Abstract of Gesture Controlled Robot

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Now days robots are controlled by remote or cell phone or by direct wired connection. If we thinking about cost and required hardwares all this things increases the complexity, especially for low level application. Now the robot that we have designed is different from above one. It doesnt require any type of remote or any communication module. It is self activated robot, which drive itself according to position of user who stands in front of it. It does what user desires to do. It makes copy of its all movement of the user standing in front of it. Hardware required is very small, and hence low cost and small in si e.

! "esture #ontrolled robot is a kind of robot which can be controlled by your hand gestures not by old buttons. $ou %ust need to wear a small transmitting device in your hand which included an acceleration meter. &his will transmit an appropriate command to the robot so that it can do whatever we want. &he transmitting device included a comparator I# for analog to digital conversion and an encoder I#'H&()*+ which is use to encode the four bit data and then it will transmit by an ,- &ransmitter module. !t the receiving end an ,- ,eceiver module receivers the encoded data and decodes it by a decoder I# 'H&().+. &his data is then processed by a microcontroller '/0123(,.)+ and finally our motor driver to control the motors.

!s we can see in the images one is robot and another is to transmit the gesture data to robot.

Gesture device


Now its time to break the task in different module4s to make the task easy and simple any pro%ect become easy or error free if it is done in different modules. !s our pro%ect is already divided into two different part transmitter and receiver. 5e will discuss both of them one by one.

Transmitter device or Gesture device: &his part contains four

modules in it. 123"Accelerometer Comparator Encoder ( T12E! R# Transmitter

1- Accelerometer :-!n !ccelerometer is a kind of sensor which gives an analog data while moving in 6,$,7 direction or may be 6,$ direction only depends on the type of the sensor. Here is a small image of an !ccelerometer shown. 5e can see in the image that their are some arrow showing if we tilt these sensors in that direction then the data at that corresponding pin will change in the analog form. &he !ccelerometer having 8 pins9 (9 2..9 5e will give the :3volt to this pin )9 "N.9 5e simply connect this pin to the ground for biasing.

;9 69 <n this pin we will receive the analog data for x direction movement. =9 $9 <n this pin we will receive the analog data for y direction movement. 39 79 <n this pin we will receive the analog data for direction movement.

89 >&9 this pin is use to set the sensitivity of the accelerometer (.3g?)g?;g?=g.

2- Comparator@ 9 -or the purpose to change the analog voltage into digital we use comparator which compare that analog voltage to a reference voltage and give a particular high or low voltage. &he figure shown here is comparator I#. &he pin (, A, 0 and (= are use to give out put to the microcontroller. 5e should connect a reference voltage to the 9ve terminal for high output when input is high ':ve terminal for high output when input is low+ from the BC;)= I#.

LM324 IC

In this circuit we compare the data from x with two terminal one for positive x direction and negative x direction and same for y direction.

3- Encoder ( T12E!@9 &he H&()* is a =bit encoder which encode the input data applied on it .&he pin description of the H&()* is shown in the figure. /in '( to 0+ !D9!A known as address bits HT12E encoder so we do not need to consider them. /in no '1 and (0+ are use to bias the I# as pin9(0 as 2## and pin91 as "N.. /in 9 (A is connected to the ,- transmitter module .in. /in9(8 and pin9(3 are connected by an <sc resistor known as ,oscc'(.( Cohm+ /in9(= is connected to ground to enable the transmit.

/in9(; to pin9(D is known as !.D to !.; those having the =bit data which is required to transmit.

"$ R# Transmitter (T%!:9 &he transmitter module is working on the frequency of =;;CH &he 2cc pin is connected to the :terminal in the circuit.

&he data pin is connected to the H&()* 'pin no9 (A+ that is transmitted or we can say that encoded data. &he next pin is shown in figure is "N. that is connected to the ground terminal. Now the last pin !N& this is connected to a small wire as an antenna.

Receiver or Ro&ot: &his part contains four modules. 1. Receiver 2. 'ecoder( T12'! 3. (rocess(microcontroller )*+1! 4. Actuator (,otor driver -2.3'!


R# Receiver ,odule (R%!@9 &he ,- receiver module will receive the data which is transferred by the gesture device. It is also working as similar to the transmitter module9 #onnect the :2cc pin to the 3volt terminal

#onnect the ground pin to the ground terminal &he data pin is then connected to the H&(). 'pin9(=+ >o that we can get the decoded = bit data

2$ 'ecoder ( T12'!:- In a very simple way we can say that an H&(). converts that serial data into parallel which is received by the ,- receiver module. &he input data is decoded when no error or unmatched codes are found. ! valid transmission in indicated by a high signal at 2& pin that is pin no (A.

pin (0

@ It is use to give the :2cc or biasing

to the I# H&(). this pin is connected with the :3 volt


/in (A

@ It is the valid transmission pin it will high when the

transmission is ok so that we connected this pin to a led for indication. /in (89(3@ we connect these two pin directly by a 3(k resistor /in (= @ &his pin is connected with the ,- receiver module data pin to receiving the serial data. /in (D9(;@ &hese pins are data pin which is transferred by the gesture module

(rocess (,icrocontroller ()./+1R'2!:

&he processing is the most important part of the robot. &ill now we get the data from the decoder now based on that data we have to make some

decision so here the role of microcontroller is coming up. 5e use an 0D3( microcontroller for our circuit to give them a decision capability. <ur microcontroller is made up by nxp the product name is P89V51RD2. &he basic circuit to initiali e the microcontroller is shown below. 5e %ust need a reset circuit and oscillator to run the program. 8051 micro controller circuit

5e use the port ( as an input port and port ) as an output port. >o the .ata from the decoder will connect with pin (,),;,= and motor should be connecting with pin )(,)),);,)=.

-or forward the data to the /ort ) is Da or for backward it is D3 then for lest its D) and for right it is D0.

)*+1 pro0rammer 1it

!ll the student4s may not properly works on microcontroller because shortage of programmer kit'burner kit+ whatever the problem they have ,so now you can make your own programmer kit for 0D3( microcontroller and can make more practical application and learn more efficiently in this field. -or making the programmer kit we make the circuit step by step.

FOR P89V51RD2 microcontroller

Power Su
/ower supply .E1 connector Bine driver circuit 0D3(


final circuit of /rogrammer kit

(. /<5*, >F//B$@ Eefore making any circuit we need to design its power supply it consist of many part like step down, ac9dc conversion, voltage stabili ing etc but we will giving the power to our board from an ()9volt adapter so our power supply consist of a voltage regulator,capacitor,diode, led and connector.

"805 #olt$%e re%ul$tor

o o o A0D3@9It is the voltage regulator ic as pin diagram is shown. .iode IN=DDA and the silver line part is its negative. ,esistor ,(G;;Dohm or we can also use =ADohm because it is use with the led. o ! ) pin male connector is required for giving the power to the circuit the :ve will connect with ( pin of A0D3. o ! (DDDuf capacitor is also use with power supply to reducing the ripple or maintaining the continuity. o ). Bed@9the cutted portion of the led is negative.

.E1 #<NN*#&<,@ .E1 connector is use to connect the computer with your

programmer board it uses the ,>);) cable to connect the .E1 port has 1 pins each pin has its own function but we will use only pin no ), ; and 3. Pin no 2 is known as received data bit when controller transmit the data bit then computer receive from this pin. &his is connected to the (=th pin of max);).

Pin no 3 is named as transmit data the data will transmit form the computer with the help of this pin and this is connected (;th pin of max);).

Pin no 5 we make this pin normally ground.

;. BIN* .,I2*, #I,#FI&@ &he C!6);) is an Integrated #ircuit that convert signal from an ,>);) serial port to signal suitable for use in TT- compatible digital logic circuits. &he C!6);) is a dual driver?receiver and typically converts the ,6, &6, #&> and ,&> signals.

Here the values of all the capacitors are D.( uf. (8 pin is 2cc should be maintained at 3volt dc. &he (3th pin becomes ground. &(out9pin is use to send the data serially to the computer. ,(in9pin is use to receive the data from the computer serially. &(in9pin is use to transmit the data from microcontroller to C!6);) which is actually going to computer.

,(out9pin is use for send the incoming data from C!6);) to microcontroller which is actually come from computer.

=. 0D3(@ &he basic 0D3( circuit consist of reset circuitry and oscillator circuit but before this we will look the pin diagram of the 0D3( that how or what pin4s we are using to make our circuit.

8051 microcontroller
!s we can see in the fig next that the 0D3( microcontroller has =D pin it has ;) pin I?< lines or we can ;) input and output lines .It consist of four 0bit port4s thats why we call it 0bit microcontroller. -or our circuit we only need 0 pins these are as follow.

5e need a =D pin I# base ,>& this is the pin no 1 called as reset pin this pin reset the program counter Df 0D3( microcontroller and it is active high. 6&!B( and 6&!B) are for providing the oscillations to the controller. (D and ((th pin are use for serial communication. =Dth and ;(st is to provide 2cc basically set at 3volt. )Dth pin is become ground.

H&he two basic circuit for 0D3( microcontroller are listed below.

re&et circuit

'T(L connection to8051

=. -IN!B /,<",!CC*, #I,#FI&@ 5hen we connect the all small circuit with each other than the programmer circuit is in front of you and it is like below.

ACT2AT3R4S (-2.3'!:

&he !ctuator4s are those devices which actually gives the movement or to do a task like motors. In the real world their are various types of motor4s available which works on different voltages. >o we need motor driver for running them through the controller. &o get interface between motor and microcontroller. 5e use B)1;. motor driver I# in our circuit.

Motor dri#er circuit

!s in above circuit a ) pin male connector in connected to the pin 0 this will provide the operating voltage for the motor like if we want to run our voltage on ()volt. >o we %ust have to connect a ()volt power source Now here is the full circuit diagram of the robot 'receiver module+

(CT)(L CI*C)IT +, *ECEI-I./ M+D)LE

(R3GRA,: Now here is the program of the "esture #ontrolled robot. &he program is in *mbedded9#. &he microcontroller we used is 0D3(. ?HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "esture #ontrolled robot # program using 0D3( microcontroller HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IN/F& .!&! to /<,& ( BC;)= <F&/F& .!&! to /<,& ) for B)1;. C>E (((( (((( (((( (((( B>E C>E B>E DDD('Dxf(+ DDDD (D(D'DxDa+ DD(D'Dxf)+ DDDD DD(D'DxD)+ D(DD'Dxf=+ DDDD (DDD'DxD0+ (DDD'Dxf0+ DDDD D(D('DxD3+ forward right left backward


/(GDxffM ?? set port as input port /)GDxDDM ?? set port as output port while'(+ ?? infinite loop L if'/(GGDxf(+ L /)GDxDaM N else if'/(GGDxf)+ L /)GDxD)M N else if'/(GGDxf=+ L /)GDxD0M N else if'/(GGDxf0+ L /)GDxD3M N else L /)GDxDDM N N

Here is the video presentation of the gesture robot....

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