Household Panel Value Addition

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How Household Panel can help in managing Brand Health?

Holistic brand health management

Managing brand health 3 core set of KPI data

Before comparing the 3 data-sources for managing brand health, we first introduce Foresight Household Panel

What is household panel?

A panel is a permanent & representative sample of target-population to regularly (continuously) observe & measure Consumer Behaviour

Basic ingredients
We have recruited a representative sample of homes from the population of households in the country We visit these panellists monthly to record their monthly purchases in the selected categories. We record all details: brand, size, variant/flavour, pack type, price, quantity purchased, place of purchase, frequency of purchase, etc. We also record loose/ unbranded products Our data collection method is bin plus an exit interview Finally, data from all panel households is statistically projected to estimate the overall markets for the brands/ categories

Our Panellists demographically represent population of Pakistan. So the way they behave reflects the way nation is behaving

Household Panel authentic source of information

Foresight Household Panel is the only data source in Pakistan which is 100% verified

Interviews are now conducted on mobile phones (android application); GPS location of the panellist is recorded while interview is being conducted. This eliminates any doubt of interview being conducted at other place than the panellist home
Similarly, the device automatically records start time & end time of each interview

Nationwide Coverage large sample size, plans to increase further

It seems each tool offers every thing, what tool is best designed to deliver what KPI?

3 tools co-exit, they complement each other NOT replace

RETAIL AUDIT HOUSEHOLD PANEL Yes No No Yes Yes, Much Stronger Yes, Much Stronger Yes Yes, Much Stronger Yes Yes, Much Stronger Yes BRAND HEALTH TRACKER No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No

Volume/ Value market, shares Distribution, OOS SISH, stock cover days Price point, & RPI analysis Ever Use, current use, exclusive/ conjunction use New, Retained & Lapse user analysis Brand switching analysis (G&L analysis) Loyalty analysis & matrix Pareto analysis (light/ medium/ heavy user analysis) Frequency & place of purchase Trip size Average household spend/ consumption index Consumer DNA HH info, Media habits, grocery habits Brand Awareness & disposition Brand Image Analysis Perception Maps Brand Equity

Yes, much stronger Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No

No No No No No

Yes, Much Stronger No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Combined analysis of RA & HHP generates insights

Would your reading be the same your Marketing and Trade actions be similar?
Case 1 Case 2



M3 Case 3





M3 Case 4















Combined analysis of RA & HHP generates insights

Or even ?










Both distribution & penetration are increasing, though loyalty among brand-users is on the decline, resulting in no growth for the brand despite more number of buyers.

HHP is the logical follow-up of BHT to understand brand performance

How HHP & BHT complements each other

Brand awareness Brand set/ repertoire / brand image

Likelihood to purchase
Actual Purchase New, retained & lapse user analysis Sources of gain & loss FOP, POP, trip size Loyalty

Lets understand why HHP is recommended tool for certain brand health KPIs

Ever Use/Trial, exclusive & conjunction usage

Household Panel is based on pantry-audit, so brand is actually verified rather than being recorded on consumer-claim. Too often consumers mix the brand they are using with their TOM brand or the brand they desire to use

Even the extent of pantry checking in HHP is more comprehensive than any other research tool can achieve. The fact that we visit these panellists every month, gives us access to their kitchen, fridge, store & even bath-rooms hence we are able to record things with greater accuracy Ability to report to the brand by size, variant, packaging & price point
Cross category usership analysis are also possible. These becomes very handy when planning for cross category promotions:
To generate trial among non-users, it is recommended to go with brand with least conjunction usage. Reverse is true when want to increase the loyalty of existing users

At times we like to see how many of brand-users have used the brand at least x months during the last 1 year only HHP provides this information Globally in the presence of both HHP & BHT, always HHP data is used for usership

New, Retained & Lapse user analysis

HHP is a time series data; each panellist is being interviewed every month. This allows comparison of the brand used in period 1 vs. period 2 at household level (in both periods this information is verified)

So, actually households can be tagged as new-users, lapsers & retain-users. Once users are tagged as NRL users of the brand, all kind of analysis, such as, but not limited to:
% new, retained & lapse users Their volume/value contribution to the brand Average spend on the brand & on other brands by these user groups Loyalty among NRL users, etc.

Above can be done at brand level & for any size, pack of the brand On the contrary in BHT, not only this is based on claimed purchases but also for identification of new, lapse & retain users this is based on consumers responding for the period of 1 year, last 6 months, last 3 months which compromises the data quality Globally in the presence of both HHP & BHT, always HHP data is used for NRL analysis

Brand Switching analysis

It is a volumetric measure and can only be calculated based on the analysis of timeseries data available via household level Calculating it at incidence level (usership) is at best indicative, worse it can misslead Brand switching analysis based on HHP provides with 4 sources of volume change, which are not available via BHT. The sources of volume change are:
new/lapsed market buyer Increase/ decreased brand purchase Added/dropped from repertoire Brand switching

Globally only HHP data is used for brand switching (G&L) analysis

Loyalty analysis & matrix

Loyalty is a multi-facet fact & can be defined from attitudinal & behavioural perspective BHT is the best source to define attitudinal loyalty, while HHP is the best source to define loyalty based on consumer behaviour. While it is expected that the two will have high/medium correlation, it is not supersizing that attitudinal loyalty does not always translates into behavioural loyalty. For instance, for a premium brand typically one would always get very high attitudinal loyalty, which often doesn't translate into that high volumes hence it is usual to use BHT as a measure for equity, disposition & use HHP for loyalty Additionally, there are very few exclusive brand users across the categories & conjunction users don't divide their spending between the brands equally. So, for each consumer a matrix could be constructed explaining how it divides volume between various brands this is only available via HHP Globally only HHP data is used for Loyalty & Loyalty matrix analysis

Pareto analysis heaviness of consumption

Light, medium & heavy user analysis is only possible via HHP It actually analyses each consumers interaction with the brand keeping in view all consumers combined interaction with the brand to tag brand-users as light, medium or heavy
Heavy user of one brand in HHP can be the heavy user of another brand Heavy user of one brand can be light/ medium user of the category In fact, by cross-tabulating the brand & category users one can define the MVC (most valuable consumers) for the brand

Once users are tagged LMH users of the brand, all kind of analysis, such as, but not limited to:
% light, medium & heavy users Their volume/value contribution to the brand Average spend on the brand & on other brands by these user groups Loyalty among LMH users, etc.

Globally only HHP data is used for LMH analysis

In case of further query, please contact on below numbers (+92-21) 34527402, 34527302, (+92) 321-2007179

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