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It is a group of microscopic single-celled organisms that live in enormous numbers in almost every environment. There are thousands of different types of bacteria exist naturally in our environment. Some are necessary and quite healthy, like probiotics that support digestive health. Some can cause illness in humans.

isted belo! are six types of very common toxic bacteria you need to avoid Staphylococcus aureus "ibrio isteria monocytogenes #lostridium botulinum $scherichia coli eigonella pneumophilia

Staphylococcus aureus
present in the nasal passages, throats, hair and skin of %& percent of healthy people, according to the '.S. (ood and )rug *dm inistration +()*,. If concentrated in large quantities in foods, it can cause food poisoning that results in nausea, vom iting and abdom inal cram ping. (ood s that are risk of contam ination of S. aureus includes- dairy products, m eats, cream y salads.

Staphylococcus aureus
(ood handlers are the main cause of contamination. Staph infections occur !hen the bacteria enter the skin via a puncture or cut. It can also be passed on contaminated surfaces, like, through the air and from person to person.

Staphylococcus aureus
It can also cause a number of infections like, folliculitis, boils, scalded skin syndrome, impetigo, toxic shock syndrome and cellulitis. ./$"$0TI10- .roper hand !ashing 2 keep food hot or refrigerated.

3ram negative bacteriapossessing a curved rod shape +comma shape, #auses diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea and headache. 4umans become infected by eating ra! or undercooked shellfish, particularly oysters. ./$"$0TI10 $at oysters that are thoroughly cook.

Listeria monocytogenes
* facultative anaerobicbacterium, capable of surviving in the presence of oxygen. It can gro! and reproduce inside the host5s cells and is one of the mostvirulent foodborne pathogens. #auses the infection called listeriosis. #an also cause meningitis, encephalitis, intrauterine infections.

Listeria monocytogenes
(ound in soil and !ater and therefore can contaminate ra! foods of all kinds, including fruits, vegetables, meats, sea foods and dairy products. If pregnant !omen is infected, it can cause flu-like illnesses, ho!ever, it may lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery or infection of the ne!born.

Listeria monocytogenes
It can also contaminate soft cheeses and cooked meats like hotdogs and deli meats during packaging. ./$"$0TI10 6ash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. *l!ays !ash your hands

Clostridium botulinum
3ram-positive, rod-shapedbacteriumthat produces several toxins. *nanaerobicspore-former, !hich produces oval, subterminal endosporesand is commonly found insoil. The best kno!n are itsneurotxins, subdivided in types *-4, that cause the flaccid muscularparalysisseen inbotulism. They are also the main paralytic agent in 7otox.

Clostridium botulinum
(ood borne botulism is caused by eating foods that are contaminated !ith botulism toxin. 7otulism symptoms)ouble or blurred vision )rooping eyelids Slurred speech )ifficulty in s!allo!ing )ry mouth 8uscle !eakness.

Clostridium botulinum
In infants, symptoms may include ethargy #onstipation 6eak cry .oor muscle tone If left untreated , the symptoms !ill lead to paralysis of the arms, legs, trunks and respiratory muscles.

Clostridium botulinum
.revention1pen canned goods !ith proper hygiene procedures. .roper hand!ashing

Escherichia coli
a3ram-negative,facultative anaerobic,rodshapedbacterium. #ommonly found in the lo!er intestine of !arm blooded organisms. (ecal9oral transmissionis the ma:or route through !hich pathogenic strains of the bacterium cause disease.

Escherichia coli
8ost infections of $scherichia coli are related to eating undercooked ground beef. $. coli are harmless and actually are an important part of a healthy human intestinal tract. 4o!ever, someE. coliare pathogenic, meaning they can cause illnes #auses bloody diarrhea , urinary tract infections, respiratory illness, bloodstream infections, and sometimes kidney failure.

Escherichia coli
; ou can be infected by $.coli through eating contaminated food, s!imming or drinking !ater that<s contaminated by se!age or by picking it up from personal contact, such as, families or day care.

Escherichia coli
./$"$0TI101nly eat ground beef that has been thoroughly cooked. 6ash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. .roper hand!ashing

Leigonella pneumophilla
* thin,aerobic,pleomorphic,flagellated,

non-spore forming,3ram-negative bacterium. It is the primary human pathogenic bacteriumin this group and is the causative agent oflegionellosisor egionnaires5 disease.

Leigonella pneumophilla
It has = forms egionnaire<s disease 9 severe form of the infection, !hich include pneumonia. .ontiac fever 9 milder illness, !hich includes fever, headache and muscle aches.

Leigonella pneumophilla
(ound in !ater, particularly in !arm !ater, such as, hot tubs, cooling to!ers, hot !ater tanks, large plumbing system. ; ou can be infected by eigonnaire<s disease by breathing in mist from !ater that is contaminated. ./$"$0TI10#lean S.*<s .roper hygiene

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