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ADULT STUDY GROUP Our resource is Embracing an Adult Faith by Marcus Borg on What it Means to be Christian.

Each session, we will watch a DVD resentation and then share in con!ersation and rayer. "here is a wor#boo# that will hel us in our shared $ourney. %& you ha!e any 'uestions, lease s ea# with (e!. Mar#. )e will meet again on February *+th, March ,th, */th, and *+th. 0lease $oin us at -1// .m. OUR WEEKLY MISSION - Don2t &orget to sto at the Food Ban# table and urchase an item. All &ood items ha!e rices mar#ed. 3im ly ma#e your choice and lace it in a bo4 below. "hen ay by utting the money into the cash bo4. 3o sim le but each donation ma#es such a di&&erence in the li!es o& those in need. KINTAIL ON THE ROAD 5ast 6uly, we had a &antastic 7 days with 8intail On "he (oad. "han#s to the good wor# o& the lanning team, !olunteers and the 8intail 3ta&&, we had an ama9ing time. )e lan to ha!e 8O"( at our church again this summer. )e are in need o& members &or our 0lanning "eam, including someone to co:chair with Be! ;ider. 0lease s ea# with Mar# <edc#e, Be! ;ider or Mary Dougall to learn more. 2014 LENTEN COMMUNITY LUNCHEONS ($8.00 per person held at Immaculate Conception R.C. Church) March 7 = Fr. Da!id Butler >3t. 6ose h2s?%mmaculate @once tion (@@A March -* = (e!. Elaine @lar#:3iberry ><reenwood @ourtA March -B = (e!. 0irie Mitchell >@entral CnitedA March *, : (e!. Michelle Down >3t. 6ohn2s CnitedA A ril * : 0astor @had Mc5aren >Bethel 0entecostalA A ril B : (e!. Daniel Bowyer >3t. 0aul2s AnglicanA Minister (e!. Mar# <edc#e 7-B:7+7:DD-+ or by email at mgedc#eE#no4strat& Dire!t"r "# M$si! 3u9anne 3trahan O##i!e A%&inistr't"r 8athy Ba#er Tre's$rer 3hannon Archer O##i!e (1)-2*1-0+*+ O,,ICE HOURS )'&- 1-& T$es%'. t/r"$0/ ,ri%'.

KNO1 PRES2YTERIAN CHURCH ,e3r$'r. 2+4 2014 11 00 '& Minister1 (e!. Mar# <edc#e Music Director = 3u9anne 3trahan <uest 3 ea#er = Mi#e Masse PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP : 0rayer, Meditation and Visiting PRELUDE: % )ill Follow = @. "omlin, 6. %ngram, (. Morgan -//// (easons = M. (edman, 6. Myrin WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP 5eader1 "oday, we hear the !oice o& 6esus s ea#ing1 )ill you come and &ollow meF People: O Lord, help us to follo !ou "# $ sp"r"t of lo%e& 5eader1 Our <od is truly delighted with you and the gi&ts you share. People: We $re 'r$teful to (e lo%ed $#d e pr$! th$t e )$! sh$re !our *o)p$ss"o# "th our #e"'h(ours& OPENING HYMN G,.H )ill you come and &ollow me

PRAYER O, ADORATION 5 CON,ESSION AND THE LORD6S PRAYER Our Father who art in hea!en, hallowed be thy name, thy #ingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in hea!en. <i!e us this day our daily bread. Forgi!e us our tres asses as we &orgi!e those who tres ass against us. 5ead us not into tem tation but deli!er us &rom e!il. For thine is the #ingdom, the ower and the glory &ore!er and e!er. Amen PASSING O, THE PEACE 5eader1 "he 0eace o& @hrist be with you Co#'re'$t"o#: A#d $lso "th !ou. ANTHEM 3hout to the 5ord = D. Ischech As the deer >&rom songboo#A


SCRIPTURE READING Micah +1-D:*/ - @orinthians -.1H:Da

SONG 0oor 5ittle Boy >Mi#e MasseA SERMON HYMN @rossing Bridges = Mi#e Masse

G,.+ "a#e my li&e and let it be consecrated

O,,ERING O,,ERTORY Build Jour 8ingdom ;ere = (end @ollecti!e E4 eriment

O,,ERTORY PRAISE G+B 0raise <od &rom whom all blessings &low PRAYER O, DEDICATION >togetherA 3 irit o& the li!ing <od, we as# &or courage to share our gi&ts and talents in ways that gi!e ho e to others and oursel!es. )e are grate&ul &or the ministry we share together in this congregation and in this community. Amen PRAYERS O, THE PEOPLE CLOSING HYMN 2ENEDICTION POSTLUDE Mighty to 3a!e = B. Fielding, (. Morgan G,+/ Ama9ing <race >!erses -:H, ,A

C/$r!/ O-enin0 T"%'. "im 0auli C/$r!/ O-enin0 Ne7t 8ee9 "im 0auli Us/ers t/is 8ee9 "erry Barton, Bill Forbes, <erry K Darlene Feeney Us/ers ne7t 8ee9 "erry Barton, Bill Forbes, <erry K Darlene Feeney Greeters t/is 8ee91 6ohn K Eleanor )aldie W"rs/i- Le'%ers Mary Dougall K 6ohn )aldie C"##ee t/is 8ee9 Marlene ;anson K 3haron "ays )e are grate&ul &or Mi#e MasseLs leadershi in our ser!ice today. Mi#e is a youth outreach wor#er. ;e has wor#ed with @hoices &or @hange &or , years and resently leads a rogram &or youth three days a wee# in the 8no4 @hurch building. 0re!iously, Mi#e has wor#ed with Jor# @hildrenLs Aid 3ociety and the Boys K <irls @lub. Mi#e is married to 6enns and together they ha!e the blessing o& * young boys, De4ter and Beau. Mi#eLs lo!es, outside o& his &amily, are gol&, &ootball and music.

YOUTH GROUP "he Jouth <rou meets again on 3unday, March ./. )e lan to go bowling in the a&ternoon. More details to &ollow. ANNUAL CON+RE+ATIONAL MEETIN+ 3unday, March *nd is @ommunion as well as our Annual @ongregational Meeting &ollowing our )orshi 3er!ice and otluc# lunch. >0lease bring &inger &oods, lates, cutlery = co&&ee and tea will be ro!ided.A Annual (e orts are a!ailable today in the narthe4. ELECTION , APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES, -NO. PRES/0TERIAN CHURCH, STRATFORD An annual congregational meeting o the church !ill be held on "unda#$ March %$ %0&'. At said meeting$ the congregation shall elect and appoint (ine ()) *rustees or a one (&) #ear term in accordance !ith the +riginal *rust ,eed. Candidates must be members o -no. /resb#terian Church$ "trat ord in ull communion. (ominations !ill be recei0ed in the church o ice up to &%100 p.m. on *hursda#$ 2ebruar# %3$ %0&'. (omination orms are a0ailable in the o ice. (ominee name(s) must be submitted on the orm pro0ided$ must be a member o -no. /resb#terian Church$ "trat ord in ull communion and be supported b# t!o (%) members and4or adherents o -no. /resb#terian Church$ "trat ord. *rustees that !ere elected or the %0&5 term are 6lmer ,redge$ William 2orbes$ /atric7 "cott$ ,a0id "trahan and 8ohn Waldie. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE /OARD OF MANA+ERS At the -no. Annual Meeting on "unda#$ March %$ %0&'$ the congregation !ill elect three members to the 9oard o Managers or a three:#ear term. *he 9oard has a minimum o nine members and meets monthl# to support the good !or7 o -no. programs$ sta $ inance$ rentals and acilities. I #ou are interested in ser0ing in this role or i #ou !ish to nominate someone or one o these positions$ please complete the orm a0ailable in the Church + ice. *he signature o the person #ou are nominating is re;uired. & <ear *erm1 "ean Raleigh$ =#nn 9ast > *im /auli % <ear *erm1 /aul West$ "hirle# Weit?el$ /hil An!ender and Mar# ,ougall (e! members are re;uired to ill the 5:<ear *erm. "ession Representati0es are *err# 9arton and 8ohn Waldie.

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