My Log of Complaints: Direct Windows and Conservatories of Coventry, 22 Holbrook Lane

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Direct Windows Log Monday 18th February 2013 09:33 I phoned Direct windows office (024 76637187) to enquire

about getting a quote Duration 04:12 Thursday 21st February 10:11 Missed call from Direct Windows office phoned me (024 76682483) 10:13 Missed call from Direct Windows office phoned me (024 76682483) 10:15 Missed call from Nigel 10:15 I phoned Direct Windows office phoned me (024 76682483) - spoke to Jag who said that Nigel had phoned me 10:34 I phoned Nigel - no answer 10:38 Nigel phoned Duration 01:38 - calling to say was it still ok to come out to do window quote 11:15 Nigel came to start the window quote; left at 12:30 16:36 Nigel emailed through a rough outline of the quote "Hi Hayley confirmed price as promised for your home. For all the windows and rear french doors in upvc with the glass rating of 1.5 u-value this will be optiwhite low E with optiwhite K with a thermal efficant spacer bar. At the front of the house we will take out the hall window and the cladding below and replace with a composite door and side panel including a top light We would be more than happy for you to look around the factory so you are able to see what you are getting for your money The price includes all making good and for the work to be carried out within the next 10 to 14 days I hope you find this acceptable and I await your response Regards Nigel " Saturday 23rd February 12:14 I phoned Nigel - no answer 12:15 Nigel phoned Duration 00:59 - asked if it was ok to visit factory as he had suggested. He said that it was fine and that he was there. 13:00 Nigel showed us around the factory and showed us the Liniar frames, which glass I would have, the black spacer bar. Nigel also introduced us to Paul and said that he would be happy to do any design I would like on the glass for the front door at no extra cost.

Tuesday 26th February 16:43 Missed call from Direct Windows office (024 76637187) 16:53 Text from Nigel: quote " Hi Hayley this Nigel would u be kind enough 2 give me a call thanks" 20:54 I phoned Nigel in reply to his missed call/text. He asked what we thought about taking the quote....I asked how much would an extra window (kitchen) would be, Nigel said that one extra window wouldn't make much difference and that he wasn't bothered about that. Duration 02:46

Saturday 2nd March 09:32 I phone Nigel to say that I would like to go ahead with what he has quoted me 16:35 Nigel visited to talk through the windows and paperwork was signed and 500 cash deposit paid. Nigel stated that the job would take two days and that they could start within the next 7 to 10 days

Monday 4th March 16:32 Missed call from Direct Windows office (024 76682483) 17:56 Missed call from Direct windows office (024 76684709) 18:04 Text from Jag - quote: " Hi miss jarvis just wanted to ask if direct windows can survey ur windows in the morning. Regards jag. Direct windows" 20:18 I phoned Jag to reply to the answer phone message and text and apologised if I was disturbing him at home. Jag asked if they could start work on Thursday. I agreed. Duration 02:03 Tuesday 5th March 13:08 Jag from Direct Windows office phoned me asking that the fitters are paid when they have finished their work (024 76682483) Wednesday 6th March 17:43 Missed call from Direct Windows office (024 76682483) 18:57 I called in reply to the missed call. Jag wanted to check on the width of the French doors

Thursday 7th March 08:38 I phoned Direct Windows office (024 76637187) no answer

08:39 I phoned Jag no answer 08:40 I phoned Nigel he picks up, then hangs up 09:36 Missed call from Direct windows office (024 76664119) 10:56 Missed call from Direct windows office (024 76664119) 11:27 I phoned Direct windows office (024 76664119) 11:47 Direct windows office (024 76664119) phoned me (Bill) asking me to pay the fitters 2000 before they left that day. I replied that we had been told that when the work was all completed we would pay. Around 14:00 My father and I noticed that the glazed units that had been installed were incorrect. One of the fitters called Direct windows (I think it was Nigel he spoke to) and confirmed that they were incorrect and that the correct ones would get made up and this would be rectified. Around midday, Nigel called round to discuss the payment and told us that the cash-flow of the company would not allow for the work being carried out that day, not to be paid for. He then told us that the door had not yet arrived and that he had phoned the company in Manchester and if he could, would drive there himself to pick it up. But, it was simply not ready. I asked why had my job been booked in to start if not everything was ready. Nigel said that we needed to pay for the work that was being done that day. I explained that my father is ill and had a hospital appointment the next day and on Monday, and would not be able to get to the bank to get the money until Tuesday/Wednesday of the following week. Nigel then said that a bank transfer would be fine. We agreed that we would get the money as either cash or bankers draft. Nigel then left. We felt pressured into having to get the money ready and were not happy. My father in particular was very upset at Nigel's tone throughout much of the conversation. 16:56 Text from Nigel - Quote: "Will u call me" 18:46 My reply to text "Hi, can you ring me on my home number? I'm in between lessons and my mobile battery is low." (Home number given) 19:09 Darren phoned Nigel - no answer 19:32 Nigel phoned Darren back. Nigel asked Darren to apologise to Hayleys Dad as he was upset during the afternoons conversation. Nigel explained that the work should never have started until all the fittings and the door were ready. He said that after discussion he was suggesting that the fitters did not return tomorrow and that the work would be finished on the next visit when all the fittings were ready. Darren agreed that the work needed to be finished when everything was available. Darren asked how the wrong glass had been fitted and what was going to be done to rectify the problem. Nigel said It will be rectified as it was our fault. Darren asked How will it be rectified?. Nigel said Well we will come to some arrangement. Darren asked What does come to some arrangement mean? Nigel said We can look at some discount. Darren said Hayley will want the correct glass installed. Nigel said We can do that if thats what she wants. Dar ren said She will, but Ill ask her nevertheless. 20:02 Darren phoned Nigel - no answer

20:02 Nigel phoned Darren back. Darren explained that he had spoken to Hayley and Hayley wanted the correct glass installed as it was the main reason for having new windows installed in the first place. Nigel replied that they would change the glass.

Monday 11th March 12:13 Direct windows office (024 76684709) missed call 12:17 I phoned Direct windows office (024 76684709) 12:45 I phoned Nigel. I phoned to say that I was at the factory to talk to Paul about the designs. Nigel said to come up to the office. Duration 00:42 I went office to speak to Nigel about the designs on the glass. He said that Paul was unavailable to talk to. Nigel printed off my email and said that he would give it to Paul. I asked Nigel to contact me before Paul did anything with the designs as I wanted to speak to Paul and sort the designs out together. Tuesday 12th March 14:01 I phoned Nigel - no answer 14:02 I texted as he hadn't answered "Hi Nigel,. Could you pass my number on to Paul, or could I have a number to contact him on, thanks, Hayley" 15:36 Missed call from Nigel 15:36 I phoned Nigel in reply to his missed call Duration 01:33

Friday 15th March 12:38 Missed call from Direct windows office (024 76664119) 12:44 Text message from Bill (07930407811): " can we fit doors & windows on Mon 18th?" 14:37 I phoned Direct windows office (024 76664119) no answer 14:39 I phoned Nigel Duration 04:00 14:55 I phoned Nigel Duration 01:36

Monday 18th March 11:22 I phoned Bill - no answer

11:23 I phoned Direct windows office (024 76664119). Spoke to Jag and explained that Nigel had said to come to the factory to talk to Paul. Jag phoned down to Paul and told me to walk to the factory. I went to the factory to talk to Paul about the designs on the glass for the front door. Paul was very helpful and polite and I felt happier. He even showed me the door which had arrived. 11:52 Bill phoned me 11:59 Direct Windows office phoned me (024 76682483) Wednesday 20th March 14:31 Nigel phoned me to discuss the work being completed next day. Nigel reiterates that the payment should be handed over to the fitters as soon as they finish. I tell him that given all of the mistakes that have been made, I do not want to hand over the payment until Darren is back from work to check over all of the work. Nigel tells me that he will accept a bank transfer in the evening after Darren is back from work. I say to him that the contract states cash or bankers draft and that my father is unhappy with getting that much cash out of the bank so would prefer to write out a bankers draft. Nigel says that as he had previously mentioned that on-line transfers can be done, he would prefer that as a bankers draft takes 7 days and his cash flow won't allow a delay. Duration 10:38 Thursday 21st March 09:50 Fitters arrive. I am told that one of them has been sent to another job so my windows, doors etc. will not be finished today. 09:50 I phoned Nigel - he hangs up 09:52 I phoned office (engaged) 09:53 I phoned Bill. He tells me that he is with a customer and that he will call me back; he doesn't. 09:54 I phoned office (engaged) 09:54 I phoned Nigel. He tells me that he is with a customer and is about to hang up, I explain that I am not happy that I have just been told about my windows and door are not being finished today after he promised that they would and that I took a day off work to be here and ready for 9:00am and that they have arrived an hour later than promised. He responds with "our company doesn't work around you" and "you are trying to cause problems when there aren't any". I tell him that there have been many mistakes made and he replies with "we're only human". I respond with "surely an established window company shouldn't make these kind of mistakes" he replies with "at least it's not as bad as some of these cowboy builders". He tells me to "let the fitters get on with their work" and that I am "holding them up". I explain that they have only just walked through the door and I am not distracting them whatsoever. I tell him that I just wanted to let him know that I am unhappy with what is happening and he replies with "oh yeah, with a vengeance!" The conversation ends with him saying, "let's see how far they get" Duration 05:20 12:17 I phoned Direct Windows office (024 76637187). Bill answers. I ask to speak to Sharon. He tells me that she is unavailable and can he help. I explain the problems. He replies that "it's like the great war, but we are lions being led by donkeys and that it will all come out in the wash". I ask him to get in touch with Sharon to call me back today. Duration 02:00

12:35 Bill Direct windows office (024 76664119) phones me to tell me that both Sharon and Nigel are unavailable for the whole day. I tell him that I no longer want to speak to anyone other than Sharon so that the problems can be resolved and can she call me at her earliest convenience. 17:00 The fitter and labourer leave as they are called away to help the other fitter who is on his own and he has phoned them asking for help. I ask what is happening about the job being finished, the fitter explains that he is on another job in Crewe the next day and if someone comes, it will be the other fitter, but he will get someone to phone me to confirm. After reviewing the fitment of the French doors after the fitters have left there are multiple scratches and gouges in frame work both internal and external. 17:05 Darren called and spoke to Bill. Darren asked for the owner to review the work done. Darren told Bill about the scratches and gouges in the French doors and that the majority of windows that had been "finished" had loose trim and the sealant work was not correct. Bill asked if they could come and complete the work tomorrow. Darren asked whether the remaining frames, glass and door were now ready to be fitted. Bill asked Darren "Are they not ready then?" Darren replied "You should be telling me that!" Bill stated that he would phone Darren back later that night to confirm either way whether the fitters would return tomorrow. Darren reiterated that Bill would definitely phone back either way. Bill agreed. Nobody phoned back. 22nd March 2013 09:48 Fitters turned up without any prior arrangement. Hayley is just finishing her morning lessons and then is off to school for the day. She explains this to the fitters and explains that Bill was supposed to phone to let them know if anyone was coming and that no one phoned. Hayley shows one of the fitters the scratches in the French doors (both externally and internally) The fitter phones Bill; when it is said that he was supposed to have phoned back the evening before, he says that he misunderstood. 15:31 Darren spoke to Bill. Asked why he did not ring back. Bill replied that he misunderstood. Darren asked that he wanted the owner (Sharon) to ring him back and explain how all the mistakes were going to be rectified. Darren also asked that he did not want anyone to contact Hayley and all further calls were to come through him. Tuesday 26th March 2013 11:32 Missed call from Direct Windows office (024 76682483): Jag leaves answer phone message asking can I call him back. I ask Darren to phone him on my behalf as I am no longer happy talking to any of the Direct windows staff. 13:02 Darren spoke to Jag. Darren explained that he had told Bill that all calls were to come through him and not Hayley. Darren again explained all the issues that we had experienced. Jag was aware of the issue with the door and no letterbox but was not aware of any other issues. Jag apologised and said that he would contact Sharon and no work would continue until Sharon had contacted Darren. 15:39 Sharon called Darren. Darren explained how they are not happy with the many mistakes, false promises and current condition of the installation so far, including how Hayley had been spoken to. Sharon apologised and promised all work would be completed on the next visit and all current issues (loose trim, scratched French doors) would be fully rectified. Sharon requested to carry out work on Friday.

15:46 After conversation with Hayley, Darren called Sharon to confirm that Friday would be a suitable day. Darren reconfirmed that all issues would be rectified, all remaining windows and door would be ready and would be installed and new French doors would be installed. Sharon confirmed that she would visit Hayleys property during Friday afternoon to review and speak to Hayley and Darren. Thursday 28th March 2013 14:01 Darren called Sharon (02476684709) but spoke to Bill. Darren asked what time the fitters would be at the house. Bill said he would ring back with an answer. 14:22 Bill (0247664119) called back and spoke to Darren. Bill's answer was "They will be there first thing" Darren responded "When is first thing? I need a time. I need to make sure someone is in the house." Bill questioned. "8.30?" Darren replied "Is that a question or are you telling me they will be there at 8.30?" Bill replied "Between 8.30 and 9." Darren asked "Are all the fittings ready for tomorrow?" Bill said "Someone phoned you earlier in the week to say the fittings would be ready." Darren said "No, I spoke to Sharon earlier in the week who promised that the fittings would be ready. I am now asking if they are ready" Bill went away from the phone for a few seconds then returned and said "Yes they are ready." Friday 29 March 2013 09:50 Fitters arrived and start work on the door and side window. 11.00 Darren came out of work early and arrived at the house. Darren inspected part of the window trim for the door and noticed scuff marks. He told fitter. 15:53 Sharon phoned to discuss when the remainder of the work could be completed. 16:23 Sharon phoned again to confirm that the fitters could come out Saturday. After the fitters had left we discovered the bathroom window opening had been manufactured on the wrong side. Saturday 30 March 2013 09:20 Fitters arrived to complete work
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Thursday 25 July I called to say that there are some problems. Hallway window keeps closing when you open it, a defect in French door glass and water coming through front door when it rains. They said they would phone and let me know when they could send someone out.

Tuesday 30 August 15:30 I called as I hadnt heard from Direct Windows. I explained the problems again. They said that they would pass on the information. I explain that I am going away on holiday so it needs to be done before I go away.


Monday 2 09:49 I called



Tuesday 3 September 09:25 I called 14:05 they called



Wednesday 4 September 12:53 they called to confirm that they would send out fitters on Saturday at 12:00pm

Saturday 7 September 10:53 1 hour before the fitters are due to come, (Tash) phoned to say that the fitters have walked out but they are getting some fitters especially for me for the next weekend. I explain (again!) that I will be away in America. But, I will get my parents to th be in for the Saturday appointment (14 September)
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September 8 to September 30 I am away

When I am back from my holiday, I find out that the fitters did not turn up to the second appointment (September 14 ) My th parents waited in on the Saturday (14 September); they received no phone call to explain or give notice of the absence.


Monday 14 October 10:43 I called: no answer


Wednesday 16 October 13:57 I called and spoke to Jag. I asked him why the fitters did not turn up whilst away and that my parents had waited in on that Saturday. I also wanted to know why no one phoned to say that they werent coming. He said that he didnt know. I said that I wanted to speak to Sharon. He replied that she was off ill but that he would pass on the details and get back to me with when they could come out.

Monday 21 October


13:47 I called Direct Windows - no answer 13:48 I called Direct Windows - no answer 13:49 I called no answer 14:21 I called and spoke to Nigel. I said that I am waiting to hear back from Jag regarding an appointment to fix the problems (I explained the problems) He said he didnt know anything about it. I asked him to get Jag to call me. 16:02 No answer 16:05 I called Jag said he would get back to me Tuesday 22


15:11 I called Jag said tha if uit was him, he would book it in, but he has to wait for Sharon to clear it. He said he would call me back Wednesday 23 October 09:58 No answer 10:08 No answer 10:09 No answer 10:11 No answer 10:12 I talked to Jag and explained how I felt at not having these problems fixed and that I felt let down by the company Monday 28 October 09:01 I called. Nigel answered. I asked to speak to Jag. He said hes not until 9:00 I said, its past 9:00. He said hes not in. I asked if he would please get Jag to call me. He said yes. 09:15 I called no answer 10:43 I called again as no one had yet phoned me back. I spoke to Jag and we discussed when the fitters could come out. He said he would ring me back to confirm a day and time from the ones we had talked about. 17:19 Missed call and voice mail from Jag confirming that the fitters would be coming
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End of October Fitters tightened up the door, and corrected the pin that was coming out of the hinge. They took measurements for the glass in the French door and said that it would be ready the following week, by Tuesday. They tightened the hallway window fitting to stop it from swinging back after it is opened. Wednesday 20 November 14:12 I called and spoke to Jag. He said that he was still waiting on Sharon as to when the fitters could come out. I replied that it had been over 4 weeks now and that it wasnt good enough and that I wanted Sharon to call me today to arrange an appointment for the fitters to come out and that I was going to log the complaint with trading standards. Jag told me that I had to do what I felt was right and that he doesnt have the authority to arrange the appointments. I asked Jag to get Sharon to get back to me before 4:15pm that day as I was working after that. 14:23 I called Citizens Advice and logged my complaint with them. They advised me to write a letter to Direct Windows giving them a period of time in which to complete the repairs. (As an appointment was arranged to complete the repairs, I did not send Direct Windows the letter.) They also told me that my case would be referred to my local Trading Standards office. 16:27 Jag called and said that he had arranged for the fitters to come to my house the following Tuesday. I explained that I teach at school all day Tuesday and cannot take time off work and that they cant arrange a time without consulting me first. I then said how that I was in the middle of teaching a piano lesson (which is why I had asked him to get back to me before 4:15pm) so could they please call me back tomorrow after 10:30am so we could arrange a time that was convenient for both parties.

Thursday 21 November 10:06 Missed call whilst I was teaching 10:16 Missed call whilst I was teaching 10:50 I called them (Tash answered) and explained that I was teaching until 10:30 as I had told them, so could not take their calls. I talked to Tash and explained the whole of the situation, the problems and upset and that my door needed to be fixed. I explained my weekly schedule and when I would be in and Tash said that Friday (the next day) would be ideal and she would try and get the fitters to come round first thing. Friday 22nd November 9:58 I called to ask whether or not the fitters were coming. Nigel answered and said he knew nothing about it. I asked to speak to Tash. He said that she was on a call and would get her to phone me back. 10:15 Tash called. I asked why did she not ring back as promised and why werent the fitters coming. She said that she wasnt able to get them for today after all. I asked that an appointment be arranged a.s.a.p. and that I was very unhappy at how I was being treated by the company. I explained how it felt to be let down time after time and to have to have towels against the door to stop water coming in every time it rains. I said that I was going to take this matter to Trading standards if it was not rectified. She said that she would call me back. 10:32 Tash called back and said that she needed to check with me when I would be in to have the fitters come out. I gave her my complete schedule for the week (my scheduled remains the same on a weekly basis) She said she would see what they could fit in and ring me back


10:50 Nigel phoned to discuss the issues that I was having and I explained (again!) in great detail about the front door; where the water was coming through etc. and the French door defect in the glass. He then discussed times that the fitters could come th along. I told him my complete weekly schedule and we agreed that the fitters would come on Thursday 28 November between 8:30am and 9:00am. Nigel said that he wanted to meet them at the house so that the fitters could tell him what was wrong with the door. He said that he didnt think that it would be a caused by the fitters and that it was most likely a manufacturing fault and if so, would ring the manufacturers there and then from site (i.e. my house)

Wednesday 27 November 13:58 I called direct Windows. Jag answered. I asked could he confirm if the fitters were still coming Thursday 8:30am. He asked me to hold and he would check. After a minute or two, he came back to the phone and said that yes, they would be here between 8:30am and 9:00am. I then said that I would prefer it if Nigel did not come with the fitters. As he was sales, I didnt see a reason as to why h e needed to come, and from my past, unpleasant experiences with Nigel, I wouldnt feel comfortable with him being in my home. Jag said, ok. 14:48 Jag called. He said that although I had said I would prefer Nigel not to come with the fitters, that Nigel wanted to come so he could be told by the fitters there and then, what the problem was. And, if it was a manufacturing fault on the door, he could then ring the manufacturing company from site (my house). I replied that, ok, that was fine and that I would see them in the morning.

Thursday 28 November 9:20 I Phoned Direct Windows as the fitters were now overdue. Nigel answered. He said that he had to send the fitters to another job and that they would be at mine for around 10:00am. I told him that I was teaching piano at 10:00am like I had told him when we arranged the appointment. He said that he hadnt talked to me about this and didnt know that I was teaching. I replied that HE had phoned me last week after I had spoken to Tash saying that I had contacted Trading Standards and that HE had arranged the appointment time of 8:309:00 and that he had said he would come with the fitters. Nigel replied I talk to so many people I replied, you should write everything down. I told him that it is still fine to come at 10:00am but as I am teaching, it means that I will not be able to let the fitters through into the back room to replace the glass in the French door. He replied that he thought it was just the front door that needed to be looked at. I said that he knew about the defect in the glass of the French door and that the measurements for the glass were taken several weeks ago with the promise of the glass being ready in just a few days. I then said that surely the fitters were bringing the glass with them today. He replied that he knew nothing about it. He then said that he would phone me back. He didnt. 10:54 I phoned Citizens Advice to update their information on my case. I phoned Coventry Trading Standards and spoke to Amelia regarding the issues. I asked to speak directly to someone who would be looking at this information. She put me on hold, then when she got back to me said that they would look over everything and get back to me.


To date, neither trading standards nor Direct windows have got back to me regarding the issues/problems.

Wednesday 19 February 2014 13:12 Sharon Hello, is that Hayley Hayley Hello, yes Sharon Hello, its Sharon from Direct Windows Hayley Oh, hello Sharon weve been contacted on your behalf about your windows Hayley Yes Sharon It seems that you have a job outstanding, but its never been convenient for you when weve tried to come round Hayley Hang on.I have a log of everything. Every phone call, every appointment, and I have been here every time your fitters were supposed to come and they havent. When Ive phoned and asked where they are, it nearly alwa ys seems to be Nigel who answers and he tells me that theyve gone to other jobs. Sharon oh, well, I dont know anything about that, Im not here. When are you available? Hayley Im in today 2:30pm onwards Sharon Ok, I will send someone round at 2:30pm Hayley Ok, thanks, bye Sharon Bye


14:03 Paul arrives and says Ive been brought out of retirement from the factory. (Paul is the man who works in their factory and did the designs on my door) I show Paul round all of the problems. I ask him if he wants to see the video of the water coming through the door so he knows where the problem is. He says that it is because there is no weather board on the door. He says that he will also make some drainage holes for any water to run out. Paul says that all of the silicone sealant that has been used, has shrunk so must have been a bad batch. When I show him the wobbly wooden window sills, he examines them and says that the other fitters should have put blocks under them to support them. There are several places around the windows and French doors that let in air and are going mouldy. He examines them and confirms that they have not been filled in properly and there are gaps straight to the outside. I showed him the cracks and holes in the walls that were made from when the windows were taken out and then the new ones put in and how they had been filled with silicone (if filled at all!) I told Paul that I had already had the French door glass measured in October and that there should be a piece of glass in their factory waiting! Paul measured the glass again as he didnt know Paul phones Sharon and then confirms to me that he will be here Friday between 9am and 10am and that it will take 3 to 4 hours to fix everything. He adds, if everything is ready earlier, he will phone and come out on Thursday. Friday 21 February 10:30 I called Direct Windows saying that I was told that Paul would be here between 9 and 10am but no one has showed up. Nigel answered and asked whos this? I said Hayley Jarvis he replied, theyve gone to another job. I asked surely mine was the first job to be starting at 9? He said, he went to another job at 8 I asked do you know when they be here and why couldnt someone have phoned me to tell me that they were not going to be here between 9 and 10 like they said?

Nigel (in angry voice)Im not getting into this with you HAYLEY Hayley well can you put me on to someone who can?! Nigel No, theres no one else here Hayley theres no one else at all in the office? Nigel No.(then his voice faded as he walked away from the phone and I can hear him say. You deal with her, its HAYLEY JARVIS Tash came on to the phone and I asked her why no one was here if I had been booked in for between 9 and 10. Tash theyre at another job Hayley Why couldnt someone have phoned me to let me know? Tash Im really sorry Hayley Im really not happy about how Nigel spoke to me, he was very rude, theres no need for that behaviour and attitude towards a customer. Tash Im really sorry Hayley Its not your fault. I just would like to know when someone will be here Tash Ill put you on hold.1 second, let me put you on hold Tash The glass hasnt arrived yet Hayley W ell, someone should have phoned me. Can you find out when the glass will be here and give me a time? Tash Ill try my best but if I ask the delivery people, they probably wont tell me where their delivery driver is. Hayley Well, what am I supposed to do, wait all day just in case? Ive been ready since 9:00am Tash It will definitely be today. Hayley Well, you have my home number and mobile number, so can you find out and ring me back? Tash Ill do my best Hayley Thanks, Ill listen out for your call and speak to you soon

Outstanding problems

Water leaks through front door Four of my inside windowsills are wobbly (some more than others) Cracks, holes etc. made and not filled in properly, or, not at all Wind comes in through front upstairs bedroom window frame and downstairs front room Front door for the third time is out of position and hard to shut Sealant round all windows is going mouldy even though I clean it and wipe it when the windows get condensation Defect in glass of French door

When it rains, two of the small diamond windows on the front door let in water

It appears that they have not used mould inhibiting sealant, so even though I wipe away condensation, the white sealant is mouldy.

Many cracks appeared and if they did fill them, they used the sealant which is not what shuold be sued. Many cracks were not filled at all. I was left with two very large holes in my hall where a window ledge used to go. I filled them myself.

A lot of the plastic trim lifted within hours of them being fitted. The fitters did stick it back down, but it has lifted again. This one is my bedroom. The wind blows through this gap every day.

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