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SEVENTH SCHEDULE (Article 246) List I.- Union List 1. Defence of In i! !n e"er# $!rt t%ereof incl& in' $re$!r!

tion for efence !n !ll s&c% !cts !s (!# )e con &ci"e in ti(es of *!r to its $rosec&tion !n !fter its ter(in!tion to effecti"e e(o)ilis!tion. 2. N!"!l+ Union. (ilit!r# !n !ir forces, !n# ot%er !r(e forces of t%e

-.24/2A. De$lo#(ent of !n# !r(e force of t%e Union or !n# ot%er force s&)0ect to t%e control of t%e Union or !n# contin'ent or &nit t%ereof in !n# St!te in !i of t%e ci"il $o*er, $o*ers+ 0&ris iction+ $ri"ile'es !n li!)ilities of t%e (e()ers of s&c% forces *%ile on s&c% e$lo#(ent.1 2. Deli(it!tion of c!nton(ent !re!s+ loc!l self-'o"ern(ent in s&c% !re!s+ t%e constit&tion !n $o*ers *it%in s&c% !re!s of c!nton(ent !&t%orities !n t%e re'&l!tion of %o&se !cco((o !tion (incl& in' t%e control of rents) in s&c% !re!s. 4. .. 6. N!"!l+ (ilit!r# !n !ir force *or3s. e4$losi"es.

Ar(s+ fire!r(s+ !((&nition !n Ato(ic ener'# !n

(iner!l reso&rces necess!r# for its $ro &ction. t%e

5. In &stries ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e necess!r# for $&r$ose of efence or for t%e $rosec&tion of *!r. 7. Centr!l 8&re!& of Intelli'ence !n In"esti'!tion.

9. 6re"enti"e etention for re!sons connecte *it% Defence+ :orei'n Aff!irs+ or t%e sec&rit# of In i!, $ersons s&)0ecte to s&c% etention. 1;. :orei'n !ff!irs, !ll (!tters *%ic% )rin' t%e Union into rel!tion *it% !n# forei'n co&ntr#. 11. 12. Di$lo(!tic+ cons&l!r !n Unite tr! e re$resent!tion.

N!tions <r'!nis!tion. !n

12. 6!rtici$!tion in intern!tion!l conferences+ !ssoci!tions ot%er )o ies !n i($le(entin' of ecisions (! e t%ere!t.

14. Enterin' into tre!ties !n !'ree(ents *it% forei'n co&ntries !n i($le(entin' of tre!ties+ !'ree(ents !n con"entions *it% forei'n co&ntries. 1.. 16. 15. 17. =!r !n $e!ce.

:orei'n 0&ris iction. Citi>ens%i$+ n!t&r!lis!tion !n E4tr! ition. !n e(i'r!tion !n e4$&lsion fro(+ In i!, !liens.

19. A (ission into+ $!ss$orts !n "is!s. 2;.

6il'ri(!'es to $l!ces o&tsi e In i!.

21. 6ir!cies !n cri(es co((itte on t%e %i'% se!s or in t%e !ir, offences !'!inst t%e l!* of n!tions co((itte on l!n or t%e %i'% se!s or in t%e !ir. 22. ?!il*!#s. )# or &n er l!* (! e )# 6!rli!(ent to )e

22. Hi'%*!#s ecl!re n!tion!l %i'%*!#s.

24. S%i$$in' !n n!"i'!tion on inl!n *!ter*!#s+ ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e n!tion!l *!ter*!#s+ !s re'!r s (ec%!nic!ll# $ro$elle "essels, t%e r&le of t%e ro! on s&c% *!ter*!#s. 2.. @!riti(e s%i$$in' !n n!"i'!tion+ incl& in' s%i$$in' !n n!"i'!tion on ti !l *!ters, $ro"ision of e &c!tion !n tr!inin' for t%e (erc!ntile (!rine !n re'&l!tion of s&c% e &c!tion !n tr!inin' $ro"i e )# St!tes !n ot%er !'encies. 26. Li'%t%o&ses+ incl& in' li'%ts%i$s+ )e!cons !n for t%e s!fet# of s%i$$in' !n !ircr!ft. ot%er $ro"ision

25. 6orts ecl!re )# or &n er l!* (! e )# 6!rli!(ent or e4istin' l!* to )e (!0or $orts+ incl& in' t%eir eli(it!tion+ !n t%e constit&tion !n $o*ers of $ort !&t%orities t%erein. 27. 6ort A&!r!ntine+ incl& in' se!(enBs !n (!rine %os$it!ls. %os$it!ls connecte t%ere*it%,

29. Air*!#s, !ircr!ft !n !ir n!"i'!tion, $ro"ision of !ero ro(es, re'&l!tion !n or'!nis!tion of !ir tr!ffic !n of !ero ro(es, $ro"ision for !eron!&tic!l e &c!tion !n tr!inin' !n re'&l!tion of s&c% e &c!tion !n tr!inin' $ro"i e )# St!tes !n ot%er !'encies. 2;. C!rri!'e of $!ssen'ers !n 'oo s )# r!il*!#+ se! or !ir+ or n!tion!l *!ter*!#s in (ec%!nic!ll# $ro$elle "essels. 21. 6osts !n tele'r!$%s, tele$%ones+ *ireless+ ot%er li3e for(s of co((&nic!tion. )ro! c!stin' )# !n

22. 6ro$ert# of t%e Union !n t%e re"en&e t%erefro(+ )&t !s re'!r s $ro$ert# sit&!te in ! St!te -.2.CCC s&)0ect to le'isl!tion )# t%e St!te+ s!"e in so f!r !s 6!rli!(ent )# l!* ot%er*ise $ro"i es. -.26C 24. 2.. 26. 25. 27. 29. C C C C

Co&rts of *!r s for t%e est!tes of ?&lers of In i!n St!tes. 6&)lic e)t of t%e Union. le'!l ten er, forei'n e4c%!n'e.

C&rrenc#+ coin!'e !n :orei'n lo!ns. ?eser"e 8!n3 of In i!.

6ost <ffice S!"in's 8!n3. )# t%e Do"ern(ent of In i! or t%e Do"ern(ent e4$ort

4;. Lotteries or'!nise of ! St!te.

41. Tr! e !n co((erce *it% forei'n co&ntries, i($ort !n !cross c&sto(s frontiers, efinition of c&sto(s frontiers. 42. 42. Inter-St!te tr! e !n co((erce.

Incor$or!tion+ re'&l!tion !n

*in in' &$ of tr! in' cor$or!tions+

incl& in' )!n3in'+ ins&r!nce !n incl& in' co-o$er!ti"e societies.





44. Incor$or!tion+ re'&l!tion !n *in in' &$ of cor$or!tions+ *%et%er tr! in' or not+ *it% o)0ects not confine to one St!te+ )&t not incl& in' &ni"ersities. 4.. 8!n3in'. e4c%!n'e+ c%eA&es+ $ro(issor# notes !n ot%er li3e

46. 8ills of instr&(ents. 45. 47. Ins&r!nce.

Stoc3 e4c%!n'es !n

f&t&res (!r3ets. esi'ns, co$#ri'%t, (e!s&re. e4$orte )# tr! e-(!r3s !n

49. 6!tents+ in"entions !n (erc%!n ise (!r3s. .;.

Est!)lis%(ent of st!n !r s of *ei'%t !n

.1. Est!)lis%(ent of st!n !r s of A&!lit# for 'oo s to )e o&t of In i! or tr!ns$orte fro( one St!te to !not%er. .2. In &stries+ t%e control of *%ic% )# t%e Union is 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e e4$e ient in t%e $&)lic interest.


.2. ?e'&l!tion !n e"elo$(ent of oilfiel s !n (iner!l oil reso&rces, $etrole&( !n $etrole&( $ro &cts, ot%er liA&i s !n s&)st!nces ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e !n'ero&sl# infl!((!)le. .4. ?e'&l!tion of (ines !n (iner!l e"elo$(ent to t%e e4tent to *%ic% s&c% re'&l!tion !n e"elo$(ent &n er t%e control of t%e Union is ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e e4$e ient in t%e $&)lic interest. ... ?e'&l!tion of l!)o&r !n s!fet# in (ines !n oilfiel s.

.6. ?e'&l!tion !n e"elo$(ent of inter-St!te ri"ers !n ri"er "!lle#s to t%e e4tent to *%ic% s&c% re'&l!tion !n e"elo$(ent &n er t%e control of t%e Union is ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e e4$e ient in t%e $&)lic interest. .5. :is%in' !n fis%eries )e#on territori!l *!ters.

.7. @!n&f!ct&re+ s&$$l# !n istri)&tion of s!lt )# Union !'encies, re'&l!tion !n control of (!n&f!ct&re+ s&$$l# !n istri)&tion of s!lt )# ot%er !'encies. .9. 6;. 61. C&lti"!tion+ (!n&f!ct&re+ !n s!le for e4$ort+ of o$i&(.

S!nctionin' of cine(!to'r!$% fil(s for e4%i)ition. In &stri!l is$&tes concernin' Union e($lo#ees.

62. T%e instit&tions 3no*n !t t%e co((ence(ent of t%is Constit&tion !s t%e N!tion!l Li)r!r#+ t%e In i!n @&se&(+ t%e I($eri!l =!r @&se&(+ t%e Victori! @e(ori!l !n t%e In i!n =!r @e(ori!l+ !n !n# ot%er li3e instit&tion fin!nce )# t%e Do"ern(ent of In i! *%oll# or in ! $!rt !n ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e !n instit&tion of n!tion!l i($ort!nce. 62. T%e instit&tions 3no*n !t t%e co((ence(ent of t%is Constit&tion !s t%e 8en!res Hin & Uni"ersit#+ t%e Ali'!r% @&sli( Uni"ersit# !n t%e

-.25/Del%i Uni"ersit#, t%e Uni"ersit# est!)lis%e in $&rs&!nce of !rticle 251E,1 !n# ot%er instit&tion ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e !n instit&tion of n!tion!l i($ort!nce. 64. Instit&tions for scientific or tec%nic!l e &c!tion fin!nce )# t%e Do"ern(ent of In i! *%oll# or in $!rt !n ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e instit&tions of n!tion!l i($ort!nce. 6.. Union !'encies !n instit&tions forincl& in' t%e

(!) $rofession!l+ "oc!tion!l or tec%nic!l tr!inin'+ tr!inin' of $olice officers, or ()) t%e $ro(otion of s$eci!l st& ies or rese!rc%, or (c) scientific or etection of cri(e. tec%nic!l !ssist!nce in t%e



66. Co-or in!tion !n %i'%er e &c!tion or instit&tions.

eter(in!tion of st!n !r s in instit&tions for rese!rc% !n scientific !n tec%nic!l

65. Ancient !n %istoric!l (on&(ents !n recor s+ !n !rc%!eolo'ic!l sites !n re(!ins -.27/ ecl!re )# or &n er l!* (! e )# 6!rli!(ent1 to )e of n!tion!l i($ort!nce. 67. T%e S&r"e# of In i!+ t%e Deolo'ic!l+ 8ot!nic!l+ Eoolo'ic!l Ant%ro$olo'ic!l S&r"e#s of In i!, @eteorolo'ic!l or'!nis!tions. 69. Cens&s. All-In i! Ser"ices, Union 6&)lic Ser"ice )# t%e !n

5;. Union 6&)lic Ser"ice, Co((ission.

51. Union $ensions+ t%!t is to s!#+ $ensions $!#!)le Do"ern(ent of In i! or o&t of t%e Consoli !te :&n of In i!.

52. Elections to 6!rli!(ent+ to t%e Le'isl!t&res of St!tes !n to t%e offices of 6resi ent !n Vice-6resi ent, t%e Election Co((ission. 52. S!l!ries !n !llo*!nces of (e()ers of 6!rli!(ent+ t%e C%!ir(!n !n De$&t# C%!ir(!n of t%e Co&ncil of St!tes !n t%e S$e!3er !n De$&t# S$e!3er of t%e Ho&se of t%e 6eo$le. 54. 6o*ers+ $ri"ile'es !n i((&nities of e!c% Ho&se of 6!rli!(ent !n of t%e (e()ers !n t%e Co((ittees of e!c% Ho&se, enforce(ent of !tten !nce of $ersons for 'i"in' e"i ence or $ro &cin' oc&(ents )efore co((ittees of 6!rli!(ent or co((issions !$$ointe )# 6!rli!(ent. 5.. E(ol&(ents+ !llo*!nces+ $ri"ile'es+ !n ri'%ts in res$ect of le!"e of !)sence+ of t%e 6resi ent !n Do"ernors, s!l!ries !n !llo*!nces of t%e @inisters for t%e Union, t%e s!l!ries+ !llo*!nces+ !n ri'%ts in res$ect of le!"e of !)sence !n ot%er con itions of ser"ice of t%e Co($troller !n A& itor-Dener!l. 56. A& it of t%e !cco&nts of t%e Union !n of t%e St!tes.

55. Constit&tion+ or'!nis!tion+ 0&ris iction !n $o*ers of t%e S&$re(e Co&rt (incl& in' conte($t of s&c% Co&rt)+ !n t%e fees t!3en t%erein, $ersons entitle to $r!ctise )efore t%e S&$re(e Co&rt. 57. Constit&tion !n or'!nis!tion -.29/(incl& in' "!c!tions)1 of t%e Hi'% Co&rts e4ce$t $ro"isions !s to officers !n ser"!nts of Hi'% Co&rts, $ersons entitle to $r!ctise )efore t%e Hi'% Co&rts.

-.2;/59. E4tension of t%e 0&ris iction of ! Hi'% Co&rt to+ !n e4cl&sion of t%e 0&ris iction of ! Hi'% Co&rt fro(+ !n# Union territor#.1 7;. E4tension of t%e $o*ers !n 0&ris iction of (e()ers of ! $olice force )elon'in' to !n# St!te to !n# !re! o&tsi e t%!t St!te+ )&t not so !s to en!)le t%e $olice of one St!te to e4ercise $o*ers !n 0&ris iction in !n# !re! o&tsi e t%!t St!te *it%o&t t%e consent of t%e Do"ern(ent of t%e St!te in *%ic% s&c% !re! is sit&!te , e4tension of t%e $o*ers !n 0&ris iction of (e()ers of ! $olice force )elon'in' to !n# St!te to r!il*!# !re!s o&tsi e t%!t St!te. 71. 72. 72. Inter-St!te (i'r!tion, inter-St!te A&!r!ntine. T!4es on inco(e ot%er t%!n !'ric&lt&r!l inco(e. D&ties of c&sto(s incl& in' e4$ort &ties. ot%er 'oo s (!n&f!ct&re or

74. D&ties of e4cise on to)!cco !n $ro &ce in In i! e4ce$t-

(!) !lco%olic liA&ors for %&(!n cons&($tion. ()) o$i&(+ In i!n %e($ !n ot%er n!rcotic r&'s !n n!rcotics+

)&t incl& in' (e icin!l !n toilet $re$!r!tions cont!inin' !lco%ol or !n# s&)st!nce incl& e in s&)-$!r!'r!$% ()) of t%is entr#. 7.. Cor$or!tion t!4. of t%e !ssets+ e4cl&si"e of co($!nies, t!4es on t%e c!$it!l

76. T!4es on t%e c!$it!l "!l&e !'ric&lt&r!l l!n + of in i"i &!ls !n of co($!nies. 75. Est!te

&t# in res$ect of $ro$ert# ot%er t%!n !'ric&lt&r!l l!n . of s&ccession to $ro$ert# ot%er t%!n

77. D&ties in res$ect !'ric&lt&r!l l!n .

79. Ter(in!l t!4es on 'oo s or $!ssen'ers+ c!rrie !ir, t!4es on r!il*!# f!res !n frei'%ts. 9;. T!4es ot%er t%!n st!($ !n f&t&res (!r3ets.

)# r!il*!#+ se! or

&ties on tr!ns!ctions in stoc3 e4c%!n'es

91. ?!tes of st!($ &t# in res$ect of )ills of e4c%!n'e+ c%eA&es+ $ro(issor# notes+ )ills of l! in'+ letters of cre it+ $olicies of ins&r!nce+ tr!nsfer of s%!res+ e)ent&res+ $ro4ies !n recei$ts. 92. T!4es on t%e s!le or $&rc%!se of ne*s$!$ers !n $&)lis%e t%erein. on ! "ertise(ents

-.21/92A. T!4es on t%e s!le or $&rc%!se of 'oo s ot%er t%!n ne*s$!$ers+ *%ere s&c% s!le or $&rc%!se t!3es $l!ce in t%e co&rse of inter-St!te tr! e or co((erce.1 -.22/928. T!4es on t%e consi'n(ent of 'oo s (*%et%er t%e consi'n(ent is to t%e $erson (!3in' it or to !n# ot%er $erson)+ *%ere s&c% consi'n(ent t!3es $l!ce in t%e co&rse of inter-St!te tr! e or co((erce.1 92. <ffences !'!inst l!*s *it% res$ect to !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is List.

94. InA&iries+ s&r"e#s !n (!tters in t%is List.

st!tistics for t%e $&r$ose of !n# of


9.. F&ris iction !n $o*ers of !ll co&rts+ e4ce$t t%e S&$re(e Co&rt+ *it% res$ect to !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is List, ! (ir!lt# 0&ris iction. 96. :ees in res$ect of !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is incl& in' fees t!3en in !n# co&rt. List+ )&t not

95. An# ot%er (!tter not en&(er!te in List II or List III incl& in' !n# t!4 not (entione in eit%er of t%ose Lists. List II.- St!te List 1. 6&)lic or er ()&t not incl& in' -.22/t%e &se of !n# n!"!l+ (ilit!r# or !ir force or !n# ot%er !r(e force of t%e Union or of !n# ot%er force s&)0ect to t%e control of t%e Union or of !n# contin'ent or &nit t%ereof1 in !i of t%e ci"il $o*er). -.24/2. 6olice (incl& in' r!il*!# !n $ro"isions of entr# 2A of List I.1 2. -.2.CCC <fficers !n rent !n re"en&e co&rts, Co&rt. "ill!'e $olice) s&)0ect to t%e

ser"!nts of t%e Hi'% Co&rt, $roce &re in fees t!3en in !ll co&rts e4ce$t t%e S&$re(e

4. 6risons+ refor(!tories+ 8orst!l instit&tions !n ot%er instit&tions of ! li3e n!t&re+ !n $ersons et!ine t%erein, !rr!n'e(ents *it% ot%er St!tes for t%e &se of $risons !n ot%er instit&tions. .. Loc!l 'o"ern(ent+ t%!t is to s!#+ t%e constit&tion !n $o*ers of (&nici$!l cor$or!tions+ i($ro"e(ent tr&sts+ istrict )o!r s+ (inin' settle(ent !&t%orities !n ot%er loc!l !&t%orities for t%e $&r$ose of loc!l self-'o"ern(ent or "ill!'e ! (inistr!tion. 6. 5. 6&)lic %e!lt% !n s!nit!tion, %os$it!ls !n is$ens!ries.

6il'ri(!'es+ ot%er t%!n $il'ri(!'es to $l!ces o&tsi e In i!.

7. Into4ic!tin' liA&ors+ t%!t is to s!#+ t%e $ro &ction+ (!n&f!ct&re+ $ossession+ tr!ns$ort+ $&rc%!se !n s!le of into4ic!tin' liA&ors. 9. 1;. -.26C ?elief of t%e 8&ri!ls !n C is!)le !n &ne($lo#!)le. cre(!tions !n C cre(!tion 'ro&n s. C

)&ri!l 'ro&n s, C

12. Li)r!ries+ (&se&(s !n ot%er si(il!r instit&tions controlle or fin!nce )# t%e St!te, !ncient !n %istoric!l (on&(ents !n recor s ot%er t%!n t%ose -.27/ ecl!re )# or &n er l!* (! e )# 6!rli!(ent1 to )e of n!tion!l i($ort!nce. 12. Co((&nic!tions+ t%!t is to s!#+ ro! s+ )ri 'es+ ferries+ !n ot%er (e!ns of co((&nic!tion not s$ecifie in List I, (&nici$!l tr!(s *!#s, ro$e*!#s, inl!n *!ter*!#s !n tr!ffic t%ereon s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of List I !n List III *it% re'!r to s&c% *!ter*!#s, "e%icles ot%er t%!n (ec%!nic!ll# $ro$elle "e%icles. 14. A'ric&lt&re+ incl& in' !'ric&lt&r!l e &c!tion !n $rotection !'!inst $ests !n $re"ention of $l!nt ise!ses. 1.. 6reser"!tion+ $rotection !n i($ro"e(ent of stoc3 !n of !ni(!l ise!ses, "eterin!r# tr!inin' !n $r!ctice. rese!rc%+ $re"ention


6o&n s !n

t%e $re"ention of c!ttle tres$!ss.

15. =!ter+ t%!t is to s!#+ *!ter s&$$lies+ irri'!tion !n c!n!ls+ r!in!'e !n e()!n3(ents+ *!ter stor!'e !n *!ter $o*er s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entr# .6 of List I. 17. L!n + t%!t is to s!#+ ri'%ts in or o"er l!n + l!n ten&res incl& in' t%e rel!tion of l!n lor !n ten!nt+ !n t%e collection of rents, tr!nsfer !n !lien!tion of !'ric&lt&r!l l!n , l!n i($ro"e(ent !n !'ric&lt&r!l lo!ns, coloni>!tion. -.25C 21. :is%eries. C C C C

22. Co&rts of *!r s s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entr# 24 of List I, enc&()ere !n !tt!c%e est!tes. 22. ?e'&l!tion of (ines !n (iner!l e"elo$(ent $ro"isions of List I *it% res$ect to re'&l!tion !n t%e control of t%e Union. s&)0ect to t%e e"elo$(ent &n er .21 of

24. In &stries s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of -.27/entries 5 !n List I. 2.. D!s !n '!s-*or3s.

26. Tr! e !n co((erce *it%in t%e St!te s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entr# 22 of List III. 25. 6ro &ction+ s&$$l# !n istri)&tion of 'oo s $ro"isions of entr# 22 of List III. 27. -.25C @!r3ets !n C !n f!irs. C (one#-len ers, C relief of C !'ric&lt&r!l s&)0ect to t%e

2;. @one#-len in' in e)te ness. 21. Inns !n


22. Incor$or!tion+ re'&l!tion !n *in in' &$ of cor$or!tions+ ot%er t%!n t%ose s$ecifie in List I+ !n &ni"ersities, &nincor$or!te tr! in'+ liter!r#+ scientific+ reli'io&s !n ot%er societies !n !ssoci!tions, co-o$er!ti"e societies. 22. T%e!tres $ro"isions of !(&se(ents. 24. 8ettin' !n !n r!(!tic $erfor(!nces, cine(!s s&)0ect to entr# 6; of List I, s$orts+ entert!in(ents '!()lin'. )&il in's "este C in or in t%e $ossession of t%e C St!te s&)0ect C to t%e t%e !n

2.. =or3s+ l!n s !n St!te. -.29C C

25. Elections to t%e Le'isl!t&re of t%e $ro"isions of !n# l!* (! e )# 6!rli!(ent.

27. S!l!ries !n !llo*!nces of (e()ers of t%e Le'isl!t&re of t%e St!te+ of t%e S$e!3er !n De$&t# S$e!3er of t%e Le'isl!ti"e Asse()l# !n + if t%ere is ! Le'isl!ti"e Co&ncil+ of t%e C%!ir(!n !n De$&t# C%!ir(!n t%ereof.

29. 6o*ers+ $ri"ile'es !n i((&nities of t%e Le'isl!ti"e Asse()l# !n of t%e (e()ers !n t%e co((ittees t%ereof+ !n + if t%ere is ! Le'isl!ti"e Co&ncil+ of t%!t Co&ncil !n of t%e (e()ers !n t%e co((ittees t%ereof, enforce(ent of !tten !nce of $ersons for 'i"in' e"i ence or $ro &cin' oc&(ents )efore co((ittees of t%e Le'isl!t&re of t%e St!te. 4;. 41. S!l!ries !n !llo*!nces of @inisters for t%e St!te.

St!te $&)lic ser"ices, St!te 6&)lic Ser"ice Co((ission.

42. St!te $ensions+ t%!t is to s!#+ $ensions $!#!)le )# t%e St!te or o&t of t%e Consoli !te :&n of t%e St!te. 42. 44. 6&)lic e)t of t%e St!te.

Tre!s&re tro"e. collection of re"en&e+ re"en&e $&r$oses !n

4.. L!n re"en&e+ incl& in' t%e !ssess(ent !n t%e (!inten!nce of l!n recor s+ s&r"e# for recor s of ri'%ts+ !n !lien!tion of re"en&es. 46. 45. 47. 49. T!4es on !'ric&lt&r!l inco(e.

D&ties in res$ect of s&ccession to !'ric&lt&r!l l!n . Est!te &t# in res$ect of !'ric&lt&r!l l!n . )&il in's. i($ose )#

T!4es on l!n s !n

.;. T!4es on (iner!l ri'%ts s&)0ect to !n# li(it!tions 6!rli!(ent )# l!* rel!tin' to (iner!l e"elo$(ent.

.1. D&ties of e4cise on t%e follo*in' 'oo s (!n&f!ct&re or $ro &ce in t%e St!te !n co&nter"!ilin' &ties !t t%e s!(e or lo*er r!tes on si(il!r 'oo s (!n&f!ct&re or $ro &ce else*%ere in In i!G(!) !lco%olic liA&ors for %&(!n cons&($tion, ()) o$i&(+ In i!n %e($ !n ot%er n!rcotic r&'s !n n!rcotics+

)&t not incl& in' (e icin!l !n toilet $re$!r!tions cont!inin' !lco%ol or !n# s&)st!nce incl& e in s&)-$!r!'r!$% ()) of t%is entr#. .2. T!4es on t%e entr# of 'oo s into ! loc!l !re! for &se or s!le t%erein. .2. T!4es on t%e cons&($tion or s!le of electricit#. t%!n in or cons&($tion+

-.4;/.4. T!4es on t%e s!le or $&rc%!se of 'oo s ot%er ne*s$!$ers+ s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entr# 92A of List I.1 ... T!4es on ! "ertise(ents ot%er t%!n ! "ertise(ents $&)lis%e t%e ne*s$!$ers -.41/!n ! "ertise(ents )ro! c!st )# r! io tele"ision1. .6. T!4es *!ter*!#s. on 'oo s !n $!ssen'ers c!rrie )# ro! or on


.5. T!4es on "e%icles+ *%et%er (ec%!nic!ll# $ro$elle or not+ s&it!)le for &se on ro! s+ incl& in' tr!(c!rs s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entr# 2. of List III. .7. T!4es on !ni(!ls !n )o!ts.

.9. 6;. 61.

Tolls. T!4es on $rofessions+ tr! es+ c!llin's !n C!$it!tion t!4es. e($lo#(ents.

62. T!4es on l&4&ries+ incl& in' t!4es on entert!in(ents+ !(&se(ents+ )ettin' !n '!()lin'. 62. ?!tes of st!($ &t# in res$ect of oc&(ents ot%er t%!n s$ecifie in t%e $ro"isions of List I *it% re'!r to r!tes of &t#. t%ose st!($

64. <ffences !'!inst l!*s *it% res$ect to !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is List. 6.. F&ris iction !n $o*ers of !ll co&rts+ e4ce$t t%e S&$re(e Co&rt+ *it% res$ect to !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is List. 66. :ees in res$ect of !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is incl& in' fees t!3en in !n# co&rt. List III.- Conc&rrent List 1. Cri(in!l l!*+ incl& in' !ll (!tters incl& e in t%e In i!n 6en!l Co e !t t%e co((ence(ent of t%is Constit&tion )&t e4cl& in' offences !'!inst l!*s *it% res$ect to !n# of t%e (!tters s$ecifie in List I or List II !n e4cl& in' t%e &se of n!"!l+ (ilit!r# or !ir forces or !n# ot%er !r(e forces of t%e Union in !i of t%e ci"il $o*er. 2. Cri(in!l $roce &re+ incl& in' !ll (!tters incl& e in t%e Co e of Cri(in!l 6roce &re !t t%e co((ence(ent of t%is Constit&tion. 2. 6re"enti"e etention for re!sons connecte *it% t%e sec&rit# of ! St!te+ t%e (!inten!nce of $&)lic or er+ or t%e (!inten!nce of s&$$lies !n ser"ices essenti!l to t%e co((&nit#, $ersons s&)0ecte to s&c% etention. 4. ?e(o"!l fro( one St!te to !not%er St!te of $risoners+ $ersons !n $ersons s&)0ecte to $re"enti"e etention for s$ecifie in entr# 2 of t%is List. !cc&se re!sons List+ )&t not

.. @!rri!'e !n i"orce, inf!nts !n (inors, ! o$tion, *ills+ intest!c# !n s&ccession, 0oint f!(il# !n $!rtition, !ll (!tters in res$ect of *%ic% $!rties in 0& ici!l $rocee in's *ere i((e i!tel# )efore t%e co((ence(ent of t%is Constit&tion s&)0ect to t%eir $erson!l l!*. 6. of Tr!nsfer of $ro$ert# ot%er t%!n !'ric&lt&r!l l!n , ee s !n oc&(ents. re'istr!tion c!rri!'e+ contr!cts

5. Contr!cts+ incl& in' $!rtners%i$+ !'enc#+ contr!cts of !n ot%er s$eci!l for(s of contr!cts+ )&t not incl& in' rel!tin' to !'ric&lt&r!l l!n . 7. 9. 1;. 11. Action!)le *ron's. 8!n3r&$tc# !n Tr&st !n insol"enc#.

Tr&stees. offici!l tr&stees.

A (inistr!tors-'ener!l !n

-.41/11A. A (inistr!tion of F&stice, constit&tion !n or'!nis!tion of !ll co&rts+ e4ce$t t%e S&$re(e Co&rt !n t%e Hi'% Co&rts.1

12. E"i ence !n o!t%s, reco'nition of recor s+ !n 0& ici!l $rocee in's.





12. Ci"il $roce &re+ incl& in' !ll (!tters incl& e in t%e Co e of Ci"il 6roce &re !t t%e co((ence(ent of t%is Constit&tion+ li(it!tion !n !r)itr!tion. 14. Conte($t of co&rt+ )&t not incl& in' conte($t of t%e S&$re(e Co&rt. 1.. V!'r!nc#, no(! ic !n (i'r!tor# tri)es.

16. L&n!c# !n (ent!l eficienc#+ incl& in' $l!ces for t%e rece$tion or tre!t(ent of l&n!tics !n (ent!l eficients. 15. 6re"ention of cr&elt# to !ni(!ls. :orests. !ni(!ls !n )ir s.1 ot%er 'oo s.

-.41/15A. 158. 17.

6rotection of *il

A &lter!tion of foo st&ffs !n

19. Dr&'s !n $oisons+ s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entr# .9 of List I *it% res$ect to o$i&(. 2;. Econo(ic !n soci!l $l!nnin'. f!(il# $l!nnin'.1 tr&sts.

-.41/2;A. 21. 22.

6o$&l!tion control !n

Co((erci!l !n

in &stri!l (ono$olies+ co()ines !n l!)o&r soci!l is$&tes. ins&r!nce,

Tr! e &nions, in &stri!l !n sec&rit# !n

22. Soci!l &ne($lo#(ent.



24. =elf!re of l!)o&r incl& in' con itions of *or3+ $ro"i ent f&n s+ e($lo#ersB li!)ilit#+ *or3(enBs co($ens!tion+ in"!li it# !n ol !'e $ensions !n (!ternit# )enefits. -.42/2.. E &c!tion+ incl& in' tec%nic!l e &c!tion+ (e ic!l e &c!tion !n &ni"ersities+ s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of entries 62+ 64+ 6. !n 66 of List I, "oc!tion!l !n tec%nic!l tr!inin' of l!)o&r.1 26. Le'!l+ (e ic!l !n ot%er $rofessions. fro( t%eir &$ of t%e reli'io&s of or

25. ?elief !n re%!)ilit!tion of $ersons is$l!ce ori'in!l $l!ce of resi ence )# re!son of t%e settin' Do(inions of In i! !n 6!3ist!n. 27. C%!rities !n c%!rit!)le instit&tions+ c%!rit!)le !n en o*(ents !n reli'io&s instit&tions. 29. 6re"ention of t%e infectio&s or cont!'io&s $l!nts. 2;.

e4tension fro( one St!te to !not%er ise!ses or $ests !ffectin' (en+ !ni(!ls e!t%s. l!* (! e

Vit!l st!tistics incl& in' re'istr!tion of )irt%s !n &n er

21. 6orts ot%er t%!n t%ose ecl!re )# or 6!rli!(ent or e4istin' l!* to )e (!0or $orts.


22. S%i$$in' !n n!"i'!tion on inl!n *!ter*!#s !s re'!r s (ec%!nic!ll# $ro$elle "essels+ !n t%e r&le of t%e ro! on s&c% *!ter*!#s+ !n t%e c!rri!'e of $!ssen'ers !n 'oo s on inl!n

*!ter*!#s s&)0ect to t%e $ro"isions of List I *it% res$ect to n!tion!l *!ter*!#s. -.42/22. Tr! e !n istri)&tion of+co((erce in+ !n t%e $ro &ction+ s&$$l# !n

(!) t%e $ro &cts of !n# in &str# *%ere t%e control of s&c% in &str# )# t%e Union is ecl!re )# 6!rli!(ent )# l!* to )e e4$e ient in t%e $&)lic interest+ !n i($orte 'oo s of t%e s!(e 3in !s s&c% $ro &cts, ()) foo st&ffs+ incl& in' e i)le oilsee s !n (c) c!ttle fo er+ incl& in' oilc!3es !n oils,

ot%er concentr!tes, cotton see , !n

( ) r!* cotton+ *%et%er 'inne (e) r!* 0&te.1 -.41/22A. 24. =ei'%ts !n

or &n'inne + !n

(e!s&res e4ce$t est!)lis%(ent of st!n !r s.1

6rice control.

2.. @ec%!nic!ll# $ro$elle "e%icles incl& in' t%e $rinci$les on *%ic% t!4es on s&c% "e%icles !re to )e le"ie . 26. 25. 27. 29. :!ctories. 8oilers. Electricit#. Ne*s$!$ers+ )oo3s !n $rintin' $resses.

4;. Arc%!eolo'ic!l sites !n re(!ins ot%er t%!n t%ose -.27/ ecl!re )# or &n er l!* (! e )# 6!rli!(ent1 to )e of n!tion!l i($ort!nce. 41. C&sto #+ (!n!'e(ent !n is$os!l of $ro$ert# !'ric&lt&r!l l!n ) ecl!re )# l!* to )e e"!c&ee $ro$ert#. -.44/42. AcA&isition !n reA&isitionin' of $ro$ert#.1 (incl& in'

42. ?eco"er# in ! St!te of cl!i(s in res$ect of t!4es !n ot%er $&)lic e(!n s+ incl& in' !rre!rs of l!n -re"en&e !n s&(s reco"er!)le !s s&c% !rre!rs+ !risin' o&tsi e t%!t St!te. 44. St!($ &ties ot%er t%!n &ties or fees collecte 0& ici!l st!($s+ )&t not incl& in' r!tes of st!($ &t#. )# (e!ns of

4.. InA&iries !n st!tistics for t%e $&r$oses of !n# of t%e s$ecifie in List II or List III.


46. F&ris iction !n $o*ers of !ll co&rts+ e4ce$t t%e S&$re(e Co&rt+ *it% res$ect to !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is List. 45. :ees in res$ect of !n# of t%e (!tters in t%is incl& in' fees t!3en in !n# co&rt. List+ )&t not

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