Chatter, March 2014

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MARCH 2014

a letter from

throw in the towel. He recognizes the disgured state this has put him in, and gets dramatic with all the brute beast talk his swingset-puppy moment. But its after this when the Psalm really gets interesting. Its here that the writer starts using the pronoun You a whole lot more. Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. At the end of the day, whether youre a brute beast or an angel baby, the most important fact about you is that God has chosen to hold your hand. That he has chosen, still, to guide you with his counsel. That he has promised to take you into glory. Punish yourself, dont punish yourself spend your energy as you deem t today the fact remains that God is the central gure in your narrative. He gets the credit both for redeeming your badness and empowering your goodness. And I must believe this covers the big sins too as well as the big accomplishments. Gods hand is big enough to hold yours and mine and that murderers and that saints as unfair or as unnecessary as it seems. Nobody gets to star in the world for very long, famously or infamously. God just walks away with everything. And this makes me want to put on house shoes and linger a bit longer over my coffee because now, nally, the paparazzi are chasing down other leads. That kind of grace, that kind of freedom, is almost enough to make me smile and relax a little more today. But until I see it explicitly prescribed by Scripture, Drew is just going to have to wait on that dog.

My Kindergartener Drew really wants a dog. Actually, he really just wants something he can lead around on a leash, be it a Labrador, a donkey, or the ticking crocodile from Peter Pan. Things have gotten so out of hand that just the other day we discovered him in the backyard detaching his swing from the swing set and merrily dragging its dead plastic-ness all over the backyard by the painted chain. It was his puppy, which he eventually tied up to the water meter. (You know, so it wouldnt escape, bite a babys face, and have to be put down.) You must understand: I feel bad about this. I am being selsh to deny him the gift of a pet. And I know youre out there, judging me, wrangling your two kids and three dogs and two cats and one gerbil like the champion you are, and here I am sending my child out into the yard alone to cannibalize his play equipment. I wont deny that you are better and holier and deserve more Thin Mints than me. But in the Rhodes house, four living things is about all I can take care of right now if you count cooking Velveeta-based dishes as taking care of your family and so Im learning not only to rely on Jesus to ll in the blanks where my mommyhood comes up short for my children, but also to immerse myself into the hot tub of grace when Im sorely tempted to punish myself. Im sure you love to punish yourself, too. We all hang on to little items of our own shortfallenness and I dont know why. Maybe its so when we actually behave in a way we approve of and are proud of, we can chalk it up to that element of goodness we always knew was there within us all along. Maybe we OWN our bad so that we can also OWN our good. Because if we give up punishing ourselves, we also give up congratulating ourselves, and thats not a sacrice we are willing to make. In Psalm 73, the writer is recounting a time when he was bitter and being ridiculous before God. I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you, he laments. Pretty solid self-punishment there. A few verses earlier, hes complaining to God that the wicked people seem to have all the fun and inherit all the blessings, and this just makes him increasingly despondent and worn out and ready to

Editor Julie Rhodes Art Direction, Design & Goodness Josh Wiese, Lindsey Sobolik, JD Lemming Admin Extraordinaire Victoria Andrews Our Very Tall Boss Scott McClellan, Communications Pastor

Photography Katherine Ivey (Photo Update)* Writers Jason Fox (Idle Chatter)* Shawn Small (Syncronicity)* Stephanie Suire (Small)*

Editorial Assistance/Proong Summer Alexander*, Annie Stone* Thoughts, comments, ideas? Contact Chatter at Need Chatter Digitally? Chatter is on the web at *Most beloved and indispensable Chatter Volunteer.

Irving Bible Church: a community on a journey.

Thanks for picking up Chatter. Chatter is a publication of Irving Bible Church in Irving, Texas.
Why are we here?
IBC is on a journey committed to life transformation through Jesus Christ. We engage this journey by growing in Christ, connecting in community, and joining the mission. This commitment comes from Jesus words in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

How do we do this?
Growing in Christ At the heart of the journey is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the story of the Son of God coming into our dark world to bring light, life, hope and transformation. The journey begins when we trust Christ, but it doesnt end there. Gods desire for each of us is for our hearts and lives to become more like the one who has saved us (Ephesians 4:11-13). Connecting in Community The gospel story draws us into a community of people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. This journey is not one that we undertake alone. We are designed to do life together as a community of Christ-followers. It is essential that we walk with one another on the journey (John 13:34-35). Joining the Mission The gospel tells us that one day God will take all that is broken in this world and make it whole. Those of us who are on the journey together are called to be people who do what we can to make glimpses of that day show up in our day. We do this by telling the gospel story and demonstrating gospel-shaped love to a needy world (Matthew 28:18-20).

Contact IBC

Irving Bible Church | 2435 Kinwest Pkwy, Irving, TX 75063 | (972) 560-4600 Web | Twitter @ibcvoice | Facebook irvingbible
Sign up for the IBC eLetter, a weekly email update for key ministry event information and announcements, along with a short devotional by Pastor Andy to encourage you on your journey week-to-week. Subscribe today at New to IBC? Turn to page 18.

Photo Update: Single Parent Valentines Day Dinner and Dance

Single parents and their kiddos enjoyed a LOVE-ly evening at the annual Valentines Dinner Dance at IBC. Complete with horseback rides and a hoola hoop contest, the evening also boasted a grand total of 96 mini cupcakes served along with 15 dozen cookies. Special thanks to the 35 volunteers who made the evening a success.



Synchronicity [sing-kruh-nis-i-tee] noun 1. The fth and nal studio album by The Police AND the bands most popular release.

and, to date, 72 pastors have graduated from LEADLiberias advanced pastoral training course. But Kokeh knew the farm was the next step in the ministrys life. Fast forward a few years to 2010 and the opportunity to play a role in this project has come full circle. A dozen or so people are gathered to meet and start praying about how they might help, and looking across the table from one another are Robert and Charlie. Joe Orman, who went on an IBC mission trip to Liberia in 2008, was also present, and would prove to be an integral addition to the ministry moving forward. The group met quarterly. At rst, the meetings seemed productive, but it did not take long before the frustrations of being so far from Liberia, differences in how to approach ministry support, and lack of overall progress began to affect the team. Each time the group met, one of the group members was called in a new direction. Within a year and a half there were only three left. The guys chuckled as they recalled the exact meeting where they stared at each other with the realization that they were the only ones who were not going anywhere. The gathering of three was akin to Gideons soldiers facing a huge, challenging foe. Out of that meeting, the non-prot Plant12 was birthed. Plant12 exists to help provide life-sustaining resources, expertise, and encouragement to partner organizations with a determination to build the bridge between ministry and means. Here were three everyday guys, who had built solid friendships through the mens ministry at IBC, who found a God-given cause they could get behind. They said, What can we do right now to serve LEADLiberia? Then they acted. They really believed God had given them a burden, and if God has called them, then they had gifts needed for this task. Each of these men has business abilities they use for Gods glory. Robert is the Visualizer. With his background in media communications, Robert has the skill to take concepts and theories and paint clear pictures of both what things are, and what they can be. Joe is the Developer. He loves starting new businesses. The bigger the challenge, the tighter he grabs ahold of it. Charlie is the Catalyst. This is a man whose bulldogged determination and constant communication with Kokeh keeps the plan moving forward. These normal guys, who love God and want to serve him, have become a ministry mentoring dream team. That is what makes this story so fascinating. Here are three Dallas businessmen, as busy as anyone else, with families, responsibilities, social lives, bills, and the same burdens as their peers, who have said, God, use us where we are at in the way you think best. They are doing what all of Christs disciples have the ability to do: be obedient and do what we can do where we are. And when we do that, God shows up in the process. Continued on page 6.

2. An apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated.

As I drove to my Chatter interview, I popped in one of my favorite 80s al-

bums, Synchronicity, letting the new-wave post-punk rhythms of the Police (the band, not the civil authorities) take me to a happy place before I arrived at the MO.

In neat succession, the three gentlemen warmly shook my hand as I sat at the table where they had patiently waited for my arrival. They were in the midst of a discussion of which I could not read the tone. It may have been serious, spiritual or silly. But whatever the topic, I immediately knew that this brotherhood enjoyed getting together. Robert Caldwell and Charlie Moreno met at an IBC mens retreat in East Texas almost a decade and a half ago. That is where their common story started. A guest at the gathering had struck a chord in both men. Kokeh Kotee, a Liberian pastor and Dallas Theological Seminary student at the time, shared with Robert and Charlie about the West African country he loved, and the atrocities he had lived through. Fourteen years of civil war, the death of 250,000 citizens, three million displaced, 90% unemployment and the lack of basic needs like electricity and running water dened everyday life for most Liberians. At the time, Kokeh was about to return to Liberia and his prospects looked grim. As he shared his anxieties, the men grew burdened with the hardships their West African brothers and sisters had to endure. But as Kokeh then shared his faith-lled hope for Liberia, the air in the room grew light with inspiration. He longed to go back to his people and share the love of Christ through the Word of God and the provision of practical resources. A majority of the pastors in Liberia drop out of ministry within a few short years, primarily because of a lack of nancial resources. Kokeh wanted to create a farm that would be both a theological training facility and a retreat for pastors. Along with theological and leadership training, the farm would be a place where these men and women would learn a trade. The purpose was to teach business and life skills that would provide income for these ministers and their communities. Kokehs inspirational vision made sense to Robert and Charlie. But what could a couple of Dallas businessmen do to help a project of such magnitude a half a world away? Little did these men know that Kokehs inspirational vision that day also struck a chord with the IBC missions team. Since 1998, IBC has supported LEADLiberia and has been on of the primary supporters of the SEEDFarm initiative. And since 2001, LEADLiberia has networked with 65 churches throughout Liberia. Every year, it conducts multiple conferences for hundreds of ministers
85% of Liberians live below the international poverty line (roughly $1/day). As of 2010, there are thought to be 300-315K species of plants worldwide.


The Polices signature blonde locks came about incidentally after they were asked to bleach their hair for a Wrigleys Spearmint chewing gum commercial.

Chatter | 5

DIVINE SYNCRONICITY Continued from page 5. Plant12 rst solidied Kokehs vision for the farm/ retreat center with the line: SEED to LEAD. The farm would be a place where pastors would be encouraged in their faith, trained in their pastoral calling and mentored into a practical business that funded their livelihood. In 2012, they launched a pilot program, providing chicken farms to ve trusted pastors. Plant12 provided the basic building materials for the chicken coops, along with 20 hens, 2 roosters and feed. Over the next year, the team learned many valuable lessons. Then it was time for Phase II. Plant12 helped coordinate and contribute to the purchase of 125 acres in Liberia. Today the farm is well on its way to coming to pass. The land is being cleared and a road must be built, but the guys feel condent about the progress. I asked Kokeh via email what he hopes for the farm. Over the next ve years, the farms SEED to LEAD initiative will grow plantains, raise livestock including pigs and poultry, create shponds and grass cutter shelters. We desire to be a nationwide model of sustainable farming within Liberia. But farming is not Kokehs primary focus. There will also be a 15-acre retreat and training facility for pastors and their families on the farm. We want hundreds of bi-vocational ministers who are both strong in the word and possess the means to bless their communities. I asked Kokeh how IBCers can help him with the SEEDFARM project. This is an enormous task in front of us. We want every church in Liberia to have trained Christian leaders who can feed their families. Please pray for the work. Farming equipment is necessary. Shortly well need mission teams to help with the building and farming activities. My big dream is to have a volunteer or two that stay with us for a year. When you join with these Liberian brothers and sisters, you help them discover their self-worth and dignity. This is only the beginning for Plant12. Charlie, Joe and Robert want to take the process they have been developing over the last decade to other ministries around the world that need mentoring and practical help in bringing their vision to pass. As I nished my interview, I asked Robert if he had any words of encouragement for Christians that sit in their seats every week and feel there is nothing they can do that would make a difference in worldwide missions. Get off the bench and get into the game. Know that Jesus wants you in the game, because he made you for the task, just as you are, ordinary men and women whom God can use extraordinarily. As I started up my car after the interview, and Synchronicity II began, I thought aloud about the three guys and what they are accomplishing. Now that is divine synchronicity. Shawn Small comes from a family of farmers in the little town of Paton, Iowa. POP: 236
Shawn Small is an avid adventurer, author, pilgrim, husband, and father of three. He is the founder of Wonder Voyage Missions and Boundless Expeditions. You can catch more of Shawns mental gymnastics at

A view of LEADLiberias 125-acre farm/retreat land.

Plant12 (L to R): Robert, Joe & Charles




Years IBC has partnered with LEADLiberia.

Percentage of pastors in rural West Africa with no formal training.

Chickens being delivered as part of LEADLiberias chicken farm pilot program.

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The oldest viable carbon-14-dated seed that has grown into a plant was a 2,000-year-old Judean date palm, excavated at Herod the Greats Palace in Israel. It was germinated in 2005.


Number of Churches, to date, beneting from LEADs training conferences.

Pastors graduated from LEADs training program to date.


To learn more about LEADLiberias SEED project (sustainable farming), visit



In a couple of short months, the IBC High School seniors will graduate. Meanwhile, they are enjoying their last ofcial spring break as students. See if you can match up each Perfect Spring Break description with the correct IBC High Schooler. Congrats in advance, to all graduating seniors!




School: New Tech High at Coppell Prospective Mechanical Engineering major at UT. Interests: I love doing anything using my hands, like working on my motorcycle. When I have free time, I like to write poetry. I also love taking my dog to the park, and going to Dallas for good coffee.


School: New Tech High at Coppell. Prospective UT Austin student. Interests: Blogging, photography, baking

School: Coppell High School Prospective Belmont University student. Interests: Broadcast journalism, public relations, writing, British/American literature, cat enthusiast, and anything dipped in chocolate.

School: North Hills Prep Prospecitve A&M student. Interests: Anything A&M related, especially Aggie football, kinesiology, photography, physical therapy.

School: Flower Mound High School Prospective Petroleum Engineering major at UT or OU. Interests: Lacrosse, Lacrosse, Lacrosse. Sand volleyball. Pick-up basketball on my driveway after school.


Easy. Go to Colorado and snowboard with family and friends. The weather would be perfect. Lots of fresh powder. But better than that, plenty of sunshine to go skies out, thighs out. And somewhere along the way it would involve snowboarding through a bunch of trees. Throw in thriftstore shopping with my sisters in any random town along the way, and that pretty much makes the perfect trip.

Senior year is a big year for lasts. This is our last spring break at home so we obviously want it to be perfect. My idea of a perfect spring break is time spent with friends just enjoying each others company and doing everything on our before college bucket lists.


A steaming chai tea latte, a Geroge Orwell novel, and the company of my mother in the heart of a coffee shop in Nashville. Filled with southern charm and the city experience, Nashville is the perfect place to kick back and relax for the week.


My ideal spring break would be copious amounts of relaxation. As an introvert, my regeneration comes from being alone, and that would be done through working on my motorcycle, reading, writing, etc. I would also spend time with my family, and my girlfriend, Michelle.


I would love to just take spring break to relax, hang out with friends, play board games, bond with my little siblings, go to coffee shops, bake Finnish pastries, celebrate my anniversary with my boyfriend, and watch lots and lots of Parenthood.


High School: SWAG (Student Worship and Gathering) is a mid-week worship opportunity for high school students featuring a full band, largegroup teaching, and time for students to hang out with friends. SWAG meets every Wednesday in the Alcove during the school year from 7:15-8:30 p.m. Middle School: The W is a mid-week worship opportunity for middle school students (6th-8th grade) featuring large-group teaching, a great meal, and time to connect with friends. The W meets Wednesday nights at IBC from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Student Ministries area. Dinner is available for $3 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Commons.

Check your *answers on pg. 19!


The season of Lent kicks off with a bang every year as IBCers and believers worldwide celebrate Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. Both celebrations are important reminders of some effective ways to approach the long Lenten season, but they couldnt be more different, or more symbolic. Chatter interviewed IBC Worship Pastor Jason Elwell and Teaching Team-er Dr. Barry Jones for insight on what makes each day so important.

Main Event, when rst conceived, was almost named Advil Time.


NAME Shrove Tuesday MEANING Shrove comes from the middle English word shrive, meaning to obtain absolution from ones sins by penance. IN A NUTSHELL As early as 1000 AD, Christians gathered on Shrove Tues-

GET PRACTICAL Bob Downeys Fabulous Pancakes (a Texas Recipe)

Hes the mastermind behind Wednesday night meals at IBC, so we thought hed know a thing or two about making really, really good pancakes. Try this recipe and let us know what you think at Bob Downeys Fabulous Pancakes Ingredients 1 c. milk 1 egg 1 c. our 2 Tbsp. oil (or bacon grease) 1/2 tsp. salt 2 Tbsp. sugar 2 Tbsp. baking powder 2 Tbsp. more milk (added later) Mix oil, egg and milk. Sift dry ingredients and add to above mixture. Then add the 2 extra tablespoons of milk. Boy, oh boy, are they good! (Art directors note: If youre really daring, add banana slices, chocolate chips and pecans. Mmmm!) As you enjoy your Bob Downey-inspired pancakes you might nd it helpful to use the IBC crafted discussion guide for your Shrove Tuesday get-together. Visit

day to encourage one another and to eat perishables. Since the most common Lenten fasts were from foods like milk, butter, eggs and meat, and since those things wouldnt keep until Easter, those soiree-seekingancestors of ours saw Shrove Tuesday as an excuse to party and make pancakes.

AT IBC Shrove Tuesday is a time for family and fellowship. Make pancakes. Invite the crew over. Thank God for the food and friends, and ask him to use the sacrices of Lent to draw you closer to him.

Great question! Originally there was a kind of practical reason for the starch-bonanza that is Shrove Tuesday. It was a way to clean out the pantry before the beginning of the Lenten fast. Now its really more a symbolic gesture. We enjoy a time of frivolous indulgence in pancakes and syrup in preparation for the more reective, somber posture we adopt during Lent a little bit of a last hurrah! before we enter a time thats intentionally more oriented toward reection, repentance and renewal.

The most signicant way to make Shrove Tuesday meaningful is to share the experience with someone or someone-s in your life. This night is a time for indulging our taste buds and lling up on Gods good gifts to us before we start our Lenten fast. Good food and good drink should always be shared with people, so Shove Tuesday is a great time to connect or reconnect with people in our lives.

How is it with your soul? Lent 2014 Guide

During Lent at IBC, we will focus our attention on the question: How is it with your soul? In our fast-paced world, we rarely take the time to diagnose our spiritual health and probe deeply into the condition of our lives before God. For the rst time in IBC history, every ministry has employed a coordinated curriculum and teaching plan that addresses this very important question of Lent that goes beyond the Sunday morning service. In addition to this initiative, IBC has prepared a Guide as a practical way for you to engage this question during Lent. For each week of Lent, the Guide provides a short devotion, reection questions, and space for you to write your thoughts and feelings. There will also be a suggested Lenten practice for you to implement each week, in addition to opportunities for you to use this guide with your family. Pick up your FREE copy of the Lent 2014 Guide today in the Town Square.



NAME Ash Wednesday MEANING The day derives its name from ashes traditionally imposed upon the forehead, a symbol of repentance and humility. IN A NUTSHELL Technically the rst day of Lent, Ash Wednesday is

GET PRACTICAL A Scripture Meditation for Ash Wednesday

On March 5, take time to reect on Psalm 51 all day before the evening service. Psalm 51: Miserere mei, Deus Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness; in your great compassion blot out my offenses. Wash me through and through from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight. And so you are justied when you speak and upright in your judgment. Indeed, I have been wicked from my birth, a sinner from my mothers womb. For behold, you look for truth deep within me, and will make me understand wisdom secretly. Purge me from my sin, and I shall be pure; wash me, and I shall be clean indeed. Make me hear of joy and gladness, that the body you have broken may rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence and take not your holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of your saving help again and sustain me with your bountiful Spirit. Interested in more information on IBCs celebration of Lent? Visit

a time for somber reection and repentance. According to the gospels, Jesus spent a period of 40 days in the wilderness. Ash Wednesday represents the rst day of prayer and fasting that is generally associated with the 40-day season of Lent.

AT IBC There will be a contemplative service at IBC on Wednesday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m. to prepare our hearts and minds for spiritual renewal. The black cloth will be available for those who would confess and record their sins, as well as stones to keep as reminders of the need to depend upon God. Imposition of ashes will close the service.

The gospel, according to Romans 6:23, is that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Im convinced that we wont really understand and appreciate the beauty of Gods grace unless we really grasp the gravity of our sin. Ash Wednesday is a special day in which we confront that reality in ways that are both sobering and liberating. Having our foreheads marked with the cross while hearing the words of Romans 6:23 spoken directly to us is a powerful way to commence the season.

The imposition of ashes is probably the most surprising thing for those who havent grown up in a more liturgical tradition. This practice is one of the most beautiful yet vulnerable things we do at IBC throughout the year. The smudged cross of ash on our foreheads reveals two things: on the one hand, it grounds us in the reality that we were formed from the dust and to the dust we will return. And on the other hand, it reminds us that the Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the grave is the same Spirit that breathes life into our mortal bodies and brings beauty from ashes.

Ash Wednesday Service

March 5, 2014, 7 p.m. IBC Worship Center
KidZone is available for Preschool and under (those born September 2009 and later) with prior registration. Register for KidZone at (choose the Wednesday option).


o you remember the first time you walked through the doors at IBC? The rst thing you probably saw were people standing around chatting in Town Square, children running to and from their classrooms and a dozen kiosks staffed with unfamiliar faces. Most likely, someone greeted you as you walked in, maybe they even said hello, shook your hand and directed you to the Worship Center. When you entered the Worship Center, you probably felt a little overwhelmed when you saw the two big screens, tried to nd a place to sit and wondered what was the deal with all those candles. Did you wonder if you would ever nd community, connect with others and feel at home at IBC? Chris Rose lived in Irving for about two years before he rst visited IBC. At the time he was going through a divorce and was in a very dark place. His dad was the one who invited him to church, which surprised Chris because his parents also divorced when he was four and he did not really have a relationship with his father growing up. He accepted his dads offer to visit. And during his very rst visit, Chriss dad did something that would change the direction of Chris life for good: he volunteered him for the Hospitality team. Amazingly, Chris agreed to go along with his dads bold plan. At the time, he had no idea that one simple act, joining the Hospitality team, would impact his future in so many ways.

With a strong desire to connect in community with others, Chris was terried at rst about getting plugged in at a large church; but he quickly found that the Hospitality Team was a great place to meet new people. About a month later, Chris also started working with David Grant in student ministry a perfect t for his outgoing personality. Not only was Chris nding the community he had so long desired through his IBC involvement, he was also about to meet his wife, Annah. My wife likes to tell people that the rst time we met, I was wearing womens high heeled shoes, he says. It was early 2011 and Chris was volunteering at the Love146 booth at IBC, an organization that works towards ending child and human trafficking. A group of men at IBC had volunteered to Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, and Chris joined them to walk a mile down MacArthur Blvd while wearing womens high heels to raise awareness about human trafficking that increases in the host city in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. Chris must have made quite an impression on Annah in those high heels, as they started dating soon after they met. Now they have been married two years and have been blessed with a beautiful 9-month-old daughter, Katherine Pearl. A few months after Chris and Annah married, he made another life decision as a result of his IBC involvement: he got a new job. Through the people he met through the Hospitality

Team and student ministry, Chris learned about a job opportunity as the Parking & Safety Coordinator at IBC. Passionate about serving and protecting others, Chris knew it was the perfect t for him, so he recently transitioned from volunteer to staff. We just have to be open for God to show us his plan for our lives, Chris says. The simple decision to join the Hospitality Team at IBC a few years ago became a turning point in Chris life, one that led to a new future. Even though he was initially worried about getting plugged in, volunteering led to Chris meeting new friends, meeting his wife, starting a family and eventually nding a new part-time job. Speaking of serving, Chris knows from experience that serving others is one of the best ways to nd community. Find a group that ts your current age or place in life, says Chris. Get plugged in to small groups or volunteer serving others is a great way to meet other people. Stephanie Suire smiles at herself in the mirror each morning as she xes her hair. (And she does not think this is strange.)
Stephanie has been married to Trey for 9 years and they have two children, Sophia (7) and Tallen (4). Stephanie writes a healthy living blog called Food and Fitness 4 Real ( where she shares tness tips, race recaps, recipes and local restaurant reviews.

Share that Smile was a track from Storyvilles 1996 Atlantic Records release, A Piece of Your Soul.

Smiles needed

You can make a difference at IBC by lending us just one thing: your smile. Join the Hospitality Team as a greeter, usher, or parking attendant, and make visitors and IBCers feel right at home. Whether you have 30 minutes one Sunday a month, or are able to serve every week, we have a place for you! Contact Sherri at
Chatter | 11

YOU SEE HER UP ON STAGE EVERY SUNDAY morning helping to lead the IBC Family in worship. And sometimes, shes standing in front of the smiling, swaying singers of Vox Humana, IBCs choral community. Shes Crystal Elwell, Voxs intrepid director. (Shell also claim hubby Jason Elwell, IBCs Worship Pastor.) Over the years, Crystal and her team have cultivated a blossoming community of singers who use their talent and passion to honor God each week at IBC. Heres a little glimpse inside Crystals heart for the people of Vox.
CHATTERFirst off, what does Vox Humana mean? CRYSTAL ELWELLVox Humana literally means human voice, or the voice of the people. CHATTell us about the, um, dynamics of the Vox Humana family. Is it more about musicianship, fellowship, or some combination of the two? CEDynamics I see what you did there. Nice. In Vox, we strive for excellence in song and in service (to IBC, to one another, to our community). Each week, we meet with a common goal to develop musically, relationally, and spiritually.  ur ministry is rmly rooted in the Journey lanO guage Growing in Christ, Connecting in Community, and Joining the Mission. This language has really helped to shape and bring inspiration to our community. CHAT Choral music has been part of church history for centuries. What do you think is so important about including it as part of IBCs worship experience? CEI believe that choral music has a beautiful way of expressing something deep within us. Whether it is an eloquent text with words that resonate within our hearts and inspire our imagination, or an intricate melody that paints a picture to tap into our human emotions. Music connects us not only to God but to one another; it helps us be human. Helen Kemp, a renowned childrens choir clinician, explains that it opens our eyes to recognize beauty; it opens our hearts and gives us something to cling to. I love that.  he presence of the choir also livens the congreT gation as it participates in the experience with us, either by listening in or singing along. CHATTell us a little about your choral background and training. Is directing a natural extension of your experience or was it more challenging than you thought?

Chatter | 12

 s Ive mentioned, I also have a deep commitment A to seeing us all develop relationally and spiritually. We want to be lled up, to be sent out. Some of the best times in our rehearsals are when we pause to connect through devotion, praise and worship, or sectional prayer time. CHATWhat is expected of singers who want to join Vox? What should they bring to the table? CE One of the primary tasks for Vox Humana is being part of the worship leadership team at Irving Bible Church. This includes some special events around the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Holy Week/ Easter. But, mainly, the worship leadership aspect of Vox Humana is centered on the regular (typically bi-weekly) Sunday worship services at Irving Bible Church, which includes participating in all 3 services. CHATWe hear that a youth choir is now in full swing as an extension of Vox Humana. What inspired that? CEJason and I have had the awesome privilege of working with students at IBC and leading them in worship since we rst joined. We have amazing kids here. I personally have always had a heart for youth. I was a youth sponsor in college, camp counselor at different youth camps, taught at a junior high my rst year of teaching, and have participated in SchoolWorks Lunch Buddy program. Adding the youth choir (Next Gen Choir, we call it) to the choral community at Irving Bible Church has always been a desire of mine. At a music conference I attended several years ago, the speaker asked, What song will our children sing to us? To pass on the tradition of choral music, and even more so to see students develop and gain an understanding of worship, is invaluable to me. Music is relational and transforming; it brings hope and healing, and our world needs more of that. CHAT How do kids and adults get involved in Vox Humana? CEWe are always in need of more singers and invite everyone to consider joining our family!You need not be a member of Irving Bible Church to join us and there are no auditions required. Our community is open to all of those who can commit and are willing to work continuously to develop and produce excellence. Both groups meet on Wednesday night. If anyone is interested in either group, they can contact me for further information at celwell@


I believe that choral music has a beautiful way of expressing something deep within us.
CEMusic, specically choral music, has been a part of my entire life. I knew in 7th grade that I wanted to become a choir director, and I loved everything about choir (even the sight-reading nerd alert). I received my B.A. in Music Education from UTA, and taught general and choral music in Richardson ISD following graduation.  irecting Vox Humana is very much a D natural extension of my choral background. However, I never thought that directing a church choir, or even an adult choir, would be a part of my choral experience. Ive been directing Vox since 2005. Those early years were a challenge to me. I went to school to learn how to select repertoire for young voices and how to manage a classroom. How did I end up here? But I have always felt super blessed to be a part of the community at Irving Bible Church and even more so to be a part of the worship and leadership here. My participation in music ministry throughout my life (church choir, music director for various VBS and church camps) was denitely a good foundation for the work I am doing in and through the choral communities here. CHATWhat do you hope singers take away each week from being part of Vox? CEI want each singer to nd connection to God, to music, to people, to the ministry of IBC. I want them to develop as musicians, moving forward from wherever they are beginner, advanced, experienced, inexperienced. Jason and I also strive to create an environment in rehearsal where people can grow in their understanding of and participation in worship.


+ Members

Great I AM

Warm-up routine:


(Whatever that is)


(Vox will be performing one of his selections during Holy Week.)

Favorite Vox composers:

Section personality proles

(according to Crystal):

THE SOPRANOS (or Sopras, as

they have named themselves) are very tight, like sisters.

THE ALTOS are crazy and fun, and a little rebellious. They like to talk and dance during rehearsal, almost as much as they like to sing. THE MEN are some of the most honest and loyal people I know. They are ALL like older brothers. It may sound clich, but we really are one amazingly happy family.

Groups on Sunday
Theres always something new going on in Bible Communities! Heres a taste of whats happening this month:
Synergy 9 a.m. The Alcove Couples in their 30s to 50s If you desire to dive into the Scriptures and deepen your faith, this class is for you. The Tree 9 a.m. West D 20s & 30s, married and young families The Tree is a community for young marrieds and young families looking to grow together in faith and marriage. Crossroads 10:45 a.m. West C Married late 20s and 30s Join us for teaching topics that facilitate group discussion. Journey 10:45 a.m. The Alcove All welcome Join us for an informal and relaxed format centered on Bible-oriented lessons, table discussions, and prayer. On Track 10:45 a.m. Conference Room Single Parents If you are a single parent or a blended family, please join us for Bible study, fellowship and prayer. On Track will be studying Psalms of the Heart. Thrive 10:45 a.m. West D Singles in their 30s & 40s Join us for a time of spiritual introspection as we seek to understand where we need God to show up in our lives. Renew 10:45 a.m. Training Center Diverse, all ages and stages Join us as we study David Kinnamans You Lost Me. We will be learning about the next generation of Christians, and exploring why they are leaving the faith. Legacy Builders 6:45 p.m. West A All Welcome Join us for fellowship, prayer, and in-depth Bible teaching. MyZone Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m. Zone/Zone Jr. A mid-week event for kids thats great for bringing friends. K-5th grade. Contact Recovery at IBC Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m. Student Ministries Area Do you deal with perfectionism, pride, overeating, inappropriate anger or control? Recovery is confidential and all are welcome. Visit for more info. Grace For the Wounded Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m. A confidential small group ministry that explores the wounds we have received and the healing journey Gods prepared for us. Female group currently offered. Contact graceforthewounded@irvingbible. org to register. NAMI Family-to-Family Class Mondays, 6:309:30 p.m. West C/D A 12-week course designed for families and caregivers of those with serious mental illness. Contact Joey at or Debra at Shelter from the Storm A confidential small group focused on finding hope and healing from sexual abuse. We offer groups for both teens and adults. Contact Michelle at shelterfromthestormibc@ or (214) 725-0898. Mental Health Grace Alliance The Living Grace Group Every Monday 6:30 p.m. West B For those who have mental illness. Begins January 13. Contact Family Grace Group Monday nights, 6:30 p.m. West A For family members, friends, and caregivers who support individuals with serious mental disorders. Begins January 13. Contact Buzz Moody at Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers provide a listening ear and a caring presence for IBCers going through emotionally difficult times such as the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, illness, injury, divorce or other life events. If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, contact stephenministry@ First Watch Replay Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Training Center Contact brianarrington1@yahoo. com with questions. First Watch Xtra Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 a.m. in the Training Center. Contact with questions.


Events and Resources for Newcomers and Small Groups

Propel Sundays beginning March 16, 10:45 a.m. West A Propel is designed to help you figure out how you can best plug into IBCs culture and calling. Well talk about what it means to grow in Christ, connect in community, and join the mission. See ad, pg. 16.

Visit for more info.


Local and Global

Prayer Meeting 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 6:45-8 p.m. The Chapel Join us as we pray for IBC and the needs of our people and the world. Laundry Love first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m.12 p.m. Located at Amigo Laundromat, 3349 Country Club Dr. in Irving (just down from Sam Houston Middle School). Please join us as we provide free laundry cycles and detergent, strike up conversations and build relationships. For more info visit or contact


Events and Resources
The Table Sundays, beginning March 16 at 9 a.m. The Living Room The Table is a place where your questions are invited and welcomed. It is a place for you to explore Christianity with others on a similar journey. Contact Jason at jstein@ See ad, pg. 16. Baptism April 20 Mandatory class for all ages on March 2, 12:30-2 p.m. in West C. A light lunch will be served. Please visit to register. Contact Donna OReilly at doreilly@


Events and Resources

Shop Talk Sunday, March 2, 7 p.m. Our topic for the night will be Listen Up! 2.0. We will have an interactive panel giving special insight into our kids lives. Panel will be a student, a parent, a therapist, and a youth pastor. See ad, pg. 17. Shop Talk Sunday, April 13, 10:45 a.m. Save the date and join us on April 13 for a special presentation by Rhett Smith, a licensed therapist, about Anxiety in the Family System. Watch Chatter for more details.


Community Care
Griefshare Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. West C Join a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of lifes most difficult experiences. You dont have to walk the journey alone. Childcare is available with prior registration. Please contact Sharon at Abortion Recovery Counseling One-on-one, confidential counseling for those living with the aftermath of abortion. For information, contact Kym at (972)560-4632 or Blended Families Sundays, 9 a.m. Conference Room Discover the key steps to building a healthy stepfamily. In this group you will learn useable solutions for everyday living and glean valuable insight for raising your stepfamily. Contact Jan at


Community and Resources


Please visit page 18 for more Sunday Bible Communities.

Community and Resources

Father/Son Canoe Trip April 2527 See ad, pg. 17. First Watch Fridays, 6:22 a.m. The Commons Join the men of IBC as we build community.

Kids Night Out Saturday, March 15, 69 p.m. Join us for our March Madness KNO event. See ad, pg. 16. Guy Stuff March 8 Boys in single parent families are invited to join us for Guy Stuff. Eat breakfast together and enjoy guy activities like learning how to start a campfire.


Infants Through 5th Grade

Zone 6:30 Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. A small group exploration of the Bible and Gods story. For kids K-5th grade.

Chatter | 14

Sit with us on Sunday! Several single-parent families enjoy worshiping together in the 9 a.m. service. Join us in the lowest righthand section, Rows 5 & 6, facing the stage.


Fostering Hope Sunday, March 9, 5 p.m. This is open to all who are involved in serving children through foster care, including those who are fostering, fostering-to-adopt or are considering foster care or foster care adoption.


Wednesday Nights at IBC

Vox Humana Choir Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. IBC Worship Center The choral community of IBC is always looking for new singers, beginner or pro. Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time! No auditions necessary. Contact Crystal at Next Gen Choir Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Students in 4th-8th grade are invited to join our Next Gen choir. We are seeking to help students grow in Christ through the development and understanding of worship and connecting with each other in song and in Sunday worship services. Please contact Crystal Elwell at with questions. ESL: English as a Second Language Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m. AZ17, 18 and 19 Do you want to learn English? Improve your English? Come practice all four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. For more info, contact Corey at FREE Citizenship Class Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m. IBC For those at least 18 years old who have been issued a Permanent Resident Card. Well guide you through the N-400 paperwork and prepare you for the main components of the new citizenship test. Contact Michael at IBC Career Transition Ministry Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m. Want to find a job? Come learn how to craft a rock-solid resume, use the Internet and LinkedIn to network, and ace the interview. For more info, contact 2435jobtransition@


If you have not attended a support group previously, or have questions, please email

Writers Workshop Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m. Commons Annex Join a community of people who are honing their writing skills. The group is led by published author Betty Groezinger. Everyone is welcome, no writing experience necessary. Contact Donna OReilly at New Arrivals Congratulations to this IBC family on the birth of their baby:

Community and Resources

In His Image Bible Study Wednesdays, 6:307:45 p.m. Training Room A small group for adults (18+) with special needs. SonShine Pals and Room Our SonShine Rooms are available during the 10:45 a.m. service for children with special needs. There are also opportunities for children to be matched with a SonShine Pal.


Community and Resources

Womens Minimester Bible Study Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Join us beginning April 1 for a fiveweek minimester Bible Study. Studies offered: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp; Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton; and Hunger Within: A Biblical Approach to Weight Management by Arthur W. Halliday, M.D. (limited spots available). Registration is available at KidZone is also available and registration closes on March 27 at noon. Be Still Silent Retreat Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m.3 p.m. Come away for a day without interruption at the beautiful Mt. Carmel Center in Dallas. Register at Oasis Retreat April 1113 Join us for a refreshing weekend away with guest speaker Mary DeMuth, and worship led by Jeff and Sara Taylor. See ad, pg. 17.

Travis and Gina Ferguson and their daughter Ruth Ainsley, born December 13 at 7 lbs, 1 oz, and 19 inches long.



Middle/High School and College

Middle School Sundays Life on Life Student Ministries area, 10:30 a.m.12:20 p.m. Middle School Wednesdays The W Student Ministry area, 6:30-8 p.m. High School Sundays Life Groups Student Ministry area, 6:45-8 p.m. High School Wednesdays SWAG 7:15-8:30 p.m. The Alcove Teen Recovery Monday Nights, 67:30 p.m. Zone Jr. Teen Recovery is a safe and confidential environment for middle and high school students. Contact Trey at IBC College Ministry Sundays at 3:30 p.m. The Commons Annex


20s and Early 30s
The Gathering Thursdays, 7 p.m. The Commons Join us for our current series, Return Renew Restore, where we will be talking about the practical ways we can reconnect with God. Sit with us on Sunday! Young Adults sit together in the lower left-hand section facing the stage at the 10:45 a.m. service. Join us!


A Little Bit of Everything
FPU Wednesdays, beginning March 19 Financial Peace University is for everyone, from the financially secure to the financially distressed. Registration is all done online at NICHE (North Irving Christian Home Educators) Happy Spring Break, no NICHE meeting this month. Join us April 21 for a curriculum swap. For more info visit

For latest info on times and locations of college events join the Facebook group: College at IBC. Contact



For adoptive and foster parents

Waiting Families Group March 1, 7:30 p.m. A group for those in the adoption or foster care waiting process, as well as for those who are thinking about adoption or foster care.

Chatter | 15

Kids Night Out Event

March Madness

Do you have serious questions about Christianity?

At IBC we seek to foster an open, relaxed and safe environment where you can ask the hard questions of faith and life. The Table is a place where your questions are invited and welcomed, and where you can voice your doubts. It is a place for you to explore Christianity with others on a similar journey. Each of the ve sessions in this class focuses on an objection to the Christian faith.

FREE Fun for kids in single parent families

Saturday, March 15, 6-9 p.m., Mustang Park Recreation Center (across the street from IBC) Sports (basketball, dodge ball, board games) Crafts and games Dinner and snacks Parents, please pre-register your kids at Look for the registration link under Kids Night Out. Questions? Contact Jennifer at
*This event is for children 5 years old and older.

March 16 April 13 at 9 a.m. (Sunday Mornings) in the Living Room (formerly the Mens Conference Room). Seating is limited. For more information, please visit Register online or at the kiosk in the Town Square.


Questions? Contact

If you cant seem to gure out what IBC is all about or how you t into the larger picture (and you want free breakfast every Sunday for four weeks), Propel is the place for you! Propel is designed to help you gure out how to best plug into IBCs culture and calling. Well talk about what it means to grow in Christ, connect in community and join the mission and what that might mean for you. You will also learn more about membership at IBC. When: Sundays, March 16-April 6 at 10:45 a.m. in West A. Register: All are welcome, age 18 and up. Propel runs four Sundays from 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m. in a comfortable small group setting. Meet pastors and staff at the ministry fair during the last week of class. Questions? Contact Sherri at

Listen Up! 2.0

March 2, 2014, 7 p.m. in The Commons Do you ever wonder what your kids are really thinking about life, faith, friends, YOUR parenting? Join us for an interactive panel of a student, a therapist, a parent, and a youth minister that will help you gain special insight into our kids lives. Middle school parents, we invite you to come and see whats just around the corner for your kids, too!

april 11- april 13, 2014 camp copass, denton Like a stream in the desert, an oasis can refresh your mind, body and soul. Join other women for a weekend like no other that will include lots of laughs, delicious food, space to think and rest, and a breath of fresh air. Keynote Speaker: Mary DeMuth, author of The Wall Around Your Heart Family members hurt us. Friends betray us. Fellow Christians deceive us. But Jesus provides a path through the pain and it might surprise you: the Lords Prayer. Join speaker Mary DeMuth as she walks through stories of hurt people who are led through biblical truth into amazing, life-sustaining growth. Worship led by Sara and Jeff Taylor. Cost: Varies based on number of people per room (includes 2 nights of lodging and 5 meals). Register: For more information and to register, visit Registration closes on April 2 or earlier if full. Questions? Contact: Tiffany at or (972) 560-4650.

Save-the-date: Anxiety in Family Systems

April 13, 2014, 10:45 a.m. in West A Join us for this special presentation by Rhett Smith, a licensed therapist, writer and speaker with 18 years of experience helping families navigate stressful relationships. Learn how to make anxiety work FOR your family instead of against it.
Brought to you by:

Hey, remember that time I played X-Box all weekend and you were on your iPad?
Said no kid to his father, ever.

Canoe Trip
April 25-27 | Broken Bow, OKlahoma
Join other IBC dads and sons for an unforgettable weekend away at Lower Mountain Fork in Broken Bow, OK, featuring a powerful father/son afrmation ceremony around the campre the nal night. Fathers $89 Sons (under 12) $59 Contact Kym at

The 2014

First Worship Service: 9 a.m.
Childrens Classes (all ages) Synergy (40s & 50s), the Alcove The Tree (young marrieds and families), West D

My Time, Talents & Skills
The Main Place The Main Place provides clothing for homeless teens in Irving ISD. With prom coming up, they are in need of nearlynew evening dress shoes, purses, and jewelry. Nearly-new dress shoes and new dress socks for boys. Also, they need new panties, bras, jewelry (doesnt have to be new), socks, shoes. Contact Sharon at Childrens Ministry Leaders Each Sunday at IBC, we help about 800 kids grow in Christ and connect in community. We are in need of people of all ages to invest in the next generation of nursery, preschool, and elementary-aged kids. We have opportunities for all skill sets. Contact Melody at Mercy Street Mentors There are currently children waiting for a mentor to encourage them as they walk through the difculties of generational poverty. For more info, contact Jen at mercystreet@ Safety Team Do you have a desire to serve and protect others? Then the IBC safety team on Sunday is for you. Contact Chris Rose at Please include any credentials and relevant experience. NFNL Volunteers On the third Wednesday of each month IBC helps serve dinner to the women of New Friends New Life at Preston Road Church of Christ. Contact Christine at Mentor Kids in Single Parent Families Men and women are needed for gender-specic mentoring of children from single parent families. Contact Marsha at Meal Team Volunteers IBC makes meals available both Sunday and Wednesday nights. These fun teams could use some additional volunteers to serve together. For Sundays, contact For Wednesdays, contact

Second Worship Service: 10:45 a.m.

Childrens Classes (all ages) Crossroads (mid 20s-30s couples), West C On Track (single parents), Conference Room Journey (all welcome), The Alcove Renew (multi-generational), Training Center Thrive (30s & 40s singles), West D

Third Worship Service: 5 p.m.

Childrens Classes (all ages)

My Resources
Box Tops for Education Box Tops for Education coupons from products such as Kleenex, Ziplocks, breakfast cereals, etc can help purchase much needed equipment for Townsell Elementary. Please bring all Box Top coupons to the box in the donation area by the Training Center. Laundry Soap and Dryer Sheets Laundry Love is collecting laundry soap and dryer sheets for their monthly events in Irving. Please bring these to the Laundry Love box in the donation area by the Training Center. For more info, visit or contact Online Giving Option If you would nd it more convenient to donate to the ministries of Irving Bible Church online, visit

Community Dinner: 6 p.m. Community Events: 6:45 p.m.

Legacy Builders (all welcome), West A Middle School, The Commons High School, Student Ministries Area


Join us in the Town Square for our community meal on Sundays at 6 p.m. Meals are $3 per person or $10 max./family. 3/2 3/9 Awesome Pizza, breadsticks, super salad bar Chicken fajitas, chips and salsa, salad bar

3/16 Irish burgers and brats, salad bar 3/23 Giant baked potatoes with all the fixins, salad bar 3/30 Chicken tenders, salad bar If youd like to serve on a Sunday night meal team, contact Pat OReilly at (214) 289-6176 or

Interested in learning more about IBCs budget for 2014 or other nancial nuts and bolts? Visit


Each Wednesday night from 5-6:20 p.m., IBC prepares dinner for anyone wanting a good, hot meal. PB&J sandwiches are also available. Cost is $3/meal or $10 max./family. Just come by The Commons and grab a plate! 3/5 Tacos, enchiladas, refried beans, chips and salsa, freshly baked cookies. Hosted by Barbara Wittes team.

New to IBC?
Have questions? Were here to help.

Were so glad youre here. Sometimes its hard to know where to begin, but we want to make the process of connecting and feeling at home as easy as possible. Here are some ways to start. The Information Center is a great place to get your questions answered, nd help and encouragement for your personal journey, or just have a cup of coffee and settle in. Our team of volunteers would be happy to help you, and our goal is to make you feel at home. The Information Center is open every Sunday after all three worship services. The Newcomer Gathering is an informal get-together for those new to IBC and/or those wanting to learn more about who we are, what we believe and how to get plugged in. Meet other newcomers, ministry leaders and elders. Cant seem to gure out what IBC is all about or how you t into the larger picture? Want free breakfast every Sunday for four weeks? Propel is designed to help you gure out how to best plug in to IBCs culture and calling. Well talk about what it means to grow in Christ, connect in community and join the mission and what that might look like for you. Youll also learn more about membership at IBC. Small groups exist to cultivate deep relationships that advance the kingdom of God in dark places dark places in our world, in our relationships and in our hearts. We do this in the context of sermon-based Bible studies that meet in homes. Groups comprise 12 people or fewer and are formed by leaders who have completed small group leader training. To sign up for a group or get more info, contact Ryan Sanders at

Information Center

3/12 No Meal. Happy Spring Break! 3/19 Baked potatoes with all the fixin's, salad, dessert. Hosted by Lavern Howells team. 3/26 Lasagna, bread sticks, salad, dessert. Hosted by Karen Rails team. Changes to the menu may be made depending on food cost, availability, and Bob Downeys whim. If youd like to serve on a Wednesday night meal team, please email

Newcomer Gathering
Learn more about IBC and meet others like you.

Ready to get plugged in?



Caf Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8 a.m.5 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m.7 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.12 p.m. Closed Saturday Sunday: 8 a.m.12:30 p.m. & 47 p.m. Phone: (972) 4433323

Connect with others on the journey.

Small Groups

Chatter | 18

if you think of St. Patricks Day, youll probably think of four-leaf clovers. And if you think of four-leaf clovers, youll undoubtedly start humming the funky keyboard intro to Stevie Wonders 1972 chart-topper Superstition even if youre only 14 years old because youve most denitely heard it in approximately 8,592 TV commercials since you were born. But lets be honest for a moment. And frank. And serious. Seriously, honestly, frank with one another: Superstitions are the devils handiwork. Or handmaiden. Maybe both, the original Hebrew is a bit cloudy as I have no education in reading the ancient script. Still, we (just the two of us, really) can agree that superstitions take the place of both faith and logic and often lead to binge scratch-off buying and subsequent chucking of ones lucky penny into the nearest fountain and huffing off in disgust after, of course, making a wish. They are at best silly and at worst dangerous (ask your mom about her back if you dare, crack-stepper). But even though we, the Enlightened Christian Masses, know we should cast aside such gobbledygook like so much salt over ones shoulder, we nonetheless cling to certain beliefs and ritualistic behaviors we would otherwise say pish tosh to if Bob the Neighborhood Druid espoused them. Some are based on tradition. Some are based on good-time-rock-nrolla-new-fangled-feel-good Xiantity Lite (now with 98% less guilt). All are whack. BIBLE CODES Did you know that theres a secret code hidden within the manuscript of Gods Word that will tell you how to get rich without the help of Dave Ramsey? Or one that explains exactly how the Last Days will play out and includes many references to a Kirk Kameron? Perhaps youve heard about the code that reveals aliens really did land in Roswell, New Mexico and caused the area population to experience universal numbness in their left buttocks? All of these so-called revelatory codes exist, although I admit to swiping the buttock thing from Best in Show. People. If you want to make money, work and save. If you want to know how the world will end, wait. And if you want to know about Area 51, stream some X-Files episodes off of Netix. WHAT YOU READ IS WHAT YOU GET Theres a tendency among the ock to believe that every passage of their Get Through the Bible in a Year Give or Take a Decade Plan was foreordained by The Supreme Editor of Life instead of a junior editor at Tyndale. Did you read the Parable of the Talents this morning? Obviously, you should invest in those penny stocks your brother-in-law was pushing right after you run to QuikTrip for some scratch-offs and taquitos. Besides, just what action, exactly, are you supposed to infer from Numbers Chapter 5 detailing the census of the Kohathites? Trick question. The Kohathite census takes place in Chapter 4. KING JAMES OR BUST You know who you are. You grew up in an exceptionally fundamental Baptist church. School was something you attended between going to church Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night and an Approved Youth Group Activity on Saturday night that in no way involved dancing or card playing (get thee behind me, Uno!). You wore a lot of slacks. And your translation of choice? The Original KJV. Because we all know the KJV is as inspired as the original autographs except, you know, in 17th-century English. And the best way to understand Gods Word is to not actually be able to understand the words in it. Thats how you know the Holy Spirit is at work. Besides, opting for something as new age as the New American Standard will just get you thrown in with the Stryper fans. And dont getteth me started on The Message, hippie. BAR CODES AND RFID CHIPS Anything that can be used to track packages, pricing or inventory can also be used to track Soylent Green. Which is people. So if theres one thing pre-tribbers, mid-tribbers, post-tribbers and no-tribbers alike
A role of alien toilet paper sells for $5.50 at the Roswell, N.M UFO Museum.

Very Superstitious

When you think of March, chances are you will think of St. Patricks Day. And

can agree on, its that QR codes are, if not quite the Mark of the Beast, at the very least the Mark of a Marketing Manager Run Amok and are best avoided. Because if walking under a ladder nets 7 years bad luck, scanning a QR code will net you 70 years of spam. PRAYER POSITIONS You know, Timmy, God doesnt listen to little boys who dont have their heads bowed and eyes closed. But did you also know, young Master Tim, that the Lord listens just a little more intently to those who are on their knees? Indeed. But, and dont go spreading this around Sunday School, the real way to speed your praises and petitions from your lips directly to Gods ears is to go full-on prostrate. Kiss the oor, my boy. A mouth full of shag is like whispering to the Lords heart. Amen. GOD WILLING How many times have you heard someone, possibly yourself, utter a statement about future plans and then follow it up with a hearty God willing? Though rooted in James chapter 4, this statement has become the Christian equivalent to knocking on wood. As if by giving lip service to the notion that our futures lie entirely within Gods hands, we will in fact ensure that our preferred plans will come to pass. Going to get a hair cut on Saturday, God willing. Heading upstairs to lance this boil, God willing. Well nd something rated TV-G any second now, God willing. Just stop. Like many facets of our faith, the lesson in James has more to do with our attitudes than our phraseology. Cross my heart and hope to die. SAME BAT-TIME, SAME BAT-PEW These are the Items of Great Tragedy that shall befall you if thou dare sit in a different location than your regularly selected sanctied seating: You shall get the stink eye from Mrs. Fluggleman because youve taken her preferred place of pewage. Your posterior will not t the indentations of the unfamiliar cushioning, leading to chang. The pastor will mistake you for a new member. You will have to exchange the Holy Hand of Fellowship with an actual visitor. And, omniscience be darned, God will be unable to nd you and mark you as present on his Eternal Roll of Attendance. Oh, the horrors. The horrors. So this week, try to let go of your not-quite-biblical behavioral quirks. Pray in the shower (dont worry, it doesnt count as baptism by sprinkling). Park in a different space at church (both your car and your person). Let the kids have some Lucky Charms for breakfast without worrying about it setting them on the road to Uncle Antons House of Wings and Occults. Instead of singing The Doxology before dinner, try Petras This Means War. Itll be a blessing (assuming grandma survives the shock), which beats luck any day. Jason Fox knows that giving a mouse a cookie will only lead to pigs demanding pancakes which will in turn lead to an awkward moment involving bacon.
Jason writes from Omaha, Nebraska, for reasons the that neither the Lord or Lori at Tyndale know why.


Gavin Pugh The Semi-Hermit Austin Laukoter Mountain Beast Michelle Larva Savor the Little Things Mabry Culp Southern Charm Ashley Hagan Carpe Diem de Senior Year

There have been 40 limited edition marshmallows introduced in Lucky Charms over the years, including a whale-shaped marshmallow (1986).

Chatter | 19

Michelle Mayes and Chatter pose for a photo before looking for the rest of the boat and disciples in Corpus Christi, TX.

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