A Survey On Selfishness Handling in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)

A Survey on Selfishness Handling In Mobile Ad Hoc Network

Jim Solomon Raja.D1, Immanuel John Raja.J2
Abstract In MANETs some of the nodes do not take part in forwarding packets to other nodes to conserve their resources such as energy, bandwidth and power. The nodes which act selfishly to conserve their resources are called selfish nodes. The selfish nodes are engaged to reduce data availability and produce high communication cost in terms of query processing. Many selfish node detection methods are found to detect the nodes which do not participate in packet forwarding but they fail to detect the selfish nodes which does not allocate replica for the purpose of other nodes. This survey paper provides methods to detect selfish nodes in terms of allocating replica to other nodes. The methods are categorised according to detect the selfish nodes and reduce the impact of that nodes in mobile ad hoc network. It also discusses the key features of selfish nodes and numerous replica allocation techniques. The introduction of new replica allocation techniques will considerably reduce the delay in query processing and produce high data availability. Keywords Access frequency, Neighbourhood nodes, Credit Payment, Reputation based, Game theory.

According to [1] nodes can be divided into three types they are Non selfish nodes Fully selfish nodes Partially selfish nodes Non selfish nodes allocate their memory space completely for the purpose of other nodes. Selfish nodes do not allocate their memory space for the purpose of other nodes. Partially selfish nodes allocate minimum portion of their memory space for the purpose of other nodes and remaining for the benefit of own node. Minimising the effects of selfish nodes will be important to increase the data accessibility between the nodes. The replica allocation techniques such as Static Access Frequency (SAF)[2], Dynamic Access Frequency and Neighbourhood (DAFN)[2][3], and Dynamic Connectivity-based Grouping (DCG)[2] failed to consider the selfish nodes, Hence improvements have to be made in replica allocation techniques that consider selfish replica allocation. The friendship manner replication has to be done in relocation period (The time gap between each replica allocation) produce the new technique called SCF-tree based replica allocation [1]. The SCF Tree based allocation techniques are inspired by human friendship management in the real world, where each node makes its own neighbors forming a web and manages friendship by itself. The node does not have to discuss these with others to maintain the friendship. The decision is solely at its own discretion. The main objective of these SCF Tree replica allocation techniques is to reduce traffic overhead, while achieving high data accessibility. II. REPLICA ALLOCATION METHODS In this section we discuss about the replica allocation methods in MANET environment having selfish nodes which influence the performance of data accessibility. A. The SAF(Static Access Frequency) Method In SAF method [2], the nodes allocate replica of data items according to the access frequencies of that data items. The access frequency of each mobile host to each data item is shown in Fig.1 [1] shows the result of executing the SAF method. Mobile nodes with the same access frequencies to data items allocate the same replica.

I. INTRODUCTION In MANETs (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks) every node acts as a router and communicates with each other nodes. If the source and the destination mobile hosts are not in the coverage area, data packets are forwarded to the destination host through other nodes which exist between the two mobile hosts. MANETs does not require any infrastructure and base station. According to [1] MANETs are applicable in many situations such as battlefield and disaster area. In ad hoc network, as all the nodes are having mobility, they move freely. This mobility causes frequent network partitions hence data accessibility in ad hoc networks is lower than the fixed networks. In MANETs, the main requirement is that all the nodes have to cooperate fully with other nodes but some of the nodes do not cooperate fully in terms of their resources. The nodes which are not willing to forward packets and share their memory space are called selfish nodes. The selfish node that does not allocate data items for the purpose of other nodes is called selfish replica allocation. The selfish nodes allocate data items that are highly accessed by it and do not consider other nodes during replica allocation. Selfish nodes reduce the data accessibility of other nodes in query processing. The selfish nodes do not satisfy neighbour nodes by giving required data to them.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012) A mobile node can access data items held by other connected mobile hosts, and it is more possible to share different kinds of replica among them. C. The DCG(Dynamic Connectivity and Grouping) Method The DCG method [2][3] shares replica of data items in many groups of mobile nodes than the DAFN method that shares replicas among neighbouring nodes. The DCG method creates groups of mobile nodes that are bi-connected components in an ad hoc network. In spite of grouping mobile nodes as a bi-connected component, the group is not divided even if one mobile node is disconnected from the network. The algorithm of DCG [3] method is as follows: Each mobile node broadcast its host id and information about its access frequency with data items to other nodes. By using the broadcasting information every node identifies the bi-connected component nodes. In each group, an access frequency of the group to each data item is calculated by adding all the access frequencies of mobile node in that group. According to the access frequencies of the group, replicas of data items are allocated until memory of all mobile nodes in the group becomes full. After allocating replicas of all data items, if the mobile nodes have any free space then replicas are allocated according to their access frequencies until the memory space is full. It causes high traffic due to exchange of information but it provide high data accessibility and stability over nodes. D. The SCF (Self Cantered Friendship) method The SCF method [1] consists of three parts: 1) Detection of selfish nodes, 2) Construct the SCF-tree, and 3) Allocation of replica at a relocation period; each node executes the following procedure: Each host detects the selfish nodes depend on credit risk scores. CreditRisk(CR) = Expected risk/ Expected value (1) Each node makes its own topology graph and constructs its own SCF-tree by excluding selfish nodes. According to SCF-tree, each node allocates replica in a distributed manner. The CR score [4] is updated during the query processing phase. It considers the notion of credit risk from economics which measure the degree of selfishness. In economics, credit risk is the measured risk of loss due to a debtors nonpayment of a loan. A bank examines the credit risk of an applicant before approving the loan.

Fig.1 SAF replica allocation

The SAF method causes low data accessibility when many mobile hosts have the similar access characteristics hence some of the data items to be duplicated in many nodes. B. The DAFN(Dynamic Access Frequency and Neighbourhood) Method To overcome the problem of replica duplication in the SAF method, a new method of replica allocation called DAFN method [9] was developed. It eliminates the replica duplication among neighbouring mobile hosts. The algorithm of DAFN[2] method is as follows: Each mobile host broadcasts its host id and access frequency information at relocation period. Each mobile node allocates the replica according to SAF method. If two mobile nodes having the same data item then the node having replica changes it to another replica which having high access frequency. Fig.2 [1] shows an example of executing the DAFN method in the diagram given.

Fig.2 DAFN replica allocation

At each relocation period, the mobile nodes exchange information about replicas allocated in the memory space. So the overhead and the traffic are high compared with the SAF method.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012) The measured credit risk value (1) of the applicant indicates if he/she is worthy or not. A host wants to know if another node is believable; in that case a replica can be served upon request to share a memory space in a MANET. With the measured degree of selfishness, a tree that represents relationships among nodes in a MANET, for replica allocation termed the SCF-tree. The SCF-tree resembles human friendship management in the real world. The key strength of the SCF-tree-based replica allocation techniques is that it can reduce the communication cost, while achieving high data accessibility. Each node detects selfishness and makes replica allocation at its own discretion, without forming any group so it reduces overhead. III. STRATEGIES F OR HANDLING SELFISH B EHAVIOUR IN NODES A. Reputation based technique In reputation based technique [5] a node receives one unit of credit for forwarding a message of another node and such credits are deducted from the sender or the destination. In reputation based technique, a node monitors the transmission of a neighbour to make sure that the neighbour forwards others traffic. If the neighbour does not forward others traffic, it is considered as selfish node and this uncooperative reputation is propagated throughout the network. Each node in the network runs the Confidant protocol. It observes the behaviour of neighbour nodes to detect misbehaviour such as packet dropping. This requires nodes to run in promiscuous mode. When the monitor finds misbehaviour, it notifies the reputation system, which manages a table containing nodes and their ratings. If the number of times a node misbehaves exceeds a threshold, the reputation system updates the nodes rating. If a nodes rating falls below a threshold, the system considers it a malicious node. The reputation system maintains a list containing the selfish nodes. When forwarding packets, nodes avoid next nodes on the list. When the reputation system detects a selfish node, it notifies the trust manager to broadcast an alarm message in the network. Trust managers also receive alarms from other trust managers. The path manager ranks the path according to the ratings of the nodes on the path. It deletes all paths containing malicious nodes and drops route requests received from selfish nodes. 1. Watchdog mechanism The watchdog [6] is one of the mechanisms which detect selfish nodes by running a misbehaving node locator on every host that maintains a buffer of recently sent packets. It overhearing packets transmitted and compares it with the packets in the buffer to found if there is a match between the packets sent. If the packet has been sent from the buffer then watchdog removes the packet from the buffer. If there is any mismatch occurs and certain packets occupy the buffer for more than particular time, the watchdog increases a failure count for the node responsible for forwarding the packet. If the count exceeds a threshold value, the watchdog considers that host as a misbehaving node. 2. Pathrater method A pathrater [6] is a mechanism which maintains a rating for every other host in the network. To choose a route that is considered to be reliable, it calculates a path metric by averaging the rating of the nodes on the paths and chooses the path with the highest metric. If any node gets very low rating, it should be considered as a selfish node and thus excludes them from routing. It increases throughput by 17% in a network with moderate mobility and increases network throughput by 27%, with extreme mobility. Pathrater also having some of the draw backs such as increases overhead in the transmissions from 9% to 17% with moderate mobility. Without using watchdog path rater is inefficient. Using watch dog is necessary in all the detection systems. B. Credit-payment technique Ad hoc-VCG [7] is one of the reactive routing protocols, which starts discovering routing paths when a network node initiates a session. Ad hoc-VCG uses a DSR like route discovery protocol that provides all information about shortest paths to the destination node. The destination node calculates the shortest path and the VCG payments and sends this information back to the source. In the data transmission phase, the source sends packets combined with electronic payments to the destination along the shortest path. Ad hoc-VCG is reliable against a single cheating node but it may fail in the presence of coalitions of nodes (coalition forming) which try to maximize their total payments. It provides truthfulness and assures cost efficiency but it having some disadvantages such as excessive overhead and Coalition-forming. C. Game theory based technique Selfish nodes are sometimes called as freeloaders [8] getting resources from the network and did not upload any resources to the network. Minimising the effects of freeloaders require the services of some external centralized authority. The inclusion of third party produces overhead in tracking, storing and processing the behaviour of other nodes.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012) The algorithm called SLAC algorithm used to eliminate the use of external third party and minimises the overhead. 1. SLAC algorithm It assumes that nodes want to use their abilities selfishly to increase their own utility in a greedy way. The algorithm [9] depends on Selfish Link and behaviour Adaptation to produce Cooperation (SLAC).According to the activities of each node SLAC generates some measure of utility U (The number of files downloaded or jobs processed). Periodically each node (i) compares its performance against another node (j), randomly selected from the network. If the utility Ui<Uj node then node i drops all current links to j. 2. Generous TIT-FOR-TAT (GTFT) algorithm The GTFT algorithm is used by the nodes to consider relay requests made by the neighbour nodes and decide to accept or reject a relay request. It shows that GTFT[10] algorithm provide maintenance of Nash equilibrium in the network and show that the system move to the rational and optimal operating point. For each node, the algorithm[10] define the Normalized Acceptance Rate (NAR). It is the ratio of the number of successful relay requests generated by the node, to the number of relay requests made by the node. According to the NAR selfishness can be decided. IV. STRATEGIES F OR HANDLING SELFISH B EHAVIOUR IN NODESDISTRIBUTED D ATABASES Servers also behave selfishly [11] and try to maximize their own benefit. Selfish servers use their memory space for the benefit of its own clients not for the other servers and its clients. Clients from the normal servers are suffered by selfish servers. In this method [11], it considers game-theoretic approach to analyse the problem of caching in networks of selfish servers. It considers selfish caching as a noncooperative game. In the basic model, the servers have two possible actions for each data item. If a copy of a requested data item is located at a nearby node then the server may be better to access the remote replica. If all replicas are located too far away, then the server is better to cache the object itself. It provides some advantages such as, It guarantees improved local utilities for all nodes. It does not require the existence of complete information at all nodes. It also having drawbacks such as servers have capacity limits when caching objects and caching one object affects the ability to cache another objects. In ad hoc networks the efficiency depends upon the location of nodes and data item. A. Two-step local search algorithm (TSLS) The two-step local search algorithm (TSLS) [12] computes a placement for each one of the nodes in the network. A users request is first recei ved by the local node. If the requested data item is found locally, it is returned to the requesting user quickly. Therefore it takes a minimal access cost else, the requested data item is searched and get from other nodes of the group, at a considerably higher access cost. If the object cannot be located anywhere in the group, it is retrieved from the server which having the original copy, which is assumed to be placed outside the group then it consumes maximum access cost.

TABLE I Summary in Detection of Selfish nodes and Replica allocation

REF NO [2][3] [2]

RELOCATION METHODS SAF (Static Access Frequency) DAFN (Dynamic Access Frequency and Neighbourhood) DCG (Dynamic Connectivity and Grouping)

DATA ACCSSIBILITY Low Data Accessibility High Data Accessibility

TRAFFIC Low traffic High Traffic

STABILTY Low Stability Low Stability

DUPLICATION High duplication of data No duplication of data


Very High Data Accessibility

Very High Traffic

High Stability

No duplication of data


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)




[9] [10][11] [12]

High Scalability High Scalability Low Scalability


V. CONCLUSION The survey paper considers a selfish node detection method and SCF tree replica allocation techniques to handle the selfish replica allocation. It refer traditional selfish node detection techniques such as watch dog and pathrater and replica allocation techniques such as DCG, SAF and DAFN are failed to consider selfish nodes in terms of replica allocation .The new SCF tree allocation method shows that the considered techniques outperform existing cooperative replica allocation techniques in terms of data accessibility, communication cost, and query delay. Acknowledgement I would like to thank reference authors and also like to thank the anonymous reviewers, whose comments and suggestions have helped them to improve the quality of the original manuscript. REFERENCES
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