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(Deemed University
(A centre of excellence in IT, established by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

DBMS Lab Given Date: 3 Feb 2014 Prof. O.P. Vyas Due Date: 12/14 Feb 2014,(Respective Lab hou s Sec! "/B# N!te" Identi#y $%% #&n'ti!n$% '!m(!nents #!r t)e *iven s'en$ri!s (+,-,.,/,0 , C)!!se $((r!(ri$te entities $nd $ttri1&tes 2it) t)eir re%$ti!ns)i(s, A%s! s(e'i#y re%$ted (rim$ry 3ey, #!rei*n 3ey($s (er t)e s'en$ri! re4, , Y!& '$n ')!!se e5tr$ entities $nd $ttri1&tes t! 6&sti#y y!&r ER di$*r$m, +-, Tit%e On line sho!!in" syste# A1str$'t $%!!ose there is an on line sho!!in" syste# for Metro &redit 'nion (M&'). It !rovides #any services and benefits to its #e#bers and all MTR &or!oration staffs can be M&' #e#bers after re"istration. The M&' Online $ho!!in" $yste# has at least five (ey feat%res) *. To !rovide the %ser friendly online sho!!in" cart f%nction to #e#bers to re!lace hardco!y orderin" for#+ ,. to store inventory and sales infor#ation in database to red%ce the h%#an #ista(es, increase acc%racy and enhance the flexibility of infor#ation !rocessin"+ -. to !rovide an efficient inventory syste# .hich can hel! the M&' staffs to "ain eno%"h infor#ation to %!date the inventory+ /. to be able to !rint invoices to #e#bers and !rint a set of s%##ary re!orts for M&'0s internal %sa"e+ 1. $yste# sho%ld be easy to #aintain and %!"rade. 2. $cenario sho%ld !rovide %ser friendly service syste# for next ti#e visit. 3xa#!le the online site !rovide reco##endation of their ite# to their %ser to #aintain "ood c%sto#er relationshi! #ana"e#ent (&RM). +., Tit%e Develo!#ent of a 4ractical A!!raisal Trac(er. A1str$'t

*. This !ro5ect is ai#ed at develo!in" an A!!raisal Trac(er that is of i#!ortance to either an or"ani6ation or a colle"e. ,. A!!raisal Trac(er syste# is %sed to trac( the !erfor#ance of an individ%al. An individ%al0s !erfor#ance is rated by hi#self and his s%!erior in the or"ani6ation. -.The tas(s for the next 2 #onths are set by the s%!erior. The !erfor#ance ratin" is done based on several attrib%tes (li(e the ti#eliness, 7%ality of .or(, co##%nication s(ills, research !%blication, their citations etc). /. Me#bers of this syste# .ill belon" to the acade#ic de!art#ent. 1. Once the ratin" is done, an a%to#atic #ail sho%ld be sent to the individ%al infor#in" hi# abo%t the ratin"s. 2. The individ%al sho%ld be able to rate hi#self on all the tas(s (so that a co#!arison bet.een this self ratin" and the ratin" "iven by his s%!erior can be #ade) +/, Tit%e Develo!#ent of an Interest &alc%lation syste# for a retail ban(. A1str$'t *. &onsider a retail ban( .hich collects #oney fro# c%sto#ers and in ret%rn "ives the# an interest at !re deter#ined rate. O%r ob5ective is to a%to#ate this !rocess of interest calc%lation. ,. The syste# develo!ed sho%ld calc%late interest daily for each acco%nt havin" balance #ore than 6ero at the correct interest rate. -. This interest calc%lated .ill be c%#%latively stored in a table .hich .ill be %!dated every day. Re#e#ber that the balance on .hich interest is calc%lated daily .ill chan"e beca%se the c%sto#er #ay de!osit or .ithdra. #oney. /. 3very #onth the c%#%lative interest calc%lated .ill be credited to the c%sto#er. After this !oint of ti#e the c%#%lative interest stored sho%ld be set to 6ero beca%se the c%sto#er has benefited for the !eriod s!ecified. 1. 8efore interest is credited to the c%sto#er0s acco%nt tax sho%ld be debited fro# the interest accordin" to !revalent "overn#ent la.s. 2. Add the c%#%lative interest at the end of the #onth to the c%sto#er0s acco%nt balance. 9. Ded%ct tax .hen interest is !aid o%t to the c%sto#er. Generate re!orts indicatin" interest earned on a !eriodic basis.

+0, Tit%e Develo!#ent of a :ost Articles and :etters Reconciliation $yste# A1str$'t *. A 4ost Office .ants to i#!rove its efficiency by deliverin" the lost letters and lost articles (.hich are sent in !arcels) in a short !eriod of ti#e. ,. It ta(es abo%t - #onths for a lost letter or a lost article to reach the correct destination. A #achine reads addresses on letters. The ones, .hich co%ld not be read by #achine, are sorted by h%#an intervention. -. 3ven after this, the address is not readable, it beco#es a lost letter. Articles that fall o%t of the !arcel beco#e lost articles. /. ;hen the sender<receiver calls %! or contacts the !ost office for their letter<article, a #an%al note is #ade and then this note is sent to the .areho%se .here lost articles and lost letters are (e!t. 1. The reconciliation !rocess of findin" the lost letter<article is #an%al and so#eti#es .ron" letter<article(s) is sent. 2. &o#!laint Reconciliation is for each co#!laint a reconciliation is done, .here in the lost letters are #atched .ith the 4in&odes, $treet, =a#e of the #aster letter records and lost articles are #atched .ith the attrib%tes of the #aster article attrib%te records. A #an%al search is done on so#e 4in&ode.

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