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1- Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon.

2 - George VI

George VI
Monarch George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George; 14 December 1895 Februar! 195"# $a% &ing o' the (nited &ingdom and the Dominion% o' the )riti%h *ommon$ealth 'rom 11 December 19+ until hi% death, -e $a% the la%t .m/eror o' 0ndia and the 'ir%t -ead o' the *ommon$ealth, A% the %econd %on o' &ing George 12 he $a% not e3/ected to inherit the throne and %/ent hi% earl! li'e in the %hado$ o' hi% elder brother2 .d$ard, -e %er4ed in the 5o!al 6a4! and 5o!al Air Force during the Fir%t 7orld 7ar2 and a'ter it took on the u%ual round o' /ublic engagement%, -e married 8ad! .li9abeth )o$e%-8!on in 19"+ and the! had t$o daughter%2 .li9abeth and Margaret,

" Na e Their Gran&'hil&ren <rince 7illiam2 <rince *harle%2 Duke o' *ambridge <rince o' 7ale% <rince -arr! <rince%% Anne2 <eter <hilli/% <rince%% 5o!al =ara >indall ": <rince <hili/ o' "1 A/ril <rince%% )eatrice o' 6o4ember Greece and 19" <rince Andre$2 ?ork 194; Denmark Duke o' ?ork <rince%% .ugenie o' ?ork @ame%2 1i%count <rince .d$ard2 Ae4ern .arl o' 7e%%e3 8ad! 8oui%e 7ind%or *harle% Arm%trongDa4id Arm%trong"1 Augu%t @one% @one%2 1i%count Ma! 19 : Anton! 19+: Margarita 8inle! Di4orced 11 Died 9 Arm%trong-@one% Arm%trong-@one% @ul! 19;8 Februar! Aamuel *hatto "::" 8ad! Aarah *hatto Arthur *hatto Birth Their %hil&ren Marriage !ate " #$ouse

.li9abeth 00

<rince%% Margaret2 *ounte%% o' Ano$don

%harles( )rin'e o* +ales

%harles( )rin'e o* +ales (*harle% <hili/ Arthur George; born 14 6o4ember 1948#2 i% the elde%t child and heir a//arent

o' Bueen .li9abeth 00,

)rin'e An&rew( !u,e o* -or,

)rin'e An&rew( !u,e o* -or, (Andre$ Albert *hri%tian .d$ard; born 19 Februar! 19 :#2 i% a )riti%h /rince2 the %econd %on and third child o' Bueen .li9abeth 00 and <rince <hili/2 Duke o' .dinburgh, At the time o' hi% birth2 he $a% %econd in the line o' %ucce%%ion to %ucceed hi% mother; he i% currentl! 'i'th in line,

Anne( )rin'ess .oyal

Anne( )rin'ess .oyal (Anne .li9abeth Alice 8oui%e; born 15 Augu%t 195:# i% the %econd child and onl! daughter o' .li9abeth 00 and <rince <hili/2 Duke o' .dinburgh, At the time o' her birth2 %he $a% third (behind her mother and elder brother# and ro%e to %econd (a'ter her motherC% acce%%ion# in the line o' %ucce%%ion to the throne% o' the 1 *ommon$ealth realm%; ho$e4er2 a'ter the birth o' t$o !ounger brother%2 %i3 niece% and ne/he$%2 and one grand-ne/he$2 %he i% ele4enth in line,

<rince%% Anne $ith her /arent% and older brother in Dctober 195;

)rin'e E&war&( Earl o* +esse/

)rin'e E&war&( Earl o* +esse/ (.d$ard Anton! 5ichard 8oui%; born 1: March 19 4# i% the third %on and 'ourth (and !ounge%t# child o' Bueen .li9abeth 00 and <rince <hili/2 Duke o' .dinburgh, At the time o' hi% birth2 he $a% third in line to %ucceed hi% mother; he i% no$ eighth in the line o' %ucce%%ion,

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