Nanorobotics: (The Technology For Ultimate Medical Applications)

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[The technology for ultimate medical applications]

Abstract: Nanorobots are nanodevices that will be used for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the
human body against pathogens. There is no technology for the treatment of AIDS. Some of the drugs of specific composition are given to the patients depending on the intensity of the disease. The drugs using nowadays are able to increase the lifetime to a few years only. To make the treatment more specific, we use the nanodevices that use nanosensors to sense the AIDS infected WBCs. In this we are using nanorobots to get back the HIV infected WBCs. By doing so constant levels of WBCs are maintained in the blood stream.In India more than 50 lakhs of people are infected by this dreaded disease and it constitutes 10% of the total infected. We are doing research on this paper and we hope that this theoretical approach can be made practical in the near future, so that the killer disease AIDS could also be made in control on the hands of Human with the emerging new technology like NANOTECHONOLOGY which has a Bi o-medical Application.

Thought of Nano-robotics:
Nanorobotics deals with the controlled manipulation of objects with nanometer-scale dimensions. As an atom has a diameter of a few ngstroms (1 = 0.1 nm = 10-10 m), and a molecules size is a few nanometers. Nanorobotics is concerned with interactions with atomic- and molecular-sized objects, and is sometimes called molecular robotics. The fact that enormous amounts of information can be carried in an exceedingly small space ,because in the tiniest cell, all of the information for the organization of a complex creature such as humans can be stored.



The enormous potential in the biomedical capabilities of nanorobots and the imprecision and side effects of medical treatments today make nanorobots very desirable. But today, in this revolutionary era we propose for nanomedical robots, since they will have no difficulty in identifying the target site cells even at the very early stages which cannot be done in the traditional treatment and will ultimately be able to track them down and destroy them wherever they may be growing. By having these Robots, we can refine the treatment of diseases by using biomedical, nanotechnological engineering. The emerging field of nanorobotics is aimed at overcoming the shortcomings present in the traditional way of treatment of patients. Our bodies are filled with intricate, active molecular structures. When those structures are damaged, health suffers. Modern medicine can affect the work of the body in many ways, but from a molecular viewpoint it remains crude. Molecular manufacturing can construct a range of medical instruments and devices with greater abilities. The human body can be seen as a workyard, construction site and battleground form molecular machines. It works remarkably well; using systems so complex that medical science still doesnt understand many of them

There are some huge questions yet to be answered. How far can we take nano- robotics before it interferes with our basic humanity? Are we in danger of turning ourselves - and future generations - into strange hybrids of man and machine? However, the ongoing developments of molecular-scale electronics, sensors and motors are expected to enable microscopic robots with dimensions comparable to bacteria.The control design and the development of complex nanosystems with high performance can be well used to help pave the way for future use of nanorobots in biomedical engineering problems. With the emerging era of molecular engineering, the development of methodologies that enable investigation to make easier automation, and evaluation of new approaches of the nanoworlds and nanorobotics behaviour, are expected to have a great impact for an effective development on nanorobotics.

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