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Strip club owners lose wages case

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Friday, February 21, 2014, 8:33 a.m.

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Strip club owners lose wages case

Theyre found liable by default after lawsuit is i nored
!y "inda Satter
This arti#le was $ublished February %&' %&(4 at 4)*% a+m+

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The owners of the former ,ea#hes -entlemans Club in .a#kson/ille ha/e been found liable by default for failin to $ro$erly $ay four former e0oti# dan#ers and three other em$loyees a##ordin to the $ro/isions of federal labor laws+ They now fa#e a .uly 1 trial in the "ittle 2o#k #ourtroom of 3+S+ 4istri#t .ud e Susan 5ebber 5ri ht on the amount of dama es they must $ay' an attorney for the $laintiffs said Tuesday+ 5ri ht filed an order rantin the $laintiffs motion for san#tions a ainst the defendants be#ause of their re$eated failure to res$ond to the lawsuit' des$ite #ourt orders to do so+ She said a san#tion as se/ere as a default 6ud ment was a 7harsh remedy'8 but was warranted be#ause the defendants a#tions amounted to 7a #ons#ious' willful /iolation of the Courts orders+8 The $laintiffs' re$resented by the Sanford "aw Firm in "ittle 2o#k' filed suit in %&(% a ainst !arneys !arn 9n#+' doin business as ,ea#hes -entlemans Club' and 4anny :artindill' his wife' Casey :artindill' and :i#hael .ones' all of whom owned the ni ht#lub until it went out of business+ The lawsuit #ontends that the workers ; four dan#ers' a boun#er' a dis# 6o#key and assistant mana er' and a lead bartender ; should ha/e been #lassified as em$loyees' whi#h are sub6e#t to statutory minimum;wa e re<uirements' and not as $ri/ate #ontra#tors+ The lawsuit seeks #om$ensation it #ontends the workers should ha/e been $aid for o/ertime' amon other thin s' under the Fair "abor Standards A#t+ Court do#uments show that the $laintiffs filed re<uests for information from the defendants in :ay' and then' after months of tryin to obtain the information without #ourt inter/ention' filed a motion askin the #ourt to #om$el the defendants to res$ond' whi#h the 6ud e ranted on =#t+ (1+ An attorney for the defendants' howe/er' failed to turn o/er the information within (& days' as ordered+ 9n an order filed .an+ (>' 5ri ht noted that the #ase had been set for a non6ury trial .an+ ?' but had to be $ost$oned be#ause of the defendants failure to su$$ly the re<uested information' makin it im$ossible for the $laintiffs to $re$are for trial+ She said she had' howe/er' re#ei/ed a res$onse from defense attorney 2+ @eith Aau han of .a#kson/ille' who asked her not to find the business in default' sayin he takes 7full res$onsibility8 for the $re/ious failures to su$$ly information' 7and now has all the information his #lients ha/e B and is $re$arin answers thereto+8 A##ordin to Aau hans written filin ' he had initially asked a new em$loyee to handle the re<uests and didnt know' until the #ourt issued its order to #om$el' that the work hadnt been done+ He said his staff a ain assured him in =#tober that the information would be #om$iled and turned o/er to the $laintiffs'but a ain' the work wasnt done+ He said he #onse<uently fired an em$loyee' and then met with the #lients himself around Thanks i/in ' but later be#ame ill and for ot to follow u$+ Utility auditor
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Strip club owners lose wages case

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Aau han also said in that filin ; his last one ; that the :artindills were oin throu h a di/or#e' and 7there has been some diffi#ulty in ettin the information re<uested+8 He said he $lanned to withdraw as #ounsel for the #lub and its owners+ Aau han said 5ednesday that he isnt sure what ha$$ened' and is 7lookin into it to see if 9 s#rewed u$ somewhere' and if its my fault' 9m oin to take the blame for it+8 He said he also is #onsiderin fillin a motion for re#onsideration' on#e he tra#ks down the $roblem+ Attorney Amber S#hubert of the Sanford firm said Tuesday that the trial on dama es will $ro#eed re ardless of whether the defendants $arti#i$ate+ The Sanford firm' meanwhile' has two other similar federal lawsuits $endin in Arkansas on behalf of e0oti# dan#ers at other #lubs+ Arkansas, Pages 10 on 02/20/2014 Print Headline: Strip club owners lose wages case

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