Short Story Peer Edit Sheet

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Short story writer: ___________________________ Peer Editor

Editor: indicate with a checkmark the satisfactory completion of each element. An X indicates a problem.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation:
Read the short story; ensure that the short story has been edited carefully so that the spelling, grammar,
and mechanics are error-free.
_____ check spelling. Any words you think might be wrong, circle.
_____ Quotation marks have been used to note dialogue for each speaker.
_____ Indentation is used to denote that the speaker has changed during dialogue writing.
_____ Each sentence of a speech begins with a capital letter.
_____ Punctuation that belongs with a speaker’s words is placed inside the quotation marks.
_____ proper paragraph structure has been used. The beginning of each paragraph has been
indented ten spaces to denote the formation of a new paragraph.

Structure of Short Story:

Re-read the short story to ensure that it includes all necessary elements of structure as noted below:
_____ Introduction of main character(s) - character is clear, well described and believable.
Establishment of Setting: setting is clearly described and effective, adds to atmosphere.
_____ Writer uses show not tell. Action dominates story.
Dialogue is effective, reveals character, forwards plot, is realistic.
Effective dialogue tags are used, not just “said”, “cried” but varied tags that show
Plot is clear to me, convincing, not confusing but interesting.
_____ Ending: the loose ends are wrapped up concerning plot and character
_____ The story flows along smoothly, keeping me interested. I don’t want to stop reading it.
_____ Types of conflict: the short story has clearly established and developed a (or several)
problem(s) through which the protagonist must struggle until it is resolved.
_____ Atmosphere of suspense, plot twist, or other suspense has been attempted with success.
_____ Theme/moral clearly developed (the central concern of the short story usually deals with
a universal human truth or issue.)

Areas of strength in this story: give specific details Areas that could be improved: give at least 2 specific
suggestions for improvement

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