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Ryan Thomas Richards

Bolton, Lancashire 07516810109 PROFIL College Graduate with a Level 3 National Diploma in Games Development and Media, currentl stud ing !or a "#c $onours Degree in Games Design. % am alwa s eager to wor& to the 'est o! m a'ilit since % understand how important an &ind o! wor& is in a wor&place. $aving e(perience with highl popular sale da s at N)*+, % &eep m calm when wor&ing under pressure in 'us environments and % alwa s strive towards the o',ective. % am also s&illed at leading teams as %-ve passed man team units on m course with !l ing colours and currentl leading a small game development team. ! " #$%I & ' (T) .or&ed under pressure during various sale da s at N)*+ Clothing #tore. Led a team through man pro,ects including designing levels !or games, designing 'oard games and more. /aised 0122 !or Children in Need 3212 ' participating in a personal marathon. Led a team in designing a 3D game !or m course and secured an 4 grade. Currentl leading a team through designing a 3D game. #ecured a triple Merit grade in Games Development and Media.

'PLO"' (T *P RI ($ Title %eld, (ame o+ $om,any CD# 5looring #ervices -ates o+ em,loyment 4ugust 3213

4ided in re6leveling garage !loors and painting, assisted in grinding !loor, cleaning and suppl ing materials. #quea& Clean .indow #ervice 3211 7 3213

4ssisted in cleaning windows, cleaning gutters and &eeping clients happ . N)*+ Clothing #tore Decem'er 3212

.or&ed mostl on sale da s8 re6organised stoc&, aided customers- inquiries, aided in sale management and wor&ed the till. -.$#TIO( / TR#I(I(0 University of Bolton Currentl stud ing a "achelor o! #cience degree in Games Design % graduate in 3219

West Cheshire College

Ryan Richards

"+)C Level 3 )(tended Diploma in Games Development and Creative Media :roduction +riple Merit grade in Games Development and Media

South Wirral High School Level 3 National 4ward in $ealth and #ocial Care Level 3 National 5irst 4ward in %C+ C Grade in :rimar #cience C grade in 4dditional #ciences D Grade in Mathematics C Grade in )nglish Language C Grade in Geograph D Grade in $istor D Grade in /eligious #tudies

$OR )!ILL) % have the a'ilit to &eep a cool head under pressure. 4'ilit to &eep co6wor&ers entertained and !ocused on their wor&. % am alwa s in a happ and health mood towards m wor& and customers. .ell6developed team leading a'ilit . %+ #&ills; )(pansive Creative Design including e(perience in :hotoshop, 3D so!tware <3ds Ma(, Ma a=, multiple 3D game engines <>D?, >nit 3d= and s&ills across all 'asic Microso!t @!!ice products.

I(T R )T) % love 'eing creative and % have done a lot o! !reelance wor& in the past including designing logos, assets !or video games and lots more. % am also leading a team in designing a 3D video game called A#hi No Mori-. % loathe 'eing inactive so %-m alwa s doing something, pre!era'l something creative so %-m alwa s adding to m online port!olio. /e!erences availa'le on request.

Ryan Richards

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