Galapagos, Journey Fleet-English

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At about a thousand miles from the Ecuadorian coast in the pacific ocean there is a group of fascinating isles home for the most strange animal and plants species; these species have transformed this place into a paradise for scientists and tourists around the world travelling and looking for adventure, knowledge, and rest, and surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes. The Galapagos journey fleet is a catamaran fleet design for prominent travelers; our company has a vast experience on the tourists operation of the archipelago. The high standard in our service assures satisfaction to all tourists visiting the enchanted isles with us. The Galapagos journey fleet has developed a different concept of luxury and first class cruise operation thus reaching an excellent place among the most important tourists enterprises in Latin America. The journeys 1 and 2 the two catamarans offering exceptional comfort and one to one service while living an unforgettable experience on the isles. Journey 1: you can experience great adventures while navigating journey 1, this catamaran can lodge sixteen people in comfortable double and cabins for couples each with private bathrooms, air conditioning and great view to the sea. It also has a restaurant, living room, dining room and large terraces in which to enjoy meals and tropical climate next to the exotic views which are distinctive for the isles. And for the exhausted explorer nothing better than a warm water Jacuzzi ready at the end of each trail. You can visit the different isles in four, five or eight days cruises; each one with different landscapes and characteristics surprising you even more when our expert guides will offer enlightening talks on the isles importance and meaning. The journey one disembarks in small villages ports such as San Cristobal Island. The trip consist in a visit to the interpretation center where you can learn more about the interesting history of this village and its people visiting the Tijeretas Hill is part of the itinerary on San Cristobal, a beautiful panoramic view of the port. The bay and nearby islets can be enjoyed from there. Observing the Galapagos endemic animals in their natural conditions is a wonderful sight. On board of the journey one you will visit beautiful beaches such as Ganna and Espaola ; which is inhabited by large colonies of sea lions, likewise on this island you can take long walks towards the homes of different marine birds species . One of the most attractive places on the archipelago is Bartolome due to its impressive landscape and beauty. The journey one follows very special itinerary allowing tourists to visit typical places on the archipelago from beginning to end of the trail , visiting superb beaches where exotic vegetation and endemic fauna can be observed . Journey 2: another excellent option you have on the archipelago is to travel onboard of the journey two, a catamaran with enough space for sixteen passengers placing each guest in comfortable double and cabins for couples with private bathrooms and air conditioning, and windows facing the sea, moreover the boat counts on a living room, dining rooms, wide terraces and resting spaces. To relax such as a warm water Jacuzzi. The journey 2 navigates to different isles allowing you to experience incredible adventure and relaxing sensations; Isabella is one of Journey two main destinies. On this beautiful islands it is possible to observe distinct Galapagos animals different from other islands , it is surrounded by amazing views. The Charles Darwin Station is located on Santa Cruz where from the Pinta Island it is possible to observe the last giant

tortoise of its species the famous solitary George. On the higher part of the island it is also possible to observe a local giant tortoise specie in its natural habitat. Once again the Galapagos Journey fleet offers visitors the possibility of discovering typical spots on the archipelago from beginning to end of the trip. The Journey two is one of the best options to navigate from the Galapagos islands with an excellent service onboard, and great and comfortable infrastructure, you will fulfill a dream you will never forget. The Galapagos Journey Fleet takes care of visitors arriving to Ecuador and thinks they should have the best service assuring their total satisfaction. On the Galapagos island we carry out the tourists operation with great professionalism, always offering more than one option and each one presenting their own characteristics. Come to the Galapagos island and experiment great adventures onboard of the Journey one or Journey two, they are both waiting for you and will offer you the best service and attention you deserve.

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