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Mormons and Polygamy

By Danielle Jones

Mrs. Anderson U.S. History

Feb 21 2014

Danielle Jones Period 3 Mrs. Anderson Feb 21 2014

Process Paper The topic of my project is Mormons and Polygamy rights. It basically states what Mormons are and there freedom of religion in America. I actually really wanted to do this topic and chose it because it interested me a lot. Even though I am not Mormon I like to read about different individuals rights, what they practice, and what they learn. It was weird reading about polygamy at first and having different wives, but its also interesting because they just dont care what others think. I liked hearing and understanding what their outlook on certain things were. This topic relates to the theme: Rights and Responsibilities in History because it is a religion and as a Mormon some of there beliefs are illegal, or prohibited in many states. Different religions have different rights separate from other people. Mormons have many responsibilities to fulfill. I think you will find that though the language sounds similar at times, the beliefs are quite distinctive. Mormons do not understand history, God, man, salvation, heaven, hell, the

cross, Jesus, or the Trinity as the canonical Scriptures teach, nor do they agree with the doctrine taught by the holy, catholic, apostolic church.The way I conducted my research was by going on a couple Mormon news room websites and took that information, read it, understood it, and made it into my own words. I separated all my papers and organized my information into different paragraphs including polygamy, religious freedom, Mormons, rights, and there beliefs. I uploaded my research onto the website under 2 of the tabs. I looked up and found various maps about where polygamy not only is practiced but also permitted from being there. The website was created over Weebly. There were 6 tabs, and you created them at the top. We got to pick any background picture for the website. We also got to name the website. There was a lot of information on each tab regarding my topic. Another way that my topic relates to the theme is because there were a lot of women rights for Mormons. They can not wear clothes above the knee or crossing the shoulders. Just like history, Back in the day there were many women rights. Mormonism is one of the exceptions. The Mormon position on women has changed little since the early 1800's, when the official view was that "woman's primary place is in the home, where she is to rear children and abide by the righteous counsel of her husband. I learned a lot from working on this project. It was fun and exciting. After doing all that research with my partner about mormonism, polygamy, and their rights that they have, I can walk away from this project knowing that I learned something new and can keep that in my head. I highly recommend people to do a project on this topic if they get a chance, it was really neat learning about other peoples lives and religion.

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