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Water-Soluble Vitamins Notice the basic similarities of these molecules: these vitamins are laden with oxygen and

nitrogen atoms -- atoms with imbalanced charge distributions. That makes these vitamins "hydrophilic" (water-loving molecules! since water ("#$ also has an imbalanced charge distribution.
Important functions: healthy skin, body's sodium / phosphorous balance, amino acid synthesis, helps central nervous system, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, antibody formation, muscles (reduces cramps, spasms, sitiffness, numbness), combats feelings of nausea. Possible deficiency symptoms: slo ed learning, anemia, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, muscle eakness, limb cramps, hair loss, dermatitis, ater retention. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

%mportant functions: prevents scurvy (collagen is a molecule used by the body to hold tissues together! and collagen cannot be made without vitamin & ' resistance to infection and colds (including the "common cold" ' ma(or antioxidant (nitrates - found in smoke! pollution! and many foods - can be converted into cancerous substances' )itamin & prevents this conversion ' strengthens blood vessels' iron absorption' healthy bones! teeth! gums' wound * fracture healing' scar tissue. +ossible deficiency symptoms: soft * bleeding gums! tooth decay! bruising! swollen * painful (oints! slow-healing wounds * fractures! muscular weakness! skin hemorrhages! capillary weakness! nosebleeds! anemia! loss of appetite! impaired digestion.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

%mportant functions: nervous system maintainance' fat! protein! * sugar metabolism' blood circulation' proper food digestion' healthy skin! tongue! * digestive system' reduces blood cholesterol level' reduces high blood pressure' prevents pellagra. +ossible deficiency symptoms: nervousness! headaches! fatigue! depression! irritability! insomnia! dementia! vague aches * pains! loss of appetite! dermatitis! muscular weakness! indigestion! bad breath! canker sores! pellagra.
Vitamin M (Folic Acid)

%mportant functions: ,N- * .N- synthesis (essential for cellular reproduction ' red blood cell formation' amino acid metabolism. +ossible deficiency symptoms: megaloblastic anemia! gastrointestinal disorders! vitamin /0# deficiency! gray hair.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

%mportant functions: energy production from food' carbohydrate digestion' operation of nervous system! muscles * heart' appetite regulation' muscle tone' growth in pre-adults. +ossible deficiency symptoms: depression' irritability' insomnia' fatigue' appetite * weight loss' mild paralysis' vague aches * pains' constipation' heart * gastrointestinal problems.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

%mportant functions: fat! carbohydrate! * protein metabolism' formation of antibodies * red blood cells' cell respiration' good vision! skin! nails * hair' alleviates eye fatigue' general health. +ossible deficiency symptoms: scaly or oily skin' bloodshot or itching and burning eyes' cracked lips' purplish tongue' retarded growth' digestive disturbances' trembling' sluggishness.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

%mportant functions: formation * regeneration of red blood cells! thus helping prevent anemia' fat! carbohydrate! * protein metabolism' healthy nervous system' growth in children' increases energy' calcium absorption. +ossible deficiency symptoms: megaloblastic anemia! neurodegeneration! pernicious anemia! poor appetite! poor growth in children! tiredness! brain damage! nervousness! depression! neuritis! spinal cord degeneration! poor balance. Fat-Soluble Vitamins Notice the large amount of carbon and hydrogen in the fat-soluble vitamins -- this makes these vitamins "hydrophobic" (water-fearing ! and is also precisely what makes them fat-soluble. -lso notice how the overall structure of each fat-soluble vitamin is basically a long linear chain of hydrocarbons capped with a hydroxyl group (-$" . This is extremely similar to the structure of fatty acids and phospholipids! which make up cellular membranes.
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)

%mportant functions: growth * repair of body tissues' smooth! soft! disease-free skin' protects mucous membranes of the mouth! nose! throat * lungs! thereby reducing susceptibility to infections' protects against air pollutants' counteracts night-blindness * weak eyesight' aids in bone and teeth formation. %t appears that foods rich in /eta &arotene help reduce the risk of lung cancer * some oral cancers. 1nlike )itamin - from fish liver oil! /eta &arotene is non-toxic. +ossible deficiency symptoms: night blindness' dry skin' decreased resistance to infections' rough! dry! scaly skin' loss of smell * appetite' fatigue' lack of tearing' defective teeth * gums! retarded growth.

%mportant functions: ma(or anti-oxidant (slows cellular aging due to oxidation ' helps supply oxygen to the blood! thereby reducing fatigue' helps cellular nourishment' strengthens the capillary walls to keep red blood cells away from destructive poisons' prevents * dissolves blood clots' has been used to help prevent sterility! muscular dystrophy! calcium deposits in blood walls! and heart problems. +ossible deficiency symptoms: dry skin! hemolysis of red blood cells rupture of red blood cells! loss of reproductive powers * lack of sexual vitality! abnormal fat deposits in muscles! degenerative changes in the heart and other muscles. 2+3&%-4 N$T3: There are several types of )itamin 3 available. The d--lpha Tocopherol (0556 Natural is 7 times more potent in biological activity than d0--lpha Tocopherol

(2ynthetic )itamin 3. Natural )itamin 3 is derived from soybeans! and synthetic )itamin 3 is a petroleum by-product.
Vitamin !

%mportant functions: improves absorption and utili8ation of calcium and phosphorous' re9uired for bone and teeth formation' maintains a stable nervous system and normal heart action. +ossible deficiency symptoms: rickets! osteomalacia tooth decay! softening of bones and improper healing of fractures! lack of vigor! muscular weakness! inade9uate calcium absorption! retention of phosphorous in the kidneys. Niacinamide (Niacin- vitamin B-3) %mportant functions: %mproves circulation and reduces the cholesterol level in the blood' maintains the nervous system' helps metaboli8e protein! sugar * fat' reduces high blood pressure' increases energy through proper utili8ation of food' prevents pellagra' helps maintain a healthy skin! tongue * digestive system. +ossible deficiency symptoms: :ay result in pellagra! gastrointestinal disturbance! nervousness! headaches! fatigue! mental depression! vague aches * pains! irritability! loss of appetite! insomnia! skin disorders! muscular weakness! indigestion! bad breath! canker sores. Pantothenic acid %mportant functions: +articipates in the release of energy from carbohydrates! fats * protein! aids in the utili8ation of vitamins' improves the body;s resistance to stress' helps in cell building * the development of the central nervous system' helps the adrenal glands! fights infections by building antibodies. +ossible deficiency symptoms: :ay lead to painful * burning feet! skin abnormalities! retarded growth! di88y spells! digestive disturbances! vomiting! restlessness! stomach stress! muscle cramps. Biotin %mportant functions: -ids in the utili8ation of protein! folic acid! +antothenic acid! and )itamin /-0#! promotes healthy hair. +ossible deficiency symptoms: :ay lead to extreme exhaustion! drowsiness! muscle pain! loss of appetite! depression! grayish skin color. Inositol %mportant functions: Necessary for the formation of lecithin' aids in the breakdown of fats' helps reduce blood cholesterol' helps prevent thinning hair. +ossible deficiency symptoms: :ay result in high blood cholesterol! constipation! ec8ema! hair loss. Choline %mportant functions: )ery important in controlling fat * cholesterol buildup in the body' prevents fat from accumulating in the liver' facilitates the movement of fats in the cells' helps regulate the kidneys! liver * gallbladder' important for nerve transmission' helps improve memory.

+ossible deficiency symptoms: :ay result in cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver! hardening of the arteries! heart problems! high blood pressure! hemorrhaging kidneys. Paba (Para Amino Benzoic Acid) %mportant functions: -ids healthy bacteria in producing folic acid' aids in the formation of red blood cells' contains sun screening properties' aids in the assimilation of +antothenic acid' returns hair to its natural color. +ossible deficiency symptoms: :ay cause extreme fatigue! ec8ema! irritability! depressions! nervousness! constipation! headaches! digestive disorders! hair turning prematurely gray.

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