Shortcut in Windows

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CTRL+C (Copy) CTRL+X (Cut) DELETE (Delete) Windows= Display the Start menu

CTRL+A (Select all) CTRL+V (Paste) CTRL+Z (Undo) CTRL+TAB= o!e "o#$a#d t%#ou&% t%e ta's

Remote Desktop Connection Navigation

!T&L+ALT+()D *pen the m+"ro,oft Windows )T Se"urity dialog %oSwit"h %etween programs from left to right Swit"h %etween programs from right to left !y"le through the programs in most re"ently used order Display the Start men Swit"h the "lient "omputer %etween a window and a full s"reen

Microsoft Natura
Windows + D Windows + ( Windows + shift + M

!e"#oar$ S%ortcuts
= arata Des7topul = dire"t in My !omputer = /ndo minimi8e all windows = Display Sear"h for files = Display Sear"h for "omputer = Display 1elp and Support !enter = Display &un dialog %o= Display System 'roperties dialog %o= Lo"7 the wor7station = :ui"7 swit"hing of users 3'owertoys only5 = 1old Windows 2ey# then tap : to s"roll thru the different users on your = *pen /tility Manager = out = out

ALT+'A.( /'

Windows + F Windows + !trl + F Windows + F9 Windows + & Windows + %rea7 Windows + L Windows + :

TAB = Move forward through the options

ALT+F = !lose the a"tive item# or $uit the a"tive program !T&L+' ='rint the "urrent page or a"tive pane

ALT+'A.( D*W)

ALT+0)S(&T ALT+TAB = Swit"h %etween the open items CTRL+ESC = D(splay t%e Sta#t )enu

ALT+1*M( !T&L+ALT+B&(A2

Accessibility Keyboard
R(&%t S*+,T "o# e(&%t seconds Le"t ALT+le"t S*+,T+PR+.T SCREE. Le"t ALT+le"t S*+,T+.U L/C- S*+,T "(!e t()es

ALT+D(L(T( = S$(tc% ,(lte#-eys e(t%e# on o# o"" = S$(tc% *(&% Cont#ast e(t%e# on o# o"" = S$(tc% t%e ouse-eys e(t%e# on o# o"" = S$(tc% t%e St(c0y-eys e(t%e# on o# o"" !T&L+ALT+'lus sign 3+5 !T&L+ALT+Minus sign345

Display the Windows menu

'la"e a snapshot of the a"tive window in the "lient on the Terminal server "lip%oard and provide the same fun"tionality as pressing '&0)T S!&(() on a lo"al "omputer6

Windows + :

Windows + / Windows+ /

'la"e a snapshot of the entire "lient window area on the Terminal server "lip%oard and provide the same fun"tionality as pressing

!T&L+ (s" si apoi /


L/C- "o# "(!e seconds

= S$(tc% t%e To&&le-eys e(t%e# on o# o""

ALT+'&0)T S!&(() on a lo"al "omputer6

Keyboard Dialog Box Shortcuts

CTRL+S*+,T+TAB S*+,T+TAB = o!e 'ac0$a#d t%#ou&% t%e ta's = o!e 'ac0$a#d t%#ou&% t%e opt(ons

Keyboard Shortcuts

Wi do!s "x#lorer
E.D */ E .U L/C-+Aste#(s0 s(&n = D(splay t%e 'otto) o" t%e act(!e $(ndo$ = D(splay t%e top o" t%e act(!e $(ndo$ = D(splay all o" t%e su'"olde#s t%at a#e unde# t%e selected "olde#

ALT+Unde#l(ned lette#

= Pe#"o#) t%e co##espond(n& co))and o# select t%e co##espond(n& opt(on


L/C-+Plus s(&n (+)

= D(splay t%e contents o" t%e selected "olde#

.U E.TER SPACEBAR = Pe#"o#) t%e co))and "o# t%e act(!e opt(on o# 'utton = Select o# clea# t%e c%ec0 'o1 (" t%e act(!e opt(on (s a c%ec0 'o1

L/C-+ (nus s(&n (3) LE,T ARR/2 R+5*T ARR/2 ALT+E.TER

= Collapse t%e selected "olde#

= Collapse t%e cu##ent select(on (" (t (s e1panded4 o# select t%e pa#ent "olde# = D(splay t%e cu##ent select(on (" (t (s collapsed4 o# select t%e "(#st su'"olde# = V(e$ t%e p#ope#t(es "o# t%e selected (te) D(splay t%e p#ope#t(es o" t%e selected o'6ect

A##o$ 0eys

= Select a 'utton (" t%e act(!e opt(on (s a &#oup o" opt(on 'uttons = /pen a "olde# one le!el up (" a "olde# (s selected (n t%e Sa!e As o# /pen d(alo& 'o1 V(e$ t%e "olde# one le!el up (n y Co)pute# o# 2(ndo$s E1plo#e#


= /pen t%e s%o#tcut )enu "o# t%e act(!e $(ndo$ D(splay t%e Syste) )enu "o# t%e act(!e $(ndo$


ALT+ESC ALT+Unde#l(ned lette# (n a )enu na)e R+5*T ARR/2 LE,T ARR/2

= Cycle t%#ou&% (te)s (n t%e o#de# t%at t%ey %ad 'een opened = D(splay t%e co##espond(n& )enu = /pen t%e ne1t )enu to t%e #(&%t4 o# open a su')enu = /pen t%e ne1t )enu to t%e le"t4 o# close

ALT+ (nus s(&n (3)

= D(splay t%e $(ndo$ )enu "o# t%e act(!e

CTRL $%(le d#a&&(n& an (te) CTRL+S*+,T $%(le d#a&&(n& an (te) CTRL+LE,T ARR/2 CTRL+D/2. ARR/2 CTRL+UP ARR/2 = Copy t%e selected (te) = C#eate a s%o#tcut to t%e selected (te) = o!e t%e (nse#t(on po(nt to t%e 'e&(nn(n& o" t%e p#e!(ous $o#d = o!e t%e (nse#t(on po(nt to t%e 'e&(nn(n& o" t%e ne1t pa#a&#ap% = o!e t%e (nse#t(on po(nt to t%e 'e&(nn(n& o" t%e p#e!(ous pa#a&#ap% = *(&%l(&%t a 'loc0 o" te1t ,< 0ey = Unde#l(ned lette# (n a co))and na)e on an open )enu (Pe#"o#) t%e co##espond(n& co))and Cycle t%#ou&% t%e sc#een ele)ents (n a $(ndo$ o# on t%e des0top CTRL+,9 = Close t%e act(!e console $(ndo$: 2%en a console %as only one console $(ndo$4 t%(s s%o#tcut closes t%e console = Update t%e act(!e $(ndo$ = Resto#e t%e act(!e console $(ndo$

Shortcut Keys %or Character &a#

After you dou%le4"li"7 a "hara"ter on the grid of "hara"ters# you "an move through the grid %y using the 7ey%oard short"uts< &0.1T A&&*W 3Move to the right or to the %eginning of the ne-t line5 L(FT A&&*W 3Move to the left or to the end of the previous line5 /' A&&*W 3Move up one row5 D*W) A&&*W 3Move down one row5 'A.( /' 3Move up one s"reen at a time5

,; 0ey CTRL+,;

CTRL+S*+,T $(t% any o" t%e a##o$ 0eys


= Delete t%e selected (te) pe#)anently $(t%out plac(n& t%e (te) (n t%e Recycle B(n = Select )o#e t%an one (te) (n a $(ndo$ o# on t%e des0top4 o# select te1t (n a docu)ent = "li"7 dreapta = D(splay *elp = Rena)e t%e selected (te)


S*+,T $(t% any o" t%e a##o$ 0eys Shift + F9; ,7 0ey ,8 0ey

= Close t%e act(!e docu)ent (n p#o&#a)s t%at ena'le you to %a!e )ult(ple docu)ents open s()ultaneously = Act(!ate t%e )enu 'a# (n t%e act(!e p#o&#a) = D(splay t%e s%o#tcut )enu "o# t%e selected (te) = a1()(>e t%e act(!e console

'A.( D*W) 3Move down one s"reen at a time5 1*M( 3Move to the %eginning of the line5 ()D 3Move to the end of the line5 !T&L+1*M( 3Move to the first "hara"ter5 !T&L+()D 3Move to the last "hara"ter5

,7= 0ey S*+,T+,7= CTRL+,7=

,? 0ey ,9 0ey

= Sea#c% "o# a "(le o# a "olde# = D(splay t%e (te)s (n t%e act(!e l(st D(splay t%e Add#ess 'a# l(st (n y Co)pute# o# 2(ndo$s E1plo#e#

$(ndo$ S'A!(BA& 3Swit"h %etween (nlarged and )or mal mode when a "hara"ter is sele"ted5 S*+,T $%en you (nse#t a CD3R/ (nto t%e CD3R/ d#(!e = P#e!ent t%e CD3R/ auto)at(cally play(n& "#o)

&icroso%t &a age'e t Co sole (&&C) &ai Wi do! Keyboard Shortcuts

!T&L+* 3*pen a saved "onsole5 !T&L+) 3*pen a new "onsole5 !T&L+S 3Save the open "onsole5 !T&L+M 3Add or remove a "onsole item5 !T&L+W 3*pen a new window5 ALT+S'A!(BA& 3Display the MM! window menu5 ALT+F 3!lose the "onsole5 ALT+A 3Display the A"tion menu5 ALT+= 3Display the =iew menu5 ALT+F 3Display the File menu5 ALT+* 3Display the Favorites menu5

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