EURO 2008 UNV Research Policy Regulatory Framework

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Global Research Study

on Volunteerism Policies
and Legislation Since 2001

Dublin, Ireland
26 June 2008
Mae Chao, UNV
General Assembly Resolution:
“Recommendations on support for volunteering”
Recalling… the General Assembly recommended
the promotion of the involvement of volunteers
in social development…by encouraging
Governments, taking into account the views of
all actors, to develop comprehensive strategies
and programmes by raising public awareness
about the value and opportunities of
volunteerism and by facilitating an enabling
environment for individuals and other actors of
civil society to engage in voluntary activities,
and the private sector to support such
10 January 2002, A/RES/56/38
Volunteerism Infrastructure
Four Key Factors:
• Reach a common understanding of
volunteerism and a shared appreciation of
its value.
• Establish and nurture an enabling
• Adopt a diversity of approaches to
mobilizing and facilitating volunteerism
• Ensure sustainable funding
A joint project
of the International
of Red Cross and
Red Crescent
the Inter-
Parliamentary Union
United Nations
Volunteers: 2004
Global Research on
Volunteerism Policy & Legislation
International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
(ICNL) is leading the research
European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
(ECNL) is partnering
Also Regional Experts for Asia, Africa, Arab
States, CIS, Europe, Latin America, and
the Pacific
• Identify changes in laws, regulations, and
policies governing volunteers, highlighting
experiences from all regions of the world
since 2001
• Provide an overview of different policy
approaches in providing an enabling
framework for volunteering---analyze
effectiveness, how to promote, resources
• Highlight lessons learned on content as well
as process
Expected Outputs
• Research Report
• Guidance note for use by government,
parliamentarians, CSOs, volunteers, the UN,
and other stakeholders with sample policies,
model provisions, recommended practices
• Research Template for future reviews
• Roster of experts able to consult with policy-
makers on development of volunteer related
Project Approach
1. Survey the regions to identify those countries
with significant changes since 2001
2. Select for in-depth study based on the criteria
defined in the Research Template,
approximately 24 countries to identify
learnings for their regions and gloablly
3. The above plus a literature review will form
the basis of the outputs.
Previews from Survey
• At least 73 countries have adopted or introduced
new laws or policies to promote volunteerism
since 2001
• In Europe, 35 countries passed or introduced
volunteer law (16 since 2005)
• Sub-Saharan Africa: 12
• Latin America:10
• CIS: 7
• Asia: 5
• South Pacific: 4
Areas Addressed by Policies
• Promote awareness, legitimacy and status of
• Change regulations which discourage
• Government commitment for the establishment
of a volunteer participation or promotion
• Define the rights and responsibilities of
volunteers generally or for specific focus area
• Niger: national Decree on Volunteerism 2007
– Framework for volunteerism activities
– Increases opportunities for youth to gain skills
and increase employability
– Built increased trust and alliances between
government, CSOs and businesses

• Macedonia: Law on Volunteering 2007

– Legal definition of volunteering
– Addresses work place safety and
reimbursement of expenses
More Examples
• South Africa: 2004 Immigration Act Amendment
– includes provision for the granting of visas to
international volunteers

• Bolivia: 2005 law

– Mobilization of volunteers for emergencies
– Short term public health insurance coverage
– Academic credit in public and private
Global survey: June 2008
In-Depth Country Studies: Summer
Draft Document: Late Fall
Review and Feedback Process: End of Year
Expected Publication Date: 1st Quarter 2009
Questions? Comments?

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