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se a = = SP SL PIAL MG” J strongly feel that a change must tafe place, yet J am feft with tfe arduous task of determining fiow to approach ‘fis. J sense tfiat man needs to reassert fils role in nature, and J Gelieve ifie Best approach to tfis Is through faith in magic. J Gelieve ‘fiat in tie Geginning, Spirit sougit to exist. Jn order for spirit to exist it needed a ‘medium, and that medium is fnown to us as fife. Jn order for science and reotity to manifest, tfese fiad to pass throug a medium known as magic. Tie foundation of magic exists Getween fife and matter (absence of fife). Jt cannot 6e fully explained 6y science or refigion, whch is why scientists and religious feaders struggle against Geliefs in magic. Wren matter manifests (fe, or cfiange, Gy its own volition or power, it is magical, J think that the fioly men and woman of this wor! are a magicians improperty tagged “holy”. ‘They were receiving signs from spirit tat man was intended to Gelieve in magic, especially as it refated to fim and fis refationsfiip with the creating spiritual force. My difemma, one which is quite irritating, is that this spiritual force fas many names. Tie problem, if J choose a name (such as God, Buddfia, or Diana), J am indirectly implying a connection (0 the religious views attached to that name. ‘The only way to destroy tfie divisions of refigion is to assert tfat alf religions are giving fionor to thie same Spiritual Force. We tear down tfie walls 6y removing aff words, incfuding names, when expressing re(igious fionor. Then, there is no division Between any refigion, Because God can Ge expressed in many forms. Whit is important, as nature teaches us, is not wat we think of God,6ut what God thinks of us. Proceeding from tis point, we are (eft to do what is “fonest(y” good. No rules, Nor ego, Nor evif, Nor discord, can exist. Receive power 6y ihe Rite of Trianiuae (Tree-afinyooeye) ‘The magic of 333 comes to those wlio earnestly seek to unlock its powers to them. There is a fey to open ‘Three gates of the realm of power via three gates. of your existence. Approach this fnowedge now witfi a fiumé(e spirit and desire to accept its power with. respect, or otferwise turn away from ‘tese. words and this fmowledge and proceed no further. To 90 otherwise, or to disfionor what fies afiead, would Glaspfieme tie origins ofthis power, and doing such | : . SI I I sould fead to if fortune. However, if you Gefieve in your fieart that you are wiffing to exchange respect and service {for magical power, ifian proceed with this ritual, envision: ‘Stond ye now Gefore tfiree gates. Above you, the sky is alive With clouds of figfiness and dariness, Gefow you, the ground fums with mystical powers of of, and Geyond these ifiree gates you witness an afiar of sacrifice. Upon the altar a cfclice and a Gowl and dagger (the cfafice folds water, tie Bow! folds G{ood). Partake of this sacrifice ‘with your mind, fieart, and-Gody, and answer, or repeat, tfiese as you may: 1. Do you accept this power into your mind? (To approach this power you must (ose negativity, egos, weafness. You wif-fear adout- yourself, witout ifusions.) Do you accept tfis power into your fear’? (To receive this power, you must fiave fait, fy Dispelling the ifusion of failure, and you must emotionaily Gefleve this power is real, remove te fear and oust) ‘Do you accept thls power into your 6ody? (Zo use this power, you must fiave authority over your 60dy, Gy practicing meditation, self discipline, helping others, practicing ‘magic, and spenting out to re-ignite man's connection with magic in nature.) ‘The explanation of these Keys are as follows: SPIRIT Weave these into your daily fife, especialy in magic. Follow the principles of tfis ritual for ever increasing power in our group. “Let me Gefold in allits glory the Sign of the triple Three, Let me feel in aif its power tie Sign of the Triple Three, Let me five in off its Geauty the Sing of the Triple Three, . . 8

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