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Cessna C-172 R Question Bank 1) Oil pressure should register in cold weather in 60 sec. 2) n the e!

ent o" static door open# $% will gi!e an error o" & 'ts ( alti)eter will gi!e an error o" *0+ in closed window condition. *) ,ropeller ground clearance is -a) 11 ./ -0) 11.10/ -c) 11+ 21/ &) 2ini)u) turning radius 27+1 3/ 1) $0rupt use o" controls is prohi0ited 0e4ond 55 'ts -6$). 6) 7ellow arc on $% is "ro) 125 'ts to 16* 'ts 7) 2ini)u) oil pressure o" a8c is 20 psi 9) $nnunciator $lar) does not acti!ate on low "uel "low ( low R,2. 5) $lternator should 0e switched o"" in e!ent o" a))eter reading )ore than *1.1 6 10) Co)pass error upto 21 degree )a4 co)e# in e!ent o" alternator 0eing switched o"". 11) :o get )a;i)u) ca0in heating -- Ca0in heat kno0 "ull out -pulled out) - heat !ent open) - Ca0in air "ull in - out air closed) 12) $ttitude indicator has 0ank )arking in an incre)ent o" 10 degree -10# 20# *0 60# 50 degree) 1*) <irectional g4ro indicator -<= ) should 0e aligned regularl4 in "light "or precession. 1&) $ttitude stall warning 1 to 10 knots 0e"ore stall is reached. 11) 2a;i)u) window open speed is 16* 'not. 16) $!ionic cooling ite)s switched on auto)aticall4 when $!ionic )aster is on. 17) 2a;i)u) oil pressure is 111 psi. >4draulic 19) ?nusa0le "uel @uantit4 is 1.1 =allon in each tank. 15) 2a;i)u) Ra)p At. is at 2&17 l0s. 20) 2a;i)u) slip duration with 1 tank dr4 is *0 second. 21) Colour o" 100BB -low lead) "uel is 0lue. 22) 2a;i)u) oil @uantit4 "or long "light is 9 @uarts. 2*) <ilution o" "uel with < C=2C is 0.10D to 0.11 D 2&) 2 B-B-22911 oil is used a"ter 10 hours o" engine run up or when oil consu)ption has sta0iliEed. 21) 2a;i)u) de"lection o" nose wheel on ground 04 rudder pedal is 10F either side.

26) 2echanical stop on "laps are at 10# 20# *0 degree. 27) %hock a0sorption is acco)plished dr4 air8oil on nose wheel ( tu0ular spring steel on )ain wheel. 29) Best rate o" cli)0 speed at sea le!el is 75 'ts. 25) %tandard te)perature lapse rate is 2F81000+ *0) n e!ent o" engine "looding 2i;ture "ull open -2i;ture rich) :hrottle "ull open -"ull :hrottle) -:hrottle closed G dle) Ho ,ri)ing $ll o" the a0o!e are correct. *1) %tarter c4cle "or engine is 10 sec OH ( 20 %ec OII "or * ti)es ( then 10 )in gap "or cooling is to 0e gi!en. *2) Cnroute cli)0 speed is 1 kts to 10 kts a0o!e 0est rate o" cli)0 speed "or 0est !isi0ilit4# per"or)ance ( cooling. **) ?ntil 10 hrs has 0een accu)ulated# engine should 0e run at 90D power on Cruise. *&) $n open alternate static door will result in a loss o" 10D less o" power at "ull :hrottle. *1) Car0uretor icing is indicated 04 loss o" R,2 in "i;ed pitch ( "all o" )ani"old pressure in constant speed propeller. *6) O$:8!olt)eter gauge select switch )a4 0e tested 04 putting the select 0utton down "or *0 sec. *7) 2icrophone 0utton disa0les when pressed "or )ore than ** sec at a stretch ( then trans)ission 0reaks auto)aticall4. *9) n e!ent o" static tu0e 0lockage and pitot 0lockage J $% reads error. *5) :o present hea!4 ca0in loadings# then "uel load reduced to 17.1 gal in each tank. &0) 6olt)eter8clock - pushing copper central 0utton will toggle the displa4 On C G 6olt)eter C G Centi I G Iarenheat C G 6olt)eter

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