the file does not have headers, the first row of values is displayed instead. Hierarchy Mapping:Contains the fields required to create the hierarchy structure. The hierarchy fields are specified by the file [application directory]/Scenario/ImportProfiles/importConfig.xml.

Note: Some field mappings are displayed by default, but may not be correct. The suggestions are based on the predefined mappings of the fields to column numbers in the importConfig.xml file. Review all of the mapped fields and make changes if required.

To specify the hierarchy structure:

1. For the CSVfields that define the hierarchy structure, select the related Hierarchy Mapping field. The following hierarchy fields must be mapped:
l l l l

Object Type Object ID Parent Type Parent ID

Note: If the CSVfile does not contain fields for the object name or object abbreviation, the data will be generated by the application. 2. Click Next to set up the fields that identify the hierarchy types.


Identify Types
In this wizard step, map the CSVobject type field values that identify the different hierarchy types.

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Note: The hierarchy types may be mapped by default and displayed at the bottom of the wizard step, but may not be correct. Review the mappings and make changes if required.

To identify the hierarchy types:

1. If the default mapping displayed at the bottom of wizard step is not correct, click Delete. 2. To add a mapping: a. Select the CSV object type value in the Incoming types list. This list contains the values of the CSVfields that were mapped to the object type and parent type fields in the previous step. b. Select the related hierarchy in the Nakisa hierarchy list. c. Click to map the values.

All of the values in the Incoming types list must be mapped. 3. Repeat the previous step to map additional hierarchy types. 4. Click Next to map the CSVdata fields.


Identify Fields
Map the CSV structure and data fields to the hierarchy object fields. This information is used to populate the database tables. CSVfields that are not mapped are not imported into the scenario. Note that the fields must be mapped for each of the hierarchy types mapped in the previous step. The form contains the following fields:

Column:Contains the index of the columns in the CSV file. Use the column number for reference if your CSVfile does not have column headers. CSV Field:Contains the CSVcolumn headers. Note that if the file does not have headers, the first row of values is displayed instead. Object Field:Contains the object properties available for the selected hierarchy. The object properties are specified by the file [application directory]/Scenario/ImportProfiles/importConfig.xml.

Note: Certain fields may be mapped by default, but may not be correct. The suggestions are based on the predefined mappings of the fields to column numbers in the importConfig.xml file. Review the mappings and make changes if required.

To map the hierarchy and data fields:

1. If there was more than one hierarchy type mapped in the previous step, select one of the hierarchies in the Fields in hierarchy drop-down list. 2. For the fields that need to be imported from the CSV file, select the related hierarchy Object Field. Note that not all object fields need to be selected and mapped. Note: If the CSV fields that were used to define the hierarchy structure are mapped to new object fields, the mapping is also changed in the Hierarchy Setup step. 3. If there was more than one hierarchy type mapped in the previous step, repeat the previous steps for each hierarchy in the Fields in hierarchy drop-down list. 4. Click Next to validate the hierarchy setup and mappings.



In this step, the application applies the standard validations to check the field values, and checks for structural errors. If any errors are found, the wizard lists the record and column numbers with the errors, as well as a message explaining what the error is. Note that following a successful data import, the Model Log and Changes Report are updated with the related entries.

To proceed following data and structure validation:

1. If errors were found: a. Review the list of errors displayed in the wizard. b. Click Back to return to the appropriate wizard step and correct the mappings. Note: If the mappings are correct and the actual data is incorrect in the CSV file, click Cancel to exit the wizard and correct the file. 2. If there are no errors in the data and structure validation, click Import to import the CSV data into the scenario. Warning: The import process cannot be stopped, and cannot be reversed (except by manually deleting the imported objects). If the import process is interrupted (for example, the connection to the database is lost), there may be orphaned objects and impartial data imported. Nakisa recommends having a copy of the scenario as a backup. 3. Once the data has been successfully imported, the last wizard step displays a success message, including the number of records that have been imported. 4. Click Finish. The org chart is refreshed with the imported data.


Scenario Analytics
Add, customize, and update analytic data for your scenario.


Adding Analytics
Analytic calculations are used to measure detailed information about the organization, such as the head count or the average budget for an org unit, so you can reach optimal and realistic decisions when changing the organizational structure in a scenario. There are two types of analytics:

Single count analytics (denoted by ) provide one total, minimum, maximum, or average value for a specific category, such as the total number of org units. Single count analytics can be used to set up key performance indicators (KPIs) that aid in reaching organizational targets. Cross-tab analytics (denoted by ) provide a breakdown of counts by specific categories, such as the number of each nationality in an org unit.

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The following pre-configured single count analytics can be added to scenario models that are based on the Organization Structure source org chart:

Count Analytics
Org Unit Count Position Count

Calculates the total number of org units under a given org unit. Calculates the total number of positions belonging to a given org unit and the org units below it. Note: This analytic is also available in scenarios based on the Position Hierarchy. The analytic calculates the total number of positions belonging to a given position and those below it.

Head Count

Calculates the total number of employees belonging to a given org unit and the org units below it.

Financial Analytics
Budget Count (Sum) Avg.Budget

Calculates the sum of the employee salaries under a given org unit and the org units below it. Calculates the average of all of the employee salaries under a given org unit and the org units below it. Note that if a salary field is empty, it is ignored in the calculations. Displays the highest employee salary under a given org unit or the org units below it. Displays the lowest employee salary under a given org unit or the org units below it. Note that if a salary field is empty, it is not counted as the lowest salary.

Max Budget Min Budget

The following pre-configured cross-tab analytics can be added to scenario models that are based on the Organization Structure source org chart:

Demographic Analytics
Nationality by Org Unit Gender by Country

Calculates the total number of employees per nationality for a given org unit and the org units below it. Calculates the total number of male employees per nationality and the total number of female employees per nationality for a given org unit and the org units below it. Calculates the total number of male employees and the total number of female employees per country and company code for a given org unit and the org units below it.

Gender by Country by CompCode

Other Analytics
Gender by Org Unit

Calculates the total number of male employees and the total number of female employees under a given org unit and the org units below it.


Other Analytics
Role Type (Job) Count

Calculates the total number of different role or job types for a given org unit and the org units below it.

Note: Your administrator may modify the default analytics (and enable or disable them), or create custom analytics in the Nakisa AdminConsole.

To add analytics to a scenario:

1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Analytics tab, mouse over the analytical data you want to add. 3. Click Add. The analytical data's row will become highlighted. The selected data is added to the model, then updated in the scenario record. 4. To list only analytics of a certain category, use the Filter By drop-down list at the top of the tab. 5. To add or remove all available analytics, click Add All or Remove All at the top of the Analytics section. 6. In the application menu bar, click the scenario name and select OrgChart. 7. In the panel top bar, click Views >Org Unit >View Analytics. The org chart diagram updates to display the most recent single count analytics, and indicates the analytic name and value in the org chart boxes. Single count as well as cross-tab analytics are included in the Details panel. See also:
l l

Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Removing Analytics, section 8.8.2 below


Removing Analytics
Remove analytical data from a scenario, if required.

To remove analytics:
1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Analytics tab, mouse over the analytical data you want to remove. 3. Click Remove to remove the specified analytical data. 4. Alternatively, click Remove All at the top of the section to remove all analytical data from the scenario completely See also:
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Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Adding Analytics, section 8.8.1 on page 67


Adding Targets
Once a simple analytic has been added to the scenario, targets can be added to specific org units (in org unit-position-employee scenarios) or positions (in position-position-employee scenarios) to measure a specific aspect of the data. For example, if the Head Count analytic has been added to the scenario, a target

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can be added to an org unit to indicate what the target head count for that org unit is, what the current head count is, and what the difference between these two numbers is. The targets are viewable in the scenario org chart when the Target View is selected. Targets are also displayed in org unit and position Details panels. Note: Targets can only be added for simple analytics. For the list of available simple analytics, see Adding Analytics, section 8.8.1 on page 67. Tip: If there are many targets to add for many org units, then the data can be imported via a CSVfile.

To add one target:

1. Load the required scenario. 2. Right-click the org chart box to which you wish to add a target. 3. Select Targets. 4. Enter the Target Name. 5. From the Analytic drop-down list, select the analytic used for this target. 6. Set the Type field to one of the following values:
l l

Delta: Calculates the difference between the target value and the current value. Delta and Highlighted:If the target value is out of range, the org chart box turns red in the Target View, and the target row turns red in the Details panel for that org unit. If the Type field is set to Delta, then this field should be set to Equal. If the Type field is set to Delta and Highlighted, then the target value is considered to be out of range as follows:
l l

7. Set the Operator field to one of the following values, based on the Type field:
l l

Equal:The target value is out of range if the current value is not equal to the target value. Less than equal:The target value is out of range if the current value is greater than the target value. Greater than equal:The target value is out of range if the current value is less than the target value.

8. Set the Target value. For example, if the Head Count analytic is used, the target head count for this org unit can be 10 people. 9. To add an additional target to the object, click 10. Click Save. .

To import many targets:

1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Targets tab, click Actions > Import Targets. 3. Click the link Download sample document to see an example of the CSV file format. The CSVfile must contain the analytic Count Config Name (displayed in the Nakisa AdminConsole) and not the analytic caption name (displayed in the User Console). Contact your administrator for more information. 4. Click Browse to select the required CSV file. 5. Click Import, then click Close when the file has been successfully imported. You can also import multiple files before closing.


Warning: If the imported CSV file contains targets that already exist in the application, the existing targets will be overwritten by those in the file. See also:
l l

Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Editing and Removing Targets, section 8.8.4 below


Editing and Removing Targets

Edit and remove target data from a scenario, if required.

To edit a target
1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Targets tab, click the Edit button for the org unit target group you want to edit. 3. Change the required information or click 4. Click Save. to add a new target to that org unit.

To delete target
1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Targets tab, click Edit for the org unit target group from which you want to delete. 3. Click next to the target you want to remove. 4. Click Save. See also:
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Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Adding Targets, section 8.8.3 on page 69


Sharing Scenario Models

Share scenario models among different users. Use Share section to add, edit, or delete users or roles and set access and approver permissions for the scenario.

To add a user and set access permissions:

1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Share tab, set the following options:
l l

User Type: Select the type of user for whom you want to set access permissions. User/Role: Type the user name in this field if "User"is selected in the User Type field. If "Role" is selected in the User Type field, choose among the available roles in the resulting drop-down list. Permission:Select the required permission for the user or role. The available permissions are the following:

Read Only: The selected user or the users with the selected role can view the scenario in read-only mode.

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Read, Modify: The selected user or the users with the selected role can modify the scenario, but cannot perform all of the tasks in the Scenario Information panel. Owner: The selected user or the users with the selected role become owners of the scenario. Owners can modify the scenario, and can perform all actions in the Scenario Information panel. Note that there can be more than one owner of the scenario.

Note: These permissions only allow or restrict actions that can be performed within a scenario. For information about which users can finalize, approve, synchronize, and write back scenarios, see the related topics.

Set whether the user is an approver for the scenario by selecting the Approver check box.

Note: There must be at least one user assigned as an approver for the scenario. If multiple users are assigned as approvers, then all of these users must approve the scenario before it can be written back. 3. Click Save. The configured users have access to the scenario based on the selected permissions. 4. Click to add another user or role.

To edit the allowed users or roles:

1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the Share tab, select a new Permission from the drop-down list. 3. To edit the approver rights assigned to the user or role, select or clear the Approver checkbox. Note: There must be at least one user assigned as an approver for the scenario. If multiple users are assigned as approvers, then all of these users must approve the scenario before it can be written back. You can only edit the approver rights of the current scenario's owner. 4. Click next to the user or role you wish to delete. 5. Click Save. See also:
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Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Using the Model Log, section 8.11.1 on page 75


Synchronizing Data
The source and scenario data may become out of date if any changes are made to the SAP source. Whenever the source org chart (OrgSource) is updated, the option to synchronize the scenario appears in the Scenario Information panel for users who have the correct permissions rights. To synchronize a scenario, users must meet the following criteria:
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The user must be the scenario owner or must have read +modify access to the scenario. The user must have synchronization rights, assigned by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole.

Note: The top right corner of the application displays the status of the IDoc listener, which updates the source org chart after changes have been made in the SAP server. The icon indicates that the listener is running, and the icon indicates that it is off.


Ideally, the scenario should be synchronized as often as possible to keep the scenario up to date with the source data. If the scenario is out of date when it is finished, it may or may not need to be synchronized during the different steps of the scenario completion:

Finalizing scenarios:If the scenario is out of date, it must be synchronized before it can be finalized. Note that the user with finalize rights may not have sync rights. In this case, a user with the correct rights needs to be added to the scenario to synchronize it before it can be finalized. Approving or rejecting scenarios: Even if the scenario is out of date, users with the correct approval rights can approve or reject the scenario without synchronizing it. Writing back scenarios:If the scenario is out of date, it must be synchronized before it can be written back.

In the Synchronization information section of the Scenario Information panel, the Source Sync Date / Number field displays the date when the OrgSource was last synchronized, and how many times it has been synchronized today. When a scenario is synchronized, the section name indicates it and the Scenario Sync Date / Number is updated with the current Source Sync Date / Number. For example, if the Source Sync Date / Number field is 18-05-2012 / 1, then the Org Source was synchronized with the SAPsource once on that date. The next day, the field becomes 18-05-2012 / 0 because it has not been synchronized on that day. If the scenario is synchronized three days later, then the Scenario Sync Date / Number is also 18-05-2012 / 0. If the source and scenario sync dates are not the same, then the scenario data is out of date and the Sync button appears. Note that the application will attempt to synchronize all records based on the effective date set for the scenario. For example, if the scenario effective date is set to the current date and a record was changed with a future date in the SAPsystem, then this change is ignored when the scenario is synchronized. When a user synchronizes the scenario model, there may be updates that conflict and updates that do not conflict with the scenario changes. It is also possible that no updates are required even if synchronization was required (for example, the changes in the SAP source were outside of the scenario org chart). Whenever there is a conflict, the user must select which value needs to be kept in the scenario. When the scenario is synchronized, the Active Plan Updates dialog box opens and displays the following information for conflicting and non-conflicting changes.

The Active Plan Updates dialog box displays the following information for changes that conflict with the scenario:
l l l l l l

Object ID:Displays the ID of the object that was modified. Object Type:Displays the object type of the modified object. Object Name:Displays the name of the modified object. Use Sync checkbox:Select this checkbox to use the updated source value in the scenario. Use Scn. checkbox:Select this checkbox to keep the scenario value in the scenario. Table:Displays the name and description of the table that contains the modified data for the object. Details icon:Clicking on this icon displays the source and scenario values for all of the fields related to the modified object contained in the specified table.

The Active Plan Updates dialog box displays the following information for changes that do not conflict with the scenario:
l l

Object ID:Displays the ID of the object that was modified. Object Type:Displays the object type of the modified object.

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Object Name:Displays the name of the modified object. Table:Displays the name and description of the table that contains the modified data for the object. Details icon:Clicking on this icon displays the source values for all of the fields related to the modified object contained in the specified table.

Note: In certain conflicting cases, the scenario value cannot be used. The source value is selected automatically for the following cases, and cannot be changed:

When an object was delimited in the source and edited, moved, or delimited in the scenario, and the date of the source action is earlier or the same as the scenario action date. Note that if the source action end date is after the scenario action date, the user can select which value to use. When an object was deleted in the source, and any kind of change was done to the object in the scenario.

When there is a conflict and the source or scenario value is selected, an entry appears in the Model Log and Changes Report and existing entries may be removed. Note that the logs are not updated for non-conflicting synchronization updates. See Using the Model Log, section 8.11.1 on the facing page and Using the Changes Report, section 8.11.2 on page 76 for more information about the updates to the logs.

To synchronize the scenario:

1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the General Information tab, click the Sync button. 3. To view the changes in the source data that do not conflict with the scenario data, select No Conflicts from the drop-down list. 4. Click the Details icon to view all of the fields in the table that are related to the modified object. The details are displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. 5. Click Previous, Next, or select the range of fields that you would like to see. 6. To view the changes in the source data that conflict with the scenario data, select Conflicts from the drop-down list. 7. For each conflicting update, select one of the following options:
l l

Select Use Sync to use the source value in the scenario. Select Use Scn. to keep the scenario value in the scenario.

8. Click the Details icon to view the source values (for non-conflicting changes) or both source and scenario values (for conflicting changes) for the fields in the database table that are related to the modified object. The details are displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
l l

Select Show Typical Fields to display a subset of the fields from the table. Select All Details to display all of the fields in the table.

9. Click Apply to update the scenario. See also:

l l l l l

Finalizing Scenarios, section 8.12.2 on page 77 Approving or Rejecting Scenarios, section 8.12.3 on page 78 Writing Back Scenarios, section 8.12.4 on page 79 Using the Model Log, section 8.11.1 on the facing page Using the Changes Report, section 8.11.2 on page 76



Scenario Logs

8.11.1 Using the Model Log

Use the Model Logs listing to access detailed information about changes made to a scenario model. The listing displays the date when the changed occurred, the type of action performed, the affected object (name and object ID) and hierarchy type, and the user name of the person who submitted the change. For each log entry, the Details panel can be opened to provide more information. The Model Log contains entries for the following types of scenario actions:

New:In the Details panel, the Details section displays the fields assigned by the user, with the field values listed under the Original Value column. Edit:In the Details panel, the Details section displays the fields modified by the user, with the old field values and the new field values. Move:In the Details panel, the Details section displays the old parent name and object ID and the new parent name and object ID. Delimit: In the Details panel, the End Date field displays the end date of the relationship. (If the effective date is moved past this end date, the delimited object is no longer displayed in the scenario org chart or listings.) Sync: Only conflicting updates are logged when the scenario is synchronized:

If the source value (i.e. sync value) is selected, then the original scenario log entry is removed and replaced by a sync entry. In the Details panel, the Details section displays the scenario value as the original value, and the source value as the new value. If the scenario value is selected, then the original scenario log entry is kept, and a sync entry is added.In the Details panel, the Details section displays the source value as the original value, and the scenario value as the new value.

Note: For the sync log entries, the updated new values are highlighted in red, and all of the fields contained in the same database table for that record are also displayed. Tip: To see or print a report of all the changes made to the scenario grouped by org unit, see Using the Changes Report, section 8.11.2 on next page.

To track changes to a scenario via the ModelLogs:

1. Load the required scenario. 2. In the application menu, click the scenario name and select Log. 3. Use the search form to locate the required change. 4. Click an item in the list to open the Details panel. Tip: The Request Information section lists the name of the record, the action performed and the date it occurred, and who submitted the change. The Details section provides the field name, the original field and date values, and the new values. See also:
l l

Sharing Scenario Models, section 8.9 on page 71 Using the Changes Report, section 8.11.2 on next page

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8 Scenarios
l l

Synchronizing Data, section 8.10 on page 72 Writing Back Scenarios, section 8.12.4 on page 79

8.11.2 Using the Changes Report

The ChangesReport contains all of the changes made to the scenario, grouped by org unit. It is similar to the Model Log, but provides more information by grouping the changes under the parent org unit, and the report can be easily printed or exported to PDFor XML.

To view and output the changes in a scenario via the Changes Report:
1. Load the required scenario. 2. In the application menu, click the scenario name and select Changes Report. 3. Use the search form to locate the required change. 4. Use the navigation bar to browse the records. or to change the order of the col5. To change the layout of the report, click Actions >Settings.

Display Options > Display Fields Field Order:Click umns displayed in the report.

Display Options >Records per page:Select the number of records that will be displayed on each page on the screen. Default Settings>Search Field:Select the field that will be displayed by default in the search form. Printing Settings >Records per page:Select how many records will be printed or exported to PDF per page.

6. To print the report, click Actions >Print. In the print wizard, adjust the properties and click Finish >Print. 7. To export the report to XML, click Actions >Export to XML, and select whether to save or open the file. 8. To export the report to PDF, click Actions >Export to PDF. In the export wizard, adjust the PDF properties. For option details, see Using Basic Print Wizard, section 7.1 on page 42.


Completing Scenarios

8.12.1 About Completing Scenarios

To complete a scenario, the following actions need to be performed: 1. The scenario must be finalized by a user that has access to the scenario and that has the right to finalize scenarios. 2. The scenario must be approved or rejected by a user that has access to the scenario, that has the right to approve or reject scenarios, and that has been set as an approver by the scenario owner. Note: Approved scenarios can still be rejected by users with the correct rights, up until the changes are written back to the SAPsystem.


3. If the scenario was approved, it must be synchronized with the source data (if it is out of date) by a user with synchronization rights who also has read + modify access to the scenario or who is a scenario owner. 4. Once the scenario has been synchronized, it can be written back to the SAPsystem by a user that has access to the scenario and that has the right to write back data. 5. After writing back a scenario, PA data needs to be reviewed and updated to ensure proper OM/PA integration. Ideally, the scenario should be synchronized with the source data as often as possible. Note: Rights for all the above tasks are assigned to users and roles by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole.

8.12.2 Finalizing Scenarios

Once a scenario model is finished, the scenario can be finalized by any user with access to the scenario and with the right to finalize scenarios. Note: Finalize rights are assigned to users and roles by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole. Users can add comments and attach relevant files to the scenario, which appear in the Scenario Finalized section of the General Information tab of the Scenario Information panel. The information about who finalized the scenario and when it was finalized also appears in this section. The scenario must be synchronized before it is finalized. Note that if the user with finalize rights does not have sync rights, then a user with sync rights must be added to synchronize the scenario. Once a scenario has been finalized, a user that has been assigned as an approver and that has the correct rights must approve or reject the scenario. Warning: Before finalizing a scenario, one or more approvers must be assigned to the scenario. Note that the application will not allow you to finalize if you have not set any approvers. There must also be a user or role with synchronizing and writeback rights assigned to the scenario. If the scenario is finalized without allowing any users with these rights to access the scenario, then the scenario must either be rejected or the system administrator must be contacted to grant these permission rights to one of the allowed users. Tip: Finalized scenarios can no longer be edited. If changes are still required for a finalized scenario, you can make a copy of the scenario and continue working. Note that in this case, the original scenario should be rejected to avoid confusion.

To finalize a scenario:
1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. Ensure that at least one user has been assigned as an approver for the scenario. 3. In the General Information tab, click Finalize Scenario in the Scenario Actions section. 4. Enter Comments if required. 5. If required, click Browse to attach any file to the finalized scenario. a. Select the file and click Import. b. To remove the imported file, click next to the file. 6. Click Confirm. The status of the scenario changes to "Finalized, Waiting for Approval" in the My Scenarios panel and the Scenario Information panel.

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8 Scenarios
See also:
l l

Approving or Rejecting Scenarios, section 8.12.3 below Copying Scenarios, section 8.13 on page 81

8.12.3 Approving or Rejecting Scenarios

Once a scenario has been finalized, the scenario must be approved or rejected. Approved scenarios can be written back to the SAPsource to apply the changes that have been made. Rejected scenarios become editable again. To approve or reject a scenario, users must meet the following criteria:

The user must have access to the scenario (i.e. the user must be the owner or have read or read + modify rights). The scenario owner must enable the user or the user's role as an approver. The user must have approval rights, assigned by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole.

l l

Note that if a role has been assigned as an approver, only one user with that role needs to approve the scenario. When a scenario is approved, the approver can also add comments and attach relevant files to the scenario, which appear in the Scenario Approved section of the General Information tab in the Scenario Information panel. The information about who approved the scenario and when it was approved also appears in this section. If more than one user has been assigned as an approver, then all of those users must approve the scenario before it can be written back. When a scenario is rejected, the information about who rejected it and when it was rejected is added to the Comments section in the Scenario Information section and the scenario status changes back to "In Progress". Ideally, if the scenario was not synchronized before it was finalized or if the source data has changed since it was finalized, the scenario should be synchronized before it is approved.

To approve a scenario:
1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the General Information tab, click Finalize Scenario in the Scenario Actions section. 3. Enter Comments if required. 4. If required, click Browse to attach any file to the finalized scenario. a. Select the file and click Import. b. To remove the imported file, click next to the file. 5. Click Confirm. Once all of the approvers have approved the scenario, the status of the scenario changes to "Approved" in the My Scenarios panel and the Scenario Information panel.

To reject a scenario:
1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the General Information tab, click Reject Scenario in the Scenario Actions section. 3. Enter Comments if required. 4. Click Confirm. The status of the scenario changes back to "In Progress" in the My Scenarios panel and the Scenario Information panel. See also:


Sharing Scenario Models, section 8.9 on page 71

8.12.4 Writing Back Scenarios

Once a scenario model is approved, the scenario can be written back to the SAPsource by any user with access to the scenario and with the right to write back scenarios. Note: Validation and writeback rights are assigned to users and roles by the system administrator via the Nakisa AdminConsole. Note that a user may only have the right to validate writeback changes, or may have the right to both validate and write back changes. New or moved org units and positions in the scenarios can be written back to the source database, as well as edited org unit and position fields. Note that employees can be added and fields can be edited in scenarios, but only employee reassignments (i.e. moves) can be written back to the source database (if it has been enabled in the Nakisa AdminConsole). Warning: Changes made in Nakisa OrgModeler and written back to the SAP system are permanent and cannot be reverted without backing up the SAPsystem beforehand. Note: Scenarios created from empty models cannot be written back to the SAPsource. Writeback is performed via the Write Back Log, which displays the log entries from the Model Log that can be written back (i.e. sync entries and certain employee record entries are not included). If the scenario is out of date with the source data, it must be synchronized before it can be written back.

If the source value (i.e. sync value) is selected, then the original scenario log entry is removed from the Write Back Log. If the scenario value is selected, then the original scenario log entry is kept in the Write Back Log.

Warning: If the IDoc listener is not running (i.e. the icon in the top-right corner of the application is ), the source org chart (and therefore the scenario) may be out of date with the data in the SAPserver. The scenario can still be written back to the SAPserver, but it may lead to unexpected results and data corruption. If the synchronization leads to too many changes in the scenario, it is better to delete the scenario and start again. Before writing back scenario changes, there is an option to validate the changes. Users can then either fix the invalid changes (if editing via the Writeback Log is enabled) or ignore them. Note that edits in this log are to correct potential issues with the writeback operation, and therefore validations are not performed on these edits. Ignored changes are skipped during the validation check and writeback process. Writeback only occurs if all of the changes (that are not skipped) are valid. Note: All of the edits made directly in the Write Back Log are not reflected in theModel Log or Changes Report. Note that bulk transactions could take a lot of time to process. For example, 3000 changes could take approximately 10 minutes to write back. To write back smaller batches of data at a time, select the changes to ignore for each batch of writebacks. When at least one the scenario changes has been written back successfully, the scenario status changes to "Successfully committed to SAP"in the My Scenarios panel and Scenario Information panel. Before the scenario is written back to the SAPsystem, any user with access to the scenario and with the right to validate scenario changes or to perform writebacks can reject the scenario. In this case, any edits made directly in the Write Back Log are lost. The scenario status returns to "In Progress", and the reject

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8 Scenarios
comments are appended to the Comments section in the Scenario Information panel. (The previous comments entered when the scenario was first finalized and approved are removed.) For information on how to reject the scenario, see Approving or Rejecting Scenarios, section 8.12.3 on page 78. Note the following when using Nakisa OrgModeler to make changes to the SAPbackend:

In the HRPtables that are used by Nakisa OrgModeler, the Field Reason fields are filled with the value "NA" during writeback. In a scenario, when an org unit is moved to a new parent org unit and then moved back to its original parent, there is a new record created in Nakisa OrgModeler (and in the SAPserver after writeback) with a start date set to the effective date. Note that if the same action is performed directly in the SAPserver, the new record is not created.

Delimiting an object terminates the object's relationship to its parent object and may also terminate all of its other relationships. It does not terminate the actual object itself (and all history remains unaffected). Note that delimited employees are not written back to the SAPbackend. Nakisa OrgModeler does not stop the user from moving positions across countries or company codes and then writing it back to the SAP system.

To write back scenario changes to the source SAP server:

1. Load the required scenario to open the Scenario Information panel. 2. In the General Information tab, click Write Back in the Scenario Actions section. Note: If the Sync button is present, then the scenario needs to be synched with the source data before it can be written back yet. 3. The Write Back Log panel loads, listing all of the changes made to the scenario that are eligible for writeback. For example, changes made to employee object fields are not listed. 4. Select the Ignore checkbox next to the changes that need to be skipped during the validation check and the writeback process. 5. Click Validate All to check the status of each change, and click OK:
l l l

Valid:The change is valid and can be written back to the SAPsource. Invalid: There is an error with the change and it cannot be written back to the SAPsource. Aborted: There is an error with the org unit object creation, and it cannot be written back to the SAPsource. Skipped:The change was skipped during the validation check.

Note: An error message appears if you attempt to validate or write back more than the configured maximum number of actions. In this case, ignore enough actions to perform the first writeback, then clear the checkbox for the ignored actions and perform a second writeback. By default, the limit is 10,000 actions. 6. For all invalid or aborted changes, either correct the change via the edit option in the WriteBack Log, or select the Ignore option for that change. 7. If you updated any of the changes, click Validate All again to ensure that the updates can be written back. 8. Click Writeback All to write back all of the scenario changes. Note: If there is an error with any of the changes during writeback, the whole process is aborted.


9. Click OK when the writeback process is done. For all changes that were written back, the status changes to DONE.

To edit changes from the Write Back Log:

1. Click on the required change to open up the Details panel. 2. Under the Details section, click under New Value to open the edit dialog box. 3. Make the required changes and click Reset to revert the changes back to the original values, Confirm to apply your changes, or Cancel to close the window without applying any changes.

8.12.5 OM/PA Integration AfterWritebacks

Following Nakisa OrgModeler writeback operations, PA data needs to be reviewed and updated to ensure consistency between the OMstructure and the PA structure (similar to batch input sessions that are processed in the Organizational Management system). Mass or bulk processing of PA measures can be handled as a batch job in several ways:

By using the output of OrgModeler reports (ChangeReport or Model Log) to identify changes that may require PA measures, and having an HRPAAdministrator process these changes manually based on these reports. By exporting the contents of the OrgModeler Model Log (in XMLformat), which is then manipulated and fed into a customer-specific mass report for PA measures. By using batch input procedures and transactions (reports RHINTE10/RHINTE20/RHINTE30).

RHINTE10: If objects are created using OrgModeler, this report generates the required relevant tables for OM-PA Object integration. (T513 - Jobs, T513S - Jobs, T528B - Positions, T528T - Work Center, T527X - Org Unit) RHINTE20: Checks for all objects for integration between PA and OM - tables T513/T513T - Jobs, T528/T528T - Position, and T528X - Org Unit. It will then compare it against the HRP table to find missing objects. If there are any missing objects, it will create the record. RHINTE30: Transfer OM to PA. This will create infotype 0001 and perform many integration checks.

For more details, see After processing, it is recommended to run a combination of PD reports to ensure consistency of the PDdata(including, but not limited to, RHCHECK1, RHCHECKP, RHCHECKI, RHCHECKRELATIONS, RHCHEXOB). In most environments, using a combination of the processes listed above provides the best results, however Nakisa recommends starting with the last option as this process highlights only the OM/PA inconsistencies that need to be addressed.


Copying Scenarios
Make a back-up copy of a model before making major changes to a scenario, or make a copy to create a new model based on the same settings. Copy scenarios from the My Scenarios panel. Note that any scenario can be copied, even if it has been finalized, approved, or written back to the SAPsource. When a scenario is copied, the status of the copy is always set to "In Progress".

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8 Scenarios
Note: The user must have the right to create scenarios to be able to copy a scenario. If a user that is not the scenario owner copies that scenario, the user is added to the list of owners in the copied scenario.

To copy a scenario:
1. In the application menu bar, click Scenarios to load the My Scenarios panel. 2. Mouse over the scenario you wish to copy, then click Copy and click OK. 3. Enter a New Scenario Name, then click Copy. The new scenario appears in the list. See also:
l l l

Using Scenario Information Panel, section 8.3 on page 53 Loading Scenarios, section 8.2 on page 52 Removing Scenarios, section 8.14 below


Removing Scenarios
Scenario owners can remove the scenario from the scenario list.

To remove a scenario:
1. In the application menu bar, click Scenarios to load the My Scenarios panel. 2. If the scenario you wish to delete is currently loaded: a. Mouse over the scenario in the My Scenarios panel. b. Click Unload, then click OK. 3. Mouse over the scenario you wish to delete in the My Scenarios listing, then click Delete. 4. Click OK.


9 Troubleshooting
Find solutions to most common issues in Nakisa OrgModeler. 9.1 User login screen does not load 9.2 User interface does not display correctly 9.3 Cannot load the Print and Export wizard 9.4 Job information is missing in the Details panel 9.5 Error Message: Internal Error 84 84 85 86 86

9 Troubleshooting


User login screen does not load

The login screen does not load. The user cannot log in.

JavaScript is disabled in the Web browser.

Enable JavaScript in the browser Internet options.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. Click Tools on the menu bar, then select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears. 2. Click the Security tab, then click Intranet. 3. Click Custom Level to open the Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone dialog box. 4. Click Enable for Active Scripting in the Scripting section. 5. Click OK to close the dialog boxes. 6. Press F5 to refresh the browser. Mozilla Firefox 1. Click Tools on the menu bar, then select Options. 2. Click Content and select the Enable JavaScript check box. 3. Click OK to close the dialog box. 4. Restart Firefox.


User interface does not display correctly

The application interface does not display correctly.

Screen resolution is too low. JavaScript is disabled in the Web browser.

Set your computer screen resolution to 1024 by 768 or higher in the Windows Display Properties. Enable JavaScript in the browser Internet Options.


1. Right-click the Windows Desktop and select Properties. The Display Properties dialog box appears. 2. Click the Settings tab. 3. Drag the Screen resolution bar and increase the value to 1024 by 768 or higher. 4. Click Apply. The screen adjusts to the selected resolution. 5. Click Yes to save the new settings. 6. Click OK. Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. Click Tools on the menu bar, then select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears. 2. Click the Security tab, then click Intranet. 3. Click Custom Level to open the Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone dialog box. 4. Click Enable for Active Scripting in the Scripting section. 5. Click OK to close the dialog boxes. 6. Press F5 to refresh the browser. Mozilla Firefox 1. Click Tools on the menu bar, then select Options. 2. Click Content and select the Enable JavaScript check box. 3. Click OK to close the dialog box. 4. Restart Firefox.


Cannot load the Print and Export wizard

The Print and Export wizard does not load after selecting Print from the Actions menu.

Pop-up windows are disabled in the Web browser.

Enable pop-up windows in the browser Internet options.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. Click Tools on the menu bar, then select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears. 2. Click the Privacy tab. 3. Clear the Turn on Pop-up Blocker check box in the Pop-up Blocker section. 4. Click Apply and OK. Mozilla Firefox

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9 Troubleshooting
1. Click Tools on the menu bar, then select Options. 2. Click Content, then clear the Block pop-up windows check box. 3. Click OK.


Job information is missing in the Details panel

A position is assigned to a job in the SAP system, and after a synchronize operation, the position Details panel displays the Job ID but not the job name or abbreviation.

The job was not one of the ones that Nakisa OrgModeler initially downloaded. During the synchronization operation, the job relationship was updated but not the job object itself.

Contact the system administrator. They must perform a PFALtransaction to retrieve the missing job object.


Error Message: Internal Error

An "Internal Error" is received when using the application.

An unexpected error occurs that prevents an application task from completing successfully if the Web browser or server cannot handle the request. Errors indicate that administrative action is needed if the Internal Error persists.

Contact your system administrator.


10 Glossary
The following table lists terms and definitions in the application:

Box menu ChartBook Condensed style Details panel Display pane Display panel Dotted relationship Flag org chart box Hierarchy Hierarchy root Incumbent KPI Listing Localization Node Org chart Org chart box Org chart root Org chart style

A menu accessed from an org chart box that provides org chart navigation and viewing options. A feature used to view individual branches of the organization structure. An org chart box view that is smaller than the regular style. See regular style. The panel that displays additional information on a selected department or position record. The main viewing area of the application where task or feature information is shown. The individual sections that display feature, task, detailed information, or help for the current module. The situation where an employee holds more than one position and/or reports to more than one manager. A feature accessed in the org chart box menu that adds the specified record to the Selected Items panel. See Selected Items panel. The structural relationship of departments and positions. The top level of a hierarchy that does not have a parent node. The employee who occupies a specific position. Key Performance Indicator. KPIs are used to measure a specific aspect of the data. A dynamic table that displays department or position information. The process of adapting software applications to various languages and regions. An individual element in a hierarchy that is branched to parent and/or child nodes based on structural relationships. A diagram consisting of one or more hierarchies that shows the organization structure, the relationships and relative ranks of its parts, and positions. An individual element of an organizational chart that displays record information in a box. The top level of an org chart. The org chart root does not have a parent org chart box. A way of displaying org charts. A vertical style, for example, displays all org chart boxes vertically.

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10 Glossary Term
Org chart view Regular style

The layout of information displayed in an org chart box. The normal org chart box layout. The regular style is larger than the condensed style, allowing more information to be displayed in the org chart box. See condensed style. A defined employee function used to limit access to sensitive data. A user-saved listing. A search or filter operation is performed to activate this feature. The listing is saved based on the search or filter criteria and can be accessed at any time by the user. A user-saved org chart. The org chart is saved as it is displayed on the screen and can be accessed at any time by the user. The panel that displays flagged org chart boxes or selected listing records. The panel where users define their display preferences for org charts and listings. A position that has more than one assigned employee. A function that displays an org chart from the selected record and all the direct and indirect managers above that record.

Role Saved listing

Saved org chart Selected Items panel Settings panel Shared position Silo


11 Index

analytics adding to scenarios removing from scenario views of org unit objects application display views, modifying menu bar work area, customizing application preferences, setting application themes, defining 8 6-7 8 10 10 67 69 14

pre-order printing sorting options subordinate tables, configuring display subordinate tables, generating tab page reference table of contents, setting up templates, using compressed, org chart style condensed, org chart style cost center, views in organization unit object cover page, defining for ChartBook CSV files

23 25 23 23 29 25 28 24 15 15 14 27

basic print wizard browsers, printing settings 42 42

exporting listings to importing data from

50 64

dates ChartBook, specifying in format, defining default 26 10 37 9

ChartBook about background color and image cover page, defining generating indexes, generating legend tables, generating level-order logo, displaying in output preferences, saving page printing order 23 27 27 25 28 28 23 27 24 23

department listings, viewing Details panel, using display panes, resizing

employee listings, viewing enhanced mode org charts enhanced, print wizard exporting, org chart data 37 12 43 48

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11 Index
level-order, as ChartBook printing order listings display, customizing 13, 17 12 27 exporting to MS Excel/CSV files printing search queries, saving searching 39 50 42 38 37 39 39 37 5 27 6 23

flagging org chart boxes Flash-mode org charts footers & headers, setting in ChartBook

Global Setings toolbar, location in UI 6

settings sorting records viewing logging in logos, displaying in ChartBook logout button, location 29 27 logs printing

headers & footers subordinate tables, defining in headers & footers, setting in ChartBook hierarchies child items, adding horizontal, displaying restructuring saving horizontal, org chart style HTML-mode, org charts 57 15 56 20 15 10, 12


menus Actions MS Excel, exporting listings to MS PowerPoint, exporting org charts to 6 50 48

images exporting org charts to using in printing indexes, generating in ChartBook interface. See user interface 48 46 28 5

Nakisa ChartBook. See ChartBook Nakisa OrgModeler. See OrgModeler notes, adding to printed org charts 23 2 46

one-pane layout, specifying 7, 10 org chart boxes flagging 13, 17 13 14 13-14

language settings, defining layouts, defining legend tables, generating in ChartBook 10 7, 10 28

menu, using seeting as roots views, changing


11 Index
org chart styles, about org charts appearance basic mode box menu, using branches, printing ChartBook, generating data, exporting default view display layout options enhanced mode modes, defining panel, setting up printing roots, setting saving styles, types available viewing views, changing zooming 20 12 13 22 22 48 20 7 12 10 20 45 14 20 15 12 14 16 15 PowerPoint, exporting to pre-order, as ChartBook printing option preferences application, setting dialog box print wizards basic enhanced printing ChartBook order of org chart branches, in ChartBook org charts, on multiple pages 25 26 45 42 43 10 10 48 23

records, viewing details regional settings, defining relationships subordinate, displaying in output reporting relationships, viewing resizing bar, location roots, org chart 29 18 6 14 9 10

org unit manager, view in organization unit object14 organization unit objects views, types of OrgModeler, about application 14 2

saved hierarchies 20 scenario analytics

page properties, defining in ChartBook panels. See tab panels paper size, defining in ChartBook PDFs ChartBook, generating exporting org charts to security settings, applying permissions, in ChartBook PDFs position listings, viewing 25 48 30 30 37 26 8 26

adding to models scenario models changes, tracking creating logs sharing among users scenarios about copying


75 54 75 71

52 81

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11 Index
deleting empty, creating importing data to information panel loading models, creating scroll widget, location search queries, saving searching listing records security settings, in ChartBook PDFs settings application, defining 10 37 30 82 54 64 53 52 54 6 38 templates ChartBook, using themes, application display TOC. See table of contents two-pane layout, specifying 24 10 28 7, 10

user interface customizing overview 8 5

vertical, org chart style 15

signatures, using as notes on printed org charts 46 silos, using for viewing hierarchies standard mode org charts See also Flash mode standard views, in position hierarchies subordinate tables generating in ChartBook using in ChartBook subordinates, displaying in ChartBook 29 23 23 10 14 18

watermarks, using in printed output work area, customizing 46 8

zoom panel location 6 16 16

tab panels Details, using moving between panes Selected Items, using table of contents ChartBook, setting up Targets adding to scenario removing from scenario technical support, obtaining 70 71 3 28 9 8 8

using zooming, org charts


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