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LETS FACE THE TRUTH By kailash Chandra Sabat-7207884783

Mahatma Gandhi was a socialist. He was killed.Mrs Indira Gandhi was a socialist too.She was also killed.Shri Rajiv Gandhi was a capitalist.He was also killed.But we make more research on shri Rajiv and least on the former two.Because capitalism is trying to influence the whole episode.

Finally Telengana is created with a package from PM as a special status for seemandhara and Shri Shindhe promising to implement that with in a month

Keeping in view all these factors ,Nehru had implemented the mixed economy.But any how to implement our capitalist frames we are trying to mislead people of this countries by promoting capitalism and destroying socialism of Indian ignorant people by various means.Our recent AP drama seems to be in this line only.BJP has already been a controversial party with north base and when ever there is a chance it favours northern policy of few to rule the country in place of mass democracy as we claim to be in. We all are involved in any thing happen as a law in our country ,political,intriguing ,manipulative or fair may it be.So also I Four incidents similar to AP problem I faced last 15 years. 1. Black monkeys did not allow me to a caged Royal Bengal tiger that was attracted by Gayatri and Durga gayatri chanting in a zoo.
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2. I was forced to leave mr Thakur ,SP(Police) in an incident ,that I agitated as a means to harm my interest. 3. My wife took a similar stand and we were not allowed together by legal authorities and the rulers. 4. I am having a poor ,volatile job career due to such meticulous intereference by more organized vested people. So I wish the whole telangana issue will not deprive innocent people of their surrogate right in Delhi and intriguingly open way for few people to rule over this country.

Chiranjeev ,the man of people.????Rajyasabha debate on telangana I am a cong(I) man and shall stand by our party verdict TRS/NDA/CPI provoked people for a telangana state and Cong(I) was pressurized for that only as a last option.But I consider that is wrong to divide AP in anger and pain. Some people made suicide only to pressurize Cong I for a bifurcation. BJP does not have clarity of welfare and I am simply talking on behalf of 11 crore telugu people who love me equally. But we can compensated the aggrieved by declaring Hyderabad a UT(union Territory) Water sharing and other benefits are great issues In this case special package be given to seemandhara. But from my heart still I support an united Andhra. BJP does not have a clarity on justice to such people. Thank you all Hon Vnkaih naidu and Hon Arun jaitley sir objected to chiranjeevs controversial opinion against his own party that stands for telengana state and asked for a ruling from hon chairperson of Rajya Sabha and the ruling was.
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The cong(I) as its own wish can allow any of its members to speak on the topic and I cannot command a member what he should speak and this allowed Mr chiranjeev to continue further.

Who supported a Telengana state--1. TRS 2. Central Cong(I) leadership 3. BJP 4. MayawatiFormer UP CM

Sitaram Yechury----A divison is not in the welfare of the state and people.
Who fighted against Telengana. Kiran Kumar Reddy-CM TDS-Shri Chandra Babu Naidu YSR cong Lengadapati RajGopal and many politicians from Seemandhara that I dont remember them Ram Gopal Yadav of Samajwadi party

Dharana Held at New Delhi--1. Chandra babu Naidu and team 2. Kiran Kumar Reddy and team 3. Jagmohan Reddy with mother vijayama Vekaiah Naidu We support telengana provided special package is provided to them NK Singh-JDU We support provided special package is offered to them.

DMK-Daughter of Karunanidhi-Expressed her opinion by declaring the bill as illegal and told that the views of state assembly is not considered is unfortunate and staged a walk out.
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Prakash Javedkar-BJP---The words of Chiranjeev are of Hypocrisy,and cong I is unable to create a state and his own people oppose their masters

Like apana jaya as shown in above figure person whose mind is fast can control that by prana bayu from nose ,head and heart as the air moves unstopped and compels you to speak,think or do some thing that you dont want. An article by kailash
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