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Chapter 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW This chapter presents an overview of the background of the study, company profile, importance of the

study, and statement of the problem, objective of the study and the definition of terms. Background of the Study The technology nowadays is vastly innovative and beneficial to those who know to utilize it. Technology innovative has greatly influenced human nature, where people use to exchange ideas, interact and do transactions. Technology means the making, usage and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform specific functions. Related to technology are computers. Computers are known to be very helpful and useful device in our daily lives. As we have observed peoples trend nowadays has been directed towards computerizations of everyday routines and applications. When computers were introduced and made accessible for small organizations, they provide an easy and more effective management of acquiring information. Most of the

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records are encoded in a computer from simple documents to more complex reports, called electronic documents. Because electronic documents can be easily retrieved and edited, it saves more time than typing new documents on reports of the same domain, but with minimal revisions using typewriters, thereafter, computer becomes the primarily tool in information system and Computer-Based Information System (CBIS) had evolved. Computer has become very important to human life just because it is very much accurate, fast and can accomplish many tasks easily otherwise to complete those tasks manually much more time is required. In the past two decades, information Management (IM) becomes a key issue of interest to both researchers and practitioners since the advent of computers. Information support systems were design in a way to help solve most if not all of the concerns and challenges of managing information resources. These systems provide tools and means of managing information resources on persons, groups, and organizations. Today, support systems are key topics for current and feature research efforts aimed at maximizing the management of information resources. Information technology refers to the combination of

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hardware and software products and services that people use to manage, access, and share information. When we say software it is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. The need to share information is a so called global network and mans desire to communicate from long distances called for the birth of the World Wide Web a collection of online documents on internet servers worldwide. As the technology of web became more accessible, the number of internet users steadily increased. the Computer Industry Almanac reports that, as of December 2000, there were 551 million personal computers in 299 million internet users worldwide (Frost,2001). According to Laudon(2006), an information system is used to support decision making and control in an organization. Sachenko (2007) explicitly categorizes information systems as manual (paper-and-pencil), informal (word-ofmouth), formal (written procedures), or computer-based. He defines computer-based informations as those that use hardware, software, the internet, and other telecommunications networks, computer-based data resource use and

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management techniques, and other forms of information products for consumers and business professionals (Sachenko). The evolution of information systems came about as a result of the growing awareness in the importance of information. All types of organizations, be it small, private companies, government agencies, banks, or multinational companies, primarily use and produce information in the course of their day-to-day activities. Information is one of the most important assets of an organization(Robert,2003). Consequently, managing information strategically must be a priority for any organization that wants to compete and win in the marketplace. Technology for managing this information is also an important issue, without which there would be a distorted flow if information throughout the organization. Web technology has brought a new world of software engineering with new techniques, tools, and design and deployment environment. As a result, organizations are more responsive to user needs and quicker to customize applications for specific users (Chen and Heath, 2001). Recent literature defines Web-based applications as

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an application programs that runs on the internet or corporate intranets and extranets. Complex Web applications handle sophisticated business transactions online, such as online banking, stock trading and interactive data base queries. The development and use of the internet is the best example of such technology and is open to everybody. With the advent of the internet many of the mundane tasks and businesses that people conducted were made feasible. Things like buying and selling various products can now be done online. When we say online it is connected to, served by or available through a system. The consumer no longer needs to move from his location. A few clicks from his mouse will suffice enough to do the job. It is no wonder that Online Student Information System can now be done in a more convenient way today. The introduction of online computers has brought variety of systems to the world of online jobs and online business and it made everyday living for people easier, more precise and more accurate (Duculan, 2004). With growing complexity in the business of educational Establishments, many organizations today choose to buy

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customizable-off-the-shelf software (Douglas, 2007). Online Student Information System can help us to save our time and energy so we are able to know the needed information all that we desire at the touch of button. Web based Student Information System (SIS) house and of a schools vital student data, from grades to attendance to discipline history. This data is used to help teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators make better decisions about student procedures and processes as well as help tract student progress. These routine decisions include: scheduling, purchasing instructional technology

tools, professional development, online course offerings, and ordering all curriculum materials. Online systems like Online Student Information System have been long used by Universities. University of California is one of those universities that have Online Student Information called the DAVIS Student Information System on the Web (SISWEB). SISWEB can be use to enroll in classes, adjust class schedule, view and print class schedule, print unofficial academic record, change address, view account, view financial aid status, and much more (Peter, 2009). In Asia, the Yale University uses the Yale Online

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Student Information System (YOSIS) that will provide students with a gateway to various applications including eBill-ePay, Banner Web, Online Course Selection (OCS), and Online Course Information (Yale University, 2012). According to the Los Angeles Community College District in California; We used Online Student Information System for the benefits of the students to view their grades, financial aid and also their enrollment fees. In Pennsylvania College of Technology in United States uses Online Information System to check their application status, view their class schedule, grade reports, and financial information, verify their meal plan balance and for them to schedule their classes online (PennState,1995). In the Philippine setting, the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) uses the Ateneo Integrated Student Information System (AISIS online) as the portal to view pertinent school information including their individual program of study, grades and class schedules (ADMU, 2006). According to Adventist University of the Philippines uses Online Information System (AOLIS); "To provide an online information system to both academic and non academic departments of AUP through a centralized database system There by making transactions speedy; accessible, secure,

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and reliable; and achieving inter-department connectivity and cost-effectiveness toward a more efficient delivery of student and personnel services. According to the University of the East; Students can be searched by not only gender, ethnicity, grade level, etc., but also by their schedule, activities, absences, eligibility, grades, and class rank where appropriate. Dacuycuy (2009), in her study entitled Online Student Information System of Benguet State University, found out that the following problems existed in the existing Student Information System of Benguet State University (BSU) : Inefficiency in retrieving and updating student records because of labor-intensive processes, limited storage capacity resulting from voluminous student records produced every semester, unorganized record keeping, and slow generation of reports because of manual processing. In her conclusion, Dacuycuy maintains that Online Student Information System would bring benefits that include efficiency and cost-effectiveness in maintaining as well as managing student information for BSU (p.97). The proposed study Online Student Information System for Benguet Vocational School of Colleges would be a new way of management and transaction processing of student

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information for their needed information. It would be a great help to the School Registrar in updating and generating the Student information. With this system, giving the important or needed information to the students will be easily to manage. The manual operation of the system brings sacrifices and problems in managing daily transactions and in maintaining their record. It is a problem that should be address. The study focused in the integration of manual traditional process of Student information System into Online through internet based application the school Registrar workload will be lessened. This study is all about Online Student Information System a software application for Benguet Vocational School of Colleges to manage students information. Company Profile Prior to the year 1973, there were no vocational or technical schools being established by the government of La Trinidad, Benguet except for the Mountain Agricultural College (now the Benguet State University). Students from the old Mountain province (Benguet, Ifugao, Bontoc, Kalinga

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and Apayao) who was inclined to vocational education had to travel to La Union or to Baguio City to study. In 1973, three friends who were known by the names Mang Senyong, as the eldest; Uncle Nars; and Sammy, as the youngest among them have started the idea of having a vocational school in La Trinidad Benguet. Mang Senyong came from a poor family in San Fernando City, La Union. He finished his B.S.I.E. at the La Union School of Arts and Trade. Uncle Nars was born at Lias, Barlig, Mt. Province. Sammy was from Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. He finished his one-year automotive mechanic course at the University of Baguio. Having humble beginnings, those three friends pooled their small resources and joined seven other people to organize and established the La Trinidad Technical institute (LTTI) at Km. 5, La Trinidad, Benguet.To manage the school. Therefore, they have come to a decision that they must choose among them to take the responsibility. Uncle Nars was chosen as the Director to manage the institution with the sole authority in performing acts and decision in the pursuit of quality vocational education. Sammy was chosen as the full time instructor and maintained the school auto-repair shop. In addition to them was a lady who was employed as the clerk typist and

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cashier-registrar. On the second school year (1974-1975), there were more than forty (40) students and automotive mechanic plus the enrollees in the other courses that made up the population into more than sixty (60) students. On the third school year (1975-1976), there were more than one hundred (100) students enrolled in the automotive mechanics. The proposals to purchase a school lot at least 1000 sq. meter just beside the GSP and BSP headquarters, and a jeep for driving instruction and for school service were not acted because they were expensive. On the fourth year (1976-1977), there were 260 students enrolled in the institution. With this, the Board (the other 7 owners) conducted an emergency meeting and they have decided that Uncle Nars must be changed as the School Director and that the turnover of the new management must be on the first day of classes of that school year. Mang Senyong and Uncle Nars did not attend that meeting. Although his removal was illegal, he announced that he is out of the organization in order to establish another school and in order to avoid further conflict. Uncle Nars joined by his two friends, Mang Senyong and Sammy were out of the institution and

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established a new school. School year 1977-1978, Benguet Vocational School(BVS) was born. Prior to this, Uncle Nars applied before the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) Region 1 to open four courses with the Trade name under Benguet Vocational School registered before the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The courses applied to be open were Six Months Tailoring, One-year Diesel Mechnaic, Oneyear Auto-mechanic (gas feed engine), One-year Radio-TVmechanic. In 1982, BVS transferred its site to Km.5, La Trinidad, Benguet. In the late 1980s, BVS maintained a population range from 600-800 students in automotive mechanic course alone. Within this time, Mang Senyong passed away, a good man from the lowland who spent his time sharing his skills to the youth in the highland. Within this time, Mang Senyong passed away, a good man from the lowland who spent his time sharing his skills to the youth in the highland. In the year 2000, the name Benguet Vocational School (BVS) was changed to BVS Colleges, to pave the way for the institution to open CHED courses and TESDA courses. In the year 2004, a philanthropic lady, Sister Cathy, allowed BVS

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Colleges to construct its own building in her lot and that it was constructed in 2005. While extensive physical development is being done to accommodate growing students populace, BVS continue to cherish its humble beginnings. At present the school added the following courses: Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM), 2 year Book Keeping NCIII, and 2 year Tour guiding NCII. The school has also modular courses like One month Driving Tutorial, one month Computer Operation Tutorial, one month Cell phone Repair Tutorial, one month Web Development Tutorial, one month Auto Cad 2D tutorial, one month Auto Cad 3d Tutorial and one month SQL Database Tutorial. The current total number of students officially enrolled is 523 where in there are 41 students enrolled in the course Automotive Servicing NCI, 113 in the course Automotive Servicing NCIII, 10 in Automotive Servicing(Advance)NCII, 98 in Bookkeeping NCIII, 65 in Tour Guiding Services, 31 in Consumer Electronics Servicing (1year),38 in CES NCII (2 years), 43 in Health Care Service, 36 in Computer Hardware Servicing, 7 in BS Tourism Management, 34 in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and 7 students enrolled in the course Bachelor of Science in Technical Teacher Education.

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Benguet Vocational School(BVS) of Colleges is situated at Km. 5, La Trinidad, Benguet beside La Trinidad Public Market. VISION BVS Colleges is a dynamic non-stock and non-profit educational institution committed to the highest standards of quality education in developing globally competitive and skilled human resources. MISSION BVS Colleges shall: 1) Educate students by equipping them with analytical and creative thinking and manipulative competencies that will meet occupational standards; 2) Emphasize discipline, proper values, attitudes and work ethics in the course of its instruction; and 3) Endeavor to provide a conductive environment for continuous learning process towards excellence and relevance. Importance of the Study This study focused on the design and development of online student Information system for Benguet Vocational School of Colleges. This would be favorable and beneficial to the following: To the Institution. The design and development of the proposed system will provide office heads and the

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administration significant amount of reliable, relevant and up-to-date students information to support program planning and continuous school improvement for Benguet Vocational School (BVS) of Colleges. To the Administrators and Faculty. The proposed Online Information System will make the task of the academic deans, instructors and advisers easier and faster. They can inform the students of incoming meetings, postponed classes, and seminars. This study will help to generate the reports more efficiently. To the Registrar. The study will allow the registrar to properly manage student data. This study will also lessen the workload of the registrar in retrieving and storing students records. The registrar also can set appointment and send notifications to the parents or guardians. To the Students. The proposed Online Student Information System will provide timely and relevant data to students where in they can view their academic records, schedules and financial account. To the Parents. The proposed Online Student Information System for Benguet Vocational School of Colleges will serve as their portal to allow

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them to monitor their dependents academic and financial records. The parents will allow them to inquire and send message to the registrar that cannot be seen by the students. To the Researchers. The study will enhance the knowledge of the researchers on information system where in they can also apply what they have learned while studying. To the Future Researchers. This study will help them to have reference material for future studies in line with Student Information System. Statement of the Problem The study aimed to design and develop Online Student Information System for BVS Colleges. Specifically, the study will answer the following questions: 1) What are the processes involved in the existing Student Information System of Benguet Vocational School of Colleges? 2) What are the problems encountered in the existing Student Information System of Benguet Vocational School of Colleges? 3) What are the features and security control measures that can be incorporated in the proposed Student Information System for Benguet Vocational School Colleges?

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Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study is to design and develop Online student Information System for Benguet Vocational School (BVS) of Colleges. Specifically, aimed to attain the following: 1. To be able to enumerate the processes involved in the existing Student Information System of Benguet Vocational School of Colleges. 2. To be able to determine the problems encountered in the existing Student Information System of Benguet Vocational School of Colleges. 3. To be able to determine the features and security control measures that can be incorporated in the proposed Student Information for Benguet Vocational School of Colleges. Definition of Terms The following technical words are considered to define the terms which will let the reader to further understand the content of the study. Accessing. A mean of entering, approaching, exiting, communicating with, or making use of; store with easy access, often in the context of data Agile Web Development Methodology. A software

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development methodology that promotes process iterations in the development life cycle of a project. Data Migration. The process of transferring data between different types, formats, or computer system. Data. Functional information used as basis for reasoning discussion or calculating. Database. A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. Information. A usable data being gathered for special purposes. Methodology. A plan or system of action, inquiry or analysis. Online Student Information System for BVS Colleges. The study focused in the integration of manual traditional process of Student information System into Online through internet based application the School Personnels workload will be lessened and for the students to use as their portal to view the necessary information that they want to know. Online Student Information System. Students records

are being installed that can be accessed through web based. On-line. Connected to, served by, or available

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through a system. Prototype. A preliminary, working, physical model of a system, a subsystem or a program. Software. A collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Student Academic Record. A permanent record of all students, subject earned credit and grades kept at the registrars office. Student Information System. An information system for educational institutions for managing collections of data about students. Technology. The making, usage and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific functions. World Wide Web. A collection of Online documents on

internet servers worldwide.

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