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Ignition operation is controlled by a rotary switch which is controlled by - R, L, Both & Start 1.

Which of the following provides best fuel econo y ! operation at pea" #$% &. 'il pressure gauge ar"ing !green arc between ()*+) psi

,. #-a ination of fuel in the syste for conta ination* before first flight every day*after each refuelling .. Wea" inter ittent firing by puff of blac" s o"e caused by ! over pri ing (. %here was obvious power loss when ignition switch was o entoring turn fro both to L causes is ! L agneto proble /. %o apply par"ing bra"e a0!set bra"e with rudder paddle* b0 1s in a0 & pull handle aft c0 1s in b0 rotate +) degree down 23 is the answer0 4. %he 5SI depicts ! Rate of cli b or descend in feet per in

6. %he engine driven vacuu syste provides ! suction necessary to operate direction indicator & attitude indicator +. %he center area of the instru ent panel contains* static pressure , alternator source valve 1). In attitude indicator which is not central ar"ing *.) degree ar"ed in each side of

11. In long flight which is the for precession error*,) degree 1&. 7or cabin heat heat "nob push out 1,. 1..

a-i u

deviation in co pass

a-i u 8cabin air "nob push in* cabin

Stall warning is activated *( to 1) "ts above all condition 1nnunciator does not activate* low fuel flow & low R9: an fuel loading in each

1(. %o prevent heavy cabin leader tan" is 14.( gal 1/.

'il pressure should register in cold weather in /) sec

14. In the event of alternate static door open*1SI will give error of . "ts* alti eter will give of ;* ,) feet in closed window 16. 1+. &). &1. &&. 9ropeller ground clearance is 11.&( inch :a-i u turning radius of a<c is &4= (.(>

1brupt use of the control is prohibited *++ "ts ?ellow ach of 1SI 1&+*1/, "ts :ini u oil pressure of a<c &) psi eter

&,. 1lternator should be switched off in the event of a reading ! ore than ,1.( v &.. 3o pass error up to &( degree alternator ! switched off

ay co e in the event of

&(. @.$.I has routine be aligned regularly on flight ! precision &/. &4. &6. :a-i u :a-i u window open speed* 1/, "ts oil pressure* 11( psi

Anusable fuel Buantity in each tan" ! 1.( u.s gal

&+. ,).

:a-i u :a-i u


wt ! &.(4lbs

slip duration with one ban" ! ,) seconds

,1. :ini u oil Buantity for e-tended flight* ( Buarts2 a-i u oil Buantity is 6 Buarts0 ,&. ,,. ,.. 3olour of 1)) LL2low leaded0 fuel ! blue 3oncentration in fuel of @I#$:#2@i*#thyl $lycol* ethyl #ther0* ).1)C to ).1(C 3oncentration in fuel of () C propyl alcohol ! 1C ono

,(. Which oil is to be used after () hrs of engine running or when the oil consu ption has been stabiliDedE* :IL*L*&&6(1 or S1# l 16++ aviation grade ash less dispersant2:IL* ilitary, S1#* Society of 1uto otive #ngineers 0 ,/. :a-i u deflection of the nose wheel by the use of rudder paddle on ground is ! 1) degree to either side of the turn ,4. ,6. ,+. .). .1. :echanical stops on flaps are at ! 1), &) & ,) degrees Best rate of cli b at sea level* 4+ "ts Shoc" absorption on nose wheel ! air<oil syste Shoc" absorption in ain wheel is ! tubular spring

If engine floods* turn of au-iliary fuel pu p & place i-ture in idle cut off * open half throttle & cran" engine when engine fires* advance i-ture to full rich & retard the throttle properly Standard te p lapse rate *&)< 1)))= Starter cycle for engine is ! &) sec off for , ti es & then ins gap for cooling is to given

.&. .,. 1)

... #nroute cli b speed is ( to 1) "ts above best rate of cli b speed for ! Best visibility*Best perfor ance* Best cooling .(. Antil () hrs has be accu ulated , engine should run at ! 6)C of power or cruise ./. 1n open alternate door will result in an ! 1ppro- 1) C loss of power at full throttle .4. 3arburettor icing is indicated by ! loss of rp in fi-ed pitch propeller ! loss of anifold pressure in constant speed propeller .6. Fose gear shoc" strut pressure* .( psi

.+. 'utside 1ir %e perature 2oat0 <5olt eter guage select switch ay be used by putting the select button down off* , seconds to start (). If the 9%%2press to tal" 0 of the icrophone is "ept pressed for ore than ,, seconds in continous then trans ission is auto atically te inated .... (1. In volt eter < '1%< 3loc" pushing upper control button will change the display on window * #*7*3*# (&. (,. (.. ((. (/. (4. (6. (+. :a-i u fuel capacity of each tan" * &6 A.S gallon.

Spar" plug fouling reduces loss of R9: :agneto alfunction causes ! isfiring

Bra"e oil of 1<3 * :IL*L*(/)/ %?9# 9R#SSAR# '7 %G# F'S# tyre* ,. 9SI %yre pressure of ain wheel tyres* &6 9SI

Fose wheel strut ! & inches 9ropeller dia eter* a- 4( inches in 4. inch

/). /1. /&.


odel nu ber* I'*,/)*L&1

Standard e pty weight of 1<3 *1/,+lbs Baggage co part ent contain

Baggage co part ent *10 has allowance of 1&) lbs *&0 has allowance of () lbs %otal baggage co part ent *1&)lbs /,. /.. /(. //. /4. /6. /+. 4). 41. 4&. :a-i u useful load of 1<3* 616lbs

Wing loading of an 1<c *1..1 lbs <sB.ft 9ower loading of an 1<3 ! 1(., lbs < hp Length , height , wingspan, of 1<3* &4=&>, 6=11> , ,/=1> Wing 1rea of 1<c *14. sB.ft #levator span of an 1<3 * 11=.> Wheel base length of an 1<c ! /(> Gorse power rating & engine power* 1/) bhp &.)) R9: 9ropeller odel nu ber ! 13 &,( <L71 4(4)

1irspeed engine failure after ta"eoff

- 7laps up /( "ias , flaps down /) "ias 4,. Landing with a flat ain tyre wing flaps will be *,))

4.. Landing with a flat nose tyre wing flaps will be ! as reBuired

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