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Think Rich Pinoy Wealth Seminar Last March 17,2012

The Last Think Rich Pinoy Wealth Seminar was held is the Citisec Training Room 24th Floor East Tower Tektite Building last March 17,2012. Yours truly was invited to be one of the speakers. Other Speakers aside from Larry Gamboa were:

1. Bro. Alvin Barcelona * Feast Builder of Light of Jesus Community. * Rock-Preacher * Enterprenuer. Owns a School and other mico businesses.

2. Jay Castillo * Owner of * Real Estate Investor and Licensed Real Estate Broker

3. Aya Laraya * Realtor * Writer * TV Host * Certified Securities Representative * Certified Investment Company Representative 3. Marivic Salva-Angeles

* Real Estate Investor * Licensed Real Estate Broker * President of Happy Homes Realty * Marketing Consultant of Think Rich Pinoy Realty 4. Grace Lucker * Interior Designer * Handy Woman * Owner of Urban Dweller Management Creative Solutions

5. Eden Alemania-Dayrit * Chemical Engineer turned into a successful Real Estate Investor. * Bought, Renovated, Leased and Sold more than 28 Real Estate Properties.

6. Ronald Cagape * Real Estate Investor * Licensed Real Estate Broker * Resident Cashflow Game Master of the TRP Wealth Seminar * Publisher of and

Each Speaker discussed different topics related to Real Estate. Bro. Alvin was the first speaker. He discussed the Theology of Money. It sets the mood and mindset of the attendees on the purpose of wealth. He also discussed the strategy he used in acquiring the real estate property where his school is now operating which is the FIND > FUND > FIX > KEEP strategy.

Sir Larry Gamboa was the second speaker. He talked about how he got into real estate and how

everyone can be a MAVEN or Expert in REAL ESTATE. He said that ACTION Brings CLARITY. We need to act to get things together.

I was the 3rd Speaker. I related Stock Market and Real Estate. I mentioned why we need to invest in both vehicles. I compared the two side by side based on nine criteria. I also discussed WHAT strategy I used, WHY and HOW I DO IT as shown below.

The fourth speaker was Jay Castillo. His topic is doing the numbers in Real Estate. He gave a CASE STUDY and also showed how to compute the ROI in real life as shown below:

Next was Aya Laraya. He discussed more about Building Wealth in the Stock Market and Citisec's EIP Program which is the better way to go in the stock market than doing market timing.

Maves Angeles was the next speaker. She discussed the Five Ways to Prosper in Real Estate as shown below.

Grace Lucker spoke after Maves and discussed how to stage and rehab an ugly property. She mentioned that a real estate investor shouldn't be afraid to buy ugly houses because it is easy to make them pretty. She also showed pictures of some of her great projects. She also mentioned that looking for a great property, we need to look for the Triple D:

Eden Dayrit spoke next to Grace. She shared her background and how she got into real estate. She mentioned that she went into hiatus for a year to work on some important matter but now

that it everything is running smoothly again, she will be back into real estate investing. It was noted that even though Eden went into hiatus for a year, she was able to get by because of the passive income she's getting from her previous real estate investments.

Thus, Think Rich Pinoy commits to helping entrepreneurs find their own passion

and monetize it.

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