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Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.


CSE220DATASTRUCTURESANDALGORITHMS VersionNo. Course Prerequisites Computer Programming Mathematical Structures. and Problem Solving

L T P C 3 1 2 5 and Discrete

Objectives 1. To understand various types of fundamental data structures (standard and user defined). 2. To learn about algorithm analysis for the run time complexities and the space requirements. 3. To acquire knowledge of data structures and algorithms for implementing various computing system. ExpectedOutcome Students will be able to 1. Apply the fundamental knowledge of various data structures and algorithms to analyze, design, formulate and implement algorithm for any real time problem. 2. Apply current techniques in data structures and algorithmic principles for modeling and developing software systems UnitI BASICALGORITHMICANALYSIS 6+3hours Asymptotic notations: Big O, little o, omega, and theta notations, Running time calculations, Identifying differences among best, average, and worst case behaviors; Complexity analysis- Time and space tradeoffs in algorithms; Empirical measurements of performance; Using recurrence relations to analyze recursive algorithms. UnitII ALGORITHMICSTRATEGIES 8+3hours Brute-force algorithms; Greedy algorithms Activity Selection Problem; Divide-andconquer Strassens Matrix Multiplication; Backtracking 8 queens problem; Branchand-bound Traveling Salesman Problem, Dynamic Programming . 0/1 Knapsack Problem. UnitIII FUNDAMENTALDATASTRUCTURESAND 10+3hours COMPUTINGALGORITHMS Stacks Queues Lists Doubly Linked Lists Circular Linked Lists - Simple numerical algorithms - Sorting and Searching Algorithm: Sequential and binary search algorithms; Quadratic sorting algorithms (bubble, selection, insertion); O (N log N) sorting algorithms (Quick sort, heap sort), Merge Sort; UnitIV HASHTABLESANDTREES 12+3hours Hashing: Hash tables, including collision-avoidance strategies; Non-Linear Data Structures: Binary trees; Binary Search Trees; General Tree; Binary trees, Conversion of general tree to binary tree, Binary Search Tree: Traversals, Implementation, Operations on Binary Search Tree, Expression Tree.


Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012

UnitV GRAPHS 9+3hours Introduction, Representations of graphs (adjacency list, adjacency matrix, Sparse Matrix); Topological Sorting; Shortest-path algorithms (Single source shortest path; Dijkstras and Floyds algorithms); Minimum spanning tree (Prims and Kruskals algorithms). Text/ReferenceBooks 1. Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson , Ronald L. Rivest , Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition, MIT Press, 2009 2. S. Sahni, Data structures, Algorithms, & applications in Java, McGraw-Hill,2005 3. J. P. Trembly et al, An introduction to data structures with applications,2007 4. D. E. Knuth, Art of computer programming, Volume 1: Fundamental algorithms, Addison Wesley, 2011. ModeofEvaluation Recommendedbythe BoardofStudieson DateofApprovalby theAcademicCouncil SamplelistofExercises Implementing Stacks and queues. Implementation and processing in lists. Sorting: a. Insertion sort b. Merge sort c. Quick sort d. Selection sort e. Heap sort f. Shell sort Searching: a. Linear search b. Binary search Binary Search Trees Graphs: a. BFS b. DFS c. Topological Sort Spanning Trees a. Prims Algorithm b. Kruskals Algorithm Shortest Path Algorithms a. Dijkstras Algorithm b. Floyds Algorithm Tests, Assignments, Seminars.


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