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Youth Fight for Jobs

For real jobs

t Fees
Campaign to Defea

For free educ ation

28 november
london • assemble 12 noon
officially supported by the RMT, PCS and CWU trade unions
Unemployment for under-25s is rapidly half the money that the government makes
approaching 1 million. Bankers’ bonuses available for these schemes. If this happens,
are returning to their ‘normal’ heights of where will the other weekly £131 go?
millions of pounds, but for young people The Future Jobs Fund could see the
and workers this recession is far from over. introduction of temporary workers on the
Job vacancies are still decreasing and, for minimum wage into workplaces alongside
people working and looking for jobs, a workers who may well be on better pay
decent life is still unaffordable. and conditions, often won and defended
The situation is especially desperate if through trade union struggle. Employers,
you are young. Wasn’t the message when looking to pay as low a wage as they can
we were growing up: try hard, do well? get away with, could use young cheaper
What a lie that turned out to be! There is workers from the FJF to do similar work
massive anger from young people finishing as the existing workforce, leading to the
school, college and university expecting to loss of better paid, more secure jobs!
be able to find work. Instead of financial To prevent any undercutting of existing
independence and the first steps on workers we demand that permanent jobs
the career ladder we are thrown on the
and training schemes are created with
wages comparable to the current workforce
Those young people who are in work
or the industry standard.
The un-coordinated way in which the
face the massive stress of ever greater jobs are being set up will mean there will • F or all FJF work to lead to

job insecurity because it is cheaper and be huge variation in the type, quality and permanent jobs, not be limited
easier to sack young people when penny- conditions. In addition to the FJF, schemes • to six month placements. For the
pinching bosses cutback to protect their like the ‘Graduate Talent Pool’ will give right to a decent job for all.
profit margins. The huge government debt young graduates the opportunity to
rung up by the bank bailouts means young demonstrate their ‘talent’ for free! • F or all job creation schemes to be
people staying on or returning to education • open to all, regardless of age and
will find limited places, cuts to education The press is full of headlines and warnings
budgets and a poorer quality education about a ‘wasted generation’. This will length of time unemployed.
with no guarantee of a job at the end. Why be the reality if something isn’t done to • F or all employers to give FJF workers
should young people be made to pay for a change it. Young people cannot wait for
crisis that was created by the bankers and the big-business politicians to act on our a wage and conditions comparable
to the present workforce, or

the big business politicians? behalf. The politicians bailed out the banks
without breaking a sweat. If they really industry standards.
No to the Future Jobs ‘Fraud’ cared they would do the same for young
• F or a massive public programme
people. But they don’t!
of house building, renovation
The response of the New Labour govern- Youth Fight for Jobs is determined to

ment has been pathetic. The government organise a fightback and build a mass and infrastructure projects. No to
is setting up a number of schemes to campaign to guarantee a decent future profiteering private companies
combat developing mass youth for all young people. We demand socially running these projects.
unemployment. The largest of these useful work for all that want it, which pays
is called the ‘Future Jobs Fund’ (FJF). a living wage. We demand free, high quality • F or the right to a decent job for all,
Unfortunately the scale of the FJF is education and training for all that want it. with a living wage of at least £8 an
completely inadequate, with 150,000 We demand that job shedding companies
temporary jobs being created for around 2 are taken into democratic public ownership hour. No youth exemptions.
and a half million unemployed people. to safeguard jobs. If the government says • W
e won’t pay for the bosses’
Young people need to have been on the it is ‘unrealistic’ and ‘unaffordable’, we say
dole queue for approaching a whole year the pro-big business policies that caused crisis!
before they can get on this scheme! The FJF the recession are unaffordable and we need • B
ail out workers not bosses.
is not open to sixteen and seventeen year an alternative way of running society.
olds at all. In fact a sixteen year old school Nationalise big industries
leaver will never get a job through the Workers have shown a whole number of threatening closure or large-scale
FJF because the funding will have run out times this year how a fightback can be job losses.
by the time they are old enough to qualify! mounted. At the Lindsey Oil Refinery, the
For those in unemployment black spots Visteon car parts factories and the Vestas • F or fighting trade unions,
like Hull, Barnsley and Hastings, this is a wind turbine factory, workers used their involving young workers and the
bleak future. collective strength to deal blows against unemployed.
If you manage to secure a place on an FJF penny-pinching bosses determined to
scheme, the placements are limited to six drive down their wages and get rid of their • F or a mass campaign led by the trade
months and there is no guarantee of a jobs. Youth Fight for Jobs has the backing unions and young people to create
permanent job at the end. The minimum of three major trade unions. We need to jobs and end unemployment.
terms and conditions for FJF placements organise to bring mass pressure to bear on
are that they provide twenty-five hours of the government to force it to enact policies • N
o to university fees. Support the
work, paying at least the minimum wage. that will guarantee our future. Be part of Campaign to Defeat Fees.
This is a pathetic £119 per week for eighteen the fightback. Join the Youth fight for Jobs.
to twenty-one year olds! This is less than March on November 28th. • S hare out the work. For a 35 hour
working week with no loss of pay.

I would like to get involved in Youth Fight for Jobs  Annual membership fees £4 waged / £1 waged
I want to help organise a protest in my area 
Post code................................... phone....................................................................................................................
Please return to Youth Fight for Jobs, PO BOX 858, London, E11 1YG
• • 020 8558 7947 • • PO BOX 858, London, E11 1YG • Find us on facebook •

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