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Our Products: NEW ITEMS: We offer a limited (ut ever)growing selection of new items for your core su(*ects.

+f we don,t carry a line you are particularly interested in, let us know and we may (e a(le to order it for you. USED ITEMS: -eel free to (ring in your gently used items. -or high) demand items in e.cellent condition, we may *ust (uy them from you on the spot. -or other items, you might consider our consignment program/ a simple 00)00 split, with no e.tra fees.

We Are Open: Monday 9/00 am 1uesday 9/00 am Wednesday 9/00 am 1hursday 9/00 am -riday 9/00 am %aturday 20/00 am %unday

7/00 pm 7/00 pm 7/00 pm 7/00 pm 0/00 pm 3/00 pm Closed

Carolina Education Center 7900 Matthews Mint !ill "d. #ldg. $, %te. # Mint !ill, &C $'$$7
Carolina Education Center offers a variety of support options for homeschoolers and others looking for educational assistance. We offer tutoring, classes, curricula, testing, homeschooling information, test preparation, and a variety of other programs.

Our services/ Classes! 5ur first offerings will include 6lternative Energy, Effective Writing %trategies, E.ploring Creation with Chemistry 7 8hysics 9a (rand)new elementary science course from 6pologia:, and %61 8rep. Check our we(site, as we will (e adding to this list often. Tutoring! +f Mom and ;ad are not e.perts in a su(*ect, or simply don4t have time to teach certain su(*ects, we can help. ;rop in during our 5pen 1utoring times, or schedule an appointment for one)on)one tutoring. 6fforda(le rates, e.cellent results. 1utoring availa(le in Math, %cience, English, 7 !istory at all levels. -or any other su(*ects, contact us. "omesc#ool Stud$ "all! 5n -ridays in 5cto(er, stop (y from 2 to < pm. #ring your (ooks, and meet other homeschoolers. 1he focus is on studying, (ut there will (e a few activities and occasionally door pri=es. >0 ?cover charge@ includes a slice of pi==a, a drink, and some tutoring assistance if needed. Parent Support plan! !ate to grade essaysA &ever finish the school year on timeA &eed someone to help with the (oring paperworkA We can do that. Bou remain the teacher, (ut we4re here to help keep things on track. With this service, we meet with you andCor your child once a week. ;uring this time, we4ll assist in whatever areas you prefer/ Testing! +f you need a comprehensive assessment, our e.perts have years of e.perience administering the Woodcock) Dohnson +++ test. 1he >70 testing fee includes a (rief consultation. -or the Egroup e.perience,E we also offer the C61 and C610 in the spring.

Our goal is simple: 1o create a one)stop support center for homeschoolers. Whether you need advice on whether homeschooling is right for your family, need to investigate a few curriculum options, or *ust want us to tackle those science la(s for you, we can help. We4re here to simplify, streamline, and support, while respecting you as the parent and e.pert on your own child4s needs.

A%out us: 1he Fearning Center was founded (y e.perienced educators. 5ver the past eight years, our staff has (een active in the homeschooling community, as co)op leaders and teachers, as tutors, and as Woodcock) Dohnson testers. !omeschooling parents ourselves, we have faced the same challenges that our customers must overcome. We4ve also (een active with the larger community. We4ve (een teaching test preparation courses for a do=en years. We4ve taught, tutored, and mentored pu(lic school students. We can relate to your needs as wellG Call Us Toda$&

We O((er: Classes that run. We know how frustrating it can (e to plan your school year and have to rearrange when something goes wrong. +f we offer a class, we,ll run it with as few as < enrolled students. 6nd if you do register for a class that,s canceled, we,ll give you a discount on your ne.t registration.

99'0: $<7)3003
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